Clarifying the Bull Ring forums and process.

I added a "flow chart" today for the process of setting up matches in the Bull Ring forum. Note there is a sub-forum for inviting in opponents (Call-Outs and Discussion forum) and for comment threads by the Peanut Gallery (AKA the USMB membership that's NOT invited into Bull Ring contests)...

Why don't we just get rid of the sub forum since it's essentially no different than any other forum on the board and would seem to serve no additional purpose other than cause confusion, even among the moderation staff.

Sometimes both people in the bull ring arguing don't know what they're talking about, or are stuck arguing semantics, they might need someone to bail em out and send em in the right direction, so I like keep both.
flacaltenn Thank you for your clarifications and flowchart.

Although, after having read your posts, I am at a loss on how to salvage my debate with JoeB131.

Part of me would like to have it deleted or locked and start a new debate with more structure and a deadline and part of me wants to let JoeB131 summarize his arguments, then present my own arguments and summarize them, and let the voting (poll) continue.

Your mods (I don't think intentionally) have seriously disrupted our debate and especially so in the discussion and call out thread.

Please share your ideas on how you would like to see things go (with our debate in particular) from here.
Some cat just pissed me off for a hot second. And he's gonna have to go to school in the bull ring, gare awn teed. Probably this evening.

Now, this asshole is one who likes to talk aggressively. Weasel type of passive-aggressive half-wit. Know what I mean? Insults you, then talks a bunch of shit, then raises up his arbitrary victim status card with the old ' he threated me' pussy kind of stuff whe nyou tell him to tread lightly. Fuck that, that's what pissed me off, actually. Who does that shit anyway? I mean, really.I kno girls who are

So, which one can I (1) - reeducate him. Clearly he's just another indoctrinated television and Internet news drone, half-assed trying to regurgitate it as best he can, he needs some work, trust me, manly because he thinks he's smart. Which is likely where his snot-nosed victim attitude comes from. (2) - I want to be able to be a straight asshole to this dude at the same time without anybody (Mods) stepping in there and telling me, hey man it's too much, I can't let you grind him that low into the dirt in front of all of his friends. Now, there's gonna be an audience. So, we don't wanna deprive them of what's gare awn teed gonna be one of the most legendary Bull Ring poundings USMB has ever seen.

Which one is the safest from mod action is what I'm asking, I don't care if he wants to bring some friends, they'll get some some, too. Thanks! Now, I'm telling yas, it's gonna be bad. First, I'm gonna take all of his pride away. Right from the start. All of it, too. I'm gonna make him look so stupid, you're not even gonna believe it. And I'm gonna be a dick about it. It's gonna be so bad that I could probably sell tickets if this forum wasn't free. An intellectual ass whippng like you've never seen a poor sap have to endure. So, you know.
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I don't recall ever being called to the bull ring... Sounds fun.


I added a "flow chart" today for the process of setting up matches in the Bull Ring forum. Note there is a sub-forum for inviting in opponents (Call-Outs and Discussion forum) and for comment threads by the Peanut Gallery (AKA the USMB membership that's NOT invited into Bull Ring contests)...

Why don't we just get rid of the sub forum since it's essentially no different than any other forum on the board and would seem to serve no additional purpose other than cause confusion, even among the moderation staff.

Could do that. Should discuss it.. But since the "matches" are a public display, CK thought the folks READING those matches needed a space to comment on them. And also a space for the "contestants" to meet up and establish the rules.. That COULD be done in the FZ I s'pose... Bring it to the Mod forum for discussion.. Simpler is better..

PS... Not "Oddball" simpler.. Just not complicated... :poke:
flacaltenn Thank you for your clarifications and flowchart.

Although, after having read your posts, I am at a loss on how to salvage my debate with JoeB131.

Part of me would like to have it deleted or locked and start a new debate with more structure and a deadline and part of me wants to let JoeB131 summarize his arguments, then present my own arguments and summarize them, and let the voting (poll) continue.

Your mods (I don't think intentionally) have seriously disrupted our debate and especially so in the discussion and call out thread.

Please share your ideas on how you would like to see things go (with our debate in particular) from here.

I think you both skipped the steps of setting the rules.. And deciding on a length.. And whether you wanted it judged or not.. If you don't agree on the rules and scope of discussion beforehand, it's probably gonna be disappointing.. And if you don't set a time or post limit -- you won't agree when it's over..

Just chalk it up as a one - on - one with another member and get those agreements next time..

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