Thanks for playing Joe. For the good of the country, why don't you apologize to America for 47 years of theft, bribery, extortion and graft, take your millions home and fade in to history. No one is going to prosecute you anyways. There is no justice in DC. But your goose is a cooked as your son's meth pipe.

Sorry but you’re wrong. FBI and Two congressional committees already investigated all this and turned up nothing. This is a political Hail Mary to help Trumps campaign. Nice try but nobody cares about these games except for people like you

That is just factually false.
I mean that's not even a good try.
Well Ron Johnson’s 87 page report form the homeland security committee says different. So does Grassleys governmental affairs committee findings. We also know that the FBI has this computer since last year and had investigated and charged the Chinese associate involved with this deal in a separate money laundering scheme as he was deported last year. So I think that backs up my claims. Right? If you disagree then back up your claim that I’m wrong.

The committees didn't have the evidence on this laptop, Stupid.
Thanks for playing Joe. For the good of the country, why don't you apologize to America for 47 years of theft, bribery, extortion and graft, take your millions home and fade in to history. No one is going to prosecute you anyways. There is no justice in DC. But your goose is a cooked as your son's meth pipe.

Why isn't Joe Biden being arraigned right now along with his puppeteer Hillary who has cleverly gone off the radar just like the Unabomber did?

Because he hasn't committed any crimes.
Thanks for playing Joe. For the good of the country, why don't you apologize to America for 47 years of theft, bribery, extortion and graft, take your millions home and fade in to history. No one is going to prosecute you anyways. There is no justice in DC. But your goose is a cooked as your son's meth pipe.

The only criminality is being committed by Trump. Pressuring the DOJ and FBI to go after his political enemies. Trying to get a foreign country to open a phony investigation.
Thanks for playing Joe. For the good of the country, why don't you apologize to America for 47 years of theft, bribery, extortion and graft, take your millions home and fade in to history. No one is going to prosecute you anyways. There is no justice in DC. But your goose is a cooked as your son's meth pipe.

Sorry but you’re wrong. FBI and Two congressional committees already investigated all this and turned up nothing. This is a political Hail Mary to help Trumps campaign. Nice try but nobody cares about these games except for people like you

The FBI HID THE LAPTOP FOR OVER A YEAR. That is the very definition of Obstruction of Justice.

Sorry Hoe Humpin Hunter. They turned up the laptop.



Haha, wow you did it. You exposed the deep state. Hiding the laptop. Wow, good job. Let’s burn it all down to the ground. Damn you people are stupid
Hunter's DNA was found in between the keyboard keys. So yah, it's legit
Despite the shadiness around the whole computer thing I’m fine assuming it’s his and the info on it is legit. There’s NOTHING there!! You’re trying to sell a turd as a brownie. Not working
There's nothing there? Have you seen it? Nope.

What you have done is ignore the evidence already out.
Thanks for playing Joe. For the good of the country, why don't you apologize to America for 47 years of theft, bribery, extortion and graft, take your millions home and fade in to history. No one is going to prosecute you anyways. There is no justice in DC. But your goose is a cooked as your son's meth pipe.

Sorry but you’re wrong. FBI and Two congressional committees already investigated all this and turned up nothing. This is a political Hail Mary to help Trumps campaign. Nice try but nobody cares about these games except for people like you

That is just factually false.
I mean that's not even a good try.
Well Ron Johnson’s 87 page report form the homeland security committee says different. So does Grassleys governmental affairs committee findings. We also know that the FBI has this computer since last year and had investigated and charged the Chinese associate involved with this deal in a separate money laundering scheme as he was deported last year. So I think that backs up my claims. Right? If you disagree then back up your claim that I’m wrong.

The committees didn't have the evidence on this laptop, Stupid.

It's just so infantile of them.
I'm to the point of simply ignoring nonsense,
for another couple of weeks and then basking in the glory of another Trump victory.
And all of a sudden the right thinks they have a right to see details of everyone's private business in order to become president.

Strange times.

No, the right thinks that voters should be aware of corruption of a candidate if evidence surfaces that may very well be the case.

The rabid right wants to smear them at the very last minute because while we know the evidence is most likely faked, it will take time to sort out the lies. Fortunately we've seen this game played before and very few Americans are willing to trust the Banana Republicans. Only the hard core Trumpsters believe it.
That's the way corruption works. You don't get immediate gratification for favors done. You have to be patient and wait for rewards.

What we're talking about here is four months after Biden left office as VP.
How is it corruption if they were doing business when he had no political authority?
The "play" was completed while he was in office. You are grasping at straws. Throwing anything that may stick to the wall. You know deep down that something is fucked up here and that Joe is most likely guilty of corruption. Selling favorable policy to a foreign entity is a treasonous act. That is as fucked up as can be. Excepting the possible Hunter sex acts that may have been on video. Of course that kind of shit is as depraved as can be. The whole thing is disgusting if true. I currently believe all of it is true.
There is a mountain more evidence here than the Democrats in the House used to impeach a sitting President.
Evidence of what exactly?

Something I just realized. This email about China and "the big guy" was in May 2017, which is after Joe Biden left office.
When he was bragging about shaking down Ukraine, he was vice president.
And all of a sudden the right thinks they have a right to see details of everyone's private business in order to become president.

Strange times.

No, the right thinks that voters should be aware of corruption of a candidate if evidence surfaces that may very well be the case.

The rabid right wants to smear them at the very last minute because while we know the evidence is most likely faked, it will take time to sort out the lies. Fortunately we've seen this game played before and very few Americans are willing to trust the Banana Republicans. Only the hard core Trumpsters believe it.
It has already been verified and the kiddie porn on hunter's computer has been turned over to local authorities. Keep sticking up for a pedophile.
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And all of a sudden the right thinks they have a right to see details of everyone's private business in order to become president.

Strange times.

No, the right thinks that voters should be aware of corruption of a candidate if evidence surfaces that may very well be the case.

The rabid right wants to smear them at the very last minute because while we know the evidence is most likely faked, it will take time to sort out the lies. Fortunately we've seen this game played before and very few Americans are willing to trust the Banana Republicans. Only the hard core Trumpsters believe it.
It has already been verified and the kiddie porn on hunter's computer has been local authorities. Keep sticking up for a pedophile.

Right, like all the other scandals, the Banana Republicans have said it's verified, it's true, it's a done deal. Indictments any day now.. Any day!

"Help! It's the wolf" the little boy cried......

You know tramp is the con man, not the Bidens.
We know you're a liar with TDS. Got any facts?

I think he is a ghost. Prove me wrong.

why dont you prove yourself right for once,,,

What did Penelope say? She deleted her post. Not the first time i've seen her do that.

do a drop down of the comments AND YOU CAN SEE IT,,,

I think the original got deleted for trolling,,
And all of a sudden the right thinks they have a right to see details of everyone's private business in order to become president.

Strange times.

No, the right thinks that voters should be aware of corruption of a candidate if evidence surfaces that may very well be the case.

The rabid right wants to smear them at the very last minute because while we know the evidence is most likely faked, it will take time to sort out the lies. Fortunately we've seen this game played before and very few Americans are willing to trust the Banana Republicans. Only the hard core Trumpsters believe it.
It has already been verified and the kiddie porn on hunter's computer has been local authorities. Keep sticking up for a pedophile.

Right, like all the other scandals, the Banana Republicans have said it's verified, it's true, it's a done deal. Indictments any day now.. Any day!

"Help! It's the wolf" the little boy cried......

Hunters business partner gave up his passwords to his email accounts. That's how they verified them. But keep supporting a pedophile.
The rabid right wants to smear them at the very last minute because while we know the evidence is most likely faked, it will take time to sort out the lies. Fortunately we've seen this game played before and very few Americans are willing to trust the Banana Republicans. Only the hard core Trumpsters believe it.

Faked? Can you explain to me how video of a person having sex with Chinese children can be faked? Can you explain to me why several of Hunter's former colleagues came forward to verify that those emails are genuine?

There is nothing fake about it. You may refuse to accept it, but it seems to be very real. Even our investigative agencies said Russia nor anybody had anything to do with the contents on that computer.
There is a mountain more evidence here than the Democrats in the House used to impeach a sitting President.
Evidence of what exactly?

Something I just realized. This email about China and "the big guy" was in May 2017, which is after Joe Biden left office.
When he was bragging about shaking down Ukraine, he was vice president.

You mean when he was achieving President Obama foreign policy objective in the Ukraine of getting rid of corrupt Russian align prosecutors? You would rather we just give them foreign aid money and not achieve our objective?

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