Cleveland-Cliffs steel mill in East Chicago, IN to start making steel with hydrogen instead of coal.


Mar 5, 2022

I don’t know if the Cleveland-Cliffs steel mill will fully stop making steel with coal, but the site is building a multimillion dollar hydrogen pipeline to melt the iron ore to be converted into steel.

I guess the process will release water vapors instead of carbon emissions, according to that article.

Below are pics of the article if you can’t access the website..


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But if that energy doesn't come from fossil fuels - comes from limitless sunshine, wind, tides - then who cares?

Generating electricity from those low-density sources and then using it to electrolyze water, with low efficiency, and then transporting that hydrogen through a pipeline to produce steel. Wow! I thought American steel was already more expensive than imports.
Generating electricity from those low-density sources and then using it to electrolyze water, with low efficiency, and then transporting that hydrogen through a pipeline to produce steel. Wow! I thought American steel was already more expensive than imports.
Yea, well it’s a step in the right direction for improving technology with making steel without coal.

The US Steel steel mill in Gary, IN releases a DISGUSTING amount of pollution..

(Below is a pic of US Steel in Zug Island, Michigan..)

(I’ve seen it like that at the US Steel in Gary, IN.)


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Oh wait ... wow ... I can be so 19th Century sometimes ... we're not blooming iron here ... Cleveland Cliffs is starting with steel ... just using hydrogen for fuel ...

Use what's cheapest ... or go without steel ... but isn't clear cutting forests for building materials worse on the environment? ... humans are a dying species and maybe we shouldn't be taking everything else down with us ... maybe? ... so maybe ease up on the wanton destruction ... millions of square miles of rain forest gone for a few years growing chocolate ... disk-cust-ting ...
Yea, well it’s a step in the right direction for improving technology with making steel without coal.

The US Steel steel mill in Gary, IN releases a DISGUSTING amount of pollution..

(Below is a pic of US Steel in Zug Island, Michigan..)

(I’ve seen it like that at the US Steel in Gary, IN.)

Yea, well it’s a step in the right direction for improving technology with making steel without coal.

And without profit.

US steel in Gary, IN billows lots of nasty black smoke though. (Like in that pic.)
I guess we should quit making steel towers for inefficient wind turbines. Quit building solar and wind that need high tension power lines, and the towers that go with them.

How about taking a pic of that steel plant you are talking about.
Use what's cheapest ... or go without steel ... but isn't clear cutting forests for building materials worse on the environment? ... ... millions of square miles of rain forest gone for a few years growing chocolate ... disk-cust-ting ...
Balsa wood for wind turbines comes from the rain forest.

Sad, the democrats are destroying the world
Balsa's not strong enough ... we use fiberglass to make wind turbines ... your hatred must be blinding you ...
Fiberglass alone is two heavy. They made airplanes out of balsa wood.

Your ignorance is extraordinary. To claim my hatred blinds me to the truth, what does that say of reinydays, you, when your hatred falsely accuses those who are actually right.

In my case I am right and I work for the wind industry


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Billions of Wind Turbine Blades Built With Balsa Wood Stripped From Amazon’s Forests​

The last time I checked, balsa wood grows back. 95% of the world's balsa supplies come from Ecuador where it is grown on plantations. It is an incredibly fast growing tree, reaching 30 meters (just under 100 feet) in 15 years. They also rarely live longer than 35 years. --,rarely%20live%20beyond%2035%20years.

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