classic example of an electorate voting with their emotions

The guy at the flour processing plant gets a wage increase and so their costs go up. So does the guy at the gas station and the driver of the trucks and the people at the bakery supply store. Every link in the chain now has greater employee wage overhead and passes that increase onto the next link in the chain, ultimately at the consumer.

Now guess who didn't get a wage increase? That's right. Everyone who was making more than minimum wage. So now that things cost more, but middle class people aren't being paid more, what's the end result? Their money is actually worth less because it now has less buying power.

This is covered in any Intro to Microeconomics class.

Not at all, whenever company's feel the crunch, cuts first come from the dead weight - namly, bonuses that the higher-ups voted for themselves.

Rasing the min also brings in more revinue in the form of more income tax.

Raising the min increases inflation? Where would you find proof of that in America? Did we try this at some point and it failed?

I took microeconomics; I don't recall plant workers making minimum wages. Neither do truck drivers (some make more than I do!!!).

Actually truck drivers in their first few years make very low wages.
One company, Swift, starts their drivers at 12 cents per mile. Do the math. 12 cents per mile. If that truck averages 60 mph that's $7.20 per hour. That rate stands for the first 40k miles. Which takes about 9-12 months to accumulate that amount.
Now, there are truck drivers, very experienced ones, that make a very good living. They do however, work very hard for it. The independent drivers who own their own rigs make the most. They are business owners. They do have to watch every dollar.
The modern day factory worker is no longer the high school drop out following in their dad's footsteps. They are highly skilled computer savvy and may have at least an Associates Degree.
I took microeconomics; I don't recall plant workers making minimum wages. Neither do truck drivers (some make more than I do!!!).

I was a truck driver - our warehouse was full of min wage workers.

Most drivers really do not make that much, you might want to switch to something more lucrative.

Correct. Especially transfer and delivery drivers. These guys deal with commuter traffic, tight spots, restrictions on turns and hump freight all day. The trade off is they get to go home at the end of each day.
The regional guys make much better money but are maybe home on weekends. The OTR guys make the most but may not get home for a month or more at a stretch.
Typical response. No one else has anything to do with the building of a company. Right.
No one but the owner.

Raising the pay at the bottom end always increases pay to those above, and never since we have instituted the minimum wage has increasing it led to any real inflation. But please, make sure you come back with your rebuttal about how we should just raise the minimum wage to $100 per hour then, because that is what you guys do.

Giving lower income earners more money is what makes the economy grow. Rich people having more and more money does not grow the economy because they don't spend it. Lower income earners and those in the middle class spend most of what they earn. They are the driving force in the economy, but you guys still haven't figured that one out.

Once again, this pattern is typical of those who know little or nothing about operating a business.
Genius, the money HAS TO COME FROM SOMEWHERE..
I am well aware of the belief of those on the left that states 'all business owners are profit first minded people. They live in big expansive houses far from the great unwashed masses. They sit in their walnut paneled study at night counting their money and once through counting, grab a pen and paper. They write down every idea that pops into their head that says "screw the little guy"...
You people sit in your arrogance and say " well they could pay more if they'd just keep their car one more year". "They could take one less vacation".
Here's the rub......It is THEIR money. Which means if they wish to save spend it, invest it or shove it between the box spring and mattress, that is THEIR right.
The other more important issue is this. The employee has no skin in the game. They can leave the job whenever they wish and find another. If the business fails, the owner of that business absorbs the debt. The business owner takes ALL of the risk.

Do you really think the lowest level workers have anything to do with building and maintaining a business? If so, shows how little you know.
There is no use for a response from you. Case closed.

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