Clearly Democrats Don't Want A Smooth Transition Of Power....They Want A Political Coup Before It's Too Late

Uh......I think we're more worried about what Pelosi and Schumer are going to do in Congress...that will be rubberstamped by Biden.
Bummer. Should have thought of that before you elected Trump who has screwed the Republican Party.

75 million Trump voters say you are wrong....

81 million Biden voters say you are wrong.
Apparently alot of those "voters" were stolen from Trump, dead, under-age, illegal immigrants, or not even legal residents in the states they voted in. Many of those "voters" were just some BLM activist running the same ballot through the Dominion machines 100 times.

I remember when the Dems pushed Obamacare down our throats.....but this time they went too far.
This time this country will be out for had better get ready for it.

That is untrue. Not one claim has been proven in court. Why don't you stop lying to the American people. More disproven claims. American Thinker is a oxymoron. They are doing no thinking. They are terrorists who appeal to terrorists.

The only blood that will be spilled is your right wing Nazi pals. The military should be used to put down any attempted coup.


We have always had peaceful transitions. Its something both parties are committed to since George Washington. Trump is an aberration who has debased the office of the presidency in every way.
Well that premise is being blown up by Nancy Pelosi, who refuses now to allow a peaceful transition.
Instead she wants to prevent Trump from leaving without yet another fake impeachment.
Trump had every right to explore his options legally and politically, and he was thwarted.
So now he's leaving and that's not good enough for that evil bitch.

I(mpeachment is more than justified as would be removal from office under the 25th Amendment. There can be no peaceful transition when you have a maniac like Trump with access to the nuclear codes. His encouraging rioters does not fall unde exploring his options as Congress has no power to overturn elections even if the votes were there which they never were.

You dumb shit.....he didn't encourage any lying sack of shit.

Please.........quote the exact words Trump used to encourage a riot.....we will wait.......and wait......and wait....since you have nothing.....

You are the lying sack of shit. You are also the dumbshit. You and the other Trump supporters are examples of the greatest swindle in this country. Trump has successfully brainwashed you into believing that he is for you when you are nothing more than something Trump can use to advance himself. I am sure you people will continue to give him money that he will pocket and lautgh at all the fools who send him money.

Do you understand that that is exactly what the democrat party is?

The democrat party is a cancer on this has been evil since its creation by slave has used racism, violence and hate to accumulate and keep power .....

They owned slaves, started the Civil War to keep black humans as slaves, stated the kkk, jim crow, poll taxes and literacy tests...........they fought every single Civil Rights act and the anti-lynching law....and only supported the last two Acts because lyndong johnson realized that murdering blacks couldn't keep them from voting...and he knew they would need black votes to take and keep he created the Great Society which destroyed the black family......they sided with the Soviet Union and are now in bed with China....

They are evil...

Jim Jones and David Koresh also had their true believers.
Uh......I think we're more worried about what Pelosi and Schumer are going to do in Congress...that will be rubberstamped by Biden.
Bummer. Should have thought of that before you elected Trump who has screwed the Republican Party.

75 million Trump voters say you are wrong....

81 million Biden voters say you are wrong.
Apparently alot of those "voters" were stolen from Trump, dead, under-age, illegal immigrants, or not even legal residents in the states they voted in. Many of those "voters" were just some BLM activist running the same ballot through the Dominion machines 100 times.

I remember when the Dems pushed Obamacare down our throats.....but this time they went too far.
This time this country will be out for had better get ready for it.

That is untrue. Not one claim has been proven in court. Why don't you stop lying to the American people. More disproven claims. American Thinker is a oxymoron. They are doing no thinking. They are terrorists who appeal to terrorists.

The only blood that will be spilled is your right wing Nazi pals. The military should be used to put down any attempted coup.


We have always had peaceful transitions. Its something both parties are committed to since George Washington. Trump is an aberration who has debased the office of the presidency in every way.
Well that premise is being blown up by Nancy Pelosi, who refuses now to allow a peaceful transition.
Instead she wants to prevent Trump from leaving without yet another fake impeachment.
Trump had every right to explore his options legally and politically, and he was thwarted.
So now he's leaving and that's not good enough for that evil bitch.

I(mpeachment is more than justified as would be removal from office under the 25th Amendment. There can be no peaceful transition when you have a maniac like Trump with access to the nuclear codes. His encouraging rioters does not fall unde exploring his options as Congress has no power to overturn elections even if the votes were there which they never were.
So what is the fucking point, idiot?
Do you want Biden's first days in office to be that of a tyrant who aggressively attacked and destroyed his political opponents?
Don't you think it's time to calm down and let cooler heads prevail?
Do you want to create enemies that would rather murder you than debate you?
That's what's in store for you if they keep doing this.
Don't try to stop them. This needs to be moved along to conclusion or we will have compromised ourselves into being china's possession.
Uh......I think we're more worried about what Pelosi and Schumer are going to do in Congress...that will be rubberstamped by Biden.
Bummer. Should have thought of that before you elected Trump who has screwed the Republican Party.

75 million Trump voters say you are wrong....

81 million Biden voters say you are wrong.
Apparently alot of those "voters" were stolen from Trump, dead, under-age, illegal immigrants, or not even legal residents in the states they voted in. Many of those "voters" were just some BLM activist running the same ballot through the Dominion machines 100 times.

I remember when the Dems pushed Obamacare down our throats.....but this time they went too far.
This time this country will be out for had better get ready for it.

That is untrue. Not one claim has been proven in court. Why don't you stop lying to the American people. More disproven claims. American Thinker is a oxymoron. They are doing no thinking. They are terrorists who appeal to terrorists.

The only blood that will be spilled is your right wing Nazi pals. The military should be used to put down any attempted coup.


We have always had peaceful transitions. Its something both parties are committed to since George Washington. Trump is an aberration who has debased the office of the presidency in every way.
Well that premise is being blown up by Nancy Pelosi, who refuses now to allow a peaceful transition.
Instead she wants to prevent Trump from leaving without yet another fake impeachment.
Trump had every right to explore his options legally and politically, and he was thwarted.
So now he's leaving and that's not good enough for that evil bitch.

I(mpeachment is more than justified as would be removal from office under the 25th Amendment. There can be no peaceful transition when you have a maniac like Trump with access to the nuclear codes. His encouraging rioters does not fall unde exploring his options as Congress has no power to overturn elections even if the votes were there which they never were.
So what is the fucking point, idiot?
Do you want Biden's first days in office to be that of a tyrant who aggressively attacked and destroyed his political opponents?
Don't you think it's time to calm down and let cooler heads prevail?
Do you want to create enemies that would rather murder you than debate you?
That's what's in store for you if they keep doing this.

Trump was the one who launched a attack to destroy his political opponents. That is why they were chanting to hang Mike Pence. I am sure you have no trouble with that. Biden defeated Trump fair and square. Everyone except brainwashed Trump supporters llke you know that. Donald Trump has access to the nuclear codes so getting rid of him before he has a complete breakdown is letting cooler heads prevail. We already have that. Right wing fascist Nazis murdered a police officer. They attempted to kidnap the Michigan Governor. They are the enemy of this country ande need to be put down ruthlessly.
Uh......I think we're more worried about what Pelosi and Schumer are going to do in Congress...that will be rubberstamped by Biden.
Bummer. Should have thought of that before you elected Trump who has screwed the Republican Party.

75 million Trump voters say you are wrong....

81 million Biden voters say you are wrong.
Apparently alot of those "voters" were stolen from Trump, dead, under-age, illegal immigrants, or not even legal residents in the states they voted in. Many of those "voters" were just some BLM activist running the same ballot through the Dominion machines 100 times.

I remember when the Dems pushed Obamacare down our throats.....but this time they went too far.
This time this country will be out for had better get ready for it.

That is untrue. Not one claim has been proven in court. Why don't you stop lying to the American people. More disproven claims. American Thinker is a oxymoron. They are doing no thinking. They are terrorists who appeal to terrorists.

The only blood that will be spilled is your right wing Nazi pals. The military should be used to put down any attempted coup.


We have always had peaceful transitions. Its something both parties are committed to since George Washington. Trump is an aberration who has debased the office of the presidency in every way.
Well that premise is being blown up by Nancy Pelosi, who refuses now to allow a peaceful transition.
Instead she wants to prevent Trump from leaving without yet another fake impeachment.
Trump had every right to explore his options legally and politically, and he was thwarted.
So now he's leaving and that's not good enough for that evil bitch.

I(mpeachment is more than justified as would be removal from office under the 25th Amendment. There can be no peaceful transition when you have a maniac like Trump with access to the nuclear codes. His encouraging rioters does not fall unde exploring his options as Congress has no power to overturn elections even if the votes were there which they never were.
So what is the fucking point, idiot?
Do you want Biden's first days in office to be that of a tyrant who aggressively attacked and destroyed his political opponents?
Don't you think it's time to calm down and let cooler heads prevail?
Do you want to create enemies that would rather murder you than debate you?
That's what's in store for you if they keep doing this.

Trump was the one who launched a attack to destroy his political opponents. That is why they were chanting to hang Mike Pence. I am sure you have no trouble with that. Biden defeated Trump fair and square. Everyone except brainwashed Trump supporters llke you know that. Donald Trump has access to the nuclear codes so getting rid of him before he has a complete breakdown is letting cooler heads prevail. We already have that. Right wing fascist Nazis murdered a police officer. They attempted to kidnap the Michigan Governor. They are the enemy of this country and need to be put down ruthlessly.

Pence hasn't ruled out using the 25th amendment if Trump becomes more unstable.

VP Mike Pence has not ruled out invoking 25th Amendment ...
12 hours ago · Vice President Mike Pence has not ruled out using the 25th Amendment against President Trump in case his state of mind becomes more unstable …
Uh......I think we're more worried about what Pelosi and Schumer are going to do in Congress...that will be rubberstamped by Biden.
Bummer. Should have thought of that before you elected Trump who has screwed the Republican Party.

75 million Trump voters say you are wrong....

81 million Biden voters say you are wrong.
Apparently alot of those "voters" were stolen from Trump, dead, under-age, illegal immigrants, or not even legal residents in the states they voted in. Many of those "voters" were just some BLM activist running the same ballot through the Dominion machines 100 times.

I remember when the Dems pushed Obamacare down our throats.....but this time they went too far.
This time this country will be out for had better get ready for it.

That is untrue. Not one claim has been proven in court. Why don't you stop lying to the American people. More disproven claims. American Thinker is a oxymoron. They are doing no thinking. They are terrorists who appeal to terrorists.

The only blood that will be spilled is your right wing Nazi pals. The military should be used to put down any attempted coup.


We have always had peaceful transitions. Its something both parties are committed to since George Washington. Trump is an aberration who has debased the office of the presidency in every way.
Well that premise is being blown up by Nancy Pelosi, who refuses now to allow a peaceful transition.
Instead she wants to prevent Trump from leaving without yet another fake impeachment.
Trump had every right to explore his options legally and politically, and he was thwarted.
So now he's leaving and that's not good enough for that evil bitch.

I(mpeachment is more than justified as would be removal from office under the 25th Amendment. There can be no peaceful transition when you have a maniac like Trump with access to the nuclear codes. His encouraging rioters does not fall unde exploring his options as Congress has no power to overturn elections even if the votes were there which they never were.

You dumb shit.....he didn't encourage any lying sack of shit.

Please.........quote the exact words Trump used to encourage a riot.....we will wait.......and wait......and wait....since you have nothing.....

You are the lying sack of shit. You are also the dumbshit. You and the other Trump supporters are examples of the greatest swindle in this country. Trump has successfully brainwashed you into believing that he is for you when you are nothing more than something Trump can use to advance himself. I am sure you people will continue to give him money that he will pocket and lautgh at all the fools who send him money.

Do you understand that that is exactly what the democrat party is?

The democrat party is a cancer on this has been evil since its creation by slave has used racism, violence and hate to accumulate and keep power .....

They owned slaves, started the Civil War to keep black humans as slaves, stated the kkk, jim crow, poll taxes and literacy tests...........they fought every single Civil Rights act and the anti-lynching law....and only supported the last two Acts because lyndong johnson realized that murdering blacks couldn't keep them from voting...and he knew they would need black votes to take and keep he created the Great Society which destroyed the black family......they sided with the Soviet Union and are now in bed with China....

They are evil...

I look in horror at what the Republican Party has become because I joined the party of Ronald Reagan. That party is dead.

The Republican Party is a threat to this country. What we saw was a Republican assault on the capitol in a attempt to stop the election certification. They threatened to hank Mike Pence. Someone dressed in a black, paramilitary outfit hat plastic ties which brings up the possibility they were looking for hostages. The calitol was breached for the first time since the British did it in the War of 1812.

The trouble is that all the racists who were Democrats now call themselves Republicans. David Duke is a racist and a Republican. A black, Republican AG may have participated in a coverup in the Breanna Taylor case. A officer was indicted for the firing of bullets into a white family's apartment. Republicans are no lovers of civil rights. In states where they have total control, we will see a major assault on voting rights. They have appointed judges who don't give a damn and will allow this to go forward. Helping people who are in need is not destroying anything. Allowing them to starve is okay. Being for peace does not make you pro-Soviet Union. Putin supported Trump. China is so much hogwash.

Uh......I think we're more worried about what Pelosi and Schumer are going to do in Congress...that will be rubberstamped by Biden.
Bummer. Should have thought of that before you elected Trump who has screwed the Republican Party.

75 million Trump voters say you are wrong....

81 million Biden voters say you are wrong.
Apparently alot of those "voters" were stolen from Trump, dead, under-age, illegal immigrants, or not even legal residents in the states they voted in. Many of those "voters" were just some BLM activist running the same ballot through the Dominion machines 100 times.

I remember when the Dems pushed Obamacare down our throats.....but this time they went too far.
This time this country will be out for had better get ready for it.

That is untrue. Not one claim has been proven in court. Why don't you stop lying to the American people. More disproven claims. American Thinker is a oxymoron. They are doing no thinking. They are terrorists who appeal to terrorists.

The only blood that will be spilled is your right wing Nazi pals. The military should be used to put down any attempted coup.


We have always had peaceful transitions. Its something both parties are committed to since George Washington. Trump is an aberration who has debased the office of the presidency in every way.
Well that premise is being blown up by Nancy Pelosi, who refuses now to allow a peaceful transition.
Instead she wants to prevent Trump from leaving without yet another fake impeachment.
Trump had every right to explore his options legally and politically, and he was thwarted.
So now he's leaving and that's not good enough for that evil bitch.

I(mpeachment is more than justified as would be removal from office under the 25th Amendment. There can be no peaceful transition when you have a maniac like Trump with access to the nuclear codes. His encouraging rioters does not fall unde exploring his options as Congress has no power to overturn elections even if the votes were there which they never were.
So what is the fucking point, idiot?
Do you want Biden's first days in office to be that of a tyrant who aggressively attacked and destroyed his political opponents?
Don't you think it's time to calm down and let cooler heads prevail?
Do you want to create enemies that would rather murder you than debate you?
That's what's in store for you if they keep doing this.

Trump was the one who launched a attack to destroy his political opponents. That is why they were chanting to hang Mike Pence. I am sure you have no trouble with that. Biden defeated Trump fair and square. Everyone except brainwashed Trump supporters llke you know that. Donald Trump has access to the nuclear codes so getting rid of him before he has a complete breakdown is letting cooler heads prevail. We already have that. Right wing fascist Nazis murdered a police officer. They attempted to kidnap the Michigan Governor. They are the enemy of this country and need to be put down ruthlessly.

Pence hasn't ruled out using the 25th amendment if Trump becomes more unstable.

VP Mike Pence has not ruled out invoking 25th Amendment ...
12 hours ago · Vice President Mike Pence has not ruled out using the 25th Amendment against President Trump in case his state of mind becomes more unstable …

What part of the entire history of the democrat party do you not see as a cancer on this country? From slavery, the kkk, jim crow, poll taxes, literacy tests, lynching, Japanese Internment, siding with the Soviet Union, fighting every single Civil Rights act, fighting against the anti-lynching laws, and now in bed with China....a country actually using real slave labor and committing actual genocide against it's own people.....

What part of that history and current activity do you not understand or see?
Uh......I think we're more worried about what Pelosi and Schumer are going to do in Congress...that will be rubberstamped by Biden.
Bummer. Should have thought of that before you elected Trump who has screwed the Republican Party.

75 million Trump voters say you are wrong....

81 million Biden voters say you are wrong.
Apparently alot of those "voters" were stolen from Trump, dead, under-age, illegal immigrants, or not even legal residents in the states they voted in. Many of those "voters" were just some BLM activist running the same ballot through the Dominion machines 100 times.

I remember when the Dems pushed Obamacare down our throats.....but this time they went too far.
This time this country will be out for had better get ready for it.

That is untrue. Not one claim has been proven in court. Why don't you stop lying to the American people. More disproven claims. American Thinker is a oxymoron. They are doing no thinking. They are terrorists who appeal to terrorists.

The only blood that will be spilled is your right wing Nazi pals. The military should be used to put down any attempted coup.


We have always had peaceful transitions. Its something both parties are committed to since George Washington. Trump is an aberration who has debased the office of the presidency in every way.
Well that premise is being blown up by Nancy Pelosi, who refuses now to allow a peaceful transition.
Instead she wants to prevent Trump from leaving without yet another fake impeachment.
Trump had every right to explore his options legally and politically, and he was thwarted.
So now he's leaving and that's not good enough for that evil bitch.

I(mpeachment is more than justified as would be removal from office under the 25th Amendment. There can be no peaceful transition when you have a maniac like Trump with access to the nuclear codes. His encouraging rioters does not fall unde exploring his options as Congress has no power to overturn elections even if the votes were there which they never were.

You dumb shit.....he didn't encourage any lying sack of shit.

Please.........quote the exact words Trump used to encourage a riot.....we will wait.......and wait......and wait....since you have nothing.....

You are the lying sack of shit. You are also the dumbshit. You and the other Trump supporters are examples of the greatest swindle in this country. Trump has successfully brainwashed you into believing that he is for you when you are nothing more than something Trump can use to advance himself. I am sure you people will continue to give him money that he will pocket and lautgh at all the fools who send him money.

Do you understand that that is exactly what the democrat party is?

The democrat party is a cancer on this has been evil since its creation by slave has used racism, violence and hate to accumulate and keep power .....

They owned slaves, started the Civil War to keep black humans as slaves, stated the kkk, jim crow, poll taxes and literacy tests...........they fought every single Civil Rights act and the anti-lynching law....and only supported the last two Acts because lyndong johnson realized that murdering blacks couldn't keep them from voting...and he knew they would need black votes to take and keep he created the Great Society which destroyed the black family......they sided with the Soviet Union and are now in bed with China....

They are evil...

I look in horror at what the Republican Party has become because I joined the party of Ronald Reagan. That party is dead.

The Republican Party is a threat to this country. What we saw was a Republican assault on the capitol in a attempt to stop the election certification. They threatened to hank Mike Pence. Someone dressed in a black, paramilitary outfit hat plastic ties which brings up the possibility they were looking for hostages. The calitol was breached for the first time since the British did it in the War of 1812.

The trouble is that all the racists who were Democrats now call themselves Republicans. David Duke is a racist and a Republican. A black, Republican AG may have participated in a coverup in the Breanna Taylor case. A officer was indicted for the firing of bullets into a white family's apartment. Republicans are no lovers of civil rights. In states where they have total control, we will see a major assault on voting rights. They have appointed judges who don't give a damn and will allow this to go forward. Helping people who are in need is not destroying anything. Allowing them to starve is okay. Being for peace does not make you pro-Soviet Union. Putin supported Trump. China is so much hogwash.


David Duke has nothing to do with the republican party...and endorsed hilary in the last election you doofus...

Barak obama is close personal friends with the racist and anti-semites louis farakhan, al sharpton, and jeremiah wright........louis farakhan the racist and Jew hater was the formal guest of the Congressional Black caucus....a racist organisation all by itself, and buddied up with obama during the event...........what part of that open and proud racism and anti-semitism from actual party leadership do you not understand?
Uh......I think we're more worried about what Pelosi and Schumer are going to do in Congress...that will be rubberstamped by Biden.
Bummer. Should have thought of that before you elected Trump who has screwed the Republican Party.

75 million Trump voters say you are wrong....

81 million Biden voters say you are wrong.
Apparently alot of those "voters" were stolen from Trump, dead, under-age, illegal immigrants, or not even legal residents in the states they voted in. Many of those "voters" were just some BLM activist running the same ballot through the Dominion machines 100 times.

I remember when the Dems pushed Obamacare down our throats.....but this time they went too far.
This time this country will be out for had better get ready for it.

That is untrue. Not one claim has been proven in court. Why don't you stop lying to the American people. More disproven claims. American Thinker is a oxymoron. They are doing no thinking. They are terrorists who appeal to terrorists.

The only blood that will be spilled is your right wing Nazi pals. The military should be used to put down any attempted coup.


We have always had peaceful transitions. Its something both parties are committed to since George Washington. Trump is an aberration who has debased the office of the presidency in every way.
Well that premise is being blown up by Nancy Pelosi, who refuses now to allow a peaceful transition.
Instead she wants to prevent Trump from leaving without yet another fake impeachment.
Trump had every right to explore his options legally and politically, and he was thwarted.
So now he's leaving and that's not good enough for that evil bitch.

I(mpeachment is more than justified as would be removal from office under the 25th Amendment. There can be no peaceful transition when you have a maniac like Trump with access to the nuclear codes. His encouraging rioters does not fall unde exploring his options as Congress has no power to overturn elections even if the votes were there which they never were.

You dumb shit.....he didn't encourage any lying sack of shit.

Please.........quote the exact words Trump used to encourage a riot.....we will wait.......and wait......and wait....since you have nothing.....

You are the lying sack of shit. You are also the dumbshit. You and the other Trump supporters are examples of the greatest swindle in this country. Trump has successfully brainwashed you into believing that he is for you when you are nothing more than something Trump can use to advance himself. I am sure you people will continue to give him money that he will pocket and lautgh at all the fools who send him money.

Do you understand that that is exactly what the democrat party is?

The democrat party is a cancer on this has been evil since its creation by slave has used racism, violence and hate to accumulate and keep power .....

They owned slaves, started the Civil War to keep black humans as slaves, stated the kkk, jim crow, poll taxes and literacy tests...........they fought every single Civil Rights act and the anti-lynching law....and only supported the last two Acts because lyndong johnson realized that murdering blacks couldn't keep them from voting...and he knew they would need black votes to take and keep he created the Great Society which destroyed the black family......they sided with the Soviet Union and are now in bed with China....

They are evil...

Jim Jones and David Koresh also had their true believers.

Do you understand that jim jones was a left wing communist? Do you know that? That his church was simply a mask to hide his push for communism?
Uh......I think we're more worried about what Pelosi and Schumer are going to do in Congress...that will be rubberstamped by Biden.
Bummer. Should have thought of that before you elected Trump who has screwed the Republican Party.

75 million Trump voters say you are wrong....

81 million Biden voters say you are wrong.
Apparently alot of those "voters" were stolen from Trump, dead, under-age, illegal immigrants, or not even legal residents in the states they voted in. Many of those "voters" were just some BLM activist running the same ballot through the Dominion machines 100 times.

I remember when the Dems pushed Obamacare down our throats.....but this time they went too far.
This time this country will be out for had better get ready for it.

That is untrue. Not one claim has been proven in court. Why don't you stop lying to the American people. More disproven claims. American Thinker is a oxymoron. They are doing no thinking. They are terrorists who appeal to terrorists.

The only blood that will be spilled is your right wing Nazi pals. The military should be used to put down any attempted coup.


We have always had peaceful transitions. Its something both parties are committed to since George Washington. Trump is an aberration who has debased the office of the presidency in every way.
Well that premise is being blown up by Nancy Pelosi, who refuses now to allow a peaceful transition.
Instead she wants to prevent Trump from leaving without yet another fake impeachment.
Trump had every right to explore his options legally and politically, and he was thwarted.
So now he's leaving and that's not good enough for that evil bitch.

I(mpeachment is more than justified as would be removal from office under the 25th Amendment. There can be no peaceful transition when you have a maniac like Trump with access to the nuclear codes. His encouraging rioters does not fall unde exploring his options as Congress has no power to overturn elections even if the votes were there which they never were.
So what is the fucking point, idiot?
Do you want Biden's first days in office to be that of a tyrant who aggressively attacked and destroyed his political opponents?
Don't you think it's time to calm down and let cooler heads prevail?
Do you want to create enemies that would rather murder you than debate you?
That's what's in store for you if they keep doing this.

Trump was the one who launched a attack to destroy his political opponents. That is why they were chanting to hang Mike Pence. I am sure you have no trouble with that. Biden defeated Trump fair and square. Everyone except brainwashed Trump supporters llke you know that. Donald Trump has access to the nuclear codes so getting rid of him before he has a complete breakdown is letting cooler heads prevail. We already have that. Right wing fascist Nazis murdered a police officer. They attempted to kidnap the Michigan Governor. They are the enemy of this country ande need to be put down ruthlessly.

The individual who hit the police officer was antifa, not a Trump supporter....there is nothing over the last 20 years that shows conservatives to be violent mobs.....while the last 7 months antifa and blm have actually murdered police officers and Trump supporters, you dumb ass.
Uh......I think we're more worried about what Pelosi and Schumer are going to do in Congress...that will be rubberstamped by Biden.
Bummer. Should have thought of that before you elected Trump who has screwed the Republican Party.

75 million Trump voters say you are wrong....

81 million Biden voters say you are wrong.
Apparently alot of those "voters" were stolen from Trump, dead, under-age, illegal immigrants, or not even legal residents in the states they voted in. Many of those "voters" were just some BLM activist running the same ballot through the Dominion machines 100 times.

I remember when the Dems pushed Obamacare down our throats.....but this time they went too far.
This time this country will be out for had better get ready for it.

That is untrue. Not one claim has been proven in court. Why don't you stop lying to the American people. More disproven claims. American Thinker is a oxymoron. They are doing no thinking. They are terrorists who appeal to terrorists.

The only blood that will be spilled is your right wing Nazi pals. The military should be used to put down any attempted coup.


We have always had peaceful transitions. Its something both parties are committed to since George Washington. Trump is an aberration who has debased the office of the presidency in every way.
Well that premise is being blown up by Nancy Pelosi, who refuses now to allow a peaceful transition.
Instead she wants to prevent Trump from leaving without yet another fake impeachment.
Trump had every right to explore his options legally and politically, and he was thwarted.
So now he's leaving and that's not good enough for that evil bitch.

I(mpeachment is more than justified as would be removal from office under the 25th Amendment. There can be no peaceful transition when you have a maniac like Trump with access to the nuclear codes. His encouraging rioters does not fall unde exploring his options as Congress has no power to overturn elections even if the votes were there which they never were.
So what is the fucking point, idiot?
Do you want Biden's first days in office to be that of a tyrant who aggressively attacked and destroyed his political opponents?
Don't you think it's time to calm down and let cooler heads prevail?
Do you want to create enemies that would rather murder you than debate you?
That's what's in store for you if they keep doing this.

Trump was the one who launched a attack to destroy his political opponents. That is why they were chanting to hang Mike Pence. I am sure you have no trouble with that. Biden defeated Trump fair and square. Everyone except brainwashed Trump supporters llke you know that. Donald Trump has access to the nuclear codes so getting rid of him before he has a complete breakdown is letting cooler heads prevail. We already have that. Right wing fascist Nazis murdered a police officer. They attempted to kidnap the Michigan Governor. They are the enemy of this country ande need to be put down ruthlessly.

The individual who hit the police officer was antifa, not a Trump supporter....there is nothing over the last 20 years that shows conservatives to be violent mobs.....while the last 7 months antifa and blm have actually murdered police officers and Trump supporters, you dumb ass.

Prove it..

ISIS and AQ recruited true believer for terrorism using social media.
Uh......I think we're more worried about what Pelosi and Schumer are going to do in Congress...that will be rubberstamped by Biden.
Bummer. Should have thought of that before you elected Trump who has screwed the Republican Party.

75 million Trump voters say you are wrong....

81 million Biden voters say you are wrong.
Apparently alot of those "voters" were stolen from Trump, dead, under-age, illegal immigrants, or not even legal residents in the states they voted in. Many of those "voters" were just some BLM activist running the same ballot through the Dominion machines 100 times.

I remember when the Dems pushed Obamacare down our throats.....but this time they went too far.
This time this country will be out for had better get ready for it.

That is untrue. Not one claim has been proven in court. Why don't you stop lying to the American people. More disproven claims. American Thinker is a oxymoron. They are doing no thinking. They are terrorists who appeal to terrorists.

The only blood that will be spilled is your right wing Nazi pals. The military should be used to put down any attempted coup.


We have always had peaceful transitions. Its something both parties are committed to since George Washington. Trump is an aberration who has debased the office of the presidency in every way.
Well that premise is being blown up by Nancy Pelosi, who refuses now to allow a peaceful transition.
Instead she wants to prevent Trump from leaving without yet another fake impeachment.
Trump had every right to explore his options legally and politically, and he was thwarted.
So now he's leaving and that's not good enough for that evil bitch.

I(mpeachment is more than justified as would be removal from office under the 25th Amendment. There can be no peaceful transition when you have a maniac like Trump with access to the nuclear codes. His encouraging rioters does not fall unde exploring his options as Congress has no power to overturn elections even if the votes were there which they never were.
So what is the fucking point, idiot?
Do you want Biden's first days in office to be that of a tyrant who aggressively attacked and destroyed his political opponents?
Don't you think it's time to calm down and let cooler heads prevail?
Do you want to create enemies that would rather murder you than debate you?
That's what's in store for you if they keep doing this.

Trump was the one who launched a attack to destroy his political opponents. That is why they were chanting to hang Mike Pence. I am sure you have no trouble with that. Biden defeated Trump fair and square. Everyone except brainwashed Trump supporters llke you know that. Donald Trump has access to the nuclear codes so getting rid of him before he has a complete breakdown is letting cooler heads prevail. We already have that. Right wing fascist Nazis murdered a police officer. They attempted to kidnap the Michigan Governor. They are the enemy of this country ande need to be put down ruthlessly.

The individual who hit the police officer was antifa, not a Trump supporter....there is nothing over the last 20 years that shows conservatives to be violent mobs.....while the last 7 months antifa and blm have actually murdered police officers and Trump supporters, you dumb ass.

Prove it..

ISIS and AQ recruited true believer for terrorism using social media.

What has that got to do with anything.....?
Uh......I think we're more worried about what Pelosi and Schumer are going to do in Congress...that will be rubberstamped by Biden.
Bummer. Should have thought of that before you elected Trump who has screwed the Republican Party.

75 million Trump voters say you are wrong....

81 million Biden voters say you are wrong.
Apparently alot of those "voters" were stolen from Trump, dead, under-age, illegal immigrants, or not even legal residents in the states they voted in. Many of those "voters" were just some BLM activist running the same ballot through the Dominion machines 100 times.

I remember when the Dems pushed Obamacare down our throats.....but this time they went too far.
This time this country will be out for had better get ready for it.

That is untrue. Not one claim has been proven in court. Why don't you stop lying to the American people. More disproven claims. American Thinker is a oxymoron. They are doing no thinking. They are terrorists who appeal to terrorists.

The only blood that will be spilled is your right wing Nazi pals. The military should be used to put down any attempted coup.


We have always had peaceful transitions. Its something both parties are committed to since George Washington. Trump is an aberration who has debased the office of the presidency in every way.
Well that premise is being blown up by Nancy Pelosi, who refuses now to allow a peaceful transition.
Instead she wants to prevent Trump from leaving without yet another fake impeachment.
Trump had every right to explore his options legally and politically, and he was thwarted.
So now he's leaving and that's not good enough for that evil bitch.

I(mpeachment is more than justified as would be removal from office under the 25th Amendment. There can be no peaceful transition when you have a maniac like Trump with access to the nuclear codes. His encouraging rioters does not fall unde exploring his options as Congress has no power to overturn elections even if the votes were there which they never were.
So what is the fucking point, idiot?
Do you want Biden's first days in office to be that of a tyrant who aggressively attacked and destroyed his political opponents?
Don't you think it's time to calm down and let cooler heads prevail?
Do you want to create enemies that would rather murder you than debate you?
That's what's in store for you if they keep doing this.

Trump was the one who launched a attack to destroy his political opponents. That is why they were chanting to hang Mike Pence. I am sure you have no trouble with that. Biden defeated Trump fair and square. Everyone except brainwashed Trump supporters llke you know that. Donald Trump has access to the nuclear codes so getting rid of him before he has a complete breakdown is letting cooler heads prevail. We already have that. Right wing fascist Nazis murdered a police officer. They attempted to kidnap the Michigan Governor. They are the enemy of this country ande need to be put down ruthlessly.

The individual who hit the police officer was antifa, not a Trump supporter....there is nothing over the last 20 years that shows conservatives to be violent mobs.....while the last 7 months antifa and blm have actually murdered police officers and Trump supporters, you dumb ass.

Prove it..

ISIS and AQ recruited true believer for terrorism using social media.

What has that got to do with anything.....?

Pelosi hasn't been trying to overturn the election or calling for violence. Trump has.
Uh......I think we're more worried about what Pelosi and Schumer are going to do in Congress...that will be rubberstamped by Biden.
Bummer. Should have thought of that before you elected Trump who has screwed the Republican Party.

75 million Trump voters say you are wrong....

81 million Biden voters say you are wrong.
Apparently alot of those "voters" were stolen from Trump, dead, under-age, illegal immigrants, or not even legal residents in the states they voted in. Many of those "voters" were just some BLM activist running the same ballot through the Dominion machines 100 times.

I remember when the Dems pushed Obamacare down our throats.....but this time they went too far.
This time this country will be out for had better get ready for it.

That is untrue. Not one claim has been proven in court. Why don't you stop lying to the American people. More disproven claims. American Thinker is a oxymoron. They are doing no thinking. They are terrorists who appeal to terrorists.

The only blood that will be spilled is your right wing Nazi pals. The military should be used to put down any attempted coup.


We have always had peaceful transitions. Its something both parties are committed to since George Washington. Trump is an aberration who has debased the office of the presidency in every way.
Well that premise is being blown up by Nancy Pelosi, who refuses now to allow a peaceful transition.
Instead she wants to prevent Trump from leaving without yet another fake impeachment.
Trump had every right to explore his options legally and politically, and he was thwarted.
So now he's leaving and that's not good enough for that evil bitch.

I(mpeachment is more than justified as would be removal from office under the 25th Amendment. There can be no peaceful transition when you have a maniac like Trump with access to the nuclear codes. His encouraging rioters does not fall unde exploring his options as Congress has no power to overturn elections even if the votes were there which they never were.
So what is the fucking point, idiot?
Do you want Biden's first days in office to be that of a tyrant who aggressively attacked and destroyed his political opponents?
Don't you think it's time to calm down and let cooler heads prevail?
Do you want to create enemies that would rather murder you than debate you?
That's what's in store for you if they keep doing this.

Trump was the one who launched a attack to destroy his political opponents. That is why they were chanting to hang Mike Pence. I am sure you have no trouble with that. Biden defeated Trump fair and square. Everyone except brainwashed Trump supporters llke you know that. Donald Trump has access to the nuclear codes so getting rid of him before he has a complete breakdown is letting cooler heads prevail. We already have that. Right wing fascist Nazis murdered a police officer. They attempted to kidnap the Michigan Governor. They are the enemy of this country ande need to be put down ruthlessly.

The individual who hit the police officer was antifa, not a Trump supporter....there is nothing over the last 20 years that shows conservatives to be violent mobs.....while the last 7 months antifa and blm have actually murdered police officers and Trump supporters, you dumb ass.

Prove it..

ISIS and AQ recruited true believer for terrorism using social media.

What has that got to do with anything.....?

Pelosi hasn't been trying to overturn the election or calling for violence. Trump has.

Pelosi supports the stolen election and took a knee to show support for the violent terrorists in they burned and looted our cities for the last 7 months and murdered Trump supporters and police officers....

Trump was legally contesting a stolen election and did not incite any violence....
Uh......I think we're more worried about what Pelosi and Schumer are going to do in Congress...that will be rubberstamped by Biden.
Bummer. Should have thought of that before you elected Trump who has screwed the Republican Party.

75 million Trump voters say you are wrong....

81 million Biden voters say you are wrong.
Apparently alot of those "voters" were stolen from Trump, dead, under-age, illegal immigrants, or not even legal residents in the states they voted in. Many of those "voters" were just some BLM activist running the same ballot through the Dominion machines 100 times.

I remember when the Dems pushed Obamacare down our throats.....but this time they went too far.
This time this country will be out for had better get ready for it.

That is untrue. Not one claim has been proven in court. Why don't you stop lying to the American people. More disproven claims. American Thinker is a oxymoron. They are doing no thinking. They are terrorists who appeal to terrorists.

The only blood that will be spilled is your right wing Nazi pals. The military should be used to put down any attempted coup.


We have always had peaceful transitions. Its something both parties are committed to since George Washington. Trump is an aberration who has debased the office of the presidency in every way.
Well that premise is being blown up by Nancy Pelosi, who refuses now to allow a peaceful transition.
Instead she wants to prevent Trump from leaving without yet another fake impeachment.
Trump had every right to explore his options legally and politically, and he was thwarted.
So now he's leaving and that's not good enough for that evil bitch.

I(mpeachment is more than justified as would be removal from office under the 25th Amendment. There can be no peaceful transition when you have a maniac like Trump with access to the nuclear codes. His encouraging rioters does not fall unde exploring his options as Congress has no power to overturn elections even if the votes were there which they never were.
So what is the fucking point, idiot?
Do you want Biden's first days in office to be that of a tyrant who aggressively attacked and destroyed his political opponents?
Don't you think it's time to calm down and let cooler heads prevail?
Do you want to create enemies that would rather murder you than debate you?
That's what's in store for you if they keep doing this.

Trump was the one who launched a attack to destroy his political opponents. That is why they were chanting to hang Mike Pence. I am sure you have no trouble with that. Biden defeated Trump fair and square. Everyone except brainwashed Trump supporters llke you know that. Donald Trump has access to the nuclear codes so getting rid of him before he has a complete breakdown is letting cooler heads prevail. We already have that. Right wing fascist Nazis murdered a police officer. They attempted to kidnap the Michigan Governor. They are the enemy of this country ande need to be put down ruthlessly.

The individual who hit the police officer was antifa, not a Trump supporter....there is nothing over the last 20 years that shows conservatives to be violent mobs.....while the last 7 months antifa and blm have actually murdered police officers and Trump supporters, you dumb ass.

Prove it..

ISIS and AQ recruited true believer for terrorism using social media.

What has that got to do with anything.....?

Pelosi hasn't been trying to overturn the election or calling for violence. Trump has.

Pelosi supports the stolen election and took a knee to show support for the violent terrorists in they burned and looted our cities for the last 7 months and murdered Trump supporters and police officers....

Trump was legally contesting a stolen election and did not incite any violence....

The election wasn't stolen at all.. Taking a knee is a very respectful form of protest. Trump had every opportunity to address police brutality.. but part of his malignant narcissism is a penchant for sadism and violence. Look at his track record.
He must be stopped before he attempts another coup.

You could call what Trump was up to a coup -------- not leaving when the office term is up is one of history's commonest forms of coup d'etat.

You could also call stealing an election by the Dems a coup, if you believe they did: stealing votes is another very popular form of coup. Napoleon had a vote on his new constitution that he wrote himself. They told him, Your Majesty, you've won by a hundred thousand votes! He said, Ehhhhhhh.....better make it two hundred thousand. So they did.

Anyway, the word coup means changing the basis of sovereignty, like from a king to a congress. I think someone overstaying his term could fairly be called a coup.
Only now republicans are calling for a peaceful transition, while those 140 republican lawmakers on Wednesday were part of the scam to reject the certified elector votes, in support of the election was stolen made up bull crap which was cause for the riots....

Maybe those congress critters should have thought about that before this money making farce of theirs? They knew they would lose their objections.... but did it anyway....

While the rioters inside the capitol were rampaging it, and pence in hiding for his life...

Trump was calling the congressmen who objected to the certifications to encourage them to continue to support him, when they returned.
He must be stopped before he attempts another coup.

You could call what Trump was up to a coup -------- not leaving when the office term is up is one of history's commonest forms of coup d'etat.

You could also call stealing an election by the Dems a coup, if you believe they did: stealing votes is another very popular form of coup. Napoleon had a vote on his new constitution that he wrote himself. They told him, Your Majesty, you've won by a hundred thousand votes! He said, Ehhhhhhh.....better make it two hundred thousand. So they did.

Anyway, the word coup means changing the basis of sovereignty, like from a king to a congress. I think someone overstaying his term could fairly be called a coup.
Disagree. The election was not stolen from Trump, nearly 84 million of us voted him out.

When you someday, find out the actual truth, that trump lost and it is trump with you all's blessing, that is trying to steal the election from us, will you apologize, repent, feel sorry for the scam you participated in???
When you someday, find out the actual truth, that trump lost and it is trump with you all's blessing, that is trying to steal the election from us, will you apologize, repent, feel sorry for the scam you participated in???

Prolly not ---- :Boom2:
I made the mistake in tuning into Fox News this evening....and Democrats are acting like they've lost their motherfuking minds.

They can't even wait 11 days. They want their pound of flesh now.

It's really a disgusting display of horrid behavior
There behaviour only guarantees a massive victory for the right in the mid-terms. 100 million GUARANTEED pissed off AMERICANS even before the old fool is sworn in. Just way until he bows down to his Chinese masters
He must be stopped before he attempts another coup.

You could call what Trump was up to a coup -------- not leaving when the office term is up is one of history's commonest forms of coup d'etat.

You could also call stealing an election by the Dems a coup, if you believe they did: stealing votes is another very popular form of coup. Napoleon had a vote on his new constitution that he wrote himself. They told him, Your Majesty, you've won by a hundred thousand votes! He said, Ehhhhhhh.....better make it two hundred thousand. So they did.

Anyway, the word coup means changing the basis of sovereignty, like from a king to a congress. I think someone overstaying his term could fairly be called a coup.
Disagree. The election was not stolen from Trump, nearly 84 million of us voted him out.

When you someday, find out the actual truth, that trump lost and it is trump with you all's blessing, that is trying to steal the election from us, will you apologize, repent, feel sorry for the scam you participated in???
Trump got 86 million and Biden 68 according to sources the MSM ignores

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