Clarifying The "Unanimous" Gay Adoption Ruling From SCOTUS Recently: The Fight Heats Up (Poll)

I'm one of the 90% from the OP link who voted I believed both mom & dad are important to kids and I:

  • I used to support gay marriage. I now oppose gay marriage, realizing how I feel about a mom & dad.

  • Didn't put the two together but feel gay marriage is more important than kids having both mom & dad

  • Not sure. I'm having a lot of trouble deciding if mom & dad or gay marriage is more important.

  • I never supported gay marriage and always thought it was bad for kids: either no mom or no dad

  • I'm still openly support gay marriage while I hold it important that kids have both mom & dad.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Three polls. lol

I'd just keep the wording as compact as possible.
I think the poll is accurate above. The link to the other poll in the OP which showed around 100 people voting 90% they felt it's important for children to have both a mother and father is the jumping off point. I wanted to see with this poll whether or not people had put the two concepts together in their minds before or not.
Three polls. lol

I'd just keep the wording as compact as possible.
I think the poll is accurate above.

Of course you do. But you're wildly irrational. You just offered the '90%' of your message board strawpoll as believing that same sex parenting is punishing and cruel child abuse that courts should take children out of. You've also claimed that the '90%' of your message board strawpoll oppose same sex marriage.

You're either being wildly dishonest or you're genuinely hallucinating words and phrases into your message board straw poll that none of us can actually see.

Making your assessment of 'fair' a little than useful.
Of course you do. But you're wildly irrational. You just offered the '90%' of your message board strawpoll as believing that same sex parenting is punishing and cruel child abuse that courts should take children out of. You've also claimed that the '90%' of your message board strawpoll oppose same sex marriage.

Do you want me to start a poll that asks "do you believe that depriving a child of something that is important to them, for life, is abusive?" I mean, we can do that if you want.. I'd have to tell you beforehand Sky Sky that it's still going to be running 90% "yes". So, yeah..
Of course you do. But you're wildly irrational. You just offered the '90%' of your message board strawpoll as believing that same sex parenting is punishing and cruel child abuse that courts should take children out of. You've also claimed that the '90%' of your message board strawpoll oppose same sex marriage.

Do you want me to start a poll that asks "do you believe that depriving a child of something that is important to them, for life, is abusive?" I mean, we can do that if you want.. I'd have to tell you beforehand Sky Sky that it's still going to be running 90% "yes". So, yeah..

Does the question really matter? You'll just lie about the findings regardless. If your points were valid you wouldn't have to lie so often.
Of course you do. But you're wildly irrational. You just offered the '90%' of your message board strawpoll as believing that same sex parenting is punishing and cruel child abuse that courts should take children out of. You've also claimed that the '90%' of your message board strawpoll oppose same sex marriage.

Do you want me to start a poll that asks "do you believe that depriving a child of something that is important to them, for life, is abusive?" I mean, we can do that if you want.. I'd have to tell you beforehand Sky Sky that it's still going to be running 90% "yes". So, yeah.. you even have a choice at this point about lying about your message board straw polls? Nope. You can't help yourself.

And the court's aren't taking anyone's children away because you lie to yourself.
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Does the question really matter? You'll just lie about the findings regardless. If your points were valid you wouldn't have to lie so often.
The polls speak for themselves. I didn't register as 100 different people and vote on the one, for instance. How would the poll be "me lying". 90% of people feel it's important for a child to have both a mother and father. That's that. And, some of them have not realized that that firm belief cannot exist in the same moral universe as gay marriage.

You don't like the polls, I get it; because they are a didactic device to lead people to the truth of their own feelings. Whereas in the past people just blindly went PC for gay marriage. The new information of 90% feeling it's important for kids to have both a mother and father makes anyone trying to walk the fence between the two feel like a party to silence about hurting kids if they remain quiet about their true opposition to gay marriage. That's the part you don't like.
Does the question really matter? You'll just lie about the findings regardless. If your points were valid you wouldn't have to lie so often.
The polls speak for themselves. I didn't register as 100 different people and vote on the one, for instance. How would the poll be "me lying". 90% of people feel it's important for a child to have both a mother and father. That's that. And, some of them have not realized that that firm belief cannot exist in the same moral universe as gay marriage.

You don't like the polls, I get it; because they are a didactic device to lead people to the truth of their own feelings. Whereas in the past people just blindly went PC for gay marriage. The new information of 90% feeling it's important for kids to have both a mother and father makes anyone trying to walk the fence between the two feel like a party to silence about hurting kids if they remain quiet about their true opposition to gay marriage. That's the part you don't like.

If your points had the slightest bit of merit you wouldn't have to lie so often. These lies are what you tell yourself to believe you're still relevant.
If your points had the slightest bit of merit you wouldn't have to lie so often. These lies are what you tell yourself to believe you're still relevant.
Ah, if I could have a dollar for every one of your posts that lacks a substantive rebuttal and instead included just pure ad hominem accusing 'lies! Lies I tell you!". ....I could retire...
Does the question really matter? You'll just lie about the findings regardless. If your points were valid you wouldn't have to lie so often.
The polls speak for themselves.

If a message board straw poll where you can vote as many times as you want 'speaks for itself'.....why would you need to lie about it as often as you do?

You don't like the polls, I get it; because they are a didactic device to lead people to the truth of their own feelings.

No, you get your feelings. And that's. You assume that everyone must think exactly as you do.

We don't. Because your position is irrational, poorly thought through and doesn't do a thing to 'remedy' the 'problem' you're railing against. As same sex parents don't magically transform into opposite sex parents if you deny them marriage.

Sil......these 'polls' are just your latest way to sooth the cognitive dissonance. The latest lie you tell yourself so that you'll feel better about how the real world doesn't actually match your imagination. So when you look at the Gallup Poll that shows record high support for gay marriage...


You can rock back and forth, insist that Gallup doesn't 'know about polling' and that 90% of people actually think exactly like you do about gay marriage.....because of a messageboard strawpoll that doesn't even mention marriage.

Its painful to watch.
If your points had the slightest bit of merit you wouldn't have to lie so often. These lies are what you tell yourself to believe you're still relevant.
Ah, if I could have a dollar for every one of your posts that lacks a substantive rebuttal and instead included just pure ad hominem accusing 'lies! Lies I tell you!". ....I could retire...

Your message board strawpoll simply doesn't say what you do. And you know it doesn't.

Meaning that your misrepresentations are willful if awkward attempts at deception. Lie to yourself if you must, but don't bother lying to us.
If your points had the slightest bit of merit you wouldn't have to lie so often. These lies are what you tell yourself to believe you're still relevant.
Ah, if I could have a dollar for every one of your posts that lacks a substantive rebuttal and instead included just pure ad hominem accusing 'lies! Lies I tell you!". ....I could retire...

You've retired from reality ages ago. Pretending your poll says something it doesn't only demonstrates my point.
You could show pictures of wild hetero spring break parties too. Doesn't mean that all heteros are wild, crazy, sex crazed getting freaky deaky. The pictures you present likewise show only a small segment of the gay community.

Except that the people waking up from that one time a year event in areas well known to be off limits to young children for any discerning parents have anything but "pride" about what they did the night or day before.

"Pride" says it all.

You are an ignorant bigot.

I have been to many 'Pride' events- the most recent San Francisco's 2015 Pride Parade- and it was great fun for everyone.

Didn't see a single nude person while I was there- topless women, men in g-strings- but no nude persons- but hundreds of thousands of happy gay and straight people having a great time.

One of my favorite groups that march in the parade are Parents of Gays who march in support of their children.

You are an ignorant bigot who promotes hatred- these are the images of you- and your people

"The Supreme Court's reversal of Alabama's unprecedented decision to void an adoption from another state is a victory not only for our client but for thousands of adopted families," said National Center for Lesbian Rights Family Law Director Cathy Sakimura, who is representing V.L. "No adoptive parent or child should have to face the uncertainty and loss of being separated years after their adoption just because another state's court disagrees with the law that was applied in their adoption."

Supreme Court reverses decision against gay adoption -

And given that Full Faith and Credit Clause jurisprudence is settled and accepted, the Alabama court's decision was clearly predicated on bigotry and animus toward gay Americans.
"The Supreme Court's reversal of Alabama's unprecedented decision to void an adoption from another state is a victory not only for our client but for thousands of adopted families," said National Center for Lesbian Rights Family Law Director Cathy Sakimura, who is representing V.L. "No adoptive parent or child should have to face the uncertainty and loss of being separated years after their adoption just because another state's court disagrees with the law that was applied in their adoption."

Supreme Court reverses decision against gay adoption -

And given that Full Faith and Credit Clause jurisprudence is settled and accepted, the Alabama court's decision was clearly predicated on bigotry and animus toward gay Americans.
Full faith and credit is not settled when it comes to an illegal and child-abusing Finding: Obergefell. Children with their unique rights to the marriage contract and its proposed radical revision aimed inadvertently direct at THEM were not allowed representation at Obergefell. Contractually stripping a child of the hope of either a mother or father for life is unusual cruelty. A contract cannot impose unusual cruelty on a child. As such, states not only may enjoy ignoring Obergefell and any outspin decisions from it, they are MANDATED to by federal laws prohibiting anyone from aiding or abetting child abuse.
"The Supreme Court's reversal of Alabama's unprecedented decision to void an adoption from another state is a victory not only for our client but for thousands of adopted families," said National Center for Lesbian Rights Family Law Director Cathy Sakimura, who is representing V.L. "No adoptive parent or child should have to face the uncertainty and loss of being separated years after their adoption just because another state's court disagrees with the law that was applied in their adoption."

Supreme Court reverses decision against gay adoption -

And given that Full Faith and Credit Clause jurisprudence is settled and accepted, the Alabama court's decision was clearly predicated on bigotry and animus toward gay Americans.
Full faith and credit is not settled when it comes to an illegal and child-abusing Finding: Obergefell.

Blithering nonsense. Obergefell doesn't say any of that. It doesn't even mention the 'Full Faith and Credit' clause. The only mention of it is in Scalia's dissent.

Which is NOT a 'finding' of the 'Obergefell' ruling.

You really don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about, do you?

Children with their unique rights to the marriage contract and its proposed radical revision aimed inadvertently direct at THEM were not allowed representation at Obergefell.

Children aren't parties to the marriage of their parents. Nor is there any requirement that 'all children' be 'represented' in any Supreme Court hearing. In fact, there has never been a 'representative' for 'all children' in this history of the Supreme Court.

You simply don't know what you're talking about.

Contractually stripping a child of the hope of either a mother or father for life is unusual cruelty.

Made up pseudo-legal gibberish. Children still aren't parties to the marriage of their parents. Making your 'contractually stripping' nonsense just made up noise. And your babble about 'unusual cruelty' is just your personal opinion. It has no basis in law.

If such were the case, you'd have long since gone to prison when you raised your daughter as a single mother. You didn't....because nothing you've typed has anything to do with the law.

A contract cannot impose unusual cruelty on a child. As such, states not only may enjoy ignoring Obergefell and any outspin decisions from it, they are MANDATED to by federal laws prohibiting anyone from aiding or abetting child abuse.

No law nor court ruling recognizes any of your gibberish. Its just you citing yourself, and you have no idea what you're talking about. Your imagination about the law obligates no one to do anything.

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