Remember That Poor Little White Girl who got Her head pounded Into the Sidewalk?

And finally, why do you hate this store owner so much? Did you buy into some bullshit racist anti-Asian rhetoric in the Strange Fruit video? You did, didn't you?

Nope, not that there is anything like that in the video, except that they were trading dope for product.

I can see why the communities resent these people, though.
Then why did the police hide the evidence of the first encounter?

I don't know that they did. Do you have evidence of this?
Nope. He probably said something to the kid that was insulting, and got pushed slightly.

On what do you base this assumption that he insulted Brown?
Too many.

Which probably means none.
And I'm still going to.

What about Tamir and Laquan...
Nope. My questions are directly related to the topic and your comments on it. Your questions are not and were only precipitated by my calling you out on your off-topic allegation.
I don't know that they did. Do you have evidence of this?
Yes, because they hid the first encounter... you are going round and round.

You didn't answer the question: Why do you hate the store owner?
He seems like an asshole.

In your post, #626, you said: "The police manipulated the video to cover for the fact that their officer escalated a jaywalking incident into a deadly force incident."
yes, they manipulated it by HIDING IT!

Only showing the second visit without showing the first visit TO GIVE IT CONTEXT is manipulating it. They knew what they were doing.

On what do you base this assumption that he insulted Brown?
He pushed the little shit into the chip rack.
Yes, because they hid the first encounter... you are going round and round.

You say they "hid" it but I have seen the video from the store of the first encounter. In fact, I have been debating you with information revealed from it for a couple of years now.
He seems like an asshole.

Because he tried to prevent someone from stealing his merchandise? Is that it?
yes, they manipulated it by HIDING IT!

Hiding is not manipulating.
Only showing the second visit without showing the first visit TO GIVE IT CONTEXT is manipulating it. They knew what they were doing.

Again, I have seen the video of the first encounter. It's been out there for years. Also, there is no context from the first video that is pertinent to the case.

The only reason people like you are latching on to this is because you think it takes some of the heat and blame off Brown's shoulders. It does not. Brown's actions - swiping the cigars, assaulting the store owner and assaulting the officer - were entirely his own and wholly unprovoked.
He pushed the little shit into the chip rack.
It never occurred to you that maybe Brown pushed him because the guy wanted his cigars back? Or is the racist angle always the one you take?
You say they "hid" it but I have seen the video from the store of the first encounter.

only after the Stranger Fruit guy uncovered it. AFTER the rigged grand jury cut Wilson loose.

Because he tried to prevent someone from stealing his merchandise? Is that it?
Or that he was not aware of what his idiot nephews were up to in that store.

Hiding is not manipulating.
Well, yes, it is if they are trying to create a narrative.
only after the Stranger Fruit guy uncovered it. AFTER the rigged grand jury cut Wilson loose.

Negative. I found it on the internet long before Strange Fruit came out.
Or that he was not aware of what his idiot nephews were up to in that store.

Which would mean (if true) that, again, he was trying to prevent Brown from walking off with his merchandise.

If the store clerks engaged in pot-for-products on a regular basis and if Brown knew this, why did Brown resort to violence instead of just explaining to the store owner that the clerks had done it before?
Well, yes, it is if they are trying to create a narrative.
Manipulating a video is digitally altering it in some way. Hiding is hiding. You can create a narrative with either or both tactics but they are not the same thing.
only after the Stranger Fruit guy uncovered it. AFTER the rigged grand jury cut Wilson loose.

Or that he was not aware of what his idiot nephews were up to in that store.

Well, yes, it is if they are trying to create a narrative.
There was no rigged jury dumbass
Negative. I found it on the internet long before Strange Fruit came out.
Sure you did, buddy. Sure you did.

If the store clerks engaged in pot-for-products on a regular basis and if Brown knew this, why did Brown resort to violence instead of just explaining to the store owner that the clerks had done it before?

Oh, maybe because Apu started calling him names before they had the discussion.

Manipulating a video is digitally altering it in some way. Hiding is hiding. You can create a narrative with either or both tactics but they are not the same thing.
Nope, it was only showing the second encounter, and playing it in slow motion to make pushing Apu into the chip rack look a lot worse than it was.
Sure you did, buddy. Sure you did.

That video was out there before the documentary. I was the who told you that, at the first interaction, the clerk removed the cigars from the bag and put them back on the shelf and Brown left with his weed because you didn't know either of these things. You thought the weed was left at the store at the first interaction and that the cigars were still in the bag at the second interaction. You didn't know because you hadn't seen the first video. But I had.
Oh, maybe because Apu started calling him names before they had the discussion.

Is your assumption based on a witness' testimony or some other evidence? Or is it only based on your prejudice of Asians?
Nope, it was only showing the second encounter, and playing it in slow motion to make pushing Apu into the chip rack look a lot worse than it was.
And? He pushed the guy down because the guy wanted his merchandise back. What do you imagine was in the first video that would alleviate Brown's culpability for his actions in the second video?

And you still have three questions you have failed to address:

1.) How did the clerks rip off the store owner when they kept the cigars and Brown kept his dope?

2.) Who called the cops if the store owner didn't?

3.) On what do you base your assumption that the store owner insulted Brown?
That video was out there before the documentary. I was the who told you that, at the first interaction, the clerk removed the cigars from the bag and put them back on the shelf and Brown left with his weed because you didn't know either of these things. You thought the weed was left at the store at the first interaction and that the cigars were still in the bag at the second interaction. You didn't know because you hadn't seen the first video. But I had.
Not how it happened at all. I mean, it's amazing that Brown just happened to grab the exact same product he had traded for the night before and knew exactly where it was.

2.) Who called the cops if the store owner didn't?
Customers in the store did. That's been established.

3.) On what do you base your assumption that the store owner insulted Brown?
because these south Asian store owners are all bigots. They think that if they join in the racism, white people will accept them. Nikki Haley should have disabused them of that notion, but we will see.

The only thing I find more contemptable than white racism is non-whites who practice racism against other people of color.
Not how it happened at all.

It's in the store surveillance video of the first encounter. Did you not see that part? Or did the documentary maker "manipulate" the video for you?
I mean, it's amazing that Brown just happened to grab the exact same product he had traded for the night before and knew exactly where it was.

First, the trade never happened. Second, he saw where the clerk got the cigars from at the first encounter so of course Brown remembered where they were. Why does this seem amazing to you?
Customers in the store did. That's been established.

When was this established? This was the third time I had to ask you this and even now you provide no evidence or corroboration.

But anyway, now that we've established that customers called the cops, how about your contention that the store owner deliberately did not call the cops because he didn't want them to know the store was engaging in dope-for-merchandise? How do you know this? And what about the fact that this conflicts with your other assertion that the clerks were ripping off the owner by engaging in dope-for-merchandise behind his back? On the one hand you say he tried to cover it up and on the other you say he didn't know about it.
because these south Asian store owners are all bigots.

So that's your evidence, a racist opinion? Did you also get this canard from the documentary?

Other than your assumption based in prejudice of Asians and your vague unsubstantiated opinion that this guy "seems like an asshole", on what basis do you assume this store owner insulted Brown?
They think that if they join in the racism, white people will accept them. Nikki Haley should have disabused them of that notion, but we will see.

The only thing I find more contemptable than white racism is non-whites who practice racism against other people of color.
Do you find racism practiced against Asians contemptible?

There's still one question you haven't addressed:

How did the clerks rip off the store owner when they kept the cigars and Brown kept his dope?
It's in the store surveillance video of the first encounter. Did you not see that part? Or did the documentary maker "manipulate" the video for you?
No, it isn't.

First, the trade never happened. Second, he saw where the clerk got the cigars from at the first encounter so of course Brown remembered where they were. Why does this seem amazing to you?
gee, why would they still be behind the counter if they weren't traded? WOuldn't they have been back on the shelf?

How did the clerks rip off the store owner when they kept the cigars and Brown kept his dope?
Never said that, either, so not sure what you are babbling about.

Look, man, I know you need to really believe this kid DESERVED TO DIE FOR CONTEMPT OF COP, but you are stretching.
Not how it happened at all. I mean, it's amazing that Brown just happened to grab the exact same product he had traded for the night before and knew exactly where it was.

Customers in the store did. That's been established.

because these south Asian store owners are all bigots. They think that if they join in the racism, white people will accept them. Nikki Haley should have disabused them of that notion, but we will see.

The only thing I find more contemptable than white racism is non-whites who practice racism against other people of color.
But your racism is fine right?
But your racism is fine right?

Pointing out how a certain segment of the Indian Immigrant population has bought into white bigotry while exploiting poor neighborhoods is a valid complaint. Especially since a large segment of said population are Gujarati, who have been historically discriminated against in India. (If you see any Indian named Patel, they are Gujarati). They really ought to know better.

Pointing out how a certain segment of the Indian Immigrant population has bought into white bigotry while exploiting poor neighborhoods is a valid complaint. Especially since a large segment of said population are Gujarati, who have been historically discriminated against in India. (If you see any Indian named Patel, they are Gujarati). They really ought to know better.
and using racist names for them is of course ok cause you mean well right?
No, it isn't.

Yes, it is.

Brown came in with the bag of weed in his hand and approached the counter. He apparently said he wanted cigars and the clerk grabbed some and put them in a bag. At this point there was some back and forth between them (there is no audio in that video) and Brown appears to get frustrated, turns to leave but turns back around, grabs the bag of weed and leaves. The clerk then took the cigars from the bag and put them back on the shelf.
gee, why would they still be behind the counter if they weren't traded? WOuldn't they have been back on the shelf?

The shelf is behind the counter. This is where the clerk pulled them from in the first encounter. At the second encounter, Brown reached over the counter and swiped them from the same shelf.
Never said that, either, so not sure what you are babbling about.

In Post #626, you said: " was relevant in that Apu's nephews ripped him off on the pot."

Look, man, I know you need to really believe this kid DESERVED TO DIE FOR CONTEMPT OF COP, but you are stretching.
Yet another assumption rooted in emotion. Can I take this to mean you don't have answers to the questions, i.e., How did they rob the store owner when Brown left the cigars and with his dope?

Do you have evidence that these Asian store owners join in the racism so whites will accept them?

On what basis do you assume this store owner insulted Brown?

On what basis do you assume the store owner didn't call the cops because he didn't want the cops to know about the dope-for-merchandise practice?

Do you have evidence that the police hid evidence from the first video?

Do you have a link to the video that shows the encounter between Brown and Wilson?
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We heard all kinds if descriptions about the black kids in that fight. And that white girl was made out to be the victim of the fake epidemic of blacks attacking whites. Come to find out that the white girl was not such a pure innocent child.

Kaylee Gain was suspended from school for brawling with another student day before fracturing skull in fight: sources​

The Missouri teen who was left fighting for her life after having her head pounded into the sidewalk earlier this month was suspended from school the day prior for brawling with another student, The Post has learned.

Kaylee Gain, 16, suffered a skull fracture and a brain bleed that left her in a coma for two weeks after she squared off with another female teen about a mile away from Hazelwood East High School in St. Louis on March 8.

Her family revealed on Friday her condition is stable and she has been moved out of intensive care — though it is unclear whether she has regained consciousness.

The teen with whom Gain had an altercation the previous day was friends with the student who would later smash Gain’s head into the pavement, leaving her unconscious and her body twitching, sources said.

Of course we will now begin reading all kinds of excuses as the double standard of racism is applied here.
That's just one more reason no one should make snap judgments because of one sensational article. There's always more to the story. Life isn't that simple. Never was.
Do you have evidence that these Asian store owners join in the racism so whites will accept them?
Sure, every time I walk into one of their stores and see them being impolite to other people of color. I had one incident where a Hispanic asked to used the bathroom, and this guy went on a ten minute tirade about "illegals". Like his new MAGAt buddies wouldn't put his ass on the second boat out.
On what basis do you assume this store owner insulted Brown?
He got his sissy ass pushed into the rack.
On what basis do you assume the store owner didn't call the cops because he didn't want the cops to know about the dope-for-merchandise practice?
Because the call didn't come from Apu or any of his employees. It came from a customer
Do you have evidence that the police hid evidence from the first video?
Yes, they put out the second video and didn't tell anyone about the first one.

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