Climate alarmists predicted CATASTROPHY by 2015!!!!

Ever been in the Strawberry Wilderness Area? The North Cascades? With this drought, heat, and winds, no matter what the management had been, the forest would have burned. But in those forests on less steep ground, will get no management again, because for the third year in a row, all the Forest Service funds for that will have been spent on fires.

I told you I spent several summers up near Nez Perce and the entire area between the Snake and Salmon in Idaho. Lived every day in wilderness with my forestry/BLM college buds. Not too far from some of the Wash/Oregon fires.

Since almost ALL of these blazes started in the middle of Fed land --- what did they do to REDUCE the fuel load in the years leading up to this disaster? Did they allow salvaging of downed wood? -- probably not. Latest guidance is to let it sit and rot -- rather than allow locals or business scavenge it.. Did they clear fire access? Not in the wilderness areas for sure... Did they expand fire spotting and monitoring? Don't know.. LOTS of management decisions MULTIPLIED the magnitude of this.. No sympathy for folks who'd rather blow their budget on fighting the fires than the perennial management practices that they were taught in College..
Calling bullshit on you. The huge fire on the Oregon-Idaho border was on both Federal and private land. And lightning does not give a shit whose land it starts a fire on.
Ever been in the Strawberry Wilderness Area? The North Cascades? With this drought, heat, and winds, no matter what the management had been, the forest would have burned. But in those forests on less steep ground, will get no management again, because for the third year in a row, all the Forest Service funds for that will have been spent on fires.

I told you I spent several summers up near Nez Perce and the entire area between the Snake and Salmon in Idaho. Lived every day in wilderness with my forestry/BLM college buds. Not too far from some of the Wash/Oregon fires.

Since almost ALL of these blazes started in the middle of Fed land --- what did they do to REDUCE the fuel load in the years leading up to this disaster? Did they allow salvaging of downed wood? -- probably not. Latest guidance is to let it sit and rot -- rather than allow locals or business scavenge it.. Did they clear fire access? Not in the wilderness areas for sure... Did they expand fire spotting and monitoring? Don't know.. LOTS of management decisions MULTIPLIED the magnitude of this.. No sympathy for folks who'd rather blow their budget on fighting the fires than the perennial management practices that they were taught in College..
Calling bullshit on you. The huge fire on the Oregon-Idaho border was on both Federal and private land. And lightning does not give a shit whose land it starts a fire on.

First 4 I mapped this season were smack in the middle of Fed land. I don't DOUBT that you'll find 10% or 20% that aren't spawned there or FED from federal lands. But the mere fact of OWNERSHIP of that land is 60 to 70% Federal -- gives you that outcome..
Fascinating, how deniers all now believe that the western forests, which existed for millions of years without human intervention, now can't survive unless humans clear the brush regularly.

But then, religious beliefs don't have to make sense.
Fascinating, how deniers all now believe that the western forests, which existed for millions of years without human intervention, now can't survive unless humans clear the brush regularly.

But then, religious beliefs don't have to make sense.

Well then --- let them burn.. Like they DID for millions of years.. Don't be a Matthew whoring for any cause that increases the bulk and incompetency of Fed govt.. Don't be a OldRocks, mourning for the destroyed pristine forest and lynching capitalists for causing it with CO2, and by ALL MEANS --- Don't be a Mammy, who can't figure what it really wants -- but has to take a random shot in the dark at something..

Is that what YOU WANT Mammy? Let them burn like back in the good ole days of Jesus?
Don't hurt yourself figuring something out..
Flac, can you find a consistent position? Is the Forest Service is supposed to be clearing all the brush or not?

Of course, you've also said The Nature Conservancy is the mostest awesome for preserving the land, while the gubmint is evil for ... preserving the land. Consistency is not your strong point, except for your consistency in how you declare the gubmint is always evil, no matter what it does.
AGW k00k psychobabble is ghey............

And talk about k00k......we have a forum member in here calling skeptics a "religion".....which is wonderful except skeptics are only referred to as a religion amongst the hard core alarmist nutter contingent and nobody else. "Religion" however has frequently been used as a description for alarmists and the reason? For the alarmist, facts are arbitrary.............

Think of the people in Mexico 20 years ago who saw Jesus' face in a look at the posts by Mamooth!!!:spinner:
Let's get back to what skook and jc are pout-stalking me about.

Their predictions of global cooling failed hilariously.

Their predictions of economic collapse failed hilariously.

Their predictions of higher energy prices failed hilariously.

Their predictions of the success of coal failed hilariously.

Their predictions of mass death for birds failed hilariously.

Their predictions of doom for renewable energy failed hilariously.

Every time deniers make a prediction, the exact opposite happens. Given the perfect failure record of the deniers, why would anyone pay attention to the next prediction of catastrophe that they're going to spring on us?
Ever been in the Strawberry Wilderness Area? The North Cascades? With this drought, heat, and winds, no matter what the management had been, the forest would have burned. But in those forests on less steep ground, will get no management again, because for the third year in a row, all the Forest Service funds for that will have been spent on fires.

I told you I spent several summers up near Nez Perce and the entire area between the Snake and Salmon in Idaho. Lived every day in wilderness with my forestry/BLM college buds. Not too far from some of the Wash/Oregon fires.

Since almost ALL of these blazes started in the middle of Fed land --- what did they do to REDUCE the fuel load in the years leading up to this disaster? Did they allow salvaging of downed wood? -- probably not. Latest guidance is to let it sit and rot -- rather than allow locals or business scavenge it.. Did they clear fire access? Not in the wilderness areas for sure... Did they expand fire spotting and monitoring? Don't know.. LOTS of management decisions MULTIPLIED the magnitude of this.. No sympathy for folks who'd rather blow their budget on fighting the fires than the perennial management practices that they were taught in College..
Calling bullshit on you. The huge fire on the Oregon-Idaho border was on both Federal and private land. And lightning does not give a shit whose land it starts a fire on.

CO2 causes lightning?
Back in the old days when forest fires were allowed to burn themselves out, you forget one small detail..........................

There were fewer people back then. There were fewer towns and houses.

Now? People have settled much of the country, and don't like it when their house burns down.
I see. I really did not see that those towns were in the wilderness. I am not talking about the home built out in the woods, but those that were built on the river or at the intersections of roads. Many of those towns did not have forest growing right up to them. The intensity of the fires simply threw branches and sparks into the towns, and that ignited grass and many of the houses. For a view of the intensity of the fires;

A trip into last years fire in the same area;

The point of the thread is this............

For over two decades, the AGW alarmist community has told us of countless upcoming calamities, disasters, catastrophys and crisis' and none of this shit comes true.......then they make like they never said it.( where is the HA GAY guy??).

Well guess 2007 people started tuning this shit out and now in 2015, nobody gives a rats ass about global warming. You people have managed to shoot your own faces off with the hysteria.
From the old days, here's some denier catastrophic-prediction pseudoscience at its finest. When this was made, science was already nearly universal in predicting global warming. The cooling catastrophism is what skook and his pals have been predicting nonstop for over 35 years. Failing at catastrophic predictions is ghey, skook, making you, again, the gheyest person on earth.

The strategy of the alarmist AGW people is unbelievable to me...........year after year the same thing and getting nowhere at convincing the public to action.

This comes to mind and is a perfect analogy >>>

[/URL]']It would be like armies doing battle in the Revolutionary War and insisting on using this strategy in modern warfare.....getting slaughtered and coming back to do the same thing the next day!!
Hmmmmmmmmm.................. Steve, there was a battle where modern tactics were used by one side. Called the Battle of Kings Mountain. You might want to read what happened to the side that stood and fired like those in the picture.

And the increasing fires were predicted for a warming Pacific Northwest. As the head of the Forest Service stated, this is not an anomaly, this is the new normal.
Flac, can you find a consistent position? Is the Forest Service is supposed to be clearing all the brush or not?

Of course, you've also said The Nature Conservancy is the mostest awesome for preserving the land, while the gubmint is evil for ... preserving the land. Consistency is not your strong point, except for your consistency in how you declare the gubmint is always evil, no matter what it does.

I already stated my position.. A fire access road is a really handy thing to have -- not a blight. Allowing contracts for thinning and scavenging is a money raiser -- not a sell-out to capitalism. And fire suppression SHOULD be a priority year round. INCLUDING putting in fire breaks and clearing fuel load IF the area hasn't recently burned back. And allowing permits for mining and grazing and concession gives you FREE infrastructure that you don't have to build or pay for..

And AFTER you start on that list -- you can add the management tasks that a science driven group like Nature Conservancy would prioritize --- like rooting out invasive species, restoring more native species, providing critical corridors to connect eco-systems with the cooperation of PRIVATE land owners and using cooperation rather than threats to get the neighbors enlisted in the effort..

Now you go --------- ________________________________________
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