Climate alarmists predicted CATASTROPHY by 2015!!!!

No, admiral, Beale is correct, the orbits change hourly in the asteroid belt.

No, that's completely wrong and totally stupid, and you'd have to one seriously deluded moron to suggest such a stupid thing.

But go on, amuse everyone. Tell us the physical mechanism that causes all the orbits in the asteroid belt to change hourly. Maybe you could be like Beale and invoke unknown shifting gravitational forces. Magic, that is. Being how you always invoke magic to justify all your other "science", it would at least be consistent.

The vast majority of the changes are minor but, every now and then, there is a major change and those are the ones that can affect us. Once again you demonstrate your profound stupidity.

Speaking of stupidity, let's discuss your stupid false dichotomy fallacy, where you claim we can study asteroids or global warming, but not both. Why is it you can't see how stupid that claim is?

(I do salute you for at least speaking in coherent sentences. Most of this thread has devolved into deniers howling at the moon senselessly. What a pack of crazy people.)

Ummmm, it's called GRAVITY! Every particle in the asteroid belt affects every other particle in the belt. And all of those are further perturbed by Jupiter, and its moons, and the whole mess is likewise perturbed by the SUN, you know that huge orange/yellow ball in the sky? You are familiar with that thing right?

You know, admiral, your lack of scientific understanding is pretty remarkable, even for a dumbass such as yourself!


I've still to hear how human hydro carbon use is causing this.

Global Warming...has to be! Nothing else fits the models
You know............the permafrost on the Alaskan coastline is melting, and many Native American tribes that lived on the coast are having to be relocated further inland due to the erosion of the coastline.

Sorry...................but this is the first time in my life I've ever heard of the Alaskan coastline eroding so quickly due to the permafrost melt.
You know............the permafrost on the Alaskan coastline is melting, and many Native American tribes that lived on the coast are having to be relocated further inland due to the erosion of the coastline.

Sorry...................but this is the first time in my life I've ever heard of the Alaskan coastline eroding so quickly due to the permafrost melt.

You do realize that the permafrost in many areas is less than 10,000 years old right? That means that within mans habitation of the American continents there was no permafrost there. You do realize that........ right?
You know............the permafrost on the Alaskan coastline is melting, and many Native American tribes that lived on the coast are having to be relocated further inland due to the erosion of the coastline.

Sorry...................but this is the first time in my life I've ever heard of the Alaskan coastline eroding so quickly due to the permafrost melt.

You do realize that the permafrost in many areas is less than 10,000 years old right? That means that within mans habitation of the American continents there was no permafrost there. You do realize that........ right?

Got links to back that up?
You know............the permafrost on the Alaskan coastline is melting, and many Native American tribes that lived on the coast are having to be relocated further inland due to the erosion of the coastline.

Sorry...................but this is the first time in my life I've ever heard of the Alaskan coastline eroding so quickly due to the permafrost melt.

You do realize that the permafrost in many areas is less than 10,000 years old right? That means that within mans habitation of the American continents there was no permafrost there. You do realize that........ right?

Got links to back that up?

Why shore! One of many...

"Culture-independent analysis of 18S rRNA genes from permafrost.Amplification followed by cloning and sequencing of 125-, 210-, and 510-bp 18S rRNA gene fragments from four different sedimentary samples yielded 356 clones (Table 1). The 210-bp fragments were amplified with ascomycete-specific primers, whereas both the 125- and 510-bp fragments were amplified with universal eukaryotic primers. The Siberian tundra samples ranged in age from a modern, seasonally frozen layer to three prehistoric deposits that were dated to approximately 10,000, 20,000, and 300,000 to 400,000 years ago (0 ky, 10 ky, 20 ky, and 300-400 ky samples, respectively) (Table 1). The highest numbers of clones were retrieved with the 510-bp primers; 510-bp amplicons were successfully obtained from all ancient samples. The data support the hypothesis that DNA of this length from all three major kingdoms (plants, fungi, and animals) is preserved in prehistoric samples."

Beringian Paleoecology Inferred from Permafrost-Preserved Fungal DNA
Ummmm, it's called GRAVITY! Every particle in the asteroid belt affects every other particle in the belt.

And technically, the gravity of my cat affects any satellite in orbit around earth, yet they don't need to make orbital corrections because of the movements of my cat.

People with brains understand the scales of the math and physics involved. You don't. A hundred-meter asteroid has no significant gravity affect on anything unless it passes right next to it. And since the scenario in question assumed we had mapped 100% of such objects, we would know 100% of the time when that happened.

And all of those are further perturbed by Jupiter, and its moons, and the whole mess is likewise perturbed by the SUN, you know that huge orange/yellow ball in the sky? You are familiar with that thing right?

Now Westwall's implied claim is that scientists don't take into account the gravitational effect of the Sun and Jupiter when calculating asteroid orbits. That's more fine denier "Those scientists don't know 'nuffin!" conspiracy blathering.

You know, admiral, your lack of scientific understanding is pretty remarkable, even for a dumbass such as yourself!

In order to pull off the condescending act, you have to actually be smart. I can pull if off, because I'm smart. You can't, because you're not.

It shouldn't keep surprising me, given how often you display it, the magnitude of your abject ignorance in every aspect of science and logic. But at least you're well-rounded, a sort of renaissance man of failure.
Ummmm, it's called GRAVITY! Every particle in the asteroid belt affects every other particle in the belt.

And technically, the gravity of my cat affects any satellite in orbit around earth, yet they don't need to make orbital corrections because of the movements of my cat.

People with brains understand the scales of the math and physics involved. You don't. A hundred-meter asteroid has no significant gravity affect on anything unless it passes right next to it. And since the scenario in question assumed we had mapped 100% of such objects, we would know 100% of the time when that happened.

And all of those are further perturbed by Jupiter, and its moons, and the whole mess is likewise perturbed by the SUN, you know that huge orange/yellow ball in the sky? You are familiar with that thing right?

Now Westwall's implied claim is that scientists don't take into account the gravitational effect of the Sun and Jupiter when calculating asteroid orbits. That's more fine denier "Those scientists don't know 'nuffin!" conspiracy blathering.

You know, admiral, your lack of scientific understanding is pretty remarkable, even for a dumbass such as yourself!

In order to pull off the condescending act, you have to actually be smart. I can pull if off, because I'm smart. You can't, because you're not.

It shouldn't keep surprising me, given how often you display it, the magnitude of your abject ignorance in every aspect of science and logic. But at least you're well-rounded, a sort of renaissance man of failure.

No, I stated YOU don't take the Sun into account. You somehow think that a trace gas has more impact on Earths temperature than this huge oblate spheroid burning at millions of degrees. That makes you :cuckoo:
You know............the permafrost on the Alaskan coastline is melting, and many Native American tribes that lived on the coast are having to be relocated further inland due to the erosion of the coastline.

Sorry...................but this is the first time in my life I've ever heard of the Alaskan coastline eroding so quickly due to the permafrost melt.

You do realize that the permafrost in many areas is less than 10,000 years old right? That means that within mans habitation of the American continents there was no permafrost there. You do realize that........ right?

Got links to back that up?

Why shore! One of many...

"Culture-independent analysis of 18S rRNA genes from permafrost.Amplification followed by cloning and sequencing of 125-, 210-, and 510-bp 18S rRNA gene fragments from four different sedimentary samples yielded 356 clones (Table 1). The 210-bp fragments were amplified with ascomycete-specific primers, whereas both the 125- and 510-bp fragments were amplified with universal eukaryotic primers. The Siberian tundra samples ranged in age from a modern, seasonally frozen layer to three prehistoric deposits that were dated to approximately 10,000, 20,000, and 300,000 to 400,000 years ago (0 ky, 10 ky, 20 ky, and 300-400 ky samples, respectively) (Table 1). The highest numbers of clones were retrieved with the 510-bp primers; 510-bp amplicons were successfully obtained from all ancient samples. The data support the hypothesis that DNA of this length from all three major kingdoms (plants, fungi, and animals) is preserved in prehistoric samples."

Beringian Paleoecology Inferred from Permafrost-Preserved Fungal DNA
Very interesting. Where, in that whole article, does it say that the source of the 10,000 year old sample was a layer of permafrost made up of a single layer of that age? Seems to me you are making an assumption for which there is no base. Not only that, it also states in the highlighted sentence that there were other samples taken from layers that were 20,000 and 300,000 to 400,000 years old.

Beringian Paleoecology Inferred from Permafrost-Preserved Fungal DNA

The diversity of fungi in permanently frozen soil from northeastern Siberia was studied by culture-independent PCR amplification of diverse environmental 18S rRNA genes. Elaborate protocols to avoid contamination during drilling, sampling, and amplification were used. A broad diversity of eukaryotic DNA sequences that were 510 bp long, including sequences of various fungi, plants, and invertebrates, could be obtained reproducibly from samples that were up to 300,000 to 400,000 years old. The sequences revealed that ancient fungal communities included a diversity of cold-adapted yeasts, dark-pigmented fungi, plant-parasitic fungi, and lichen mycobionts. DNA traces of tree-associated macrofungi in a modern tundra sample indicated that there was a shift in fungal diversity following the last ice age and supported recent results showing that there was a severe change in the plant composition in northeastern Siberia during this period. Interestingly, DNA sequences with high homology to sequences of coprophilic and keratinophilic fungi indicated that feces, hair, skin, and nails could have been sources of ancient megafauna DNA recently reported to be present in small amounts of Siberian permafrost sediments.

The abstract speaks of the protocals to avoid contamination during drilling for the samples. Would not be surprised if many of the samples of various ages were from one drill hole.
Ummmm, it's called GRAVITY! Every particle in the asteroid belt affects every other particle in the belt.

And technically, the gravity of my cat affects any satellite in orbit around earth, yet they don't need to make orbital corrections because of the movements of my cat.

People with brains understand the scales of the math and physics involved. You don't. A hundred-meter asteroid has no significant gravity affect on anything unless it passes right next to it. And since the scenario in question assumed we had mapped 100% of such objects, we would know 100% of the time when that happened.

And all of those are further perturbed by Jupiter, and its moons, and the whole mess is likewise perturbed by the SUN, you know that huge orange/yellow ball in the sky? You are familiar with that thing right?

Now Westwall's implied claim is that scientists don't take into account the gravitational effect of the Sun and Jupiter when calculating asteroid orbits. That's more fine denier "Those scientists don't know 'nuffin!" conspiracy blathering.

You know, admiral, your lack of scientific understanding is pretty remarkable, even for a dumbass such as yourself!

In order to pull off the condescending act, you have to actually be smart. I can pull if off, because I'm smart. You can't, because you're not.

It shouldn't keep surprising me, given how often you display it, the magnitude of your abject ignorance in every aspect of science and logic. But at least you're well-rounded, a sort of renaissance man of failure.

No, I stated YOU don't take the Sun into account. You somehow think that a trace gas has more impact on Earths temperature than this huge oblate spheroid burning at millions of degrees. That makes you :cuckoo:
You know, Mr. Westwall, increasingly you are coming across as someone of the same intellectual level as Mr. CrusaderFrank. Nobody has ever attempted to say anything like that. And we have satellites in orbit that constantly measure the amount of energy we get from the sun. Which has decreased slightly in the past decade or so.

Two things determine the temperature of the surface of the Earth. The amount of energy it recieves from the sun, and the amount of energy it retains. A trace gas, indeed, does make a differance in the temperature of the surface of the Earth.
Ummmm, it's called GRAVITY! Every particle in the asteroid belt affects every other particle in the belt.

And technically, the gravity of my cat affects any satellite in orbit around earth, yet they don't need to make orbital corrections because of the movements of my cat.

People with brains understand the scales of the math and physics involved. You don't. A hundred-meter asteroid has no significant gravity affect on anything unless it passes right next to it. And since the scenario in question assumed we had mapped 100% of such objects, we would know 100% of the time when that happened.

And all of those are further perturbed by Jupiter, and its moons, and the whole mess is likewise perturbed by the SUN, you know that huge orange/yellow ball in the sky? You are familiar with that thing right?

Now Westwall's implied claim is that scientists don't take into account the gravitational effect of the Sun and Jupiter when calculating asteroid orbits. That's more fine denier "Those scientists don't know 'nuffin!" conspiracy blathering.

You know, admiral, your lack of scientific understanding is pretty remarkable, even for a dumbass such as yourself!

In order to pull off the condescending act, you have to actually be smart. I can pull if off, because I'm smart. You can't, because you're not.

It shouldn't keep surprising me, given how often you display it, the magnitude of your abject ignorance in every aspect of science and logic. But at least you're well-rounded, a sort of renaissance man of failure.

No, I stated YOU don't take the Sun into account. You somehow think that a trace gas has more impact on Earths temperature than this huge oblate spheroid burning at millions of degrees. That makes you :cuckoo:
You know, Mr. Westwall, increasingly you are coming across as someone of the same intellectual level as Mr. CrusaderFrank. Nobody has ever attempted to say anything like that. And we have satellites in orbit that constantly measure the amount of energy we get from the sun. Which has decreased slightly in the past decade or so.

Two things determine the temperature of the surface of the Earth. The amount of energy it recieves from the sun, and the amount of energy it retains. A trace gas, indeed, does make a differance in the temperature of the surface of the Earth.

Show us an experiment that shows this trace gas has any impact at all. Every "experiment" you have ever presented merely demonstrates the Ideal Gas Laws and nothing else. And yes, retains is the operative word. Water vapor prevents heat from escaping back to space. CO2 doesn't.
Ummmm, it's called GRAVITY! Every particle in the asteroid belt affects every other particle in the belt.

And technically, the gravity of my cat affects any satellite in orbit around earth, yet they don't need to make orbital corrections because of the movements of my cat.

People with brains understand the scales of the math and physics involved. You don't. A hundred-meter asteroid has no significant gravity affect on anything unless it passes right next to it. And since the scenario in question assumed we had mapped 100% of such objects, we would know 100% of the time when that happened.

And all of those are further perturbed by Jupiter, and its moons, and the whole mess is likewise perturbed by the SUN, you know that huge orange/yellow ball in the sky? You are familiar with that thing right?

Now Westwall's implied claim is that scientists don't take into account the gravitational effect of the Sun and Jupiter when calculating asteroid orbits. That's more fine denier "Those scientists don't know 'nuffin!" conspiracy blathering.

You know, admiral, your lack of scientific understanding is pretty remarkable, even for a dumbass such as yourself!

In order to pull off the condescending act, you have to actually be smart. I can pull if off, because I'm smart. You can't, because you're not.

It shouldn't keep surprising me, given how often you display it, the magnitude of your abject ignorance in every aspect of science and logic. But at least you're well-rounded, a sort of renaissance man of failure.

No, I stated YOU don't take the Sun into account. You somehow think that a trace gas has more impact on Earths temperature than this huge oblate spheroid burning at millions of degrees. That makes you :cuckoo:
You know, Mr. Westwall, increasingly you are coming across as someone of the same intellectual level as Mr. CrusaderFrank. Nobody has ever attempted to say anything like that. And we have satellites in orbit that constantly measure the amount of energy we get from the sun. Which has decreased slightly in the past decade or so.

Two things determine the temperature of the surface of the Earth. The amount of energy it recieves from the sun, and the amount of energy it retains. A trace gas, indeed, does make a differance in the temperature of the surface of the Earth.

A trace gas, indeed, does make a differance in the temperature of the surface of the Earth.


you make me laugh thanks
No, I stated YOU don't take the Sun into account.

Oh, you're just flat out making shit up. Why didn't you just say so, and save everyone some time?

You somehow think that a trace gas has more impact on Earths temperature than this huge oblate spheroid burning at millions of degrees. That makes you :cuckoo:

I think it's more like that makes you dishonest and stupid. Good god, you're parroting Frank now. That would bother any normal person, that they've devolved that far.

Point is, you've drunk too much koolaid to recover, so you're going to be laughed at for the rest of your life. We could even feel sorry for you, if you hadn't deliberately chosen such a deviant lifestyle. Oh well. I hope the ego-stroking you obtain from your cult affiliation makes up for all the humiliation.

Again I'll ALWAYS see in this forum, as posted by the hard core AGW religion.......this "conservatives are irrelevant on the science". Republicans are an afterthought compared to the masses on climate change!!! "The science is settled"

Hmmm..............which begs the question ( I feel an appearance from the knobby coming here!!:up:)????

When this kind of thread is posted, why do the heads of the AGW nutters explode?[URL=''] The tons of alarmist predictions that explode in fAiL ALL THE TIME!!! This thread started just yesterday..........ITS ALREADY 10 PAGES LONG!!!!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::woohoo:[/URL]
[URL='http://[URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]'][URL='http://[URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]']These people fall all over themselves going mental trying to not look fucking stoopid as shit!!![/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL]
Ummmm, it's called GRAVITY! Every particle in the asteroid belt affects every other particle in the belt.

And technically, the gravity of my cat affects any satellite in orbit around earth, yet they don't need to make orbital corrections because of the movements of my cat.

People with brains understand the scales of the math and physics involved. You don't. A hundred-meter asteroid has no significant gravity affect on anything unless it passes right next to it. And since the scenario in question assumed we had mapped 100% of such objects, we would know 100% of the time when that happened.

And all of those are further perturbed by Jupiter, and its moons, and the whole mess is likewise perturbed by the SUN, you know that huge orange/yellow ball in the sky? You are familiar with that thing right?

Now Westwall's implied claim is that scientists don't take into account the gravitational effect of the Sun and Jupiter when calculating asteroid orbits. That's more fine denier "Those scientists don't know 'nuffin!" conspiracy blathering.

You know, admiral, your lack of scientific understanding is pretty remarkable, even for a dumbass such as yourself!

In order to pull off the condescending act, you have to actually be smart. I can pull if off, because I'm smart. You can't, because you're not.

It shouldn't keep surprising me, given how often you display it, the magnitude of your abject ignorance in every aspect of science and logic. But at least you're well-rounded, a sort of renaissance man of failure.

No, I stated YOU don't take the Sun into account. You somehow think that a trace gas has more impact on Earths temperature than this huge oblate spheroid burning at millions of degrees. That makes you :cuckoo:
You know, Mr. Westwall, increasingly you are coming across as someone of the same intellectual level as Mr. CrusaderFrank. Nobody has ever attempted to say anything like that. And we have satellites in orbit that constantly measure the amount of energy we get from the sun. Which has decreased slightly in the past decade or so.

Two things determine the temperature of the surface of the Earth. The amount of energy it recieves from the sun, and the amount of energy it retains. A trace gas, indeed, does make a differance in the temperature of the surface of the Earth.

Show us an experiment that shows this trace gas has any impact at all. Every "experiment" you have ever presented merely demonstrates the Ideal Gas Laws and nothing else. And yes, retains is the operative word. Water vapor prevents heat from escaping back to space. CO2 doesn't.
That is what you claim, yet the physicists say that CO2 is a potent GHG. Now who to believe, real scientists, or a fraud on the internet.,

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
Mr. Beale, do you have anything to contribute other than some rather stupid cartoons? Perhaps an article from a peer reviewed scientific journal? That is what is so lovable about you deniars. You think that stupidity equals real science.

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