Capitol Police Stop Choir From Singing of National Anthem In The Capitol, Declares It A Form Of Protest, Might Offend Someone


The leftist vermin whine about how the right wants this to be the Wild West, but they don't realize that the old west was a far more polite place place because everyone was armed and a smart mouth could get someone killed.

When they decided to handcuff the cops, they guaranteed that the law would eventually be shifted to different hands. In my state, where everyone who can legally own a firearm can carry it concealed, folks are a lot nicer.

Criminals do not feel so safe here. That's why I like it.

Same here (Florida)
Maybe this would be a good time & place to insert some information that kids are not likely to hear in any public schools these days. It is the Battle of Baltimore, which inspired the writing of the Star Spangled Banner (national anthem). Few Americans have ever gotten this taught in school, but it is important for us to know about the fierce warfare battle that took place in September 1814, in which 28 US soldiers & sailors were killed, 250 wounded, 50 captured.

Following their occupation and burning of Washington, D.C., in August 1814, the British-led by Vice Admiral Alexander Cochrane, Rear Admiral George Cockburn, and Major General Robert Ross-decided to sail up the Chesapeake Bay and strike the port of Baltimore, America’s third-largest city and a center of ship-building. They expected the city and harbour to fall quickly, as Washington had done.

Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Maryland
Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Maryland
Baltimore’s citizens, however, had worked on the city’s defenses for more than a year. Fort McHenry, south of the harbour entrance, was the city’s main guardian, commanded by Major George Armistead with a regular garrison. Militia manned other earthworks. The harbour entrance was blocked by a large chain and scuttled hulks. Against these defenses the British pursued a land-sea pincer maneuver, attacking from land while bombing the fort from the In the early morning of September 12, some 4,700 troops under Ross landed at North Point, north of the harbour. Opposing them was Brigadier General John Stricker’s brigade of 3,200 militia.

In late afternoon, Ross’s infantry encountered Stricker’s skirmishers. Ross came forward and was killed. Taking command, Colonel Arthur Brooke attacked, turned the American left, and assaulted the center. After a sharp but short battle, Stricker retreated to a second defensive line, and with nightfall the British stopped and Stricker withdrew into the city.

Meanwhile, sixteen British ships approached Fort McHenry, and in the early morning of September 13, they began a 25-hour bombardment of the fort. Brooke advanced to within sight of the city’s strong fortifications and concluded that only a night attack supported by naval cannons could succeed. The ships, however, were unable to reach the fort because of the chain and Armistead’s artillery. That night an attempt to land marines was driven back. On 14 September the British decided that a successful attack was impossible and departed.

Watching the bombardment from Baltimore harbour was American lawyer and poet Francis Scott Key, who was detained on a British ship throughout the attack. When he spotted the American flag still flying over the fortress at dawn on September 14, signaling that the Americans had not been defeated, he wrote a poem, completed later that day at a Baltimore hotel, in honor of the dramatic occasion. Called the "Defence of Fort M’Henry," it became the lyrics of the U.S. national anthem.

It's an inspiring story! Makes me weep every time I hear it.

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Patriotism and pride in America are now deemed offensive. Obama and Michelle must be thrilled.
Very true, Lisa. We must never forget the Obamas' had a plan and they are working on their plan which seems to be coming to fruition one day at a time as they know 2024 looms. They are in a mad rush. Heartening, however, to read how many Americans are starting to see it all and rebel. But time is of the essence and the days are short. Obama wants his fourth term! He realizes his minions' days are also short. One way or another.

“We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” — Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008
Very true, Lisa. We must never forget the Obamas' had a plan and they are working on their plan which seems to be coming to fruition one day at a time as they know 2024 looms. They are in a mad rush. Heartening, however, to read how many Americans are starting to see it all and rebel. But time is of the essence and the days are short. Obama wants his fourth term! He realizes his minions' days are also short. One way or another.

“We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” — Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008
You notice how Obama isn’t even heard from anymore? He’s running things from behind the curtain.

My fear is that Biden will drop out of the race, and a black female will be put up as the Democrat nominee. And no, not Kamala.

Michelle. An angry, resentful racist who likely got into Princeton and law school due to her race, and who became First Lady, and who, despite all that, blames racism for holding blacks back. She hates America more than her husband does.
You notice how Obama isn’t even heard from anymore? He’s running things from behind the curtain.

My fear is that Biden will drop out of the race, and a black female will be put up as the Democrat nominee. And no, not Kamala.

Michelle. An angry, resentful racist who likely got into Princeton and law school due to her race, and who became First Lady, and who, despite all that, blames racism for holding blacks back. She hates America more than her husband does.
And you're a racist/transphobe if you don't vote for him/her
And the GWP lies yet again.

That of course is not why the stopped it. Not just anyone can go in there and start doing such things, there has to be permission given.

"Although popup demonstrations and musical performances are not allowed in the U.S. Capitol without the proper approval, due to a miscommunication, the U.S Capitol Police were not aware that the Speaker's Office had approved this performance," USCP said in a statement to Newsweek.

"We apologize to the choir for this miscommunication that impacted their beautiful rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner and their visit to Capitol Hill," the statement continued.
Bull shite excuse making is all you got...... They could have asked for a quick pause, and then allowed them to resume immediately after finding out what they needed to know or allowed them to resume under the permission granted them on the spot by the captain in charge, and this all due to the content being patriotic and a harm to no one.

If we can't assess the situation on the spot any better than that, and therefore make proper judgement calls, then we are totally lost as a supposed unified "one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all".
Same here (Florida)
It has definitely equaled the score, and it has made the criminal's think before they act, but I also do know this - it has unfortunately become a two edged sword like everything else that is touched by the left. It has since become tainted and chaotic in which is the overall plan.

How so one might ask ? Well it's because I have witnessed a flood of what could appear to be criminal wanta be's that are attending the CCP classes, and becoming CCP holder's yet for possibly nefarious reason's.

Why are they doing this ???

Hmmm, maybe this way if they are caught carrying concealed, then they can skate even when they may have been carrying in order to intimidate other's with their new legally concealed carried weapon that the law might find on them after being called.... The acquiring of the permit is in order for them to brandish the weapon legally, then hide it, and then if confronted by the law maybe, then "get away with remaining in control of their weapon without the loss of possessing it.

No end to the undermining of everything that was once law and order, and the rule of law in this country.

Not sure how it is to be remedied.
And the GWP lies yet again.

That of course is not why the stopped it. Not just anyone can go in there and start doing such things, there has to be permission given.

"Although popup demonstrations and musical performances are not allowed in the U.S. Capitol without the proper approval, due to a miscommunication, the U.S Capitol Police were not aware that the Speaker's Office had approved this performance," USCP said in a statement to Newsweek.

"We apologize to the choir for this miscommunication that impacted their beautiful rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner and their visit to Capitol Hill," the statement continued.


Backpedaling and tap dancing.

Plus the blatant lying.

Pretty funny.

And the GWP lies yet again.

That of course is not why the stopped it. Not just anyone can go in there and start doing such things, there has to be permission given.

"Although popup demonstrations and musical performances are not allowed in the U.S. Capitol without the proper approval, due to a miscommunication, the U.S Capitol Police were not aware that the Speaker's Office had approved this performance," USCP said in a statement to Newsweek.

"We apologize to the choir for this miscommunication that impacted their beautiful rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner and their visit to Capitol Hill," the statement continued.
Permission was given by the Speaker of the house

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