Classic example of biased MSM NOT reporting the whole story or how they and Democrat leaders think voters are stupid and they say so!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So Trump did what ALL politicians have done INCLUDING OBAMA!!! Hyperinflating the story! But the biased MSM is the worst at
pushing Democrats and reporting negatively on Trump especially and GOP as a whole.
Here is a classic example: CNN's so-called "fact checking"!
Here is the total effort...
"We've done well with health care anyway. We got rid of the individual mandate. And if you look at that, that was a big thing with Obamacare. That was the end of Obamacare."
The individual mandate, which required Americans to obtain health insurance, was indeed a key part of Obamacare -- but it was not "the end of Obamacare" when Republicans repealed the mandate in their 2017 tax bill. Key components of the Obamacare law remain.
The bill did not eliminate Obamacare's expansion of the Medicaid insurance program for low-income people, the federal and state marketplaces that allow people to shop for coverage, or the consumer subsidies that help many of them make the purchases. While Trump continued to take other steps to weaken Obamacare, much of it still exists.

My example is this statement:The bill did not eliminate Obamacare's expansion of the Medicaid insurance program for low-income people,
Now for the REST of the story that CNN clearly didn't know or if they did, DID NOT share!
Source: Jonathan Gruber"architect" of Obamacare, who said at one time why Obamacare was passed..
" And basically, call it the 'stupidity of the American voter'
Another FACT from Gruber: who said ...
" using data from the Census Bureau, estimate that Medicaid “produced 63% of the gains [in coverage] that we identified” for 2014.
Obamacare architect Gruber called YOU stupid for voting for Obamacare!
63% of the enrollees WERE ALREADY ELIGIBLE BEFORE OBAMACARE! Do you understand?
These 63% never knew they were eligible BEFORE Obamacare... why didn't Obamacare concentrate on USING existing Medicaid allocations to get these 63% enrolled BEFORE creating the gigantic wasteful Obamacare? Obama's lie has been totally exposed:
"46 million uninsured"was not the whole truth, because:
  • 11 million were illegals
  • 14 million were eligible for Medicaid..

New Gruber Study Raises Major Questions About Obamacare's Medicaid Expansion​

Fewer new Medicaid enrollees were made eligible by the ACA than thought.
Gruber and his coauthors, using data from the Census Bureau, estimate that Medicaid
produced 63% of the gains [in coverage] that we identified” for 2014.
They also found that much of this gain was attributable to the enrollment in Medicaid of people who were eligible for the program under criteria that preceded the ACA’s Medicaid expansion:
Dividing Gruber’s estimate of the percentage gain in coverage of Medicaid enrollees who were eligible before the ACA by the percentage gain in coverage attributable to Medicaid overall means that 70% of new Medicaid enrollees in 2014 were eligible for the program under pre-ACA rules.

So for those of you that don't deal with reality.. ONE of several LIES Obama told like :

Obama's 'You Can Keep It' Promise Is 'Lie Of The Year'​

Another Obama lie:
"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
So if 70% of Obamacare enrollees were already eligible for Medicaid WHY NOT just simple make them aware?

Remember Gruber (architect of Obamacare) who said it passed because of the "And basically, call it the 'stupidity of the American voter'
Think about that! Obama and now Biden depend on the ignorance of the voters!
YOU that supported Obama/Biden are considered by Democrat leaders as stupid!
It was 10 years ago. The ACA is a success. You’re on the wrong side of history. And they don’t think you’re prove it daily.
So tell me.. if 70% of Obamacare is from people ALREADY eligible for Medicaid!
So the lie, "46 million uninsured Americans"Obama told stupid voters like you , i.e.
depended on the "the 'stupidity of the American voter' like you and your ilk!
"ACA Architect: 'The Stupidity Of The American Voter' Led Us To Hide Obamacare's True Costs From The Public

So what does that tell you that "ACA is a success" when it is based on 70% of ACA members were eligible for Medicaid before ACA!
A majority of people who remain uninsured are eligible for financial assistance for coverage through Medicaid/CHIP or the Marketplace. More than a quarter, or 7.4 million, of the total 27.5 million nonelderly people who remained uninsured are eligible for Medicaid or CHIP.
So Trump did what ALL politicians have done INCLUDING OBAMA!!! Hyperinflating the story! But the biased MSM is the worst at
pushing Democrats and reporting negatively on Trump especially and GOP as a whole.
Here is a classic example: CNN's so-called "fact checking"!
Here is the total effort...
"We've done well with health care anyway. We got rid of the individual mandate. And if you look at that, that was a big thing with Obamacare. That was the end of Obamacare."
The individual mandate, which required Americans to obtain health insurance, was indeed a key part of Obamacare -- but it was not "the end of Obamacare" when Republicans repealed the mandate in their 2017 tax bill. Key components of the Obamacare law remain.
The bill did not eliminate Obamacare's expansion of the Medicaid insurance program for low-income people, the federal and state marketplaces that allow people to shop for coverage, or the consumer subsidies that help many of them make the purchases. While Trump continued to take other steps to weaken Obamacare, much of it still exists.

My example is this statement:The bill did not eliminate Obamacare's expansion of the Medicaid insurance program for low-income people,
Now for the REST of the story that CNN clearly didn't know or if they did, DID NOT share!
Source: Jonathan Gruber"architect" of Obamacare, who said at one time why Obamacare was passed..
" And basically, call it the 'stupidity of the American voter'
Another FACT from Gruber: who said ...
" using data from the Census Bureau, estimate that Medicaid “produced 63% of the gains [in coverage] that we identified” for 2014.
Obamacare architect Gruber called YOU stupid for voting for Obamacare!
63% of the enrollees WERE ALREADY ELIGIBLE BEFORE OBAMACARE! Do you understand?
These 63% never knew they were eligible BEFORE Obamacare... why didn't Obamacare concentrate on USING existing Medicaid allocations to get these 63% enrolled BEFORE creating the gigantic wasteful Obamacare? Obama's lie has been totally exposed:
"46 million uninsured"was not the whole truth, because:
  • 11 million were illegals
  • 14 million were eligible for Medicaid..

New Gruber Study Raises Major Questions About Obamacare's Medicaid Expansion​

Fewer new Medicaid enrollees were made eligible by the ACA than thought.
Gruber and his coauthors, using data from the Census Bureau, estimate that Medicaid
produced 63% of the gains [in coverage] that we identified” for 2014.
They also found that much of this gain was attributable to the enrollment in Medicaid of people who were eligible for the program under criteria that preceded the ACA’s Medicaid expansion:
Dividing Gruber’s estimate of the percentage gain in coverage of Medicaid enrollees who were eligible before the ACA by the percentage gain in coverage attributable to Medicaid overall means that 70% of new Medicaid enrollees in 2014 were eligible for the program under pre-ACA rules.

So for those of you that don't deal with reality.. ONE of several LIES Obama told like :

Obama's 'You Can Keep It' Promise Is 'Lie Of The Year'​

Another Obama lie:
"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
So if 70% of Obamacare enrollees were already eligible for Medicaid WHY NOT just simple make them aware?

Remember Gruber (architect of Obamacare) who said it passed because of the "And basically, call it the 'stupidity of the American voter'
Think about that! Obama and now Biden depend on the ignorance of the voters!
YOU that supported Obama/Biden are considered by Democrat leaders as stupid!
You have never had a course in logic have you? First of all, Gruber's stupidity statement, while unfortunate, is a non-sequitur, it does nothing to back your claim.

But second, why in the hell are you using numbers from 2014? So, 14 million were eligible for Medicaid, in 2014. Damn, 21 million enrolled in expanded Medicaid in 2022 alone. I mean here is a thought, how many states had expanded Medicaid coverage in 2014, how many have now. I mean North Carolina just expanded last month.
This year, well 2023 open enrollment period, 40 MILLION. Forty flippin million people enrolled in the ACA, but hey, if you want to call it Obamacare, go ahead. Make it his legacy, and for shits and giggles, just what the hell is Trump's legacy?

So tell me.. if 70% of Obamacare is from people ALREADY eligible for Medicaid!
So the lie, "46 million uninsured Americans"Obama told stupid voters like you , i.e.
depended on the "the 'stupidity of the American voter' like you and your ilk!
"ACA Architect: 'The Stupidity Of The American Voter' Led Us To Hide Obamacare's True Costs From The Public

So what does that tell you that "ACA is a success" when it is based on 70% of ACA members were eligible for Medicaid before ACA!
A majority of people who remain uninsured are eligible for financial assistance for coverage through Medicaid/CHIP or the Marketplace. More than a quarter, or 7.4 million, of the total 27.5 million nonelderly people who remained uninsured are eligible for Medicaid or CHIP.
This is not true.

So what does that tell you that "ACA is a success" when it is based on 70% of ACA members were eligible for Medicaid before ACA!
From your link,

This issue brief examines the characteristics of the nonelderly uninsured population that is eligible for Medicaid or CHIP using the most recent available national survey data (from 2021) but more recent eligibility levels for Medicaid.
This is not true.

So what does that tell you that "ACA is a success" when it is based on 70% of ACA members were eligible for Medicaid before ACA!
From your link,

This issue brief examines the characteristics of the nonelderly uninsured population that is eligible for Medicaid or CHIP using the most recent available national survey data (from 2021) but more recent eligibility levels for Medicaid.
The report that to Gruber as HE was the one that said. By the way why are you saying I'm wrong. You don't give any substantiation.

New Gruber Study Raises Major Questions About Obamacare's Medicaid Expansion

Fewer new Medicaid enrollees were made eligible by the ACA than thought.
Gruber and his coauthors, using data from the Census Bureau, estimate that Medicaid
“produced 63% of the gains [in coverage] that we identified” for 2014.
They also found that much of this gain was attributable to the enrollment in Medicaid of people who were eligible for the program under criteria that preceded the ACA’s Medicaid expansion:
Dividing Gruber’s estimate of the percentage gain in coverage of Medicaid enrollees who were eligible before the ACA by the percentage gain in coverage attributable to Medicaid overall means that 70% of new Medicaid enrollees in 2014 were eligible for the program under pre-ACA rules.
You have never had a course in logic have you? First of all, Gruber's stupidity statement, while unfortunate, is a non-sequitur, it does nothing to back your claim.

But second, why in the hell are you using numbers from 2014? So, 14 million were eligible for Medicaid, in 2014. Damn, 21 million enrolled in expanded Medicaid in 2022 alone. I mean here is a thought, how many states had expanded Medicaid coverage in 2014, how many have now. I mean North Carolina just expanded last month.
This year, well 2023 open enrollment period, 40 MILLION. Forty flippin million people enrolled in the ACA, but hey, if you want to call it Obamacare, go ahead. Make it his legacy, and for shits and giggles, just what the hell is Trump's legacy?

Trump's legacy?
1) Trump like only 2 previous presidents, Kennedy & Hoover donated his $1.6 million salaries to charity!
Fact check: President Donald Trump donates his salary, but he still makes money
2) Trump the ONLY president in the last 60 years, In 2019, the US became both a net exporter and net producer of energy.
In 2019, the US became both a net exporter and net producer of energy for the first time in over 60 years.
By this metric, the US achieved energy independence in 2019.
3) Gas prices were 160% lower under Trump!
4) Tell me what President has had nearly $1 trillion repatriated from offshore while paying $340 Billion in taxes? What is the TCJA repatriation tax and how does it work?.
5) $1 trillion repatriated from offshore companies taking advantage of Trump lowering taxes!
U.S. companies have repatriated $1 trillion since tax overhaul
6) What president can ever say this:
Between FY 2017 and FY 2019, the Trump Administration has cut nearly eight regulations for every new, significant regulation—more than fulfilling the promise of Executive Order 13771 to cut two regulations for every new regulation imposed.
But that's not ever been reported by the BIASED MSM!
And what was the effect on the economy?
The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) estimates that this pro-growth approach to Federal regulation will raise real incomes by upwards of $3,100 per household per year.
In fact, 20 of these actions alone are expected to save American consumers and businesses over $220 billion per year.
And these are just 6 effects on Americans' lives through Trump's efforts!
But see just because YOU don't like Trump personally AS I DO!!! I think he is a narcissist, braggart, yes an asshole.. But evidently UNLIKE you that depend on personality and someone every one likes... I want things done! Trump would NEVER say what Biden has stupidly said and you obviously voted for this stupidity!
I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

AND here are the numbers: almost 500% more illegals encouraged by BIDEN!
Trump's legacy?
1) Trump like only 2 previous presidents, Kennedy & Hoover donated his $1.6 million salaries to charity!
Fact check: President Donald Trump donates his salary, but he still makes money
2) Trump the ONLY president in the last 60 years, In 2019, the US became both a net exporter and net producer of energy.
In 2019, the US became both a net exporter and net producer of energy for the first time in over 60 years.
By this metric, the US achieved energy independence in 2019.
3) Gas prices were 160% lower under Trump!
4) Tell me what President has had nearly $1 trillion repatriated from offshore while paying $340 Billion in taxes? What is the TCJA repatriation tax and how does it work?.
5) $1 trillion repatriated from offshore companies taking advantage of Trump lowering taxes!
U.S. companies have repatriated $1 trillion since tax overhaul
6) What president can ever say this:
Between FY 2017 and FY 2019, the Trump Administration has cut nearly eight regulations for every new, significant regulation—more than fulfilling the promise of Executive Order 13771 to cut two regulations for every new regulation imposed.
But that's not ever been reported by the BIASED MSM!
And what was the effect on the economy?
The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) estimates that this pro-growth approach to Federal regulation will raise real incomes by upwards of $3,100 per household per year.
In fact, 20 of these actions alone are expected to save American consumers and businesses over $220 billion per year.
And these are just 6 effects on Americans' lives through Trump's efforts!
But see just because YOU don't like Trump personally AS I DO!!! I think he is a narcissist, braggart, yes an asshole.. But evidently UNLIKE you that depend on personality and someone every one likes... I want things done! Trump would NEVER say what Biden has stupidly said and you obviously voted for this stupidity!
I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

AND here are the numbers: almost 500% more illegals encouraged by BIDEN!
View attachment 891737

Meanwhile back in reality, we pumped more oil than ever under Joe Biden.
Meanwhile back in reality, we pumped more oil than ever under Joe Biden.
You are so dumb! You are so dumb, you think that "Hey let's drill here and get oil out and sell it in the next 2 weeks!" You dumb shit.

For onshore leases, the assessment process can take 3-4 years, and sometimes longer if developers encounter legal hurdles. For offshore leases, the average development time is 7-8 years given the more difficult engineering and logistical challenges.

Many analysts and industry officials said that the record production stems mostly from market forces and innovation in extracting more crude, which was driven by the Covid-19-induced oil bust, not Biden’s actions.
Even so, policies — including those from the current administration — play a role in driving production, although the results of those rules and regulations can often lag by months or years, they said.

Similarly, Dustin Meyer, vice president of policy, economic and regulatory affairs at the American Petroleum Institute, said to understand the market now, look back to late 2019, when oil production reached its all-time peak of 12.3 million barrels a day just before the pandemic.

The same month he was sworn into office, Biden issued an executive order pausing permits for new oil and gas drilling and mandating more rigorous environmental reviews. In April of 2021, the administration set a target for a 50 to 52 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 2005 levels.

Lipow said part of the reason for that is compromises the Biden administration had to make to pass the Inflation Reduction Act
Regardless, Meyer said, policy decisions being made today affect fossil fuel companies’ decisions on whether and how many new wells to drill — decisions that could be felt at the pump months or years down the line
You are so dumb! You are so dumb, you think that "Hey let's drill here and get oil out and sell it in the next 2 weeks!" You dumb shit.

For onshore leases, the assessment process can take 3-4 years, and sometimes longer if developers encounter legal hurdles. For offshore leases, the average development time is 7-8 years given the more difficult engineering and logistical challenges.

Many analysts and industry officials said that the record production stems mostly from market forces and innovation in extracting more crude, which was driven by the Covid-19-induced oil bust, not Biden’s actions.
Even so, policies — including those from the current administration — play a role in driving production, although the results of those rules and regulations can often lag by months or years, they said.

Similarly, Dustin Meyer, vice president of policy, economic and regulatory affairs at the American Petroleum Institute, said to understand the market now, look back to late 2019, when oil production reached its all-time peak of 12.3 million barrels a day just before the pandemic.

The same month he was sworn into office, Biden issued an executive order pausing permits for new oil and gas drilling and mandating more rigorous environmental reviews. In April of 2021, the administration set a target for a 50 to 52 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 2005 levels.

Lipow said part of the reason for that is compromises the Biden administration had to make to pass the Inflation Reduction Act
Regardless, Meyer said, policy decisions being made today affect fossil fuel companies’ decisions on whether and how many new wells to drill — decisions that could be felt at the pump months or years down the line
Meanwhile back in reality, the US produced more oil in 2023 than it ever has before.
Trump's legacy?
1) Trump like only 2 previous presidents, Kennedy & Hoover donated his $1.6 million salaries to charity!
Fact check: President Donald Trump donates his salary, but he still makes money
2) Trump the ONLY president in the last 60 years, In 2019, the US became both a net exporter and net producer of energy.
In 2019, the US became both a net exporter and net producer of energy for the first time in over 60 years.
By this metric, the US achieved energy independence in 2019.
3) Gas prices were 160% lower under Trump!
4) Tell me what President has had nearly $1 trillion repatriated from offshore while paying $340 Billion in taxes? What is the TCJA repatriation tax and how does it work?.
5) $1 trillion repatriated from offshore companies taking advantage of Trump lowering taxes!
U.S. companies have repatriated $1 trillion since tax overhaul
6) What president can ever say this:
Between FY 2017 and FY 2019, the Trump Administration has cut nearly eight regulations for every new, significant regulation—more than fulfilling the promise of Executive Order 13771 to cut two regulations for every new regulation imposed.
But that's not ever been reported by the BIASED MSM!
And what was the effect on the economy?
The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) estimates that this pro-growth approach to Federal regulation will raise real incomes by upwards of $3,100 per household per year.
In fact, 20 of these actions alone are expected to save American consumers and businesses over $220 billion per year.
And these are just 6 effects on Americans' lives through Trump's efforts!
But see just because YOU don't like Trump personally AS I DO!!! I think he is a narcissist, braggart, yes an asshole.. But evidently UNLIKE you that depend on personality and someone every one likes... I want things done! Trump would NEVER say what Biden has stupidly said and you obviously voted for this stupidity!
I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

AND here are the numbers: almost 500% more illegals encouraged by BIDEN!
View attachment 891737

Let me tackle each one.
1. Big damn whoop, he donated his salary. I am pretty sure the money he got, just from China, more than offset those donations.
2. Net exporter of energy? You really have to fudge the numbers to give Trump credit. Under Biden, we export more oil, OIL, than any nation except Saudi Arabia. And we don't even have to talk about natural gas.
3. Sure, gas prices were cheaper, when everyone is holed up in their house and afraid to go anywhere. I will take current conditions and the $2.64 a gallon I paid today to fill up. And did I mention, that price and we still export more oil than any nation except for Saudi Arabia.
4. Well give Trump a pat on the back, companies bought money back home, but at what price. The huge deficit is partly due to that damn tax cut. In the end, we lost revenue.
5. Hell, that is the same thing as 4. WTF.
6. You do realize that regulations increased under the Trump administration, right? Sure, not as much as other administrations, but still, an increase. Certainly not an elimination of two for every one.
So Trump did what ALL politicians have done INCLUDING OBAMA!!! Hyperinflating the story! But the biased MSM is the worst at
pushing Democrats and reporting negatively on Trump especially and GOP as a whole.
Here is a classic example: CNN's so-called "fact checking"!
Here is the total effort...
"We've done well with health care anyway. We got rid of the individual mandate. And if you look at that, that was a big thing with Obamacare. That was the end of Obamacare."
The individual mandate, which required Americans to obtain health insurance, was indeed a key part of Obamacare -- but it was not "the end of Obamacare" when Republicans repealed the mandate in their 2017 tax bill. Key components of the Obamacare law remain.
The bill did not eliminate Obamacare's expansion of the Medicaid insurance program for low-income people, the federal and state marketplaces that allow people to shop for coverage, or the consumer subsidies that help many of them make the purchases. While Trump continued to take other steps to weaken Obamacare, much of it still exists.

My example is this statement:The bill did not eliminate Obamacare's expansion of the Medicaid insurance program for low-income people,
Now for the REST of the story that CNN clearly didn't know or if they did, DID NOT share!
Source: Jonathan Gruber"architect" of Obamacare, who said at one time why Obamacare was passed..
" And basically, call it the 'stupidity of the American voter'
Another FACT from Gruber: who said ...
" using data from the Census Bureau, estimate that Medicaid “produced 63% of the gains [in coverage] that we identified” for 2014.
Obamacare architect Gruber called YOU stupid for voting for Obamacare!
63% of the enrollees WERE ALREADY ELIGIBLE BEFORE OBAMACARE! Do you understand?
These 63% never knew they were eligible BEFORE Obamacare... why didn't Obamacare concentrate on USING existing Medicaid allocations to get these 63% enrolled BEFORE creating the gigantic wasteful Obamacare? Obama's lie has been totally exposed:
"46 million uninsured"was not the whole truth, because:
  • 11 million were illegals
  • 14 million were eligible for Medicaid..

New Gruber Study Raises Major Questions About Obamacare's Medicaid Expansion​

Fewer new Medicaid enrollees were made eligible by the ACA than thought.
Gruber and his coauthors, using data from the Census Bureau, estimate that Medicaid
produced 63% of the gains [in coverage] that we identified” for 2014.
They also found that much of this gain was attributable to the enrollment in Medicaid of people who were eligible for the program under criteria that preceded the ACA’s Medicaid expansion:
Dividing Gruber’s estimate of the percentage gain in coverage of Medicaid enrollees who were eligible before the ACA by the percentage gain in coverage attributable to Medicaid overall means that 70% of new Medicaid enrollees in 2014 were eligible for the program under pre-ACA rules.

So for those of you that don't deal with reality.. ONE of several LIES Obama told like :

Obama's 'You Can Keep It' Promise Is 'Lie Of The Year'​

Another Obama lie:
"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
So if 70% of Obamacare enrollees were already eligible for Medicaid WHY NOT just simple make them aware?

Remember Gruber (architect of Obamacare) who said it passed because of the "And basically, call it the 'stupidity of the American voter'
Think about that! Obama and now Biden depend on the ignorance of the voters!
YOU that supported Obama/Biden are considered by Democrat leaders as stupid!

The individual mandate was also pushed by the Heritage Foundation which is conservative.

Let me tackle each one.
1. Big damn whoop, he donated his salary. I am pretty sure the money he got, just from China, more than offset those donations.
2. Net exporter of energy? You really have to fudge the numbers to give Trump credit. Under Biden, we export more oil, OIL, than any nation except Saudi Arabia. And we don't even have to talk about natural gas.
3. Sure, gas prices were cheaper, when everyone is holed up in their house and afraid to go anywhere. I will take current conditions and the $2.64 a gallon I paid today to fill up. And did I mention, that price and we still export more oil than any nation except for Saudi Arabia.
4. Well give Trump a pat on the back, companies bought money back home, but at what price. The huge deficit is partly due to that damn tax cut. In the end, we lost revenue.
5. Hell, that is the same thing as 4. WTF.
6. You do realize that regulations increased under the Trump administration, right? Sure, not as much as other administrations, but still, an increase. Certainly not an elimination of two for every one.
All your guesses. No support. No effort to prove YOUR observations!
1. YOU ARE SURE Trump got money from China hey... where is your proof?
2. "FUDGE numbers again" here are the facts supported by the link!
Trump the ONLY president in the last 60 years, In 2019, the US became both a net exporter and net producer of energy. In 2019, the US became both a net exporter and net producer of energy for the first time in over 60 years. By this metric, the US achieved energy independence in 2019.
3. Here are the Facts again!

4. NO we didn't lose revenue! Where are your facts to match MY FACTS???

You are right! I made a mistake. Where are your apologies for spouting your personal opinions with no links?
6. Regulations increased?
All your guesses. No support. No effort to prove YOUR observations!
1. YOU ARE SURE Trump got money from China hey... where is your proof?
2. "FUDGE numbers again" here are the facts supported by the link!
Trump the ONLY president in the last 60 years, In 2019, the US became both a net exporter and net producer of energy. In 2019, the US became both a net exporter and net producer of energy for the first time in over 60 years. By this metric, the US achieved energy independence in 2019.
3. Here are the Facts again!
View attachment 891931
4. NO we didn't lose revenue! Where are your facts to match MY FACTS???
View attachment 891932
You are right! I made a mistake. Where are your apologies for spouting your personal opinions with no links?
6. Regulations increased?
View attachment 891934
No problem you amatuer.

No problem you amatuer.

Screen Shot 2024-01-22 at 9.50.12 PM.png
This thread reeks of Trumper desperation
For some one who is a freedom lover of Ukraine, ( I've the below flag in rear window of my car as a very
close relative was born in Ukraine and they still have family there) can you explain how:
1) Putin felt it right to invade because Biden was President
2) Hamas felt they were able to have war with Israel... while Trump authorized US embassy in Jerusalem.
3) Now while Biden is President, China threatens to invade Taiwan
4) Gas prices are now as the below chart shows all Americans are paying 160% more for gas!
5) Invasion at the southern borders... again see the facts that any "desperate" person relates! Over 4 times because dummies like you support this idiot's statement:
Biden: "I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

So YES any American with evidently more brains than people like you and Biden are desperate!
Our country is going down the toilet and it's because of crap from people like YOU!

Screen Shot 2024-01-23 at 8.09.44 AM.png


Putin has been fucking with Ukraine for decades. He invaded the Donbas in 2014 and took Crimea while Trump was on office.

Gas prices are coming down.

What else are you whining about??

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