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Oh dear I think I hit a nerve, as always with your type. You were easier than most and much more aggressively violent, impressive. Well done! /golfclap

Yes of course you've sacrificed everything. Tell me, when was the last time you lost everything, and I mean everything because of a downturn in the economy? Do you have any idea how much it costs to /start/ a business? And it's not even that so much that irks me, it's the complete ungratefulness. We're the enemy, we only care about profits, we are "fat and bloated" - lies, damned lies. Most businesses are lovely places, most businesses do everything they can for their employees, most businesses care about every employee under them - but your kind, oh no, your kind only cares about /yourself/ and the bottom line is /you/ want more, it is not the business owner who wants more, it is /you/. And the funny part, the most hilarious part to my jaded sense of humor after decades of dealing with your kind?

You came to them for a job, they said it pays X, you said "sounds great" - then you turn around and bitch that you wanted more money? Well son, did you ask for more? (90% of the time NO) Did you quit and find a job that paid what you wanted? (90% of the time NO) Yep, totally sold your own ass for less than you thought you were worth and now, now that is the business owners fault. Now, since you're so important dear, quit your job and find one that pays whatever amount you want. Good luck.

And for the record sonny, do not threaten my life, nor anyone elses. You lunatic. Deep breaths. Consider that perhaps this is why you're failing? You clearly have a very... lovely temper. I'm sure folks are falling all over themselves to give you a raise, or frankly, employ you at all. Deep breaths. Just take deep breaths and relax. Think about what you are doing with your life. Know you can succeed, and sell yourself for what you are actually worth - this is how the wealthy become wealthy. A level head, an eye on the prize, and a smile. Keys to success.
Oh dear I think I hit a nerve, as always with your type. You were easier than most and much more aggressively violent, impressive. Well done! /golfclap

Yes of course you've sacrificed everything. Tell me, when was the last time you lost everything, and I mean everything because of a downturn in the economy? Do you have any idea how much it costs to /start/ a business? And it's not even that so much that irks me, it's the complete ungratefulness. We're the enemy, we only care about profits, we are "fat and bloated" - lies, damned lies. Most businesses are lovely places, most businesses do everything they can for their employees, most businesses care about every employee under them - but your kind, oh no, your kind only cares about /yourself/ and the bottom line is /you/ want more, it is not the business owner who wants more, it is /you/. And the funny part, the most hilarious part to my jaded sense of humor after decades of dealing with your kind?

You came to them for a job, they said it pays X, you said "sounds great" - then you turn around and bitch that you wanted more money? Well son, did you ask for more? (90% of the time NO) Did you quit and find a job that paid what you wanted? (90% of the time NO) Yep, totally sold your own ass for less than you thought you were worth and now, now that is the business owners fault. Now, since you're so important dear, quit your job and find one that pays whatever amount you want. Good luck.

And for the record sonny, do not threaten my life, nor anyone elses. You lunatic. Deep breaths. Consider that perhaps this is why you're failing? You clearly have a very... lovely temper. I'm sure folks are falling all over themselves to give you a raise, or frankly, employ you at all. Deep breaths. Just take deep breaths and relax. Think about what you are doing with your life. Know you can succeed, and sell yourself for what you are actually worth - this is how the wealthy become wealthy. A level head, an eye on the prize, and a smile. Keys to success.

Same crybaby bullshit Ive been hearing for 45 years...blah, blah, blah.
And you, icweasel, lol, are also a waste of time. Thats your problem. You dont watch videos.
Apparently, you don't understand them.

Oh!...I understand. Quite well. Your a chicken shit.

If you want more cake start your own business, if you don't have the balls to do that go play elsewhere.
Question for you you know how long the World has lived under a "Credit Economy"?
Make no mistake on this point I agree with is anathema to freedom.

I had my own biz you dope. Your not a lawyer, are you?
I started my workers at 20usdhr. Bought them food and drink almost every day because, I knew, without them I had no income. Im grateful.
And you, icweasel, lol, are also a waste of time. Thats your problem. You dont watch videos.
Apparently, you don't understand them.

Oh!...I understand. Quite well. Your a chicken shit.

If you want more cake start your own business, if you don't have the balls to do that go play elsewhere.
Question for you you know how long the World has lived under a "Credit Economy"?
Make no mistake on this point I agree with is anathema to freedom.

I had my own biz you dope. Your not a lawyer, are you?

Then you fucked up and failed hence your "bitterness".
We get it, you didn't have what it takes, failed, and now want your "entitlements".
Quit crying and start your "Marxian" Revolution.
There are three classes.

The ruling class, slave class, and free men.
And you, icweasel, lol, are also a waste of time. Thats your problem. You dont watch videos.
Apparently, you don't understand them.

Oh!...I understand. Quite well. Your a chicken shit.

If you want more cake start your own business, if you don't have the balls to do that go play elsewhere.
Question for you you know how long the World has lived under a "Credit Economy"?
Make no mistake on this point I agree with is anathema to freedom.

I had my own biz you dope. Your not a lawyer, are you?

Then you fucked up and failed hence your "bitterness".
We get it, you didn't have what it takes, failed, and now want your "entitlements".
Quit crying and start your "Marxian" Revolution.

Oh, the revolution will come as sure as the sun will rise if you capitalists have it your way. Your causing it with your reckless abandon for the ones that made you. Why do you ignore history?
Apparently, you don't understand them.

Oh!...I understand. Quite well. Your a chicken shit.

If you want more cake start your own business, if you don't have the balls to do that go play elsewhere.
Question for you you know how long the World has lived under a "Credit Economy"?
Make no mistake on this point I agree with is anathema to freedom.

I had my own biz you dope. Your not a lawyer, are you?

Then you fucked up and failed hence your "bitterness".
We get it, you didn't have what it takes, failed, and now want your "entitlements".
Quit crying and start your "Marxian" Revolution.

Oh, the revolution will come as sure as the sun will rise if you capitalists have it your way. Your causing it with your reckless abandon for the ones that made you. Why do you ignore history?

Son what I ignore are the whinings and demands of the perpetually "want mores" who don't want to anything on their own to get it.
History is replete with entitlement minded people like you.
Yu scream " POWER TO THE PEOPLE", but what you mean is " GIVE ME FREE SHIT I DIDN'T EARN".
Here's what you've told us:
1) I want shit that isn't mine.
2) I want revolution but I'm not willing to do it myself.

Typical piece of shit Marxist.
1) I want shit that isn't mine.

In their minds, they want shit that isn't yours. Big difference..

2) I want revolution but I'm not willing to do it myself.

Unfortunately we are not all Rambo.


In their minds, they want shit that isn't yours. Big difference.. "

Make no mistake, they don't care where it comes from, they just want it.

"Unfortunately we are not all Rambo"

Then it shouldn't speak of "revolution".
Oh!...I understand. Quite well. Your a chicken shit.

If you want more cake start your own business, if you don't have the balls to do that go play elsewhere.
Question for you you know how long the World has lived under a "Credit Economy"?
Make no mistake on this point I agree with is anathema to freedom.

I had my own biz you dope. Your not a lawyer, are you?

Then you fucked up and failed hence your "bitterness".
We get it, you didn't have what it takes, failed, and now want your "entitlements".
Quit crying and start your "Marxian" Revolution.

Oh, the revolution will come as sure as the sun will rise if you capitalists have it your way. Your causing it with your reckless abandon for the ones that made you. Why do you ignore history?

Son what I ignore are the whinings and demands of the perpetually "want mores" who don't want to anything on their own to get it.
History is replete with entitlement minded people like you.
Yu scream " POWER TO THE PEOPLE", but what you mean is " GIVE ME FREE SHIT I DIDN'T EARN".
Here's what you've told us:
1) I want shit that isn't mine.
2) I want revolution but I'm not willing to do it myself.

Typical piece of shit Marxist.

Oh, your just so messed up, lol. Same bull shit as always. "i want free shit". Im not saying that at all but, lol, who the fuck DOESNT want free shit? The corporations like free shit....look at this!:


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