Clash of Civilizations

Multiculturalism became national policy sometime that happened should be understood.............the American People were never allow to vote on or approve such an was pushed through in a underhanded manner by liberal academics, politicians and so forth to the point where now anyone who attempts to question the wisdom of such a policy is automatically demonized as racist.

But America is hardly alone in this 'Class of Civilizations' and 'Cultural Wars'

Let us look at what is happening in France.........................Interview: French Philosopher Finkielkraut on Muslims and Integration - SPIEGEL ONLINE

To right wingers, culture is something that grows in a petri dish. Republicans are 90% white. They have nothing to fear from diversity because it's something that doesn't affect them.

You do realize that you have just undermined your argument that the right doesn't understand science with that extremely ignorant statement you've just made, don't you?
European immigrants made up the great and overwhelming majoirty of our immigrants up to 1965 when LBJ rammed through a radical change in our immigration policy that for the first time allowed third world immigrants to come here in huge numbers...not even to mention all the illegal immigrants from 3rd world nations that were allowed to slip in.........European immigrants brought with them a similr religious belief, were well educated and had job skills.... they did implement bits and pieces of their cultures into the whole of America rather than clinging to their former homes singular culture. They were proud to become Americans, they did not want to "go home" because America was their home. They taught their children to speak only English and learn American ways rather than their former ways. They dressed as Americans, ate American food, bought American products, learned and celebrated American holidays. And yes, they fought for their freedom that they found in America. Because American culture's foundation is freedom

Contrast the above scenario with the sort of immigrants this nation is now overwhelmed with.

This is not rocket science folks..............the problem being the White Working Class is not politially astute....they are watching sports as their class is being preyed on and systmatically destroyed.

You do realize there is absolutely nothing wrong with people learning multiple languages. In fact, it's not bad to learn more about anything. It's a very good thing.
I don't think we are going through as clash of civilizations as much as the birth of a new one.

Do explain. You don't need to go into too much detail, but assume I will understand what you're talking about so as to save time for yourself when you reply. All too often I have trouble with a few people who need me to feed them a dictionary or simplify my responses (Which makes them very long.)

Our culture has been radically changing the last 50 years or so. And I think the Islamic culture have been as well. What we see as a clash of civilizations doesnt seem to be a clash as much as the birthing pains for a new one.

Now will the new culture be good or bad? I don't know. Im working on a good one. But who knows.

Cultures always change. But I believe we are regressing. The Muslims? They've been regressing for a very long time.
It's funny hearing people talk about America having a strictly European culture, while they ignore the considerable African and Jewish influences on what we find so very familiar.

Some people are truly fools.
Do explain. You don't need to go into too much detail, but assume I will understand what you're talking about so as to save time for yourself when you reply. All too often I have trouble with a few people who need me to feed them a dictionary or simplify my responses (Which makes them very long.)

Our culture has been radically changing the last 50 years or so. And I think the Islamic culture have been as well. What we see as a clash of civilizations doesnt seem to be a clash as much as the birthing pains for a new one.

Now will the new culture be good or bad? I don't know. Im working on a good one. But who knows.

Cultures always change. But I believe we are regressing. The Muslims? They've been regressing for a very long time.

I intend to do what I can to change that.
Our culture has been radically changing the last 50 years or so. And I think the Islamic culture have been as well. What we see as a clash of civilizations doesnt seem to be a clash as much as the birthing pains for a new one.

Now will the new culture be good or bad? I don't know. Im working on a good one. But who knows.

Cultures always change. But I believe we are regressing. The Muslims? They've been regressing for a very long time.

I intend to do what I can to change that.

Change that? Just be yourself and you'll be way ahead of the gang.
Do explain. You don't need to go into too much detail, but assume I will understand what you're talking about so as to save time for yourself when you reply. All too often I have trouble with a few people who need me to feed them a dictionary or simplify my responses (Which makes them very long.)

Our culture has been radically changing the last 50 years or so. And I think the Islamic culture have been as well. What we see as a clash of civilizations doesnt seem to be a clash as much as the birthing pains for a new one.

Now will the new culture be good or bad? I don't know. Im working on a good one. But who knows.

Cultures always change. But I believe we are regressing. The Muslims? They've been regressing for a very long time.


How the fuck so?


Abu Dhabi
Seldom have so many pretended to believe something so absurd

The idea that "diversity" is one of the country's great strengths is now so firmly rooted that virtually anyone can evoke it, praise it, and wallow in it without fear of contradiction. It has become one of the great unassailably American ideas, like democracy, patriotism, the family, or Martin Luther King.

The President of the United States glories in diversity. In May, 1995, in a message recognizing the Mexican holiday, Cinco de Mayo, William Clinton said, "The Fifth of May offers all of us a chance to celebrate the cultural diversity that helps to make our nation great." A few days later, when he designated May as Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, he said, "With the strength of our diversity and a continued commitment to the ideal of freedom, all Americans will share in the blessings of the bright future that awaits us." In his 1996 speech accepting the nomination for President, he asked the audience to look around the hall and take heart in how varied the Democratic party was.

In his 1996 Columbus Day proclamation, he said, "The expedition that Columbus . . . began more than 500 years ago, continues today as we experience and celebrate the vibrant influences of varied civilizations, not only from Europe, but also from around the world. America is stronger because of this diversity, and the democracy we cherish flourishes in the great mosaic we have created since 1492."

Appeals to diversity are not just for domestic consumption. In a 1996 speech before the Australian parliament, President Clinton noted that both the United States and Australia were becoming increasingly diverse, and added, "And, yes, we [Australia and America] can prove that free societies can embrace the economic and social changes, and the ethnic, racial and religious diversity this new era brings and come out stronger and freer than ever."

Hillary Clinton feels the same way. In February, 1995, she spoke to the students of her former high school in the Chicago suburb of Park Ridge. She noticed there were many more non-whites among the students than when she was a student, 30 years earlier. "We didn't have the wonderful diversity of people that you have here today," said Mrs. Clinton. "I'm sad we didn't have it, because it would have been a great value, as I'm sure you will discover."

Diversity has clearly become one of those orotund, high-sounding sentiments with which politicians lard their speeches. Of course, the idea that diversity--at least of the kind that Mr. and Mrs. Clinton are promoting--is a great advantage for America is one of the most obviously stupid propositions ever to see the light of day.

Nevertheless there is one kind of diversity that is an advantage. A contractor, for example, cannot build houses if he hires only electricians. He needs carpenters, plumbers, etc.--a diverse work force. However, functional diversity of this kind is not what the Chief Executive is on about. He is talking about largely non-functional differences like race, language, age, sex, culture and even whether someone is homosexual. One might call this status diversity.

What advantages would a contractor get from a mixed work force of that kind? None. What are the advantages the United States gets from a racially mixed population? None.

The idea that status diversity is a strength is not merely a myth, but a particularly transparent one. Explaining why diversity is bad for a country is a little like explaining why cholera is bad for it; the trick is to understand how anyone could possibly think it was good.

In fact, diversity became a strength after the fact. It became necessary to believe in it because skepticism would be "racist." Otherwise intelligent people began to mouth nonsense about diversity only because of the blinding power of the race taboo. After diversity began to include sex, mental disabilities, perversions, and everything else that was alien or outlandish, to disbelieve in the power of diversity was to show oneself to be "intolerant" as well as "racist."

Of course it is only white societies--and white groups within multi-racial societies--that are ever fooled by guff about diversity. Everyone else recognizes the Clinton-Harvard-New York Times brand of diversity for exactly what it is: weakness, dissension, and self-destruction.

by Jared Taylor
If you can't understand or appreciate the nature and history of our nation, you are more than welcome to get the fuck out and never come back, loser.
Multiculturalism became national policy sometime that happened should be understood.............the American People were never allow to vote on or approve such an was pushed through in a underhanded manner by liberal academics, politicians and so forth to the point where now anyone who attempts to question the wisdom of such a policy is automatically demonized as racist.

But America is hardly alone in this 'Class of Civilizations' and 'Cultural Wars'

Let us look at what is happening in France.........................Interview: French Philosopher Finkielkraut on Muslims and Integration - SPIEGEL ONLINE

The American people don't even have their own culture. Just like the Romans, it was all adopted from some where else, thus there is hardly an "American" culture.

I request that you give me a single American "cultural trait" to be uniquely American.

Economic freedom necessitates free cultural exchange as well.
It's funny hearing people talk about America having a strictly European culture, while they ignore the considerable African and Jewish influences on what we find so very familiar.

Ahhh yes. Just look at the intercity crime rate. Familiar, perhaps, but we could do without it. Please name these influences. And your not allowed sports, music, or art. Let it be substantive.

Southern cuisine is adopted from African roots, and I believe the southern drawl can trace its roots to Africa.
It's funny hearing people talk about America having a strictly European culture, while they ignore the considerable African and Jewish influences on what we find so very familiar.

Ahhh yes. Just look at the intercity crime rate. Familiar, perhaps, but we could do without it. Please name these influences. And your not allowed sports, music, or art. Let it be substantive.

Southern cuisine is adopted from African roots, and I believe the southern drawl can trace its roots to Africa.

The Southern draw is British. Always has been. Even this black lady in the video knows as much. And cuisine? Gimme a break. Anyway, once again I beg for something substantive. Even it what you say were true, which it isn't, it's not substantive.

[ame=]The Origin of American Southern accents - YouTube[/ame]
Multiculturalism became national policy sometime that happened should be understood.............the American People were never allow to vote on or approve such an was pushed through in a underhanded manner by liberal academics, politicians and so forth to the point where now anyone who attempts to question the wisdom of such a policy is automatically demonized as racist.

But America is hardly alone in this 'Class of Civilizations' and 'Cultural Wars'

Let us look at what is happening in France.........................Interview: French Philosopher Finkielkraut on Muslims and Integration - SPIEGEL ONLINE

The American people don't even have their own culture. Just like the Romans, it was all adopted from some where else, thus there is hardly an "American" culture.

I request that you give me a single American "cultural trait" to be uniquely American.

Economic freedom necessitates free cultural exchange as well.

Cultural traits include

Customs and Traditions
Social Organization

You don't believe that anyone here can name a single uniquely American cultural trait? OK, I will start with a broad one. An affinity toward sports such as football, basketball, and baseball. While this does not encompass everyone, no trait ever does.

Being the first country to have ever put John Locke's ideas into wide scale practice, the idea of unalienable rights, that is to say, rights that the government may not infringe upon is a uniquely American cultural trait. We have benefitted greatly by getting a jump on everyone else in this respect.

I could go on but there are plenty of American unique traits and there are even more once you separate the different cultures within America.
The whole southern culture of the 19th century was based on a person's relation to a black person. Slavery gave rise to benevolent paternalism, which in turn formed the basis of the entire southern society, and a man's relationship with their wife, and a father's relationship with their children.
Our culture has been radically changing the last 50 years or so. And I think the Islamic culture have been as well. What we see as a clash of civilizations doesnt seem to be a clash as much as the birthing pains for a new one.

Now will the new culture be good or bad? I don't know. Im working on a good one. But who knows.

Cultures always change. But I believe we are regressing. The Muslims? They've been regressing for a very long time.


How the fuck so?

Abu Dhabi

You can thank the British for that one. They are among the few Arab nations/cities that have accepted western culture. Politically, though, they are still backwards. They are the exception, not the rule. But you knew this. Look below. Most Arab/Muslim cultures are regressive.

The whole southern culture of the 19th century was based on a person's relation to a black person. Slavery gave rise to benevolent paternalism, which in turn formed the basis of the entire southern society, and a man's relationship with their wife, and a father's relationship with their children.

The male has been the legal head of household for most of western civilization with recent adjustments in the past 80-100 years. Most southerners did not own slaves and to say that THE WHOLE OF SOUTHERN CULTURE was based on a parsons relationship to a black person is a very desperate argument. But I am still waiting for cultural substance here.
Multiculturalism became national policy sometime that happened should be understood.............the American People were never allow to vote on or approve such an was pushed through in a underhanded manner by liberal academics, politicians and so forth to the point where now anyone who attempts to question the wisdom of such a policy is automatically demonized as racist.

But America is hardly alone in this 'Class of Civilizations' and 'Cultural Wars'

Let us look at what is happening in France.........................Interview: French Philosopher Finkielkraut on Muslims and Integration - SPIEGEL ONLINE

The American people don't even have their own culture. Just like the Romans, it was all adopted from some where else, thus there is hardly an "American" culture.

I request that you give me a single American "cultural trait" to be uniquely American.

Economic freedom necessitates free cultural exchange as well.

Cultural traits include

Customs and Traditions
Social Organization

You don't believe that anyone here can name a single uniquely American cultural trait? OK, I will start with a broad one. An affinity toward sports such as football, basketball, and baseball. While this does not encompass everyone, no trait ever does.

Being the first country to have ever put John Locke's ideas into wide scale practice, the idea of unalienable rights, that is to say, rights that the government may not infringe upon is a uniquely American cultural trait. We have benefitted greatly by getting a jump on everyone else in this respect.

I could go on but there are plenty of American unique traits and there are even more once you separate the different cultures within America.

A LOT OF societies have an affinity for sports. John Locke's ideas were predated to that of ancient Greece (societies such as Syracuse frequently restored their democratic tradition to respecting the rights of man after a dictator abused power), and to a lesser extent, the Roman and Carthaginian Republics. The ideas that a government shouldn't infringe on natural rights is not in fact, profoundly American. Another example would be the constitutional monarchy of the Britain during the same time. It was parliament passing the ridiculous laws in the U.S, not King George.
The whole southern culture of the 19th century was based on a person's relation to a black person. Slavery gave rise to benevolent paternalism, which in turn formed the basis of the entire southern society, and a man's relationship with their wife, and a father's relationship with their children.

The male has been the legal head of household for most of western civilization with recent adjustments in the past 80-100 years. Most southerners did not own slaves and to say that THE WHOLE OF SOUTHERN CULTURE was based on a parsons relationship to a black person is a very desperate argument. But I am still waiting for cultural substance here.

It may be true that most southerners did not have slaves, but ALL were affected by the slave system. Poor whites defined their life by their white skin privilege. It isn't really a desperate argument since it was the arrangement at the time.

Also slaveholders had a disproportionate representation in the south during the time, as in EVERY SINGLE congressman was a slaveholder, but regardless the people who dominated political life also dominated much of the cultural life. They literally owned everyone, and everything on each plantation.
Yeah..don't you wish brown people would let us murder, rape, pillage and oppress them more quietly?

How does this connect to the video I posted? And us? You aren't well traveled are you?

And a personal attack proves what? My point was that so called civilized world (includes Sweden ) has no problem using the spoils of the war for resources and must engage(including immigration) brown people no matter what they want.

Which "brown people" has Sweden waged war on? Why do Swedes deserved to be raped and murdered in their own homelands? This should be an interesting answer...

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