Clash of Civilizations

Multiculturalism became national policy sometime that happened should be understood.............the American People were never allow to vote on or approve such an was pushed through in a underhanded manner by liberal academics, politicians and so forth to the point where now anyone who attempts to question the wisdom of such a policy is automatically demonized as racist.

Let's analyze the OP's statement, shall we:

The American People (a nation of nonnatives and decedents of emigrants) were never allowed to vote on or approve such an agenda (multiculturalism).

In other words, the OP is dismayed at the fact that no one asked him if the cultures and traditions of his family and families of his neighbors were okay.

And he wonders why we don't question the most American of traditions: "give me your tired, your sick, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…" -- or why call those who harbor prejudices, "racist". Well, that's what the word 'racist' means.
You do realize that was a phrase from a poem written by a socialist Jewish immigrant named Emma Lazarus in the 1880s? Not exactly an "American tradition". Originally, the first American immigration law restricted immigration to "free white men". See the Naturalization Act of 1790 for reference.

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1790 Naturalization Act
Multiculturalism became national policy sometime that happened should be understood.............the American People were never allow to vote on or approve such an was pushed through in a underhanded manner by liberal academics, politicians and so forth to the point where now anyone who attempts to question the wisdom of such a policy is automatically demonized as racist.

Let's analyze the OP's statement, shall we:

The American People (a nation of nonnatives and decedents of emigrants) were never allowed to vote on or approve such an agenda (multiculturalism).

In other words, the OP is dismayed at the fact that no one asked him if the cultures and traditions of his family and families of his neighbors were okay.

And he wonders why we don't question the most American of traditions: "give me your tired, your sick, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…" -- or why call those who harbor prejudices, "racist". Well, that's what the word 'racist' means.
You do realize that was a phrase from a poem written by a socialist Jewish immigrant named Emma Lazarus in the 1880s? Not exactly an "American tradition". Originally, the first American immigration law restricted immigration to "free white men". See the Naturalization Act of 1790 for reference.

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1790 Naturalization Act

Hate to play devil's advocate for stuff like this, but the pledge is also derived from socialist roots, so the poem still has merit (and is true due to economic freedom).
Let's analyze the OP's statement, shall we:

The American People (a nation of nonnatives and decedents of emigrants) were never allowed to vote on or approve such an agenda (multiculturalism).

In other words, the OP is dismayed at the fact that no one asked him if the cultures and traditions of his family and families of his neighbors were okay.

And he wonders why we don't question the most American of traditions: "give me your tired, your sick, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…" -- or why call those who harbor prejudices, "racist". Well, that's what the word 'racist' means.
You do realize that was a phrase from a poem written by a socialist Jewish immigrant named Emma Lazarus in the 1880s? Not exactly an "American tradition". Originally, the first American immigration law restricted immigration to "free white men". See the Naturalization Act of 1790 for reference.

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1790 Naturalization Act

Hate to play devil's advocate for stuff like this, but the pledge is also derived from socialist roots, so the poem still has merit (and is true due to economic freedom).
The pledge of allegiance was written in 1892. The title, "The Pledge of Allegiance" wasn't adopted until 1945, and the phrase "under god" wasn't adopted until the 1950s during the Cold War to differentiate us from the Commies.

This is all off topic though. The point is, mass third world immigration is not an "American tradition". It is a recent development of the 1960s.
Actually, again playing Devil's advocate, there were several large immigration waves from arguably third world areas prior to the 1960s. For example, the American Party "No-Nothings" wanted to stop the poor Europeans from coming to America. The Irish, for example, were pretty much third world, and compared to blacks, and considered worthless leeches, as were many Germans.
Actually, again playing Devil's advocate, there were several large immigration waves from arguably third world areas prior to the 1960s. For example, the American Party "No-Nothings" wanted to stop the poor Europeans from coming to America. The Irish, for example, were pretty much third world, and compared to blacks, and considered worthless leeches, as were many Germans.

Ireland is not the Third World, nor is Germany. And the Irish are White European Christians, as are Germans. Very different than the majority non-white third world immigration we experience today.

Also, far less immigrants came in overall. There are more illegal immigrants in the country today than ever came from the whole of Europe legally between 1800 and 1900.

Very poor comparison on your part.
The American people don't even have their own culture. Just like the Romans, it was all adopted from some where else, thus there is hardly an "American" culture.

I request that you give me a single American "cultural trait" to be uniquely American.

Economic freedom necessitates free cultural exchange as well.

Cultural traits include

Customs and Traditions
Social Organization

You don't believe that anyone here can name a single uniquely American cultural trait? OK, I will start with a broad one. An affinity toward sports such as football, basketball, and baseball. While this does not encompass everyone, no trait ever does.

Being the first country to have ever put John Locke's ideas into wide scale practice, the idea of unalienable rights, that is to say, rights that the government may not infringe upon is a uniquely American cultural trait. We have benefitted greatly by getting a jump on everyone else in this respect.

I could go on but there are plenty of American unique traits and there are even more once you separate the different cultures within America.

A LOT OF societies have an affinity for sports. John Locke's ideas were predated to that of ancient Greece (societies such as Syracuse frequently restored their democratic tradition to respecting the rights of man after a dictator abused power), and to a lesser extent, the Roman and Carthaginian Republics. The ideas that a government shouldn't infringe on natural rights is not in fact, profoundly American. Another example would be the constitutional monarchy of the Britain during the same time. It was parliament passing the ridiculous laws in the U.S, not King George.

Locke was no friend of Greek democracy and there is a reason the Romans couldn't maintain a republic but we could. Look to the Constitution. And note how I did not say "sports" but sports such as (fill in the blank). This is too easy, it really is.
How does this connect to the video I posted? And us? You aren't well traveled are you?

And a personal attack proves what? My point was that so called civilized world (includes Sweden ) has no problem using the spoils of the war for resources and must engage(including immigration) brown people no matter what they want.

Which "brown people" has Sweden waged war on? Why do Swedes deserved to be raped and murdered in their own homelands? This should be an interesting answer...

This is what liberals call "social justice."
And a personal attack proves what? My point was that so called civilized world (includes Sweden ) has no problem using the spoils of the war for resources and must engage(including immigration) brown people no matter what they want.

Which "brown people" has Sweden waged war on? Why do Swedes deserved to be raped and murdered in their own homelands? This should be an interesting answer...

This is what liberals call "social justice."

How is it "just"?
The whole southern culture of the 19th century was based on a person's relation to a black person. Slavery gave rise to benevolent paternalism, which in turn formed the basis of the entire southern society, and a man's relationship with their wife, and a father's relationship with their children.

The male has been the legal head of household for most of western civilization with recent adjustments in the past 80-100 years. Most southerners did not own slaves and to say that THE WHOLE OF SOUTHERN CULTURE was based on a parsons relationship to a black person is a very desperate argument. But I am still waiting for cultural substance here.

It may be true that most southerners did not have slaves, but ALL were affected by the slave system. Poor whites defined their life by their white skin privilege. It isn't really a desperate argument since it was the arrangement at the time.

Also slaveholders had a disproportionate representation in the south during the time, as in EVERY SINGLE congressman was a slaveholder, but regardless the people who dominated political life also dominated much of the cultural life. They literally owned everyone, and everything on each plantation.

Oh my, you sound like the leftist professors I had in college. No, they did not define their selves by their skin color though the law might have, however, this was a natural phenomena among slave holding nations. Either way you cannot tell me this is a contribution to American culture which is what we were discussing. In fact, none of this is a substantive contribution to American culture. And you keep making claims and moving the bar. Am I to believe that you have given up on your old claims so easily?

I have never met anyone who has been able to give me a positive aspect of black cultures contributions to the United States aside from sports, music, and other things of little substance, though for a period of time they looked to be heading in the right direction.
I don't think we are going through as clash of civilizations as much as the birth of a new one.

Do explain. You don't need to go into too much detail, but assume I will understand what you're talking about so as to save time for yourself when you reply. All too often I have trouble with a few people who need me to feed them a dictionary or simplify my responses (Which makes them very long.)

Our culture has been radically changing the last 50 years or so. And I think the Islamic culture have been as well. What we see as a clash of civilizations doesnt seem to be a clash as much as the birthing pains for a new one.

Now will the new culture be good or bad? I don't know. Im working on a good one. But who knows.

If Islamic culture has changed over the last 50 years it has been for the worse. Extreme positions have gained strength and the somewhat mythical 'moderate Muslims' have all but disappeared.

Imo a synthesis between tolerant Western pluralism and Islam is a chimera.
European immigrants made up the great and overwhelming majoirty of our immigrants up to 1965 when LBJ rammed through a radical change in our immigration policy that for the first time allowed third world immigrants to come here in huge numbers...not even to mention all the illegal immigrants from 3rd world nations that were allowed to slip in.........European immigrants brought with them a similr religious belief, were well educated and had job skills.... they did implement bits and pieces of their cultures into the whole of America rather than clinging to their former homes singular culture. They were proud to become Americans, they did not want to "go home" because America was their home. They taught their children to speak only English and learn American ways rather than their former ways. They dressed as Americans, ate American food, bought American products, learned and celebrated American holidays. And yes, they fought for their freedom that they found in America. Because American culture's foundation is freedom

Contrast the above scenario with the sort of immigrants this nation is now overwhelmed with.

This is not rocket science folks..............the problem being the White Working Class is not politially astute....they are watching sports as their class is being preyed on and systmatically destroyed.
Yes, and the Right hated the majority of immigrants, from the beginning.
Whichever you would like. And what is nasty about them?

I think American "Culture" is far more nasty.
Do Gypsies count as white? And Greeks have been a nasty bunch, especially their political culture. Indeed, they seem to be regressive. Of course, American Culture is regressing as well and it is wholly self imposed.
Gypsies, white? LOL
Looks like the definition of “whiteness” is something that materializes only when some idiot thinks he/she is superior to other races and other Caucasians by virtue of his/her ties to the “Nordic” types of Europe!

Eastern Europeans hate gypsies, rightfully so. They need to go back to the Indian subcontinent they came from.
Are YOU from Eastern Europe? If so, you need to get back to where YOU came from! We certainly could do without your gleeful racism/classism in America.

Greece built the foundations for western society.
Hmmm, methinks they stole much of that “foundation” from the Egyptians! Where did Gypsies get their name? I know that scientists place their origins in India but the name “Gypsy” is Greek. Evidently the classic Greeks thought they were from Egypt.
Yes, they were looted by Goldman Sachs, the IMF, and their political lackeys on the "left" and "right", but that doesn't make Greece nasty, that makes their ruling class nasty.
Most ruling classes are nasty…and ruthless!

The Greek culture is a organic culture, based in a long history and and a common bond shared in blood. Unfortunately, America has lost these things over the years, if they ever had them to begin with.
If you are talking about patriotism, I agree. America had that when it was more “homogenous.” But now that diversity has become a threat to “White Male Power,” there is a noticeable shift away from patriotism…especially by fringes of the far Right and the rich!
Diversity destroys national unity, this is correct John. Hence, why multiculturalism will continue to fail as it has in the past.
Diversity destroys national unity, this is correct John. Hence, why multiculturalism will continue to fail as it has in the past.

Have you ever been to Brazil? You should go there! Perhaps there you will see firsthand an exception to your premise!.

Your dislike of multiculturalism seems specious considering that America is founded on the idea of plurality. The former British Colony opened the immigration door to Germans, Poles, Romanians and other diverse cultures from Europe. Most of which were former enemies over the centuries
Your take on history is skewered by your political correctness...........America was founded by people seeking religious freedom which was practically non-existent in a Europe dominated by popery and English replicas of it.

Our forefathers feared Catholicism with good reason.

Yet in hindsight nothing untoward happened did it? The Irish became regular old Americans and an asset to our nation in spite of the discrimination. Bad example on your part.

I have nothing against the Irish. You are attempting to trot out a red herring.

There was a time in the US when Irish, Greeks, Italians and Jews were not considered white people... and were treated poorly.
Diversity destroys national unity, this is correct John. Hence, why multiculturalism will continue to fail as it has in the past.

Have you ever been to Brazil? You should go there! Perhaps there you will see firsthand an exception to your premise!.

Your dislike of multiculturalism seems specious considering that America is founded on the idea of plurality. The former British Colony opened the immigration door to Germans, Poles, Romanians and other diverse cultures from Europe. Most of which were former enemies over the centuries
You mean Brazil, the country where they decapitate soccer referees, the country that had riots with millions of people recently?

Yes, I have been there, and outside of the upper class area where I stayed in Sao Paulo, I had no interest to see the "joys of diversity" in the ghettos.

You realize rich Brazilians(mostly White), pay very high sums of money to stay away from the rich multiculturalism right? LOL

In fact, from those I know in the south of Brazil, they want to leave the non-white poorer northern half a of Brazil and form their own country.

Letting in small amounts of Poles and Germans in the 1800s is not comparable to what we have today. One, they were White, these immigrants mostly aren't. Two, there are more illegal immigrants in the country today than there were total immigrants who came into America from Europe between 1800 and 1900.
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Do explain. You don't need to go into too much detail, but assume I will understand what you're talking about so as to save time for yourself when you reply. All too often I have trouble with a few people who need me to feed them a dictionary or simplify my responses (Which makes them very long.)

Our culture has been radically changing the last 50 years or so. And I think the Islamic culture have been as well. What we see as a clash of civilizations doesnt seem to be a clash as much as the birthing pains for a new one.

Now will the new culture be good or bad? I don't know. Im working on a good one. But who knows.

If Islamic culture has changed over the last 50 years it has been for the worse. Extreme positions have gained strength and the somewhat mythical 'moderate Muslims' have all but disappeared.

Imo a synthesis between tolerant Western pluralism and Islam is a chimera.

There are tens of thousands of Americans who have lived and worked in the Arab world over the past 60 years.. They wouldn't agree with you.

Are you familiar with SUSRIS?

Actually, again playing Devil's advocate, there were several large immigration waves from arguably third world areas prior to the 1960s. For example, the American Party "No-Nothings" wanted to stop the poor Europeans from coming to America. The Irish, for example, were pretty much third world, and compared to blacks, and considered worthless leeches, as were many Germans.

Ireland is not the Third World, nor is Germany. And the Irish are White European Christians, as are Germans. Very different than the majority non-white third world immigration we experience today.

Also, far less immigrants came in overall. There are more illegal immigrants in the country today than ever came from the whole of Europe legally between 1800 and 1900.

Very poor comparison on your part.

During the 19th century, Ireland was comparably poor to many "third world" countries.

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