Clearly a sad day for the Brits.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
Although I didn't agree with May's lackadaisical response to the terrorist attacks and thought she should have been more strict, this will be a devastating blow for the British people who like so many in the U.S. have been brainwashed to believe the left knows what's best for them but later find themselves in quite a predicament having to endure the serious consequences of that decision. Take it from a former liberal, that party's ideology will never be able to compete against those that fight far dirtier and therefore it's only a matter of time before the nation goes under. Case and point is what's currently happening in Venezuela. That nation had a bustling economy very much like the U.S. until it went bust. These days the populace are fighting among themselves every day just for food.

As long as there are psychopaths ruling nations such as Kim-Jong Un and other dictators who only care about their own agendas and not what's best for their people, there will be no place for liberalism. Planet Earth will never be a utopian existence where everyone can simply join hands, sing Kumbaya, wear flowers in their hair, and treat everyone with the same respect. It would be wonderful if it was, but it's clearly not.

So the only way to defend against nations seeking to infiltrate and conquer is first of all stop with the denial and instead start paying attention to what's currently happening around the globe. Several factions are already well on their way not only infiltrating other nations but are also advancing their troops, technology, and weaponry to begin their invasions. Besides North Korea, Russia, Iran, and the Middle East are also key players that everyone should be watching.

For all nations to stand a chance against the tyranny that'll soon be banging on their door, they'll need a STRONG leadership of individuals who are not naive about what's going on and what the nation will be up against. Although it's wonderful to be a trusting civilization, when dealing with humankind, it simply isn't feasible. And therefore liberalism is definitely not up to the challenge since they advocate for loosening borders and welcoming everyone in which includes those with radical views without even vetting them.
They will be an Islamist nation within twenty years, short of prevention steps involving force. France too.
Probably their karma for allowing their muslim inbred filth to molest THOUSANDS of their own girls, while putting people in jail for politically incorrect jokes, while the BBCrap and Guardiabomination wallow in the world's most violent hate ideology (Pisslam, of course) while demonizing Americans as their #1 nightmare bogeyman. Even when I'm in the best of moods, I can't find any sympathy in my heart for a nation who wallows in that kind of evil
and considers America's very existence some kind of personal insult to them. Fuck 'em.
If you would have told me 40 years ago that so much of Britain would support a politician like Corbyn who is an active collaborator with the terrorist group Hamas, I would have thought you were nuts.

How did we get from there to here in such a short time?
They will be an Islamist nation within twenty years, short of prevention steps involving force. France too.

Yep -- and to think it was their very own social philosopher Toynbee who once said that civilizations die by suicide, not murder.

Thinking about it, perhaps I should call him a Prophet rather than a social philosopher.
A majority of Brits voted to exit from the E.U. and May appoints a secretary of state who is an E.U. supporter. Does she even know what the political climate is or is she has distanced herself so far from the mainstream that she doesn't care?
If you would have told me 40 years ago that so much of Britain would support a politician like Corbyn who is an active collaborator with the terrorist group Hamas, I would have thought you were nuts.

How did we get from there to here in such a short time?

Don't forget that here in the United States, we had a President for eight years who similarly was on the side of extreme Islamist terrorist filth, and a serious candidate in the last election who likewise would have been.
They will be an Islamist nation within twenty years, short of prevention steps involving force. France too.

Yep -- and to think it was their very own social philosopher Toynbee who once said that civilizations die by suicide, not murder.

Thinking about it, perhaps I should call him a Prophet rather than a social philosopher.
A Fish Rots From the Head Down

Toynbee's inappropriate comparison of civilization's rise and fall
to some natural process in individuals of youth, maturity, and senility evades the issue. Birth privileges are the cancer that drags down all civilizations, but you won't hear that from the university, which is designed specifically for students living off an allowance. Worth has nothing to do with birth, so cut them off and let them get ahead on their own.
Although I didn't agree with May's lackadaisical response to the terrorist attacks and thought she should have been more strict, this will be a devastating blow for the British people who like so many in the U.S. have been brainwashed to believe the left knows what's best for them but later find themselves in quite a predicament having to endure the serious consequences of that decision. Take it from a former liberal, that party's ideology will never be able to compete against those that fight far dirtier and therefore it's only a matter of time before the nation goes under. Case and point is what's currently happening in Venezuela. That nation had a bustling economy very much like the U.S. until it went bust. These days the populace are fighting among themselves every day just for food.

As long as there are psychopaths ruling nations such as Kim-Jong Un and other dictators who only care about their own agendas and not what's best for their people, there will be no place for liberalism. Planet Earth will never be a utopian existence where everyone can simply join hands, sing Kumbaya, wear flowers in their hair, and treat everyone with the same respect. It would be wonderful if it was, but it's clearly not.

So the only way to defend against nations seeking to infiltrate and conquer is first of all stop with the denial and instead start paying attention to what's currently happening around the globe. Several factions are already well on their way not only infiltrating other nations but are also advancing their troops, technology, and weaponry to begin their invasions. Besides North Korea, Russia, Iran, and the Middle East are also key players that everyone should be watching.

For all nations to stand a chance against the tyranny that'll soon be banging on their door, they'll need a STRONG leadership of individuals who are not naive about what's going on and what the nation will be up against. Although it's wonderful to be a trusting civilization, when dealing with humankind, it simply isn't feasible. And therefore liberalism is definitely not up to the challenge since they advocate for loosening borders and welcoming everyone in which includes those with radical views without even vetting them.


The US fought World War 2 against the Nazis and the Japanese for four years, supplying our allies across the globe, building a gigantic arsenal for the allies, and fighting on all major continents against 15 million enemy soldiers that were well equipped and determined, while pulling ourselves out of The Great Depression. All conducted by a liberal know as Franklin Roosevelt who was confined to a wheelchair and was reelected to 4 straight 4 year terms because the people just loved him.

Liberals, my dear sir, know how to recognize the threat and defeat evil. They don't run around like a chicken with it's head cut off screaming how the end is coming. They man up and get to it.

Unfortunately the conservatives in the US have become the snowflakes of the population, terrified of their own shadow. Buck up cupcakes, there isn't an enemy on Earth that can defeat us today. Remember "the only thing we have to fear is, fear itself".

A bitch when that shit is true yeah?
Although I didn't agree with May's lackadaisical response to the terrorist attacks and thought she should have been more strict, this will be a devastating blow for the British people who like so many in the U.S. have been brainwashed to believe the left knows what's best for them but later find themselves in quite a predicament having to endure the serious consequences of that decision. Take it from a former liberal, that party's ideology will never be able to compete against those that fight far dirtier and therefore it's only a matter of time before the nation goes under. Case and point is what's currently happening in Venezuela. That nation had a bustling economy very much like the U.S. until it went bust. These days the populace are fighting among themselves every day just for food.

As long as there are psychopaths ruling nations such as Kim-Jong Un and other dictators who only care about their own agendas and not what's best for their people, there will be no place for liberalism. Planet Earth will never be a utopian existence where everyone can simply join hands, sing Kumbaya, wear flowers in their hair, and treat everyone with the same respect. It would be wonderful if it was, but it's clearly not.

So the only way to defend against nations seeking to infiltrate and conquer is first of all stop with the denial and instead start paying attention to what's currently happening around the globe. Several factions are already well on their way not only infiltrating other nations but are also advancing their troops, technology, and weaponry to begin their invasions. Besides North Korea, Russia, Iran, and the Middle East are also key players that everyone should be watching.

For all nations to stand a chance against the tyranny that'll soon be banging on their door, they'll need a STRONG leadership of individuals who are not naive about what's going on and what the nation will be up against. Although it's wonderful to be a trusting civilization, when dealing with humankind, it simply isn't feasible. And therefore liberalism is definitely not up to the challenge since they advocate for loosening borders and welcoming everyone in which includes those with radical views without even vetting them.


The US fought World War 2 against the Nazis and the Japanese for four years, supplying our allies across the globe, building a gigantic arsenal for the allies, and fighting on all major continents against 15 million enemy soldiers that were well equipped and determined, while pulling ourselves out of The Great Depression. All conducted by a liberal know as Franklin Roosevelt who was confined to a wheelchair and was reelected to 4 straight 4 year terms because the people just loved him.

Liberals, my dear sir, know how to recognize the threat and defeat evil. They don't run around like a chicken with it's head cut off screaming how the end is coming. They man up and get to it.

Unfortunately the conservatives in the US have become the snowflakes of the population, terrified of their own shadow. Buck up cupcakes, there isn't an enemy on Earth that can defeat us today. Remember "the only thing we have to fear is, fear itself".

A bitch when that shit is true yeah?
If only you spoke the truth instead of the usual liberal nonsense, it would be great. But sadly none of what you stated is even remotely true.

First of all, there's literally no comparison between the liberals from that era and the progressive socialist fascists of today that are seen on the news and protesting all across college campuses. A hundred years ago liberals stood patriotically and saluted the flag instead of burning it. They actually cared about the safety of their countrymen instead of worrying about political correctness and being called an Islamophobe. There's no way they would have knowingly accepted those in the country who would kill their people in extremely heinous ways such as with bombs, mowing them down with cars, or chopping off their heads. Nor would they have become complacent to seeing their women and girl children being used as sex toys like the liberals of today who I might add don't seem to care and are seen holding protest signs advocating for no border walls and for judges to stop Trump's travel ban so more psychopaths and rapists can enter!

The typical liberal mindset of today seems completely devoid of reality. So bizarre in fact they seem to envision the world as some type of utopian existence where everyone has each other's best interest at heart. Seriously, has some new drug hit the streets that causes loss of all common sense?

At any rate the not so wonderful brave new world we live in today as I stated earlier is totally different than the one mentioned from almost a hundred years ago. Might as well call it a different country altogether and that's mainly because it's been shaped by a president who literally hates America which was obvious in every thing he did. One who divided the nation on every front and was on a whole different agenda which clearly served the Middle East, NOT the U.S. Bet I didn't even have to mention his name, right? No doubt you knew I was talking about Barack Hussein Obama. Anyway that nefarious traitor hated the country so much he made sure to seat as many of his corrupt crony friends in key positions all across the nation just so they could carry on tearing the nation apart long after he left office. And because of them, terrorists keep flooding the nation daily which I'm sure makes him smile from ear to ear.

But unfortunately until the American people finally get it and vote out every judge and all the others he seated into office which is referred to as the deep state, the nation will just have to suffer all the malignancy that demon left behind.

When those of you have finally had enough, I suggest researching Article Five, convention of states which is basically a loophole our founding fathers added for a time when government would become so corrupt, that we'd need to find a way back from all the madness. That time is clearly NOW.
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