Cleveland police, EMS unions won't hold flag for NFL's Browns after players kneel for anthem

My proposal for Black entrepreneurs to buy an NFL franchise would not be to create an all black that would not be the American way. My proposal is a strategy for Blacks to have a voice
in the NFL through ownership

You do realize that NFL owners must be approved by the existing owners, right? Oh, and teams are available for purchase all the time. I saw two on Craigslist last week. The NFL owners are not going to approve a new owner with a political agenda. Especially not one whose agenda has been shown to reduce ratings.
So you are saying there would be intense opposition to black ownership of an NFL franchise by all the NFL's Whites owners only
So you are saying there would be intense opposition to black ownership of an NFL franchise by all the NFL's Whites owners only Club?

I'm saying there would be intense opposition to a potential new owner of any race or gender who intended to use their franchise as a political tool. The NFL owners are interested in nothing other than their bottom line. Politics are not good for business, as they found out last year.
If this is all so horrible, why isn't the NFL and the city making the fans in the stands stand up during the Anthem...closing down food and beer sales during the anthem?
If this is all so horrible, why isn't the NFL and the city making the fans in the stands stand up during the Anthem...closing down food and beer sales during the anthem?

They can't force people to stand for the national anthem (unfirtunately). They can do what Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has done - inform players thst not standing will have repercussions.
Freedom is an American birthright according to our Constitution. Our flag represents that which also includes the right of freedom of speech. We are all free to question policies that we do not agree with UNDER that flag so, 'taking a knee' during the Anthem is supposed to prove just what exactly? Frankly those NFL players who 'take a knee' are only proving their ignorance.
The Browns? Are they still playing football?

Their record is so bad over the last ten years, and their attendance so low, that the last thing they need is a bunch of brainless drama queens adding to the team's dysfunction. Maybe they should fire all these players then pick up some illegals who probably have a much better work ethic — and are probably more patriotic, too. Lol...
If this is all so horrible, why isn't the NFL and the city making the fans in the stands stand up during the Anthem...closing down food and beer sales during the anthem?

They can't force people to stand for the national anthem (unfirtunately). They can do what Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has done - inform players thst not standing will have repercussions.
But, they can fine them.
The NFL Guidbook says the players will stand, face the flag with their right hand over their hearts and their helmets in their left hand!
They can fine you if your sock aren't pulled up!

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