Capitol Police Stop Choir From Singing of National Anthem In The Capitol, Declares It A Form Of Protest, Might Offend Someone

After I heard of this yesterday, I came to grips with my worst fear: We are on the Titanic!!!!!! That incident was the straw that broke the camel's back and my heart. There is something YUGE and sinister going on underneath somewhere and it is growing by the day. It is too late to stop for its net is over all of our great country we have cherished all of our lives. It is evil incarnate. :death:

What horseshit. Are you demented? If the choir had asked permission, it would have been granted in a minute.
"In a swift response to an unfortunate incident, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has extended an invitation to Rushingbrook Children’s Choir that was stopped midway through their performance while singing the National Anthem at the U.S. Capitol. Expressing his disappointment, McCarthy condemned the interruption and declared it “unacceptable.”

"The Capitol Police did not allow the young children to finish the song and sought to explain to the choir director that singing the national anthem at the nation’s Capitol is considered a form of demonstration and/or might offend someone."


The US Capitol Police stopped an invited children's choir from singing the National Anthem inside the US Capitol.

The Capitol Police declared the act of singing the US National Anthem inside tbe US Capitol to be a 'FORM OF PROTEST'.

A 'PROTEST' against WHAT?

The Democrat Socialism that has infested the Democrat Party, which they have forced ipon the country and the American People?!

Possibly even WORSE, THE capitol Pice told the choir it must stop singing the IS National Anthem because IT MIGHT OFFEND SOMEONE.

Anyone who would be offended by the singing of our National Anthem should not be in the US Capitol, and any US politician who is offended by the National Anthem should NOT be a US politician in the service of this country, a servant of the American people.

As for the Capitol Police, every one of them involved should be forced to attend some type of re-education training to understand the American flag, our National Anthem, are part of this country, its loyalty and patriotism. They are neither a form.of protest nor offensive to any patriotic American.

Even if this does not happen, the Capitol Police should issue a formal apology to the choir and invite them back again to sing the National Anthem inside the US Capitol!


Makes you wonder what really happened.
"In a swift response to an unfortunate incident, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has extended an invitation to Rushingbrook Children’s Choir that was stopped midway through their performance while singing the National Anthem at the U.S. Capitol. Expressing his disappointment, McCarthy condemned the interruption and declared it “unacceptable.”

"The Capitol Police did not allow the young children to finish the song and sought to explain to the choir director that singing the national anthem at the nation’s Capitol is considered a form of demonstration and/or might offend someone."


The US Capitol Police stopped an invited children's choir from singing the National Anthem inside the US Capitol.

The Capitol Police declared the act of singing the US National Anthem inside tbe US Capitol to be a 'FORM OF PROTEST'.

A 'PROTEST' against WHAT?

The Democrat Socialism that has infested the Democrat Party, which they have forced ipon the country and the American People?!

Possibly even WORSE, THE capitol Pice told the choir it must stop singing the IS National Anthem because IT MIGHT OFFEND SOMEONE.

Anyone who would be offended by the singing of our National Anthem should not be in the US Capitol, and any US politician who is offended by the National Anthem should NOT be a US politician in the service of this country, a servant of the American people.

As for the Capitol Police, every one of them involved should be forced to attend some type of re-education training to understand the American flag, our National Anthem, are part of this country, its loyalty and patriotism. They are neither a form.of protest nor offensive to any patriotic American.

Even if this does not happen, the Capitol Police should issue a formal apology to the choir and invite them back again to sing the National Anthem inside the US Capitol!

If they were singing pride songs they would have been allowed to continue.
And the GWP lies yet again.

That of course is not why the stopped it. Not just anyone can go in there and start doing such things, there has to be permission given.

"Although popup demonstrations and musical performances are not allowed in the U.S. Capitol without the proper approval, due to a miscommunication, the U.S Capitol Police were not aware that the Speaker's Office had approved this performance," USCP said in a statement to Newsweek.

"We apologize to the choir for this miscommunication that impacted their beautiful rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner and their visit to Capitol Hill," the statement continued.
This doesn't correlate with what the female officer told David Rasbach right after they stopped the song. She (INSANELY) said it was a form of demonstration and it might offend someone.

Calling the national anthem a "demonstration" is a good example of just how severely brain warped the left has become in this country. Seems like there is no absolutely bonkers thing that the left will not come up with these days.
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We wait and tolerate the bullshit for just a while longer.

Look at the trade-off. Many billions of dollars of revenue lost by the panderers vs we have to stop singing a song for another year and a half.

Who has the power here?

It's symbolic power vs real power. The kind of real power their slave-owners understand.

We hold the power of the purse.

Their tantrums are cute and will eventually be tolerated no longer.



And keep in mind that they are far fewer than they want us to believe they are.

One of the most odious of the brainless shills on this board, JackOfNoTrades, admits that we are at least ten times their number. We are so mighty that they need to employ propaganda spouting bots against us. Currently, this is the count of who is online on this site:

Total: 473 (members: 66, guests: 407)
Robots: 676

That they are so scared of us that they are allowing so many bots on the site -- and we all know which way the technology leans -- tells us how weak they actually are. If the left-leaning admin of this site can identify the number online at any given time, they can boot them off.

The mega corporations are learning that we will slice their throats with our dollars. Look at the damage control that Annhauser-Busch is trying so desperately to run, trying to get Harley Davidson to stamp them with their alpha male stamp of approval, and running such blatantly and obviously phony pro-America ad campaigns over Memorial Day. Target has removed or at least de-emphasized their perversion-supporting displays.

Others will follow suit.

I will not spend my dollars in local stores while they display "pride" propaganda. I am not anti-gay, mind you, and really enjoy the contributions of the gay posters here -- the ones who have sense in their heads -- and it is good to see the LGBT crowd standing up against the tranny poison, demanding that they stop contaminating their brand publicly.

There are plenty of positive changes happening. I believe this is the deepest darkness of the night, and the sun will come up eventually.

I can afford to be optimistic. I am old and will not be around for most of the worst if the trajectory of this nation is not righted.

So pray. If you are religious, shun the churches that are not standing up against the sickness. I watch EWTN, the Catholic TV network, and those folks are LIONS against the perversion. They give me hope. Remember, they are willing to die for what they believe.

If we stamp out the lowest and most perverse, and those who encourage it because it helps them feel better about themselves, the devil may fight back harder for the time being, but the most important thing to know is that THE DEVIL CANNOT TAKE POWER that is not willingly given up.

The Tampa Bay Rays are have a "Pride Night" this coming weekend. DON'T GO! BOYCOTT! Or better yet, go outside the stadium and protest, with signs that say >> WHAT IS THERE TO BE PROUD OF ?
The Tampa Bay Rays are have a "Pride Night" this coming weekend. DON'T GO! BOYCOTT! Or better yet, go outside the stadium and protest, with signs that say >> WHAT IS THERE TO BE PROUD OF ?

I stopped caring about baseball on opening day 2020, when I saw "BLM" chalked on the mound. Turned the TV off.

This will have an even larger backlash than that did.

Look at how beautifully intolerant we've been with our pocketbooks, to the tune of $29B from A-B, last time I checked. I haven't kept track of the hemorrhage of dollars from Target or PetSmart or Kohl's or NorthFace or any of the others.

Cash is King, baby.

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Can you imagine if a group of black children were singing the “Black National Anthem” and were told to stop because it was a form of protest that was offensive? It would be the lead story on every liberal news channel and Biden would read a statement saying how white supremacists are taking over the country.
Can you imagine if a group of black children were singing the “Black National Anthem” and were told to stop because it was a form of protest that was offensive? It would be the lead story on every liberal news channel and Biden would read a statement saying how white supremacists are taking over the country.
What actually is taking over the country is literal INSANITY.
Criminals love when they see idiotic cops like this. It makes them feel safe.

The leftist vermin whine about how the right wants this to be the Wild West, but they don't realize that the old west was a far more polite place place because everyone was armed and a smart mouth could get someone killed.

When they decided to handcuff the cops, they guaranteed that the law would eventually be shifted to different hands. In my state, where everyone who can legally own a firearm can carry it concealed, folks are a lot nicer.

Criminals do not feel so safe here. That's why I like it.

Maybe this would be a good time & place to insert some information that kids are not likely to hear in any public schools these days. It is the Battle of Baltimore, which inspired the writing of the Star Spangled Banner (national anthem). Few Americans have ever gotten this taught in school, but it is important for us to know about the fierce warfare battle that took place in September 1814, in which 28 US soldiers & sailors were killed, 250 wounded, 50 captured.

Following their occupation and burning of Washington, D.C., in August 1814, the British-led by Vice Admiral Alexander Cochrane, Rear Admiral George Cockburn, and Major General Robert Ross-decided to sail up the Chesapeake Bay and strike the port of Baltimore, America’s third-largest city and a center of ship-building. They expected the city and harbour to fall quickly, as Washington had done.

Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Maryland
Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Maryland
Baltimore’s citizens, however, had worked on the city’s defenses for more than a year. Fort McHenry, south of the harbour entrance, was the city’s main guardian, commanded by Major George Armistead with a regular garrison. Militia manned other earthworks. The harbour entrance was blocked by a large chain and scuttled hulks. Against these defenses the British pursued a land-sea pincer maneuver, attacking from land while bombing the fort from the In the early morning of September 12, some 4,700 troops under Ross landed at North Point, north of the harbour. Opposing them was Brigadier General John Stricker’s brigade of 3,200 militia.

In late afternoon, Ross’s infantry encountered Stricker’s skirmishers. Ross came forward and was killed. Taking command, Colonel Arthur Brooke attacked, turned the American left, and assaulted the center. After a sharp but short battle, Stricker retreated to a second defensive line, and with nightfall the British stopped and Stricker withdrew into the city.

Meanwhile, sixteen British ships approached Fort McHenry, and in the early morning of September 13, they began a 25-hour bombardment of the fort. Brooke advanced to within sight of the city’s strong fortifications and concluded that only a night attack supported by naval cannons could succeed. The ships, however, were unable to reach the fort because of the chain and Armistead’s artillery. That night an attempt to land marines was driven back. On 14 September the British decided that a successful attack was impossible and departed.

Watching the bombardment from Baltimore harbour was American lawyer and poet Francis Scott Key, who was detained on a British ship throughout the attack. When he spotted the American flag still flying over the fortress at dawn on September 14, signaling that the Americans had not been defeated, he wrote a poem, completed later that day at a Baltimore hotel, in honor of the dramatic occasion. Called the "Defence of Fort M’Henry," it became the lyrics of the U.S. national anthem.

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