Climate alarmists predicted CATASTROPHY by 2015!!!!

Oh yes, really stupid links from an undegreed ex-TV weatherman and a fake British Lord. In the meantime, hundreds of square miles are on fire as we experience the droughts Dr. Hansen predicted in his 1981 paper. Whole town evacuated, the totallity of our firefighting equipment and personel committed, and still we are begging for help from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Even some from England.

U.S. Drought Monitor | U.S. Drought Portal

U.S. Drought Monitor

Enjoy the hurt.. You got (i figure) about 2 months before the El Nino monsoons kick in and make that map the happiest it's been in DECADES... THEN --- you'll move on to elm tree disease or honeybees or some damn other OMEN of the gods..

Well, you're right about the likely change in the weather pattern caused by el nino, but we're talking about the here and now. The fires are happening and we need more funding.

What you need is to get the POLITICS out of forest management and use the knowledge and science of managing those resources. Or give those lands to the Indians who would do a better job..
Ever been in the Strawberry Wilderness Area? The North Cascades? With this drought, heat, and winds, no matter what the management had been, the forest would have burned. But in those forests on less steep ground, will get no management again, because for the third year in a row, all the Forest Service funds for that will have been spent on fires.
Sorry............but I'm with 97 percent of the scientists and I also believe that mankind is causing climate change.

Part of the warming in the Pacific is because of all the plastic crap floating in the ocean, and that is having a significant impact on the weather in the Pacific.

Combine that with all the crap we spew into the air, and you can see that if we don't start doing something soon, we might end up breaking the planet.

Yeah................the human race is going to become extinct, and we're the ones that caused it.
Good thing you agree with 79 scientists. Aren't you proud of that number wow 79 I'll go with the other 31,000 that say the opposite.
My, ever proving yourself the dumbass, jc. Those 79 specialize in climate science. Only a couple of the ones signing the OISM Petition are climate scientists. And they both testified before Congress at to the harmlessness of cigarettes. There are many millions of scientists in the world and most of them belong to a Scientific Society. And every Scientific Society in the world states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. And the National Academies of Science of all the nations say the same, as well as the major Universities.

The OISM Petition signers were not vetted or checked. Quite a number of them are fakes.
Yeah...............they DID start talking about it in the mid 70's, but back then it was fairly fixable.

Now? I think the tipping point of no return is coming soon.

How many tipping points are you going to give them before you figure out they are either grossly incompetent of simply lying to you to steal your money?

So far I count 10 times that they have said we are all doomed. Those points have passed and nothing has changed.
They? As in the standard doom sayers? How about pointing out what the real scientists like Richard Alley are saying? And how about some links to back up your claims, that too difficult for you?
And let's talk about Judith Curry who's got more stature
More stature than whom?
Sorry............but I'm with 97 percent of the scientists and I also believe that mankind is causing climate change.

Part of the warming in the Pacific is because of all the plastic crap floating in the ocean, and that is having a significant impact on the weather in the Pacific.

Combine that with all the crap we spew into the air, and you can see that if we don't start doing something soon, we might end up breaking the planet.

Yeah................the human race is going to become extinct, and we're the ones that caused it.
Good thing you agree with 79 scientists. Aren't you proud of that number wow 79 I'll go with the other 31,000 that say the opposite.
My, ever proving yourself the dumbass, jc. Those 79 specialize in climate science. Only a couple of the ones signing the OISM Petition are climate scientists. And they both testified before Congress at to the harmlessness of cigarettes. There are many millions of scientists in the world and most of them belong to a Scientific Society. And every Scientific Society in the world states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. And the National Academies of Science of all the nations say the same, as well as the major Universities.

The OISM Petition signers were not vetted or checked. Quite a number of them are fakes.
Judith Curry, I say no more. And 31k says differently. Too bad forayou
Yeah...............they DID start talking about it in the mid 70's, but back then it was fairly fixable.

Now? I think the tipping point of no return is coming soon.

How many tipping points are you going to give them before you figure out they are either grossly incompetent of simply lying to you to steal your money?

So far I count 10 times that they have said we are all doomed. Those points have passed and nothing has changed.
They? As in the standard doom sayers? How about pointing out what the real scientists like Richard Alley are saying? And how about some links to back up your claims, that too difficult for you?
And let's talk about Judith Curry who's got more stature
More stature than whom?
Anyone you post
Oh yes, really stupid links from an undegreed ex-TV weatherman and a fake British Lord. In the meantime, hundreds of square miles are on fire as we experience the droughts Dr. Hansen predicted in his 1981 paper. Whole town evacuated, the totallity of our firefighting equipment and personel committed, and still we are begging for help from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Even some from England.

U.S. Drought Monitor | U.S. Drought Portal

U.S. Drought Monitor

When the drought exceeds 200 years you might have a point. As it hasn't even come close your hysterical bleating is just that.
For all too many in the Pacific Northwest, a great deal of their lives have been destroyed by the record heat and drought of this spring and summer. Exactly what the 'alarmists' have been predicting.

There are several of these conflagations burning in Oregon and Washington right now. Nobody is trying to put the fires out, just trying to save the towns that are threatoned.

Oh boy. They predicted that which occurs on such a regular basis that many types of flora DEPEND on fire as a necessary part of their life cycle. Truly olfraud, when you go hysterical blithering idiot, you go all out!
Oh yes, really stupid links from an undegreed ex-TV weatherman and a fake British Lord. In the meantime, hundreds of square miles are on fire as we experience the droughts Dr. Hansen predicted in his 1981 paper. Whole town evacuated, the totallity of our firefighting equipment and personel committed, and still we are begging for help from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Even some from England.

U.S. Drought Monitor | U.S. Drought Portal

U.S. Drought Monitor

Enjoy the hurt.. You got (i figure) about 2 months before the El Nino monsoons kick in and make that map the happiest it's been in DECADES... THEN --- you'll move on to elm tree disease or honeybees or some damn other OMEN of the gods..

Well, you're right about the likely change in the weather pattern caused by el nino, but we're talking about the here and now. The fires are happening and we need more funding.

What you need is to get the POLITICS out of forest management and use the knowledge and science of managing those resources. Or give those lands to the Indians who would do a better job..
Ever been in the Strawberry Wilderness Area? The North Cascades? With this drought, heat, and winds, no matter what the management had been, the forest would have burned. But in those forests on less steep ground, will get no management again, because for the third year in a row, all the Forest Service funds for that will have been spent on fires.

No, had proper forest managment techniques been used the underbrush would have burnt. Not the wholesale crown fires that you are experiencing because the underbrush hasn't been allowed to burn out in lesser fires. Thus, as you bloody well know but lie about, the enormous amount of fuel causes the fires to burn far hotter than they normally would thus destroying everything.

You're a piss poor liar olfraud. You should stop.
Mr. Westwall, once again you are a damned liar. Only Lodgepole depends on fire, and the type of fire burning right now in Washington and Oregon is helping no one. And hundreds of families have lost their homes. But you don't give a shit. Unless, of course, it happens to you.
Sorry............but I'm with 97 percent of the scientists and I also believe that mankind is causing climate change.

Part of the warming in the Pacific is because of all the plastic crap floating in the ocean, and that is having a significant impact on the weather in the Pacific.

Combine that with all the crap we spew into the air, and you can see that if we don't start doing something soon, we might end up breaking the planet.

Yeah................the human race is going to become extinct, and we're the ones that caused it.
Good thing you agree with 79 scientists. Aren't you proud of that number wow 79 I'll go with the other 31,000 that say the opposite.
My, ever proving yourself the dumbass, jc. Those 79 specialize in climate science. Only a couple of the ones signing the OISM Petition are climate scientists. And they both testified before Congress at to the harmlessness of cigarettes. There are many millions of scientists in the world and most of them belong to a Scientific Society. And every Scientific Society in the world states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. And the National Academies of Science of all the nations say the same, as well as the major Universities.

The OISM Petition signers were not vetted or checked. Quite a number of them are fakes.

Who cares. They suck no matter what "science" they supposedly practice. They can't do basic math, they can't write an unbiased computer model to save their ass, they can't understand simple physics, they can't understand simple chemistry, the one they can do is preach to idiots like you who are atheists in name only.

The angry volcano gods of AGW hysteria are your gods. And they are STUPID!

Quick, toss in another virgin!
Mr. Westwall, once again you are a damned liar. Only Lodgepole depends on fire, and the type of fire burning right now in Washington and Oregon is helping no one. And hundreds of families have lost their homes. But you don't give a shit. Unless, of course, it happens to you.

Bullshit, so does sage and a whole host of other plants. Hell I'm as anti botany as you can get and I know that much. Face it asswagon, you don't know shit form shinola.
Clear the underbrush with what? The Forest Service does not have the money. Most of what they have is spent on fire fighting. Not even trying to keep the forest from burning, but trying to protect the towns and ranches. And people like you would cut their funds even further.
Clear the underbrush with what? The Forest Service does not have the money. Most of what they have is spent on fire fighting. Not even trying to keep the forest from burning, but trying to protect the towns and ranches. And people like you would cut their funds even further.

If they weren't wasting all that money on BS climate research there would be more to go around now wouldn't there?
Ever been in the Strawberry Wilderness Area? The North Cascades? With this drought, heat, and winds, no matter what the management had been, the forest would have burned. But in those forests on less steep ground, will get no management again, because for the third year in a row, all the Forest Service funds for that will have been spent on fires.

I told you I spent several summers up near Nez Perce and the entire area between the Snake and Salmon in Idaho. Lived every day in wilderness with my forestry/BLM college buds. Not too far from some of the Wash/Oregon fires.

Since almost ALL of these blazes started in the middle of Fed land --- what did they do to REDUCE the fuel load in the years leading up to this disaster? Did they allow salvaging of downed wood? -- probably not. Latest guidance is to let it sit and rot -- rather than allow locals or business scavenge it.. Did they clear fire access? Not in the wilderness areas for sure... Did they expand fire spotting and monitoring? Don't know.. LOTS of management decisions MULTIPLIED the magnitude of this.. No sympathy for folks who'd rather blow their budget on fighting the fires than the perennial management practices that they were taught in College..
Clear the underbrush with what? The Forest Service does not have the money. Most of what they have is spent on fire fighting. Not even trying to keep the forest from burning, but trying to protect the towns and ranches. And people like you would cut their funds even further.

If they allowed scavaging of downed timber -- contracted out for thinning -- there would be INCOME from the management of those lands. What you have is NRDC and other buildings full of lawyers convincing folks that Forestry was selling timber for below market prices -- when it was already down and dead.. And convincing donors that any thinning was equivalent to clear cutting. LOTS of ways to improve the general safety and health of those lands and raise money at the same time.

But you have the spectacle of Fed management putting entire TOWNS out of business by canceling cattle grazing licensing, selective timber harvesting and tourism. It becomes a money sink rather than a managed resource. LOTS of permit holders for small scaling mining, cattle running, etc used to PAY for the improvements they needed to get access and work the land. INCLUDING wells and fire access roads and fire breaks..

When I went out those summers in Idaho -- we used to meet a LOT of miners and cattlefolk. And quite a number of "off the map" squatters as well. Forestry and BLM turned a blind eye to the squatters because they were an outpost for monitoring any real dangerous or illegal activities that needed to be dealt with. Like I imagine today -- with that open marijuana you got going -- It's probably a war zone in some of the denser areas of Federal lands.
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So funny I think...........

For two decades, the AGW alarmist contingent believe deeply that they will win the debate by dazzling with science jargon in this thread.........and STILL, they haven't moved the goalposts but maybe ONE YARD over that time period. They will write paragraph after paragraph of science dazzle and I come in and post up one single graph and an emoticon and publically humiliate them in a nano-second............and they come back the next day and do the same thing!!!! Twenty years of this shit and still nobody is caring.


OCD........a vicious mental disorder. No facts will ever impede what psychiatrists refer to as thought rumination.........its a serotonin level fuck up. One fix only ( maybe )......pharmacological aid.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Clear the underbrush with what? The Forest Service does not have the money. Most of what they have is spent on fire fighting. Not even trying to keep the forest from burning, but trying to protect the towns and ranches. And people like you would cut their funds even further.

Jesus Mary and Joseph.....................

Of course the forest service doesn't have $$.........all of it was literally burned trying to prop up failed solar the tune of billions!!!:ack-1: So...........fucking..........sad!!
Is the ice age here yet?

Has the economy collapsed?


So the big denier fail continues. Their catastrophic predictions just never come true, yet strangely, they still demand to be taken seriously.
Is the ice age here yet?

Has the economy collapsed?


So the big denier fail continues. Their catastrophic predictions just never come true, yet strangely, they still demand to be taken seriously.
ah, the old Pee Wee Herman "I know you are what am I" ploy!!!!!
Clear the underbrush with what? The Forest Service does not have the money. Most of what they have is spent on fire fighting. Not even trying to keep the forest from burning, but trying to protect the towns and ranches. And people like you would cut their funds even further.

Jesus Mary and Joseph.....................

Of course the forest service doesn't have $$.........all of it was literally burned trying to prop up failed solar the tune of billions!!!:ack-1: So...........fucking..........sad!!

For those of you who want to know what these MMGW kooks are up to, all you need do is read their posts, and then read this------> Degrowth, sustainability, and tackling global inequalities | The Simplicity Collective

These are THESE people, just using their MMGW good time rock-n-roll as an excuse to do what they want socially and politically. This has NOTHING to do with perma frost, polar bears, forest fires, or anything else. It is about DEGROWTH to allow transfer of wealth. They just use these scares as a vehicle to get their way. Why do you think they SCREAM so loudly whenever links are used to prove their predictions are hokey! Why when you bring up past predictions that never came to happen, they quickly try and change the subject, and then use propaganda and political spin to change the prediction into, "what COULD happen." Bunch of phoneys! Watch Al Gores movie for which he won award after award from lefties everywhere, and question them about that. Watch them throw even Al Gore under the bus, because you are asking questions, for which they have no answers that are even logical to a 3rd grader.

Now I ask all of you....................if this is soooooooooo bad, why have we NOT seen a debate between scientists. I have heard on 100s of occasions, scientists who say this is all a hoax challenge the MMGW scientists to an open debate. I will tell you why. Because no matter what these degrowthers tell you, they know they can't win. Even if what they say IS true, they don't have scientific cause/effect to prove it. By actual scientific methodology, they haven't proven anything besides they are terrible predictors, lol. That is exactly why they can't have you question their hypothesis. All every one of them do is promote their favorite phrase, "it is settled science." That phrase is so that normal, none political people will just buy into their fantasy because then it sounds more believable. They are lying!

Go on youtube and query a debate between MMGW scientists, and scientists who disagree. Now everyone knows that youtube has everything, correct! See what you come up with-) And make sure if you find one, you are using their big guns like Mann, or Al Gore, against scientists from universities. I challenge you to find a few of them, about according to these phoneys; "the biggest threat to our existence." lololololol! You would think there would be a load of them, wouldn't you? And if not, why not? Ask yourself that question, and these clowns will only make you laugh from here forward, each and every time they start moving their lips.
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