Clark vs. Clint


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Or Gable vs. Eastwood.Without playing a favorite too mush,
both men had hard { quite rugged } beginnings.Gable off to a
tire factory at age 14.Later drilled for oil in Oklahoma along with
his pappy.Tried his hand at being a lumberjack.Was stranded
penniless in Oregon.Ended up joining a travelling Troupe.
Eastwood { a child of the Deprerssion } ended up trailing his pappy
along dusty roads pumping gas and then worked as a logger,
steel-furnace stoker and gas pumper.Rarely spent more than one
semester in one school.Went off to do a 4n year sting in the Armed
Forces { 1950-54 }.
However once making it onto the silver screen,these two
rugged individual had virtually no common ground.Especially
when it came to their screen persona.
Clark was a Man's man.So was Clint.However their personalities were totally
a polar opposite.Gable could charm the pants off most any Lady.And did just
that in real life as well.He had the Face and the Voice.
Whereas Clint was skinny,lanky with a steely face and terrible voice.
Arguably the Worst { Gravelly } voice in Movie Filmdom.
Clark had a powerfully rich and make no mistake voice.When he said
something there was no inbetween or need for further explanation.
Clint was totally constructed around Hollywood dialogue.Few words
and often very dull and boring.Virtually no ability to exerecise use of
light comedy or charming the female sex.Clint more adept at
trying to impress whatever animal { think Mules } he surrounded hisself.
Or in his action flicks { his weapon }.
Gable could light and smoke a cigarette with the best of 'em.
The one movie Clint tried to appear a cigarette smoker he
looked awkward as he also tried his hand at name-calling a lot.
That Movie - Gran Torino - { 2008 } where he also drank only
beer { cheap beer ta boot }. None of the hard stuff.
Gable handled a cigarette and his Liquor like a Man's man.
year in and year out.Movie after movie.
Mixing his manliness with charm when necessary.Again,Eastwood
more at ease with trying to seduce a new pistol or maybe some
Sergio Leone Western where a skinny cigar { Lancero } is dangling
somewhere in the vicinity of his One Facial expression.
But if works for some Mule,then go for it.
Gable could act in a movie,around horses like he did in his
final film - The Misfits - { 1961 } or in a bar getting nice and plastered.
Or even around a dog like Buck in - Call of the Wild - { 1935 }.
Or fir that matter even 2 chicks and a Gorilla in - Mogambo - { 1953 }
One thing is kinda for certain ... You can fool Some of the Moviegoers
All of the time and All of the Moviegoers Some of the time.
But in Life You can't Fool All of the { whatever } All of the time.
get it.Learn it.And with practice ... Love it.
" Yea,so much must I live for others,that almost
I am a stranger to myself. "
-- Innocent III { Pope 1198-1216 }
Or Gable vs. Eastwood.Withour playing a favorite too mush,
both men had hard { quite rugged } beginnings.Gable off to a
tire factory at age 14.Later drilled for oil in Oklahoma along with
his pappy.Tried his hand at being a lumberjack.Was stranded
penniless in Oregon.Ended up joining a travelling Troupe.
Eastwood { a child of the Deprerssion } ended up trailing his pappy
along dusty roads pumping gas and then worked as a logger,
steel-furnace stoker and gas pumper.Rarely spent more than one
semester in one school.Went off to do a 4n year sting in the Armed
Forces { 1950-54 }.
However once making it onto the silver screen,these two
rugged individual had virtually no common ground.Especially
when it came to their screen persona.
Clark was a Man's man.So was Clint.However their personalities were totally
a polar opposite.Gable could charm the pants off most any Lady.And did just
that in real life as well.He had the Face and the Voice.
Whereas Clint was skinny,lanky with a steely face and terrible voice.
Arguably the Worst { Gravelly } voice in Movie Filmdom.
Clark had a powerfully rich and make no mistake voice.When he said
something there was no inbetween or need for further explanation.
Clint was totally constructed around Hollywood dialogue.Few words
and often very dull and boring.Virtually no ability to exerecise use of
light comedy or charming the female sex.Clint more adept at
trying to impress whatever animal { think Mules } he surrounded hisself.
Or in his action flicks { his weapon }.
Gable could light and smoke a cigarette with the best of 'em.
The one movie Clint tried to appear a cigarette smoker he
looked awkward as he also tried his hand at name-calling a lot.
That Movie - Gran Torino - { 2008 } where he also drank only
beer { cheap beer ta boot }. None of the hard stuff.
Gable handled a cigarette and his Liquor like a Man's man.
year in and year out.Movie after movie.
Mixing his manliness with charm when necessary.Again,Eastwood
more at ease with trying to seduce a new pistol or maybe some
Sergio Leone Western where a skinny cigar { Lancero } is dangling
somewhere in the vicinity of his One Facial expression.
But if works for some Mule,then go for it.
Gable could act in a movie,around horses like he did in his
final film - The Misfits - { 1961 } or in a bar getting nice and plastered.
Or even around a dog like Buck in - Call of the Wild - { 1935 }.
Or fir that matter even 2 chicks and a Gorilla in - Mogambo - { 1953 }
One thing is kinda for certain ... You can fool Some of the Moviegoers
All of the time and All of the Moviegoers Some of the time.
But in Life You can't Fool All of the { whatever } All of the time.
get it.Learn it.And with practice ... Love it.
" Yea,so much must I live for others,that almost
I am a stranger to myself. "
-- Innocent III { Pope 1198-1216 }
No, absolutely NOT!!!! This is not an acceptable OP. Rewrite that shit dude, and get rid of that weird word format. Maybe figure out how to make paragraphs as well. Do those things and i might read this OP, but i wont read a single word of it in this form.

Stop trying to be different. There is a reason the English language is written the way it is. You trying to be different just mucks up the whole process of written communication. Also, it makes you look like a low IQ retard. Its just bad all around.
No, absolutely NOT!!!! This is not an acceptable OP. Rewrite that shit dude, and get rid of that weird word format. Maybe figure out how to make paragraphs as well. Do those things and i might read this OP, but i wont read a single word of it in this form.

Stop trying to be different. There is a reason the English language is written the way it is. You trying to be different just mucks up the whole process of written communication. Also, it makes you look like a low IQ retard. Its just bad all around.
Just admit ... Mommy got up late this sunday morn and you never
got your morning mush { Mapo }.Like usual.
Or a hug.
Eastwood ... possibly John Eastman who managed to get criminally
Indicted for assisting Former President Trump { In efforts to
Maintain the Presidency ??? }.
Eastman a well respected American Lawyer and former
academic who is the founding Director of the Center for
Constitutional Jurisprudence affiliated with the Claremont
Institute,a Conservative Think Tank.
Eastman ran for Attorney General of California in 2010.
And was the former law clerk to Supreme Court Justice
Clarence Thomas.
On March 28,2022 federal judge David O. Carter found Eastman
along with Trump,was more likely than not to have " dishonestly conspired
to obstruct the joint session of Congress on January 6,2021. "
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