Clean drinking water will become an expensive commodity in the Future.

The only environmental cause noted in the lead post for the predicted shortage of drinking water is increased incidence of drought. You don't think that justifies the assumption that global warming is assumed to be involved? Do you have some other cause for the world's increasing incidence of drought? Let me guess, falling TSI.

Human Global warming has not been proven to be the one main cause of the future water
crisis. Sun solar cycles have been ongoing for millions of years now. Increased Sun spot activity.

As stated earlier, countries like China,Russia and India, emit more of these green house gases than the U.S.

Also volcanoes emit more green house gases on a yearly basis than humans do.
This has been going on for many years now.
There is also a tremendous amount of methane being released from melting permafrost
in Siberia that is really accelerating global warming at a very fast pace.!!
The only environmental cause noted in the lead post for the predicted shortage of drinking water is increased incidence of drought. You don't think that justifies the assumption that global warming is assumed to be involved? Do you have some other cause for the world's increasing incidence of drought? Let me guess, falling TSI.

Your juvenile exhuberance is jumping the gun here. First produce the evidence of (GLOBAL) "increased incidence of drought".. Even the Warmer clergy can only point to isolated regional incidents..

Did Global Warming cause the FIRST American dustbowl?? If not -- what did?
I am not gonna make this thread about Global Warming -- because it's NOT about Global Warming. It's about misuse, and increased use of
a neccessary commodity for life. Take those fountains out of the Las Vegas strip before you start whining about water shortages South of that area..

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