Clarity on Racial Politics


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. America was a nation built on the individual as the basis for all power, and the Constitution as the restrictions on governmental power.
Not group identity....not collectivism......individualism.

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states:

“ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

2. Yet one particular group has proven to be the road to success for the major party.
That, in itself, follows a tortuous path.

The first blacks were brought here just as many Europeans indentured servants. Both were released as free people after a set number of years. Maldwyn Allen Jones, “American Immigration,” p. 13, 32.

a. How and when this changed to perpetual slavery for blacks is unclear, but by the 1640’s, Africans brought to Virginia no longer had indenture contracts. Yet as late as 1651, some Negroes whose period of indenture expired were still being assigned land for themselves, as were the white indentured servants. Franklin, “From Slavery to Freedom,” p. 71-72.

b. 1647 Nathaniel Bacon born. Led Bacon’s Rebellion which united poor blacks and poor whites in Virginia to kill all Indians. Ruling class feared that such union might threaten them; hastened transition to racial slavery.

c. The first explicit law passed in America that recognized slavery as a perpetual condition, extending to future offspring, appeared in 1661 in Virginia. Franklin, Ibid.

3. order to address the servitude imposed on an entire group of Americans, individualism had to be put aside...temporarily....and confronted via a civil war and a set of amendments accomplished by Republicans.

The political party in power in the South, the Democrats, were always the party of slavery, then of segregation and second-class citizenship.

a. "Nothing Liberals relish more than searching for reasons for being morally indignant! This is because they can’t take the moral high ground on abortion, adultery, illegitimacy, the divorce rate, drugs, crime, a president molesting an intern and then lying to federal investigators. They stake out a clear moral position only on the issue of slavery…of course, when it mattered, they were on the wrong side of that, too."

Judging the steps the Democrats have taken in the service of black Americans....
...coming right up.
For readers interested in our history and politics concerning race, the book in the link below covers the topic accurately. Quote from book below.

Dog Whistle Politics

"Two themes dominate American politics today: at the forefront is declining economic opportunity; coursing underneath is race. This book connects the two. It explains popular enthusiasm for policies injuring the middle class in terms of "dog whistle politics": coded racial appeals that carefully manipulate hostility toward nonwhites. Examples of dog whistling include repeated blasts about criminals and welfare cheats, illegal aliens, and sharia law in the heartland. Superficially, these provocations have nothing to do with race, yet they nevertheless powerfully communicate messages about threatening nonwhites. In the last so years, dog whistle politics has driven broad swaths of white voters to adopt a self-defeating hostility toward government, and in the process has remade the very nature of race and racism. American politics today-and the crisis of the middle class-simply cannot be understood without recognizing racism's evolution and the power of pernicious demagoguery.

I initially sketched the ideas elaborated here in the Sixteenth Annual Derrick Bell Lecture on Race in American Society, delivered at New York University in the fall of 2011. The professor honored by the lecture series, Derrick Bell, passed away less than a month before the lecture he had invited me to deliver. You may have heard of him . Leading up to the 2012 election, a rightwing media outfit promised a "bombshell" about President Barack Obama. It turned out to be a grainy video of Obama as a student at Harvard Law School introducing Bell at a rally, and then giving him a hug. The warm clasp, media provocateur Andrew Breirbart's group claimed, symbolized Obamas full embrace of an intellectual leader they described as "the worst Johnny Appleseed of a nasty racialist legal theory [that argues] that the law is a weapon of the majority whites to oppress 'people of color.'"

From: 'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López

"Black people think in terms of we because we live in a society where the social and political structures interact with us as Black people." from I, Racist — THOSE PEOPLE

"...One did not have to be very bright to realize how little one could do to change one’s situation; one did not have to be abnormally sensitive to be worn down to a cutting edge by the incessant and gratuitous humiliation and danger one encountered every working day, all day long. The humiliation did not apply merely to working days, or workers; I was thirteen and was crossing Fifth Avenue on my way to the Forty-second Street library, and the cop in the middle of the street muttered as I passed him, “Why don’t you ******* stay uptown where you belong?” When I was ten, and didn’t look, certainly, any older, two policemen amused themselves with me by frisking me, making comic (and terrifying) speculations concerning my ancestry and probable sexual prowess, and, for good measure, leaving me flat on my back in one of Harlem’s empty lots. Just before and then during the Second World War, many of my friends fled into the service, all to be changed there, and rarely for the better, many to be ruined, and many to die. Others fled to other states and cities—that is, to other ghettos. Some went on wine or whiskey or the needle, and are still on it. And others, like me, fled into the church." James Baldwin Letter from a Region in My Mind - The New Yorker
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4. I'll get to the change that slavery caused, resulting in the acceptance of collectivism, identity politics, vs the individualism that this nation was built on...

...and this must be made clear: at no time did the two parties every switch identities, vis-a-vis black Americans.

While the Democrats claim this to be so, one need only look at these facts:

a. Democrat welfare policies has maintained the poverty rate at almost the same level as it began half a century ago

b. Democrat operated cities have the highest poverty and crime rates.

c. And, contrary to the talk, this is how blacks in the party are handled:

In 2005, the Democrats did not name Donna Brazile, black, to head the Democratic National Committee. They chose Howard Dean.....white.

Harold Ford. black, told not to run for Senator from New York:

“From the start, Mr. Ford’s potential candidacy angered national Democratic Party leaders by disrupting plans for what was planned as a seamless Gillibrand nomination. Harry Reid of Nevada, the Senate majority leader, called Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to discourage him from supporting Mr. Ford, and Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York met personally with Mr. Ford to argue against his candidacy.”

“As state comptroller, [Carl] McCall earned the distinction of being the first African American ever elected to a statewide office in New York. Four years later voters overwhelmingly supported McCall over Republican Bruce Blakeman 64.75 to 32.1%. McCall's reelection in 1998 may have given him the confidence he needed in order to pursue the governor's mansion….The McCall campaign had the support of the Democratic Party; whether or not McCall had the party's full support has been the subject of much debate….Still one wonders just how committed the party was to McCall's campaign….shunned by some of the state's most respected Democrats…McCall blamed his money woes on the national Democratic Party, claiming that the party had abandoned his campaign….H. Carl McCall for Governor: a lesson to all black high-profile statewide office seekers. - Free Online Library

Do Democrats in Congress support blacks by practicing affirmative action in their hiring…and of course this would be our of moral convictions, as they are legally exempt from affirmative action requirements. More than passing interesting, the ‘National Journal,’ a survey of congressional staffers revealed that Democrats hired black employees at the same rate as Republicans: 2 percent.
“The Racial Breakdown of Congressional Staffs,” National Journal, June 21, 2005 Schweitzer, “Do As I Say,” p. 9

“Bill Clinton sought to persuade Rep. Kendrick Meek, black, to drop out of the race for Senate during a trip to Florida last week — and nearly succeeded…Clinton did not dangle a job in front of Meek, who gave up a safe House seat to run for the Senate, but instead made the case that the move would advance the congressman’s future prospects, said a third Democrat familiar with the conversations. Clinton campaigned with Meek in Florida on Oct. 19 and 20, and thought he had won Meek over. But as the week wore on, Meek lost his enthusiasm for the arrangement, spurred in part, a third Democratic source said, by his wife’s belief that he could still win the race. Clinton spoke with Meek again at week’s end, three Democrats said, and again Meek said he would drop out.” Clinton pushed Meek to quit Fla. race

And, most telling, Bill Clinton’s remarks about the black candidate for the presidency:

“[A]s Hillary bungled Caroline, Bill’s handling of Ted was even worse. The day after Iowa, he phoned Kennedy and pressed for an endorsement, making the case for his wife. But Bill then went on, belittling Obama in a manner that deeply offended Kennedy. Recounting the conversation later to a friend, Teddy fumed that Clinton had said, A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”
Teddy's anger

Reality rears its ugly head.
Watch the Liberals shrug and wander off.....
5. Democrat Party....the party of slavery, Jim Crow laws, segregation, and second-class citizenship for black Americans.

a. "The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. they roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."
From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

b. Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

6. But...better late than never, post 1960 the Democrats championed racial equality.....Liberals came up with that infraction of 'two wrongs don't make a right,' and they called Affirmative Action. is Affirmative Action allowed in this nation???

Here is the very best argument in favor of this racial political position:

a. "You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, "you are free to compete with all the others," and still justly believe you have been completely fair... This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result. "
LBJ in the Commencement Address at Howard University on June 4, 1965 on affirmative action

Few recognized this attempt to rectify past wrongs as a dramatic alteration of the American creed of treating each person as an individual, and making white males the second class citizens.
And none of those white males had ever owned a slave of any color.

Two wrongs make a right?
As an Asian chick you should know the country was founded by white males for white males. Any other conclusion you have come to is the accumulation of a lot of nonsensical musings that they meant to include you.
As an Asian chick you should know the country was founded by white males for white males. Any other conclusion you have come to is the accumulation of a lot of nonsensical musings that they meant to include you.

I don't subscribe to the mental illness of which you are a victim.

If you can.....find any .......any.......errors in my posts.

Shall I wait....or continue with a long and eventful life?
As an Asian chick you should know the country was founded by white males for white males. Any other conclusion you have come to is the accumulation of a lot of nonsensical musings that they meant to include you.

I don't subscribe to the mental illness of which you are a victim.

If you can.....find any .......any.......errors in my posts.

Shall I wait....or continue with a long and eventful life?
I already pointed out your error. The founding fathers would have made you a coolie and never regarded you as a citizen.
As an Asian chick you should know the country was founded by white males for white males. Any other conclusion you have come to is the accumulation of a lot of nonsensical musings that they meant to include you.

I don't subscribe to the mental illness of which you are a victim.

If you can.....find any .......any.......errors in my posts.

Shall I wait....or continue with a long and eventful life?
I already pointed out your error. The founding fathers would have made you a coolie and never regarded you as a citizen.

So you can't quote a single error in any of my posts?

As an Asian chick you should know the country was founded by white males for white males. Any other conclusion you have come to is the accumulation of a lot of nonsensical musings that they meant to include you.

I don't subscribe to the mental illness of which you are a victim.

If you can.....find any .......any.......errors in my posts.

Shall I wait....or continue with a long and eventful life?
I already pointed out your error. The founding fathers would have made you a coolie and never regarded you as a citizen.

So you can't quote a single error in any of my posts?

Your entire post is an error.
As an Asian chick you should know the country was founded by white males for white males. Any other conclusion you have come to is the accumulation of a lot of nonsensical musings that they meant to include you.

I don't subscribe to the mental illness of which you are a victim.

If you can.....find any .......any.......errors in my posts.

Shall I wait....or continue with a long and eventful life?
I already pointed out your error. The founding fathers would have made you a coolie and never regarded you as a citizen.

So you can't quote a single error in any of my posts?

Your entire post is an error.

So you can't quote a single error in any of my posts?

7. The introduction of Affirmative Action meant the repudiation of one of the pillars on which America was built....individualism.

So....individualism was out, and group identity, collectivism was in.

But was this policy meant in perpetuity???

Either it was meant to be a temporary solution...or it was determined to produce a two-classed nation, based on skin color.

Only some skin color....yellow and red didn't count.

"All animals are equalbut some animals are more equal than others"

8. The smartest Democrat elected in modern times was Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

He recognized that the only real equality is that which each of us earns for himself....and he believed that blacks could do just that.

"Benign neglectwas a policy proposed in 1969 byDaniel Patrick Moynihan, who was at the time on President Richard Nixon's staff as an urban affairs adviser. While serving in this capacity, he sent the President a memo suggesting, "The time may have come when the issue of race could benefit from a period of 'benign neglect.'

The subject has been too much talked about. The forum has been too much taken over to hysterics, paranoids, and boodlers on all sides. We need a period in which Negro progress continues and racial rhetoric fades."[ Benign neglect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's consider the reasons why any would disagree with this policy.

There are a few....

...coming right up.
For readers interested in our history and politics concerning race, the book in the link below covers the topic accurately. Quote from book below.

Dog Whistle Politics

"Two themes dominate American politics today: at the forefront is declining economic opportunity; coursing underneath is race. This book connects the two. It explains popular enthusiasm for policies injuring the middle class in terms of "dog whistle politics": coded racial appeals that carefully manipulate hostility toward nonwhites. Examples of dog whistling include repeated blasts about criminals and welfare cheats, illegal aliens, and sharia law in the heartland. Superficially, these provocations have nothing to do with race, yet they nevertheless powerfully communicate messages about threatening nonwhites. In the last so years, dog whistle politics has driven broad swaths of white voters to adopt a self-defeating hostility toward government, and in the process has remade the very nature of race and racism. American politics today-and the crisis of the middle class-simply cannot be understood without recognizing racism's evolution and the power of pernicious demagoguery.

I initially sketched the ideas elaborated here in the Sixteenth Annual Derrick Bell Lecture on Race in American Society, delivered at New York University in the fall of 2011. The professor honored by the lecture series, Derrick Bell, passed away less than a month before the lecture he had invited me to deliver. You may have heard of him . Leading up to the 2012 election, a rightwing media outfit promised a "bombshell" about President Barack Obama. It turned out to be a grainy video of Obama as a student at Harvard Law School introducing Bell at a rally, and then giving him a hug. The warm clasp, media provocateur Andrew Breirbart's group claimed, symbolized Obamas full embrace of an intellectual leader they described as "the worst Johnny Appleseed of a nasty racialist legal theory [that argues] that the law is a weapon of the majority whites to oppress 'people of color.'"

From: 'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López

"Black people think in terms of we because we live in a society where the social and political structures interact with us as Black people." from I, Racist — THOSE PEOPLE

"...One did not have to be very bright to realize how little one could do to change one’s situation; one did not have to be abnormally sensitive to be worn down to a cutting edge by the incessant and gratuitous humiliation and danger one encountered every working day, all day long. The humiliation did not apply merely to working days, or workers; I was thirteen and was crossing Fifth Avenue on my way to the Forty-second Street library, and the cop in the middle of the street muttered as I passed him, “Why don’t you ******* stay uptown where you belong?” When I was ten, and didn’t look, certainly, any older, two policemen amused themselves with me by frisking me, making comic (and terrifying) speculations concerning my ancestry and probable sexual prowess, and, for good measure, leaving me flat on my back in one of Harlem’s empty lots. Just before and then during the Second World War, many of my friends fled into the service, all to be changed there, and rarely for the better, many to be ruined, and many to die. Others fled to other states and cities—that is, to other ghettos. Some went on wine or whiskey or the needle, and are still on it. And others, like me, fled into the church." James Baldwin Letter from a Region in My Mind - The New Yorker
Ironically that entire first quote is an example of "dog whistle politics" against whites.

The Democrats are in the "blow horn politics" territory now though.
Soooooo.......why would any disagree with a policy that is based on blacks being able to accomplish what every other ethnicity has, without government thumb on the scale....

....and, instead, demand Affirmative Action is all of its various continued in perpetuity???

9. Or....when to recognize that time was up for special consideration for black Americans???

..if the basis for revealing discrimination, disenfranchisement, is the difference between white voter turnout, and black voter turnout.....then the time is NOW!!!

"Do you know which state has the worst ratio of white voter turnout to African-American voter turnout? Massachusetts. Do you know what has the best, where African-American turnout actually exceeds white turnout? Mississippi."

John Roberts on Wednesday, February 27th, 2013 in a Supreme Court oral argument

a. 'Yet as Chief Justice Roberts wrote for the Court, "history did not end in 1965." In the 48 years since, those Southern barriers to voting have disappeared. The proof is that black and white voter registration and turnout are nearly even in the "covered" states and districts. By 2009, the racial voting gap was lower in preclearance states than in the rest of the country. As Chief Justice Roberts noted, Census data show that black voter turnout is now higher than white turnout in five of the covered states.'
Voting Rights Progress

b. "Multiracial Americans numbered 9.0 million in 2010, or 2.9% of the total population, but 5.6% of the population under age 18.[1]The actual number is likely much higher, for example a study of college students identifying as white found that 30% had less than 90% European ancestry,[2][3]and one recent study found that African Americans have an average of 21% European ancestry." Interracial marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yet....Democrats run as though it was still 1960.
10. I believe that racial political accommodation by the Left is simply pandering for votes.....that victimology thing,....

Hey....not that it isn't successful. Coulter has a brilliant bon mot about this....

'Thrilled with their role as ‘white friend-of-the-blacks,’ many found that they could actually make a living at it! The part requires sneering at nonexistent racists, and memorizing one line: “Goddam it, this may cost me my career but I’m going to speak up for racial equality and let the chips fall where they may!”'

But, ...if that is not the case, the justification for race-based accommodation must be one of two beliefs:

a. Either, the majority of Americans, white folks, must be racist and hostile to dark skin, and to success by blacks.....and hence, the need for government protections....


b. Liberals/Democrats must believe that blacks are inferior, and cannot succeed without being given perqs and sinecures, i.e., cannot earn same on their own.

Speak up, Liberals......which is it????
7. The introduction of Affirmative Action meant the repudiation of one of the pillars on which America was built....individualism.

So....individualism was out, and group identity, collectivism was in.

But was this policy meant in perpetuity???

Either it was meant to be a temporary solution...or it was determined to produce a two-classed nation, based on skin color.

Only some skin color....yellow and red didn't count.

"All animals are equalbut some animals are more equal than others"

8. The smartest Democrat elected in modern times was Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

He recognized that the only real equality is that which each of us earns for himself....and he believed that blacks could do just that.

"Benign neglectwas a policy proposed in 1969 byDaniel Patrick Moynihan, who was at the time on President Richard Nixon's staff as an urban affairs adviser. While serving in this capacity, he sent the President a memo suggesting, "The time may have come when the issue of race could benefit from a period of 'benign neglect.'

The subject has been too much talked about. The forum has been too much taken over to hysterics, paranoids, and boodlers on all sides. We need a period in which Negro progress continues and racial rhetoric fades."[ Benign neglect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's consider the reasons why any would disagree with this policy.

There are a few....

...coming right up.

David Shih


You linked to a post about Affirmative Action....
...yet your post responded to same in no way.

In the future, try to focus like a laser.

If, in the future, you actually have a point of view..... your best to articulate same.

Best of luck.
7. The introduction of Affirmative Action meant the repudiation of one of the pillars on which America was built....individualism.

So....individualism was out, and group identity, collectivism was in.

But was this policy meant in perpetuity???

Either it was meant to be a temporary solution...or it was determined to produce a two-classed nation, based on skin color.

Only some skin color....yellow and red didn't count.

"All animals are equalbut some animals are more equal than others"

8. The smartest Democrat elected in modern times was Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

He recognized that the only real equality is that which each of us earns for himself....and he believed that blacks could do just that.

"Benign neglectwas a policy proposed in 1969 byDaniel Patrick Moynihan, who was at the time on President Richard Nixon's staff as an urban affairs adviser. While serving in this capacity, he sent the President a memo suggesting, "The time may have come when the issue of race could benefit from a period of 'benign neglect.'

The subject has been too much talked about. The forum has been too much taken over to hysterics, paranoids, and boodlers on all sides. We need a period in which Negro progress continues and racial rhetoric fades."[ Benign neglect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's consider the reasons why any would disagree with this policy.

There are a few....

...coming right up.

David Shih


You linked to a post about Affirmative Action....
...yet your post responded to same in no way.

In the future, try to focus like a laser.

If, in the future, you actually have a point of view..... your best to articulate same.

Best of luck.

LOL. Point of view? Really? Did you actually even attempt to read the article in the link, or would you prefer that it be copied and pasted as you do everything else that you post?
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
7. The introduction of Affirmative Action meant the repudiation of one of the pillars on which America was built....individualism.

So....individualism was out, and group identity, collectivism was in.

But was this policy meant in perpetuity???

Either it was meant to be a temporary solution...or it was determined to produce a two-classed nation, based on skin color.

Only some skin color....yellow and red didn't count.

"All animals are equalbut some animals are more equal than others"

8. The smartest Democrat elected in modern times was Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

He recognized that the only real equality is that which each of us earns for himself....and he believed that blacks could do just that.

"Benign neglectwas a policy proposed in 1969 byDaniel Patrick Moynihan, who was at the time on President Richard Nixon's staff as an urban affairs adviser. While serving in this capacity, he sent the President a memo suggesting, "The time may have come when the issue of race could benefit from a period of 'benign neglect.'

The subject has been too much talked about. The forum has been too much taken over to hysterics, paranoids, and boodlers on all sides. We need a period in which Negro progress continues and racial rhetoric fades."[ Benign neglect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's consider the reasons why any would disagree with this policy.

There are a few....

...coming right up.

David Shih


You linked to a post about Affirmative Action....
...yet your post responded to same in no way.

In the future, try to focus like a laser.

If, in the future, you actually have a point of view..... your best to articulate same.

Best of luck.

LOL. Point of view? Really? Did you actually even attempt to read the article in the link, or would you prefer that it be copied and pasted as you do everything else that you post?

I read the article.
It appears that either you didn't, or that you couldn't process it to the extent that it applied to Daniel Patrick Moynihan's dictum, or how it applied to collectivism.

See if you can do a better job next time.
Perhaps you can find someone to help you post.
7. The introduction of Affirmative Action meant the repudiation of one of the pillars on which America was built....individualism.

So....individualism was out, and group identity, collectivism was in.

But was this policy meant in perpetuity???

Either it was meant to be a temporary solution...or it was determined to produce a two-classed nation, based on skin color.

Only some skin color....yellow and red didn't count.

"All animals are equalbut some animals are more equal than others"

8. The smartest Democrat elected in modern times was Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

He recognized that the only real equality is that which each of us earns for himself....and he believed that blacks could do just that.

"Benign neglectwas a policy proposed in 1969 byDaniel Patrick Moynihan, who was at the time on President Richard Nixon's staff as an urban affairs adviser. While serving in this capacity, he sent the President a memo suggesting, "The time may have come when the issue of race could benefit from a period of 'benign neglect.'

The subject has been too much talked about. The forum has been too much taken over to hysterics, paranoids, and boodlers on all sides. We need a period in which Negro progress continues and racial rhetoric fades."[ Benign neglect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's consider the reasons why any would disagree with this policy.

There are a few....

...coming right up.

David Shih


You linked to a post about Affirmative Action....
...yet your post responded to same in no way.

In the future, try to focus like a laser.

If, in the future, you actually have a point of view..... your best to articulate same.

Best of luck.

LOL. Point of view? Really? Did you actually even attempt to read the article in the link, or would you prefer that it be copied and pasted as you do everything else that you post?

I read the article.
It appears that either you didn't, or that you couldn't process it to the extent that it applied to Daniel Patrick Moynihan's dictum, or how it applied to collectivism.

See if you can do a better job next time.
Perhaps you can find someone to help you post.

So. I will humor you. What did you interpret the article to say? If you can summarize that thought with one of your own without cutting and pasting the words of someone else. Then I will listen.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
7. The introduction of Affirmative Action meant the repudiation of one of the pillars on which America was built....individualism.

So....individualism was out, and group identity, collectivism was in.

But was this policy meant in perpetuity???

Either it was meant to be a temporary solution...or it was determined to produce a two-classed nation, based on skin color.

Only some skin color....yellow and red didn't count.

"All animals are equalbut some animals are more equal than others"

8. The smartest Democrat elected in modern times was Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

He recognized that the only real equality is that which each of us earns for himself....and he believed that blacks could do just that.

"Benign neglectwas a policy proposed in 1969 byDaniel Patrick Moynihan, who was at the time on President Richard Nixon's staff as an urban affairs adviser. While serving in this capacity, he sent the President a memo suggesting, "The time may have come when the issue of race could benefit from a period of 'benign neglect.'

The subject has been too much talked about. The forum has been too much taken over to hysterics, paranoids, and boodlers on all sides. We need a period in which Negro progress continues and racial rhetoric fades."[ Benign neglect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's consider the reasons why any would disagree with this policy.

There are a few....

...coming right up.

David Shih


You linked to a post about Affirmative Action....
...yet your post responded to same in no way.

In the future, try to focus like a laser.

If, in the future, you actually have a point of view..... your best to articulate same.

Best of luck.

LOL. Point of view? Really? Did you actually even attempt to read the article in the link, or would you prefer that it be copied and pasted as you do everything else that you post?

I read the article.
It appears that either you didn't, or that you couldn't process it to the extent that it applied to Daniel Patrick Moynihan's dictum, or how it applied to collectivism.

See if you can do a better job next time.
Perhaps you can find someone to help you post.

So. I will humor you. What did you interpret the article to say? If you can summarize that thought with one of your own without cutting and pasting the words of someone else. Then I will listen.

"So. I will humor you. What did you interpret the article to say?"


I reveal that you posted an article that had nothing to do with the post to which you linked, and that you clearly didn't understand the article you posted.....

....and now you demand that I explain your article to you!

Your post has changed your status from merely a hint of stupidity to an announcement.


You linked to a post about Affirmative Action....
...yet your post responded to same in no way.

In the future, try to focus like a laser.

If, in the future, you actually have a point of view..... your best to articulate same.

Best of luck.

LOL. Point of view? Really? Did you actually even attempt to read the article in the link, or would you prefer that it be copied and pasted as you do everything else that you post?

I read the article.
It appears that either you didn't, or that you couldn't process it to the extent that it applied to Daniel Patrick Moynihan's dictum, or how it applied to collectivism.

See if you can do a better job next time.
Perhaps you can find someone to help you post.

So. I will humor you. What did you interpret the article to say? If you can summarize that thought with one of your own without cutting and pasting the words of someone else. Then I will listen.

"So. I will humor you. What did you interpret the article to say?"


I reveal that you posted an article that had nothing to do with the post to which you linked, and that you clearly didn't understand the article you posted.....

....and now you demand that I explain your article to you!

Your post has changed your status from merely a hint of stupidity to an announcement.

You recite the white mans bs thinking you are white but here's what they think about your Asian ass.


And you Asians are part of Affirmative Action. So if AA ends today. your asian ass is back to this:


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