SCOTUS SHOCK: Justice Thomas 'Groped' Woman - While On Court


Justice Clarence Thomas has been accused of sexual harassment before.

Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

She was 23 at the time. He was a Supreme Court justice.

Years after his Senate confirmation hearings were roiled by accusations that he sexually harassed Anita Hill, another woman has come forward to accuse Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of groping her.

Moira Smith, vice president and general counsel at Enstar Natural Gas Co., told the National Law Journal that the justice grabbed her without her consent in 1999, when she met him at a Truman Foundation dinner.

Veteran Supreme Court reporter Marcia Coyle writes that Smith described the encounter ― which allegedly took place when she was a 23-year-old Truman scholar ― on Facebook earlier this month. She has since deactivated her Facebook page.

“He groped me while I was setting the table, suggesting I should sit ‘right next to him,’” Smith wrote, according to the NLJ.

Smith told the NLJ that Thomas “cupped his hand around my butt and pulled me pretty close to him” and later “squeezed” her behind during a June 1999 dinner for Truman scholars at the home of Louis Blair, then head of the Truman Foundation.

The NLJ spoke with several of Smith’s former roommates and fellow Truman scholars who said they remembered her describing the incident at the time.

More: Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

Shame on Thomas! He seems to have a history of sexual assaults.
Sure Sherlock... he did that. He needed more of the accusations after the Hill bitch lied about him..apparently he couldn't have enough of public flogging for things he did not do.

Anita Hill was VERY credible. What you may not know, or care to admit, is that several more women were scheduled to testify against Thomas in his confirmation hearings, but after he made the "high-tech lynching for uppity blacks" comment - Biden and Kennedy chickened out. It's a fact. I watched those hearings live in 1991.
Anita Hill was not groped.

She was only bytching about locker room talk about pubic hairs on coke cans.

Anita Hill was a prude.
Hard to take anybody serious who apparently didn't have any recollection of alleged incident for nearly twenty years... then weeks before an election their amnesia cleared up.
It will be hard to take her seriously if she is the only one.

If there are more, then that will be a different story.

Other women have already come forward in the past. Google it...

Justice Clarence Thomas has been accused of sexual harassment before.

Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

She was 23 at the time. He was a Supreme Court justice.

Years after his Senate confirmation hearings were roiled by accusations that he sexually harassed Anita Hill, another woman has come forward to accuse Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of groping her.

Moira Smith, vice president and general counsel at Enstar Natural Gas Co., told the National Law Journal that the justice grabbed her without her consent in 1999, when she met him at a Truman Foundation dinner.

Veteran Supreme Court reporter Marcia Coyle writes that Smith described the encounter ― which allegedly took place when she was a 23-year-old Truman scholar ― on Facebook earlier this month. She has since deactivated her Facebook page.

“He groped me while I was setting the table, suggesting I should sit ‘right next to him,’” Smith wrote, according to the NLJ.

Smith told the NLJ that Thomas “cupped his hand around my butt and pulled me pretty close to him” and later “squeezed” her behind during a June 1999 dinner for Truman scholars at the home of Louis Blair, then head of the Truman Foundation.

The NLJ spoke with several of Smith’s former roommates and fellow Truman scholars who said they remembered her describing the incident at the time.

More: Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

Shame on Thomas! He seems to have a history of sexual assaults.
Sure Sherlock... he did that. He needed more of the accusations after the Hill bitch lied about him..apparently he couldn't have enough of public flogging for things he did not do.
defcon4 you are such a good soldier.

At some point we will need to determine if there is a possibility that this gossip is true or not.

And if true, whether we can all ignore it or not in good conscience.

In a perfect world there would be just another "conservative" strict constructionist justice available to replace Thomas after an impeachment and trial.

But in reality we now have a 4 to 4 split court, and with Hillary taking the reins soon, nominations and appointments are going to look a lot like Ginsberg for the next 4 years -- a tragedy for Constitutional government in the USA.

Justice Clarence Thomas has been accused of sexual harassment before.

Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

She was 23 at the time. He was a Supreme Court justice.

Years after his Senate confirmation hearings were roiled by accusations that he sexually harassed Anita Hill, another woman has come forward to accuse Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of groping her.

Moira Smith, vice president and general counsel at Enstar Natural Gas Co., told the National Law Journal that the justice grabbed her without her consent in 1999, when she met him at a Truman Foundation dinner.

Veteran Supreme Court reporter Marcia Coyle writes that Smith described the encounter ― which allegedly took place when she was a 23-year-old Truman scholar ― on Facebook earlier this month. She has since deactivated her Facebook page.

“He groped me while I was setting the table, suggesting I should sit ‘right next to him,’” Smith wrote, according to the NLJ.

Smith told the NLJ that Thomas “cupped his hand around my butt and pulled me pretty close to him” and later “squeezed” her behind during a June 1999 dinner for Truman scholars at the home of Louis Blair, then head of the Truman Foundation.

The NLJ spoke with several of Smith’s former roommates and fellow Truman scholars who said they remembered her describing the incident at the time.

More: Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

Shame on Thomas! He seems to have a history of sexual assaults.
Sure Sherlock... he did that. He needed more of the accusations after the Hill bitch lied about him..apparently he couldn't have enough of public flogging for things he did not do.
defcon4 you are such a good soldier.

At some point we will need to determine if there is a possibility that this gossip is true or not.

And if true, whether we can all ignore it or not in good conscience.

In a perfect world there would be just another "conservative" strict constructionist justice available to replace Thomas after an impeachment and trial.

But in reality we now have a 4 to 4 split court, and with Hillary taking the reins soon, nominations and appointments are going to look a lot like Ginsberg for the next 4 years -- a tragedy for Constitutional government in the USA.
My vote has been cast today...

Justice Clarence Thomas has been accused of sexual harassment before.

Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

She was 23 at the time. He was a Supreme Court justice.

Years after his Senate confirmation hearings were roiled by accusations that he sexually harassed Anita Hill, another woman has come forward to accuse Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of groping her.

Moira Smith, vice president and general counsel at Enstar Natural Gas Co., told the National Law Journal that the justice grabbed her without her consent in 1999, when she met him at a Truman Foundation dinner.

Veteran Supreme Court reporter Marcia Coyle writes that Smith described the encounter ― which allegedly took place when she was a 23-year-old Truman scholar ― on Facebook earlier this month. She has since deactivated her Facebook page.

“He groped me while I was setting the table, suggesting I should sit ‘right next to him,’” Smith wrote, according to the NLJ.

Smith told the NLJ that Thomas “cupped his hand around my butt and pulled me pretty close to him” and later “squeezed” her behind during a June 1999 dinner for Truman scholars at the home of Louis Blair, then head of the Truman Foundation.

The NLJ spoke with several of Smith’s former roommates and fellow Truman scholars who said they remembered her describing the incident at the time.

More: Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

Shame on Thomas! He seems to have a history of sexual assaults.
He has a history of ridiculous, wrongheaded opinions.

I realize that is a problem for you becaue his opinions count.

I print yours off and wipe my ass with them.

Justice Clarence Thomas has been accused of sexual harassment before.

Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

She was 23 at the time. He was a Supreme Court justice.

Years after his Senate confirmation hearings were roiled by accusations that he sexually harassed Anita Hill, another woman has come forward to accuse Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of groping her.

Moira Smith, vice president and general counsel at Enstar Natural Gas Co., told the National Law Journal that the justice grabbed her without her consent in 1999, when she met him at a Truman Foundation dinner.

Veteran Supreme Court reporter Marcia Coyle writes that Smith described the encounter ― which allegedly took place when she was a 23-year-old Truman scholar ― on Facebook earlier this month. She has since deactivated her Facebook page.

“He groped me while I was setting the table, suggesting I should sit ‘right next to him,’” Smith wrote, according to the NLJ.

Smith told the NLJ that Thomas “cupped his hand around my butt and pulled me pretty close to him” and later “squeezed” her behind during a June 1999 dinner for Truman scholars at the home of Louis Blair, then head of the Truman Foundation.

The NLJ spoke with several of Smith’s former roommates and fellow Truman scholars who said they remembered her describing the incident at the time.

More: Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

Shame on Thomas! He seems to have a history of sexual assaults.

She's a lawyer....what do you expect.

What a great time to publish your story !!!!

Why didn't she deck him at the time ?

She was afraid of him ?

Afraid of what...that it might derail her trajectory to some hotshot job ?

But, now that she has what she want....she's going to do the right thing.....


She was afraid of a powerful man and didn't want to derail her career. Is that so hard to comprehend?
What’s hard to comprehend is anyone defending the likes of Thomas, a ‘justice’ who has exhibited nothing but contempt for settled, accepted Constitutional jurisprudence, and utter disregard for the rights and protected liberties of the American people.
Clarence Thomas has consistently voted pro Constitution and anti activist.

That makes him a darling of the GOP.

So the GOP will defend him.


Being pro constitution is such and evil thing.

Justice Clarence Thomas has been accused of sexual harassment before.

Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

She was 23 at the time. He was a Supreme Court justice.

Years after his Senate confirmation hearings were roiled by accusations that he sexually harassed Anita Hill, another woman has come forward to accuse Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of groping her.

Moira Smith, vice president and general counsel at Enstar Natural Gas Co., told the National Law Journal that the justice grabbed her without her consent in 1999, when she met him at a Truman Foundation dinner.

Veteran Supreme Court reporter Marcia Coyle writes that Smith described the encounter ― which allegedly took place when she was a 23-year-old Truman scholar ― on Facebook earlier this month. She has since deactivated her Facebook page.

“He groped me while I was setting the table, suggesting I should sit ‘right next to him,’” Smith wrote, according to the NLJ.

Smith told the NLJ that Thomas “cupped his hand around my butt and pulled me pretty close to him” and later “squeezed” her behind during a June 1999 dinner for Truman scholars at the home of Louis Blair, then head of the Truman Foundation.

The NLJ spoke with several of Smith’s former roommates and fellow Truman scholars who said they remembered her describing the incident at the time.

More: Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

Shame on Thomas! He seems to have a history of sexual assaults.

She's a lawyer....what do you expect.

What a great time to publish your story !!!!

Why didn't she deck him at the time ?

She was afraid of him ?

Afraid of what...that it might derail her trajectory to some hotshot job ?

But, now that she has what she want....she's going to do the right thing.....


She was afraid of a powerful man and didn't want to derail her career. Is that so hard to comprehend?

Yes, it is.

She put up with it (if it ever happened) in the name of self interest.

She comes forward now....why ?

Justice Clarence Thomas has been accused of sexual harassment before.

Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

She was 23 at the time. He was a Supreme Court justice.

Years after his Senate confirmation hearings were roiled by accusations that he sexually harassed Anita Hill, another woman has come forward to accuse Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of groping her.

Moira Smith, vice president and general counsel at Enstar Natural Gas Co., told the National Law Journal that the justice grabbed her without her consent in 1999, when she met him at a Truman Foundation dinner.

Veteran Supreme Court reporter Marcia Coyle writes that Smith described the encounter ― which allegedly took place when she was a 23-year-old Truman scholar ― on Facebook earlier this month. She has since deactivated her Facebook page.

“He groped me while I was setting the table, suggesting I should sit ‘right next to him,’” Smith wrote, according to the NLJ.

Smith told the NLJ that Thomas “cupped his hand around my butt and pulled me pretty close to him” and later “squeezed” her behind during a June 1999 dinner for Truman scholars at the home of Louis Blair, then head of the Truman Foundation.

The NLJ spoke with several of Smith’s former roommates and fellow Truman scholars who said they remembered her describing the incident at the time.

More: Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

Shame on Thomas! He seems to have a history of sexual assaults.

She's a lawyer....what do you expect.

What a great time to publish your story !!!!

Why didn't she deck him at the time ?

She was afraid of him ?

Afraid of what...that it might derail her trajectory to some hotshot job ?

But, now that she has what she want....she's going to do the right thing.....


She was afraid of a powerful man and didn't want to derail her career. Is that so hard to comprehend?
What’s hard to comprehend is anyone defending the likes of Thomas, a ‘justice’ who has exhibited nothing but contempt for settled, accepted Constitutional jurisprudence, and utter disregard for the rights and protected liberties of the American people.

What is even more hard to defend is how you can call anything settled. It ignores the entire basis of the Constitution.

Nothing is ever settled.

I have utter disregard for those who claim to have educated you.

Justice Clarence Thomas has been accused of sexual harassment before.

Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

She was 23 at the time. He was a Supreme Court justice.

Years after his Senate confirmation hearings were roiled by accusations that he sexually harassed Anita Hill, another woman has come forward to accuse Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of groping her.

Moira Smith, vice president and general counsel at Enstar Natural Gas Co., told the National Law Journal that the justice grabbed her without her consent in 1999, when she met him at a Truman Foundation dinner.

Veteran Supreme Court reporter Marcia Coyle writes that Smith described the encounter ― which allegedly took place when she was a 23-year-old Truman scholar ― on Facebook earlier this month. She has since deactivated her Facebook page.

“He groped me while I was setting the table, suggesting I should sit ‘right next to him,’” Smith wrote, according to the NLJ.

Smith told the NLJ that Thomas “cupped his hand around my butt and pulled me pretty close to him” and later “squeezed” her behind during a June 1999 dinner for Truman scholars at the home of Louis Blair, then head of the Truman Foundation.

The NLJ spoke with several of Smith’s former roommates and fellow Truman scholars who said they remembered her describing the incident at the time.

More: Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

Shame on Thomas! He seems to have a history of sexual assaults.
He has a history of ridiculous, wrongheaded opinions.
How can you tell? He never says anything. He just went along with whatever Scalia said. Dude is basically a NO-OP.
I wonder why Thomas' nickname is "Slappy"? Anyone know?

Justice Clarence Thomas has been accused of sexual harassment before.

Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

She was 23 at the time. He was a Supreme Court justice.

Years after his Senate confirmation hearings were roiled by accusations that he sexually harassed Anita Hill, another woman has come forward to accuse Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of groping her.

Moira Smith, vice president and general counsel at Enstar Natural Gas Co., told the National Law Journal that the justice grabbed her without her consent in 1999, when she met him at a Truman Foundation dinner.

Veteran Supreme Court reporter Marcia Coyle writes that Smith described the encounter ― which allegedly took place when she was a 23-year-old Truman scholar ― on Facebook earlier this month. She has since deactivated her Facebook page.

“He groped me while I was setting the table, suggesting I should sit ‘right next to him,’” Smith wrote, according to the NLJ.

Smith told the NLJ that Thomas “cupped his hand around my butt and pulled me pretty close to him” and later “squeezed” her behind during a June 1999 dinner for Truman scholars at the home of Louis Blair, then head of the Truman Foundation.

The NLJ spoke with several of Smith’s former roommates and fellow Truman scholars who said they remembered her describing the incident at the time.

More: Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

Shame on Thomas! He seems to have a history of sexual assaults.
That's what neeeeeeegoes do ehhh racist savage redskin....yo.
Last edited:

Justice Clarence Thomas has been accused of sexual harassment before.

Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

She was 23 at the time. He was a Supreme Court justice.

Years after his Senate confirmation hearings were roiled by accusations that he sexually harassed Anita Hill, another woman has come forward to accuse Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of groping her.

Moira Smith, vice president and general counsel at Enstar Natural Gas Co., told the National Law Journal that the justice grabbed her without her consent in 1999, when she met him at a Truman Foundation dinner.

Veteran Supreme Court reporter Marcia Coyle writes that Smith described the encounter ― which allegedly took place when she was a 23-year-old Truman scholar ― on Facebook earlier this month. She has since deactivated her Facebook page.

“He groped me while I was setting the table, suggesting I should sit ‘right next to him,’” Smith wrote, according to the NLJ.

Smith told the NLJ that Thomas “cupped his hand around my butt and pulled me pretty close to him” and later “squeezed” her behind during a June 1999 dinner for Truman scholars at the home of Louis Blair, then head of the Truman Foundation.

The NLJ spoke with several of Smith’s former roommates and fellow Truman scholars who said they remembered her describing the incident at the time.

More: Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999

Shame on Thomas! He seems to have a history of sexual assaults.

Liberals have lied too many times now to have any credibility on this. It's a shame for anyone who is actually groped and now won't get anyone to believe them because you people have no integrity or honor and can't attack your opponents with ideas

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