Clarence Thomas' wife cheers on mob at Capital

So weird. When was the last time Clarence Thomas's wife was relevant? I mean, really, when the fuck?

You really don't think the wife of a USSC justice supporting an incursion on our Capital Building is not relevant? Are you smoking crack? Thomas is just part of the trump Cabal...
They're all smoking crack. It's really the only explanation.
The OP’s link proves he is a lying sack of shit.

Trump really set up his goons when he egged them on to stop the Electoral College.

They’re really gonna shit their pants when they realize their messiah signed an EO bumping the penalty for damaging a federal building to TEN YEARS !!!
Nobody cares about your alt-left opinion.

The OP’s link proves he is a lying sack of shit.
Don't know how to break this to you. Maybe you should sit down, first. This is your side, not ours.

So you're telling me you're not quite sane.

That, or you're just 'effin stupid.

At this stage, why someone is a fascist douche isn't really important. The important thing is to get the actively violent fascists and fascist leaders in prison, and that's being accomplished. If it makes the fascist rank-and-file whine, so much hte better. They need to learn that there are consequences for attempting treason.
Hear hear!
LOL Nailing the hypocrisy of the left, right here.

The left spent all of 2020 encouraging the wanton destruction wrought by BLM and Antifa. Cities were burned, hundreds of businesses large and small were reduced to ash, thousands of stores, homes, public spaces, and monuments were vandalized. And it was all good, because, as Chris Cuomo—the guy who makes every cast member of Jersey Shore look like a genius, the guy who best exemplifies why “the Italians” are far, far removed from “the Romans”—said back in June (as BLM thugs were sacking cities across the nation), “Show me where it says protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful.”
Yep, back in the summer, raucous protests were just fine.
If cops, business owners, or concerned citizens dared to harm a BLM or Antifa thug in self-defense, they were guilty of murder. Because violent protesters were not to be opposed. The right to smash, punch, and intimidate is guaranteed by the First Amendment. Maybe that’s not spelled out in the Bill of Rights, maybe it’s not supported by 230 years of Supreme Court precedent, but it’s there, between the lines, in the left’s supplemental footnotes, right alongside the unqualified right to abortion.
But as of Jan. 6, that all changed. Now “impolite” protests are insurrection, treason, and terrorism. All of a sudden, the left has decided that the only good protest is one in which mannered gentlemen with muttonchops exchange platitudes whilst nibbling on cucumber sandwiches and sipping fine aromatic tea.

I support violence if need be. That doesn't mean one has to support the reason these people acted violently.
Really??? I don't support violence, even though I was trained for, and trained others for violence. Not supporting violence is one of the reasons became licensed to carry and maintain my skills regularly.

So you support violence if need be.
No. Witnessed a violent act where a unarmed man was shot and while he was on the ground, the gunman stood over him threatening to finish the job and all I had was a cell phone to video and call the police, who arrived in about 7 minutes. That is when I decided to get licensed. I do not approve of violence and hope I never have to use my skills in protection of anybody, including me. If it make you feel any better about it, I am sure I would pray about it later, after the violent threat is no longer a threat.

You got licensed to enact violence if need be.
LOL Nailing the hypocrisy of the left, right here.

The left spent all of 2020 encouraging the wanton destruction wrought by BLM and Antifa. Cities were burned, hundreds of businesses large and small were reduced to ash, thousands of stores, homes, public spaces, and monuments were vandalized. And it was all good, because, as Chris Cuomo—the guy who makes every cast member of Jersey Shore look like a genius, the guy who best exemplifies why “the Italians” are far, far removed from “the Romans”—said back in June (as BLM thugs were sacking cities across the nation), “Show me where it says protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful.”
Yep, back in the summer, raucous protests were just fine.
If cops, business owners, or concerned citizens dared to harm a BLM or Antifa thug in self-defense, they were guilty of murder. Because violent protesters were not to be opposed. The right to smash, punch, and intimidate is guaranteed by the First Amendment. Maybe that’s not spelled out in the Bill of Rights, maybe it’s not supported by 230 years of Supreme Court precedent, but it’s there, between the lines, in the left’s supplemental footnotes, right alongside the unqualified right to abortion.
But as of Jan. 6, that all changed. Now “impolite” protests are insurrection, treason, and terrorism. All of a sudden, the left has decided that the only good protest is one in which mannered gentlemen with muttonchops exchange platitudes whilst nibbling on cucumber sandwiches and sipping fine aromatic tea.

I support violence if need be. That doesn't mean one has to support the reason these people acted violently.
Really??? I don't support violence, even though I was trained for, and trained others for violence. Not supporting violence is one of the reasons became licensed to carry and maintain my skills regularly.

So you support violence if need be.
No. Witnessed a violent act where a unarmed man was shot and while he was on the ground, the gunman stood over him threatening to finish the job and all I had was a cell phone to video and call the police, who arrived in about 7 minutes. That is when I decided to get licensed. I do not approve of violence and hope I never have to use my skills in protection of anybody, including me. If it make you feel any better about it, I am sure I would pray about it later, after the violent threat is no longer a threat.

You got licensed to enact violence if need be.
No. But if forced to take a stand, it won't be a suicidal stand.

Yeah...she is really nuts. I have read a couple things that say she is over the edge. I guess she is. She probably enjoyed creepy Clarence's sexual advances early on. Anita told him to shove it and this crazy woman wanted him to bring it on.

You don't even have to read into the article to know that it's batshit crazy. Just the headline and subheadline tell you all you need to know…

Clarence Thomas’ Wife Gleefully Cheered On White Supremacists At The Capitol
Social media users think Justice Thomas should be impeached over his wife's failure to censure herself after continually sharing far-right extremist conspiracy theories on Facebook.

The article itself is badly written, riddled with spelling and grammatical errors. As much sense as I can make of it is some serious misrepresentation of what Mrs. Thomas has said, or supported, and calls for him to be impeached from his position on the Supreme Court for failing to control what opinions his wife was allowed to express.
This is a really bad look for a Supreme Court justice. The funny thing is her husband was one of the justices that ruled against Trump.
Maybe he can't control the crazy b*tch?

What control do you have over your wife? Does she ask your permission before she expresses any opinion or belief in public? Do you get to dictate to her what she is allowed to believe and express?

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