Climate alarmists predicted CATASTROPHY by 2015!!!!

Yeah...............they DID start talking about it in the mid 70's, but back then it was fairly fixable.

Now? I think the tipping point of no return is coming soon.
Sorry............but I'm with 97 percent of the scientists and I also believe that mankind is causing climate change.

Part of the warming in the Pacific is because of all the plastic crap floating in the ocean, and that is having a significant impact on the weather in the Pacific.

Combine that with all the crap we spew into the air, and you can see that if we don't start doing something soon, we might end up breaking the planet.

Yeah................the human race is going to become extinct, and we're the ones that caused it.

Shit need some real responsibilities in your life. Don't worry........the planet is fine.:2up: Stop believing everything you hear from the Reality Manufacturing Company!!:gay:
Sorry............but I'm with 97 percent of the scientists and I also believe that mankind is causing climate change.

Part of the warming in the Pacific is because of all the plastic crap floating in the ocean, and that is having a significant impact on the weather in the Pacific.

Combine that with all the crap we spew into the air, and you can see that if we don't start doing something soon, we might end up breaking the planet.

Yeah................the human race is going to become extinct, and we're the ones that caused it.

Gosh golly,
Sorry............but I'm with 97 percent of the scientists and I also believe that mankind is causing climate change.

Part of the warming in the Pacific is because of all the plastic crap floating in the ocean, and that is having a significant impact on the weather in the Pacific.

Combine that with all the crap we spew into the air, and you can see that if we don't start doing something soon, we might end up breaking the planet.

Yeah................the human race is going to become extinct, and we're the ones that caused it.

And, if they didn't rely on the continued nonsense to generate their funds I would agree with you. However EVERYONE who supports this fraud, for that is what it is, benefits directly by their support.

In other words the fox is watching the hen house and were it the military industrial complex pushing this shit you would be all over it....
Yeah...............they DID start talking about it in the mid 70's, but back then it was fairly fixable.

Now? I think the tipping point of no return is coming soon.

How many tipping points are you going to give them before you figure out they are either grossly incompetent of simply lying to you to steal your money?

So far I count 10 times that they have said we are all doomed. Those points have passed and nothing has changed.
Very interesting. Where, in that whole article, does it say that the source of the 10,000 year old sample was a layer of permafrost made up of a single layer of that age? Seems to me you are making an assumption for which there is no base. Not only that, it also states in the highlighted sentence that there were other samples taken from layers that were 20,000 and 300,000 to 400,000 years old.

Beringian Paleoecology Inferred from Permafrost-Preserved Fungal DNA

The abstract speaks of the protocals to avoid contamination during drilling for the samples. Would not be surprised if many of the samples of various ages were from one drill hole.

So when you whine and carry on about the permafrost melting in Alaska --- Where is YOUR LINK as to the AGE of what is OBSERVED to be melting?? Seems to me --- It never occurred to you before that the last 10,000 year layer is probably pretty thick and the first to go...

Promise us that next time you well up in tears about melting permafrost --- that you will DATE IT for us so that we can worry when the melt levels pass the 1900s ......
I read it takes hundreds even thousands of years to melt. So how exactly is climate change causing this?

excerpt from Weather Underground:
"The Effect of Climate Change on Permafrost

Climate change will significantly affect the complex interactions between above- and below-ground climate regimes. However, even changes in temperature at the surface take time to impact permafrost at depth; According to the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), "for thick permafrost this lag may be on the order of hundreds to thousands of years, for thin permafrost, years to decades" (GSC, 2007).

In a recent study using freezing/thawing index, trend analysis of spatial data since 1970 indicates that in recent decades, there has been a decrease in freezing during the cold season throughout North America's permafrost regions. Additionally, coastal areas and eastern Canada have started to see "significant" increases in warm season thawing of permafrost (Frauenfeld et al., 2007). Overall, this means there has been a decrease in freeze depths and in the amount of permanent permafrost. Conversely, there has been an increase in seasonal permafrost. This increase in seasonal permafrost is not due to increases in acres frozen, but to the decrease in permanent permafrost which is not remaining frozen all year anymore. Since it is no longer perennially frozen, it loses its distinction as 'permanent' and becomes 'seasonal'.

So what? This doesn't mean humans caused this. . . .
In simple words so you can understand. We are causing it to warm by spewing GHGs into the atmosphere. The warming is causing the permafrost to melt, which is putting more GHGs into the atmosphere.
Yeah...............they DID start talking about it in the mid 70's, but back then it was fairly fixable.

Now? I think the tipping point of no return is coming soon.

How many tipping points are you going to give them before you figure out they are either grossly incompetent of simply lying to you to steal your money?

So far I count 10 times that they have said we are all doomed. Those points have passed and nothing has changed.
They? As in the standard doom sayers? How about pointing out what the real scientists like Richard Alley are saying? And how about some links to back up your claims, that too difficult for you?
Yeah...............they DID start talking about it in the mid 70's, but back then it was fairly fixable.

Now? I think the tipping point of no return is coming soon.

How many tipping points are you going to give them before you figure out they are either grossly incompetent of simply lying to you to steal your money?

So far I count 10 times that they have said we are all doomed. Those points have passed and nothing has changed.
They? As in the standard doom sayers? How about pointing out what the real scientists like Richard Alley are saying? And how about some links to back up your claims, that too difficult for you?

You're the clowns wandering around the streets with the sandwich boards saying "the end is nigh" and as far as links there are plenty that I and many others have posted exposing your crap for the crapola it is. Go look them up.
Yeah...............they DID start talking about it in the mid 70's, but back then it was fairly fixable.

Now? I think the tipping point of no return is coming soon.

When is the tipping point and what happens then?? What is gonna cause the Earth to self-destruct at "the tipping point"???

For GoldiRocks --- You don't remember a couple months back all the bleating about how we had 150 days left to save the planet? Scratched my head -- ran to a calendar and sure enough -- that's the date of the next Global Climate conference.. The big one with the Fruitloops of world talking about redistribution of wealth from the naughty industrialized world to the natives in dressed in fronds and coconuts..
Last edited:
Oh yes, really stupid links from an undegreed ex-TV weatherman and a fake British Lord. In the meantime, hundreds of square miles are on fire as we experience the droughts Dr. Hansen predicted in his 1981 paper. Whole town evacuated, the totallity of our firefighting equipment and personel committed, and still we are begging for help from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Even some from England.

U.S. Drought Monitor | U.S. Drought Portal

U.S. Drought Monitor

Very interesting. Where, in that whole article, does it say that the source of the 10,000 year old sample was a layer of permafrost made up of a single layer of that age? Seems to me you are making an assumption for which there is no base. Not only that, it also states in the highlighted sentence that there were other samples taken from layers that were 20,000 and 300,000 to 400,000 years old.

Beringian Paleoecology Inferred from Permafrost-Preserved Fungal DNA

The abstract speaks of the protocals to avoid contamination during drilling for the samples. Would not be surprised if many of the samples of various ages were from one drill hole.

So when you whine and carry on about the permafrost melting in Alaska --- Where is YOUR LINK as to the AGE of what is OBSERVED to be melting?? Seems to me --- It never occurred to you before that the last 10,000 year layer is probably pretty thick and the first to go...

Promise us that next time you well up in tears about melting permafrost --- that you will DATE IT for us so that we can worry when the melt levels pass the 1900s ......
I read it takes hundreds even thousands of years to melt. So how exactly is climate change causing this?

excerpt from Weather Underground:
"The Effect of Climate Change on Permafrost

Climate change will significantly affect the complex interactions between above- and below-ground climate regimes. However, even changes in temperature at the surface take time to impact permafrost at depth; According to the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), "for thick permafrost this lag may be on the order of hundreds to thousands of years, for thin permafrost, years to decades" (GSC, 2007).

In a recent study using freezing/thawing index, trend analysis of spatial data since 1970 indicates that in recent decades, there has been a decrease in freezing during the cold season throughout North America's permafrost regions. Additionally, coastal areas and eastern Canada have started to see "significant" increases in warm season thawing of permafrost (Frauenfeld et al., 2007). Overall, this means there has been a decrease in freeze depths and in the amount of permanent permafrost. Conversely, there has been an increase in seasonal permafrost. This increase in seasonal permafrost is not due to increases in acres frozen, but to the decrease in permanent permafrost which is not remaining frozen all year anymore. Since it is no longer perennially frozen, it loses its distinction as 'permanent' and becomes 'seasonal'.

So what? This doesn't mean humans caused this. . . .
In simple words so you can understand. We are causing it to warm by spewing GHGs into the atmosphere. The warming is causing the permafrost to melt, which is putting more GHGs into the atmosphere.

HOW MUCH of the permafrost needs to melt to reach the tipping point.. Remember geology major -- the BULK OF IT is more than 40ft deep...
Oh yes, really stupid links from an undegreed ex-TV weatherman and a fake British Lord. In the meantime, hundreds of square miles are on fire as we experience the droughts Dr. Hansen predicted in his 1981 paper. Whole town evacuated, the totallity of our firefighting equipment and personel committed, and still we are begging for help from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Even some from England.

U.S. Drought Monitor | U.S. Drought Portal

U.S. Drought Monitor

Enjoy the hurt.. You got (i figure) about 2 months before the El Nino monsoons kick in and make that map the happiest it's been in DECADES... THEN --- you'll move on to elm tree disease or honeybees or some damn other OMEN of the gods..
For all too many in the Pacific Northwest, a great deal of their lives have been destroyed by the record heat and drought of this spring and summer. Exactly what the 'alarmists' have been predicting.

There are several of these conflagations burning in Oregon and Washington right now. Nobody is trying to put the fires out, just trying to save the towns that are threatoned.
For all too many in the Pacific Northwest, a great deal of their lives have been destroyed by the record heat and drought of this spring and summer. Exactly what the 'alarmists' have been predicting.

There are several of these conflagations burning in Oregon and Washington right now. Nobody is trying to put the fires out, just trying to save the towns that are threatened.
For all too many in the Pacific Northwest, a great deal of their lives have been destroyed by the record heat and drought of this spring and summer. Exactly what the 'alarmists' have been predicting.

There are several of these conflagations burning in Oregon and Washington right now. Nobody is trying to put the fires out, just trying to save the towns that are threatoned.

Just to test this out --- GoldiRocks --- wanna give us the fire season forecast for next year? The next 2 or 5?
Oh yes, really stupid links from an undegreed ex-TV weatherman and a fake British Lord. In the meantime, hundreds of square miles are on fire as we experience the droughts Dr. Hansen predicted in his 1981 paper. Whole town evacuated, the totallity of our firefighting equipment and personel committed, and still we are begging for help from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Even some from England.

U.S. Drought Monitor | U.S. Drought Portal

U.S. Drought Monitor

Enjoy the hurt.. You got (i figure) about 2 months before the El Nino monsoons kick in and make that map the happiest it's been in DECADES... THEN --- you'll move on to elm tree disease or honeybees or some damn other OMEN of the gods..

Well, you're right about the likely change in the weather pattern caused by el nino, but we're talking about the here and now. The fires are happening and we need more funding.
Oh yes, really stupid links from an undegreed ex-TV weatherman and a fake British Lord. In the meantime, hundreds of square miles are on fire as we experience the droughts Dr. Hansen predicted in his 1981 paper. Whole town evacuated, the totallity of our firefighting equipment and personel committed, and still we are begging for help from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Even some from England.

U.S. Drought Monitor | U.S. Drought Portal

U.S. Drought Monitor

Enjoy the hurt.. You got (i figure) about 2 months before the El Nino monsoons kick in and make that map the happiest it's been in DECADES... THEN --- you'll move on to elm tree disease or honeybees or some damn other OMEN of the gods..

Well, you're right about the likely change in the weather pattern caused by el nino, but we're talking about the here and now. The fires are happening and we need more funding.

What you need is to get the POLITICS out of forest management and use the knowledge and science of managing those resources. Or give those lands to the Indians who would do a better job..
Sorry............but I'm with 97 percent of the scientists and I also believe that mankind is causing climate change.

Part of the warming in the Pacific is because of all the plastic crap floating in the ocean, and that is having a significant impact on the weather in the Pacific.

Combine that with all the crap we spew into the air, and you can see that if we don't start doing something soon, we might end up breaking the planet.

Yeah................the human race is going to become extinct, and we're the ones that caused it.
Good thing you agree with 79 scientists. Aren't you proud of that number wow 79 I'll go with the other 31,000 that say the opposite.
Very interesting. Where, in that whole article, does it say that the source of the 10,000 year old sample was a layer of permafrost made up of a single layer of that age? Seems to me you are making an assumption for which there is no base. Not only that, it also states in the highlighted sentence that there were other samples taken from layers that were 20,000 and 300,000 to 400,000 years old.

Beringian Paleoecology Inferred from Permafrost-Preserved Fungal DNA

The abstract speaks of the protocals to avoid contamination during drilling for the samples. Would not be surprised if many of the samples of various ages were from one drill hole.

So when you whine and carry on about the permafrost melting in Alaska --- Where is YOUR LINK as to the AGE of what is OBSERVED to be melting?? Seems to me --- It never occurred to you before that the last 10,000 year layer is probably pretty thick and the first to go...

Promise us that next time you well up in tears about melting permafrost --- that you will DATE IT for us so that we can worry when the melt levels pass the 1900s ......
I read it takes hundreds even thousands of years to melt. So how exactly is climate change causing this?

excerpt from Weather Underground:
"The Effect of Climate Change on Permafrost

Climate change will significantly affect the complex interactions between above- and below-ground climate regimes. However, even changes in temperature at the surface take time to impact permafrost at depth; According to the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), "for thick permafrost this lag may be on the order of hundreds to thousands of years, for thin permafrost, years to decades" (GSC, 2007).

In a recent study using freezing/thawing index, trend analysis of spatial data since 1970 indicates that in recent decades, there has been a decrease in freezing during the cold season throughout North America's permafrost regions. Additionally, coastal areas and eastern Canada have started to see "significant" increases in warm season thawing of permafrost (Frauenfeld et al., 2007). Overall, this means there has been a decrease in freeze depths and in the amount of permanent permafrost. Conversely, there has been an increase in seasonal permafrost. This increase in seasonal permafrost is not due to increases in acres frozen, but to the decrease in permanent permafrost which is not remaining frozen all year anymore. Since it is no longer perennially frozen, it loses its distinction as 'permanent' and becomes 'seasonal'.

So what? This doesn't mean humans caused this. . . .
In simple words so you can understand. We are causing it to warm by spewing GHGs into the atmosphere. The warming is causing the permafrost to melt, which is putting more GHGs into the atmosphere.
And you're full of crap and you have no evidence to support that claim so you can post that every day 25,000 times a day and it's still wrong. And I don't care I'll keep saying that to you day after day and as many times a day as I have to you have no evidence show me one and you show me zip
Yeah...............they DID start talking about it in the mid 70's, but back then it was fairly fixable.

Now? I think the tipping point of no return is coming soon.

How many tipping points are you going to give them before you figure out they are either grossly incompetent of simply lying to you to steal your money?

So far I count 10 times that they have said we are all doomed. Those points have passed and nothing has changed.
They? As in the standard doom sayers? How about pointing out what the real scientists like Richard Alley are saying? And how about some links to back up your claims, that too difficult for you?
And let's talk about Judith Curry who's got more stature

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