Climate alarmists predicted CATASTROPHY by 2015!!!!

No, admiral, Beale is correct, the orbits change hourly in the asteroid belt.

No, that's completely wrong and totally stupid, and you'd have to one seriously deluded moron to suggest such a stupid thing.

But go on, amuse everyone. Tell us the physical mechanism that causes all the orbits in the asteroid belt to change hourly. Maybe you could be like Beale and invoke unknown shifting gravitational forces. Magic, that is. Being how you always invoke magic to justify all your other "science", it would at least be consistent.

The vast majority of the changes are minor but, every now and then, there is a major change and those are the ones that can affect us. Once again you demonstrate your profound stupidity.

Speaking of stupidity, let's discuss your stupid false dichotomy fallacy, where you claim we can study asteroids or global warming, but not both. Why is it you can't see how stupid that claim is?

(I do salute you for at least speaking in coherent sentences. Most of this thread has devolved into deniers howling at the moon senselessly. What a pack of crazy people.)
See, this is why climate skeptics are full of shit. Within the first 2 minutes of the video they say "This is not about what will happen, but about what Can"

Of course to the skeptics that means what they showed was a prediction because how else can you disagree with an imagined story but to say it was a prediction! Yes!! Lets lie away and hope no one watches 2 minutes of the video!!
well jack, anything "can" happen at any time! 'Can' is a very large three letter word. When it makes it on air, it takes on a different life. It is a heads up and a warning. you 'can' call it whatever you want, but don't try and minimize the intent. you know it and all your warmer friends know. hell, we know it. 'Can' dude that is just so funny.

So now your excuse is that they said it can happen and since it went on the TV that means they are saying it will happen.


So its not really a prediction as you stated and now you're lying to cover the lie. Way to double down dumbass
isn't it will happen a prediction in the future, like the ice will be totally gone in the arctic by 2013, it will happen, mark their words, the ones predicting it.

When they say something will happen yes thats a prediction. Thats why in the video is says "This is NOT saying what WILL happen, only what CAN happen"

See you all think you're clever, but you're not. you're so phoney it's hilarious in here. 'can' what else is 'can' mean? Might? how about could, or high probability? ain't that all predictions and that it will happen unless? Isn't that the schtick? the sky is falling so we must do something because, it 'can' happen?


They said it CAN happen, if you take that as a prediction then I cant help you.
See, this is why climate skeptics are full of shit. Within the first 2 minutes of the video they say "This is not about what will happen, but about what Can"

Of course to the skeptics that means what they showed was a prediction because how else can you disagree with an imagined story but to say it was a prediction! Yes!! Lets lie away and hope no one watches 2 minutes of the video!!
well jack, anything "can" happen at any time! 'Can' is a very large three letter word. When it makes it on air, it takes on a different life. It is a heads up and a warning. you 'can' call it whatever you want, but don't try and minimize the intent. you know it and all your warmer friends know. hell, we know it. 'Can' dude that is just so funny.

So now your excuse is that they said it can happen and since it went on the TV that means they are saying it will happen.


So its not really a prediction as you stated and now you're lying to cover the lie. Way to double down dumbass

Key Warming scientists have been feeding the press "plausible scenarios" and "likely outcomes" for about 30 years now.. In 1988 --- James Hansen fed the NYTimes predictions of a Northern Hemi. increase of 20degF between 2025 and 2050 AND THEY PRINTED IT,..

Because certain lead GW activist scientists have been given god-like credibility by the complicit media --- the public is disinformed and CONSTANTLY brainwashed.

All the lazy ass journalists need nowadays is a recognized expert to feed them shit and they will a Hollywood class production to move this proganda..

Aint just climate change. Starting to look a LOT like Pravda --- And if you think that's FUNNY, you are irrelevant to fixing this deterioration of America...
A possibility is not a prediction no matter how much you stamp your feet and flail your arms. Thread title is wrong and your logic is not.
BTW CC --- Why don't you tell us what WILL happen in 2100 due to Climate Change. That ought to be a breeze if all the debate is over and the science is settled ----- RIGHT??

If it's that's well established --- you ought to be to do that in a twittergram..

What the media (like ABC) does is similar to using the Bible to predict Armaggedon.. You can arrive at what MIGHT happen -- but not neccessarily what WILL happen.. That's why we call this crap "a religious cult" and not science...
BTW CC --- Why don't you tell us what WILL happen in 2100 due to Climate Change. That ought to be a breeze if all the debate is over and the science is settled ----- RIGHT??.

Now you're confusing settled science with predictions of the future. Predictions are not science.

Heres my prediction: You'll be dead.
BTW CC --- Why don't you tell us what WILL happen in 2100 due to Climate Change. That ought to be a breeze if all the debate is over and the science is settled ----- RIGHT??.

Now you're confusing settled science with predictions of the future. Predictions are not science.

Heres my prediction: You'll be dead.

So the $4TRILL in remediation for this crisis that have been proposed is for predictions??

How do you suppose that happens??
I dont know what you're talking about but if you want to tell me why a prediction is science, I'd love to hear it. If not, I'm not playing this game where you lie about shit like the OP did and throw in everything including the kitchen sink.
Who made these predictions???

Some guy with a blog. Of course they arent talking about scientists...They never talk about scientists
Glad you agree that NASA is just some guy with a blog. Perhaps you should actually read the info in the story and see who wrote it. But hey, that would actually take effort.

Was it peer reviewed?
who are in the peer group?

Let me guess, thousands of liars, right?

Possibly millions...These people think they're smarter then 99% of all scientist in the noaa, nws, nasa and all other international institutions. Loserterians are a fucked up bunch as they already believe we shouldn't spend on our own country so it isn't hard for them to call all science a liar! This just gives them the chance to whine about how we should defund all these institutions!
BTW CC --- Why don't you tell us what WILL happen in 2100 due to Climate Change. That ought to be a breeze if all the debate is over and the science is settled ----- RIGHT??.

Now you're confusing settled science with predictions of the future. Predictions are not science.

Heres my prediction: You'll be dead.
Funny, but that's not a prediction, it is fact.
So you don't KNOW if ABC based any of those scenarios on advice from the Global Warming "experts"?

You believe they just fictionalize the whole "news" production?

It doesnt matter where it came from because its a PREDICTION of what CAN happen NOT of what WILL happen. Again, if you want to explain why CAN is the same as WILL then you can leave that post at [email protected]
BTW CC --- Why don't you tell us what WILL happen in 2100 due to Climate Change. That ought to be a breeze if all the debate is over and the science is settled ----- RIGHT??.

Now you're confusing settled science with predictions of the future. Predictions are not science.

Heres my prediction: You'll be dead.
s0n you're lost. Give it up, you keep saying the same thing.
See, this is why climate skeptics are full of shit. Within the first 2 minutes of the video they say "This is not about what will happen, but about what Can"

Of course to the skeptics that means what they showed was a prediction because how else can you disagree with an imagined story but to say it was a prediction! Yes!! Lets lie away and hope no one watches 2 minutes of the video!!
well jack, anything "can" happen at any time! 'Can' is a very large three letter word. When it makes it on air, it takes on a different life. It is a heads up and a warning. you 'can' call it whatever you want, but don't try and minimize the intent. you know it and all your warmer friends know. hell, we know it. 'Can' dude that is just so funny.

So now your excuse is that they said it can happen and since it went on the TV that means they are saying it will happen.


So its not really a prediction as you stated and now you're lying to cover the lie. Way to double down dumbass
isn't it will happen a prediction in the future, like the ice will be totally gone in the arctic by 2013, it will happen, mark their words, the ones predicting it.

When they say something will happen yes thats a prediction. Thats why in the video is says "This is NOT saying what WILL happen, only what CAN happen"

See you all think you're clever, but you're not. you're so phoney it's hilarious in here. 'can' what else is 'can' mean? Might? how about could, or high probability? ain't that all predictions and that it will happen unless? Isn't that the schtick? the sky is falling so we must do something because, it 'can' happen?


They said it CAN happen, if you take that as a prediction then I cant help you.
dude, it's still a prediction, no matter how many times you wish to post the same thing.
So you don't KNOW if ABC based any of those scenarios on advice from the Global Warming "experts"?

You believe they just fictionalize the whole "news" production?
So you don't KNOW if ABC based any of those scenarios on advice from the Global Warming "experts"?

You believe they just fictionalize the whole "news" production?

It doesnt matter where it came from because its a PREDICTION of what CAN happen NOT of what WILL happen. Again, if you want to explain why CAN is the same as WILL then you can leave that post at [email protected]

OK --- you passed the initiation. You are now an official "denier" ------

:2up: Welcome to the club...
BTW CC --- Why don't you tell us what WILL happen in 2100 due to Climate Change. That ought to be a breeze if all the debate is over and the science is settled ----- RIGHT??.

Now you're confusing settled science with predictions of the future. Predictions are not science.

Heres my prediction: You'll be dead.
s0n you're lost. Give it up, you keep saying the same thing.

Yes, and I will continue to say true things like Predictions are not science. Sorry that hurts you so bad
BTW CC --- Why don't you tell us what WILL happen in 2100 due to Climate Change. That ought to be a breeze if all the debate is over and the science is settled ----- RIGHT??.

Now you're confusing settled science with predictions of the future. Predictions are not science.

Heres my prediction: You'll be dead.
s0n you're lost. Give it up, you keep saying the same thing.

Yes, and I will continue to say true things like Predictions are not science. Sorry that hurts you so bad

Whatever -- as long as you recognize propaganda for what it is -- you're OK with me. .And now that you're an official CChange denier --- have a drink on me...


I've still to hear how human hydro carbon use is causing this.
BTW CC --- Why don't you tell us what WILL happen in 2100 due to Climate Change. That ought to be a breeze if all the debate is over and the science is settled ----- RIGHT??.

Now you're confusing settled science with predictions of the future. Predictions are not science.

Heres my prediction: You'll be dead.
BTW CC --- Why don't you tell us what WILL happen in 2100 due to Climate Change. That ought to be a breeze if all the debate is over and the science is settled ----- RIGHT??.

Now you're confusing settled science with predictions of the future. Predictions are not science.

Heres my prediction: You'll be dead.
BTW CC --- Why don't you tell us what WILL happen in 2100 due to Climate Change. That ought to be a breeze if all the debate is over and the science is settled ----- RIGHT??.

Now you're confusing settled science with predictions of the future. Predictions are not science.

Heres my prediction: You'll be dead.

LOL@ "Settled science"

You should beg Starkey for a new avatar

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