Clash of Civilizations

I think you're confusing culture with economic incompetence in the case of Greece. Eastern European cultures were strongly effected by years of communist rule but that is waning. I would hold either of those superior to most third-world culture including many which comprise American culture today.

To what extent is Greek culture influenced by the very long period of Ottoman rule? I have heard it suggested that Greece never quite recovered.
Considering 300 to 400 years of occupation depending on the area, Greek culture was relatively unscathed. Religion, more than anything else preserved almost all aspects of Greek culture. Turkish influence is strongest is food and music, but a strong sense of identity kept Greek culture intact.
In retrospect, I can assuredly say that Greek, therefore Western civilization, had a far greater effect on the Seljuks and Ottomans than had on the Greeks. After all, the Mongols became Chinese and not the Chinese, Mongols.
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Yeah..don't you wish brown people would let us murder, rape, pillage and oppress them more quietly?

How does this connect to the video I posted? And us? You aren't well traveled are you?

And a personal attack proves what? My point was that so called civilized world (includes Sweden ) has no problem using the spoils of the war for resources and must engage(including immigration) brown people no matter what they want.
European immigrants made up the great and overwhelming majoirty of our immigrants up to 1965 when LBJ rammed through a radical change in our immigration policy that for the first time allowed third world immigrants to come here in huge numbers...not even to mention all the illegal immigrants from 3rd world nations that were allowed to slip in.

I see. Let's see how the NATIVES felt about radical changes in our immigration policy:

"In late 1875, Sioux and Cheyenne Indians defiantly left their reservations, outraged over the continued intrusions of whites into their sacred lands in the Black Hills. They gathered in Montana with the great warrior Sitting Bull to fight for their lands. The following spring, two victories over the US Cavalry emboldened them to fight on in the summer of 1876."

I know, I know they were Injuns , so they had no rights the white folks had to recognize.


Yes they were savages who's cultures were not compatible to ours.

Who defines who is a savage?

Were the Palestinians savages when the UK allowed the Zionists to immigrate there en masse circa 1925?

Now, should we adopt the same immigration policy that lead to the demise of the Indians? NO!

You know, in 1898 the US invaded Puerto Rico. The Puerto Ricans rejected US citizenship but it was forced upon my ancestors anyways. The US dictates what goes on in the island.

Racist justices of the SCOTUS have ruled that Congress never intended to make Puerto Rico , which is populated by savages? , a state. So for the first time in the nation's history they created the legal fiction known as an "Unincorporated territory".

So my people were drafted to fight in Korea, VietNam etcetera even though we do not have 2 senators, representatives nor are we allowed to voted in presidential elections.

Multiculturalism became national policy sometime that happened should be understood.............the American People were never allow to vote on or approve such an was pushed through in a underhanded manner by liberal academics, politicians and so forth to the point where now anyone who attempts to question the wisdom of such a policy is automatically demonized as racist.

Let's analyze the OP's statement, shall we:

The American People (a nation of nonnatives and decedents of emigrants) were never allowed to vote on or approve such an agenda (multiculturalism).

In other words, the OP is dismayed at the fact that no one asked him if the cultures and traditions of his family and families of his neighbors were okay.

And he wonders why we don't question the most American of traditions: "give me your tired, your sick, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…" -- or why call those who harbor prejudices, "racist". Well, that's what the word 'racist' means.
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I see. Let's see how the NATIVES felt about radical changes in our immigration policy:

"In late 1875, Sioux and Cheyenne Indians defiantly left their reservations, outraged over the continued intrusions of whites into their sacred lands in the Black Hills. They gathered in Montana with the great warrior Sitting Bull to fight for their lands. The following spring, two victories over the US Cavalry emboldened them to fight on in the summer of 1876."

I know, I know they were Injuns , so they had no rights the white folks had to recognize.


Who defines who is a savage?

Were the Palestinians savages when the UK allowed the Zionists to immigrate there en masse circa 1925?

Now, should we adopt the same immigration policy that lead to the demise of the Indians? NO!

You know, in 1898 the US invaded Puerto Rico. The Puerto Ricans rejected US citizenship but it was forced upon my ancestors anyways. The US dictates what goes on in the island.

Racist justices of the SCOTUS have ruled that Congress never intended to make Puerto Rico , which is populated by savages? , a state. So for the first time in the nation's history they created the legal fiction known as an "Unincorporated territory".

So my people were drafted to fight in Korea, VietNam etcetera even though we do not have 2 senators, representatives nor are we allowed to voted in presidential elections.

Your people have always had to withdraw from commonwealth status. Don't try to pawn that weak shit on anyone. Of course you would be nuts if you did and there are far to many rational PRs to allow that to happen.
Chaos, panic and disorder..... My work here is done. heh heh
You know, in 1898 the US invaded Puerto Rico. The Puerto Ricans rejected US citizenship but it was forced upon my ancestors anyways. The US dictates what goes on in the island.

Racist justices of the SCOTUS have ruled that Congress never intended to make Puerto Rico , which is populated by savages? , a state. So for the first time in the nation's history they created the legal fiction known as an "Unincorporated territory".

So my people were drafted to fight in Korea, VietNam etcetera even though we do not have 2 senators, representatives nor are we allowed to voted in presidential elections.

Your people have always had to withdraw from commonwealth status. Don't try to pawn that weak shit on anyone. Of course you would be nuts if you did and there are far to many rational PRs to allow that to happen.

McClintock calls Puerto Rico’s “unincorporated” status racist

McClintock said that unlike the incorporation of Louisiana and Alaska, the U.S. Supreme Court made a “racist and xenophobic” decision to keep Puerto Rico from becoming incorporated during Balzac v. Puerto Rico, the Caribbean Business reports."

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Yeah..don't you wish brown people would let us murder, rape, pillage and oppress them more quietly?

How does this connect to the video I posted? And us? You aren't well traveled are you?

And a personal attack proves what? My point was that so called civilized world (includes Sweden ) has no problem using the spoils of the war for resources and must engage(including immigration) brown people no matter what they want.

Is there ANY country that doesn't have a problem using the "spoils of war," or is your criticism only for the West? Also, they need Muslims? They can import any culture they wish to import! Why Muslims? Muslims don't believe in multiculturalism! Only white liberals believe in multiculturalism, however, the people they wish to import do not. This is because liberals see this as a social justice issue so as to right the "wrongs" of the past via reverse colonization. A multicultural society who imports people who do not believe in multiculturalism is not making their society more multicultural.
I see. Let's see how the NATIVES felt about radical changes in our immigration policy:

"In late 1875, Sioux and Cheyenne Indians defiantly left their reservations, outraged over the continued intrusions of whites into their sacred lands in the Black Hills. They gathered in Montana with the great warrior Sitting Bull to fight for their lands. The following spring, two victories over the US Cavalry emboldened them to fight on in the summer of 1876."

I know, I know they were Injuns , so they had no rights the white folks had to recognize.


Who defines who is a savage?

Were the Palestinians savages when the UK allowed the Zionists to immigrate there en masse circa 1925?

Now, should we adopt the same immigration policy that lead to the demise of the Indians? NO!

You know, in 1898 the US invaded Puerto Rico. The Puerto Ricans rejected US citizenship but it was forced upon my ancestors anyways. The US dictates what goes on in the island.

Racist justices of the SCOTUS have ruled that Congress never intended to make Puerto Rico , which is populated by savages? , a state. So for the first time in the nation's history they created the legal fiction known as an "Unincorporated territory".

So my people were drafted to fight in Korea, VietNam etcetera even though we do not have 2 senators, representatives nor are we allowed to voted in presidential elections.


"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."

Thucydides - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Protestants and Catholics are both CHRISTIANS. And in spite of some idiotic arguments to the contrary, so are Mormons.

And Christians, Jews, and Muslims are all 'People of the Book' united in monotheism. Not that all have tended to get along historically.
There may actually be a French culture but over here we do not have anything similar. What is American culture? White bread and mayo? No. it's a melange made up of the best the world has to offer. France will survive as a nation but ask yourself what nationalism is good for? Internal division and useless war is two things that come to mind.
Undeserved arrogance is not culture. Just stupidity.

Yeah..don't you wish brown people would let us murder, rape, pillage and oppress them more quietly?

The "brown people" are the ones almost exclusively doing the murdering, raping and pillaging in Sweden. Sweden isn't oppressing them, quite the opposite. They are giving them very generous affirmative action and welfare programs, and this is the way the Muslims repay them for the generosity.

Sweden once had small islands in the West Indies, and not for very long. That was the entire extent of Swedish Imperialiam. So Swedes have not now or ever murdered, raped, pillaged or oppressed brown people. (Mind you they murdered etc etc a lot of white catholics, mostly Germans, in the 17th century during the 30 Years War.)
It's funny hearing people talk about America having a strictly European culture, while they ignore the considerable African and Jewish influences on what we find so very familiar.
You know, in 1898 the US invaded Puerto Rico. The Puerto Ricans rejected US citizenship but it was forced upon my ancestors anyways. The US dictates what goes on in the island.


Puerto Ricans favor statehood for first time -

An exercise in futility. Congress has never agreed to accept the outcome of the referendums:

" In an overshadowed Election Day contest, Puerto Ricans voted in favor of statehood in a nonbinding referendum, marking the first time such an initiative garnered a majority."

America was founded by people seeking religious freedom which was practically non-existent in a Europe dominated by popery and English replicas of it.

Our forefathers feared Catholicism with good reason.

Not really. What the Puritans wanted was a super-religious society devoid of anything that didn't meet with their particular brand of aesthetics and outlook. Elizabeth I and James I and Charles I all said England would not be a nation that would have the Bible and no other literature. The Puritans would get their chance to run England under Cromwell and closed the playhouses, coffee shops, and put pressure on the churches to "reform" to Puritan ideals.

The Puritans that left England and ended up in Massachusetts in 1620 because James wasn't on board with their demands stopped for a while in Holland before the Dutch kicked the lot of them out for being insufferable ***** about everything. They wrote tracts about how colored stockings and hats with wide brims were marks of evil because it took away from the glory of God somehow. The Dutch finally got tired of street preachers bitching at the locals and troublemakers doing "God's work" and kicked them out to the New World.

The Puritans didn't want religious freedom. They wanted to be able to tell other people how to live because, of course, they alone knew the right way to worship God and live their lives.

Insufferable *****.
It's funny hearing people talk about America having a strictly European culture, while they ignore the considerable African and Jewish influences on what we find so very familiar.

Ahhh yes. Just look at the intercity crime rate. Familiar, perhaps, but we could do without it. Please name these influences. And your not allowed sports, music, or art. Let it be substantive.
It's funny hearing people talk about America having a strictly European culture, while they ignore the considerable African and Jewish influences on what we find so very familiar.

Ahhh yes. Just look at the intercity crime rate. Familiar, perhaps, but we could do without it. Please name these influences. And your not allowed sports, music, or art. Let it be substantive.

My can tell that you read a lot. And high level stuff, too.
I don't think we are going through as clash of civilizations as much as the birth of a new one.

Do explain. You don't need to go into too much detail, but assume I will understand what you're talking about so as to save time for yourself when you reply. All too often I have trouble with a few people who need me to feed them a dictionary or simplify my responses (Which makes them very long.)

Our culture has been radically changing the last 50 years or so. And I think the Islamic culture have been as well. What we see as a clash of civilizations doesnt seem to be a clash as much as the birthing pains for a new one.

Now will the new culture be good or bad? I don't know. Im working on a good one. But who knows.

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