Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire.

No, I'm saying that there is a double standard in which Democrats look for anything they think they can fit into an accusation against a Republican, especially a Black Republican, while ignoring blatant ethical violations by Democrats.

And you Repubs are any different in this? Do you all not do the same thing to Dems while ignoring every single thing your side does?

I'm not sure what law you think Thomas ignored.

The Ethics in Government Act of 1978 which was amended by Title 5 of the United States Code, 13101-13111.
I would not call the huge payments "gifts," because quid pro quo was fully expected, unlike Justice Thomas vacations. When you are as wealth as Harlan Crow, you can afford to invite your friends to parties that cost a little more than your PBR, trail mix, and penny poker nights.

House Oversight Republicans said in a new memo issued Thursday that members of President Joe Biden’s family received just over $1 million indirectly from a Chinese company – the committee’s latest disclosure in its investigation into the Biden family’s business dealings.

Members of Bidens family are not Government officials like Clarence Thomas

Show Joe Biden receiving any money

If you think Congress should investigate Biden’s families financial deals you need to go after Ginny Thomas for her lobbying and Jared Kushners $2 billion Saudi deal
And the Repubs are any different in this? They do not do the same thing to Dems while ignoring every single thing their side does?
Yes, but this thread was started by a Democrat and it is the Democrats who are in charge of our multi-tiered justice system.
The Ethics in Government Act of 1978 which was amended by Title 5 of the United States Code, 13101-13111.
I see nothing in that act that Justice Thomas violated.
I think you meant the tranny in Tennessee?

Ironic that you would complain about loosing a chance at another high-tech lynching of an uppity black man, due to a gender uncertain person killing children.
Whose complaining? I merely indicated that the tyranny in Tennessee was obfuscating the Thomas and the Billionaire story.
Killing children and encouraging people to be transgender are the two main planks of the Democratic Party platform as of now.
Please provide evidence of this astonishing claim. Ahh, you can't, you are engaging in a rant, a la hysterics.
Dems, you created the Transgender monster, now you complain about it.

Anyone who kills wantonly is a monster. Their gender is irrelevant.

Society creates killers, by a means of which I have no idea, nor do you, or anyone else.

But leave that to the likes of your ilk never to miss an opportunity to traffic in cheap shots.
I have to think this will get interesting. Thomas has taken a ton of trips paid for by a billionaire campaign donor.

On the surface this appears to be in violations of federal law when he reported none of them.

IN LATE JUNE 2019, right after the U.S. Supreme Court released its final opinion of the term, Justice Clarence Thomas boarded a large private jet headed to Indonesia. He and his wife were going on vacation: nine days of island-hopping in a volcanic archipelago on a superyacht staffed by a coterie of attendants and a private chef.

If Thomas had chartered the plane and the 162-foot yacht himself, the total cost of the trip could have exceeded $500,000. Fortunately for him, that wasn’t necessary: He was on vacation with real estate magnate and Republican megadonor Harlan Crow, who owned the jet — and the yacht, too.....................................

.....................These trips appeared nowhere on Thomas’ financial disclosures. His failure to report the flights appears to violate a law passed after Watergate that requires justices, judges, members of Congress and federal officials to disclose most gifts, two ethics law experts said. He also should have disclosed his trips on the yacht, these experts said.

Clarence Thomas Secretly Accepted Luxury Trips From Major GOP Donor

A bought and paid for Supreme Court judge. That's the very definition of a banana republic.

What's "illegal" about Justice Thomas or anyone palling around with billionaire friends?

Aren't justices allowed to have friends? Or billionaires like Mr. Crow for that matter?
I see nothing in that act that Justice Thomas violated.

So you read the whole thing in less than 5 minutes.

Wow, that is some speed reading.

Even Thomas admits he should have disclosed the trips and will do so from now on.

Odd to see you of all people defending corruption...well not really.
So you read the whole thing in less than 5 minutes.

Wow, that is some speed reading.
I read it quickly, knowing that if it had anything that Justice Thomas had violated, you surely would have posted a quote.
Even Thomas admits he should have disclosed the trips and will do so from now on.
Then it's a dead issue.
Odd to see you of all people defending corruption...well not really.
Not odd at all to see you joining Democrats in another racist attack on a Black Republican.
I'm saying that there is a double standard in which Democrats look for anything they think they can fit into an accusation against a Republican, especially a Black Republican, while ignoring blatant ethical violations by Democrats.
Double standards and hypocrisy abound in partisan politics. Maybe both ends of the political spectrum should:

1. Grow up and stop doing that

2. Stop waiting for the other to be the first to grow up and stop doing that

Seems to me that would be an intelligent way to address this.
Even Thomas admits he should have disclosed the trips and will do so from now on.
Actually, you got that wrong. What he said was that under the new rules he will disclose the trips from now on:

Thomas, one of the court's six conservative justices, noted that he would comply with changes made to disclosure rules that were announced last month. Those revisions made it clear that trips on private jets and stays at privately owned resorts like one Crow owns in upstate New York would have to be disclosed.

The change to disclosure rules tightened an exemption for "personal hospitality" that was not strictly defined.

That tweak was made just weeks before a ProPublica article published Thursday detailed extravagant trips that Thomas took that were funded by Crow.

Thomas did not disclose these trips — reportedly including travel on Crow’s private jet and visits to the resort — on his annual financial disclosure statements. Under the rules that existed until recently it was not clear if he was required to, but — whether he was or not — ethics experts have questioned his judgment.

The “personal hospitality” exemption means judges and justices don’t have to disclose certain gifts, including accommodations and food, when the person involved is a friend. The new interpretation made it clear that travel by private jet and stays at resort-type facilities owned by private entities have to be disclosed.

The shitlibs have a satanic contempt for black people that seems to know no bounds.

Justice Thomas has endured their overt racism for most of his life. It's bad enough they founded the KKK and then voted against all the civil rights legislation..... but it's 2023.... it's time for the party that likes to fuck kids to stop hating black people.

Remember when the stuttering fuck was almost coherent?

biden clarence (2).jpg
Azog said into the mirror. You see the great Jobs Report? Biden really threaded the needle with a good but not too hot employment report. Looks like he is landing the disaster of a plane handed to him by Kamakazi pilot Trump.
Have been to a grocery store lately?
Have been to a grocery store lately?
All the time. Although I just started getting 3 meals a week delivered by Hello Fresh to cook at home. Its reasonably priced and adds some fun to dinner since I dont select them ahead of time... always a surprise. The grocery store is easy to navigate economically. There are some items that have had some run ups like eggs but they come back down. There is always something to complain about if you look hard enough.
All the time. Although I just started getting 3 meals a week delivered by Hello Fresh to cook at home. Its reasonably priced and adds some fun to dinner since I dont select them ahead of time... always a surprise. The grocery store is easy to navigate economically. There are some items that have had some run ups like eggs but they come back down. There is always something to complain about if you look hard enough.
A pound and a half of grapes costs $10. Stop your lies. Chicken and beef are very expensive. As are milk and Apple juice.

And your jobs data was mostly seasonal and leisure as seasonal business hire up for the warmer weather months, economists see March's jobs data as beginning a period of slower growth for the U.S. labor market that will eventually result in a rise in the unemployment rate.
A pound and a half of grapes costs $10. Stop your lies. Chicken and beef are very expensive. As are milk and Apple juice.

And your jobs data was mostly seasonal and leisure as seasonal business hire up for the warmer weather months, economists see March's jobs data as beginning a period of slower growth for the U.S. labor market that will eventually result in a rise in the unemployment rate.
Old news. Prices are coming down...


Oh... and the cause....

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