Climate alarmists predicted CATASTROPHY by 2015!!!!

Flac, can you find a consistent position? Is the Forest Service is supposed to be clearing all the brush or not?

Of course, you've also said The Nature Conservancy is the mostest awesome for preserving the land, while the gubmint is evil for ... preserving the land. Consistency is not your strong point, except for your consistency in how you declare the gubmint is always evil, no matter what it does.

I told you to leave me out of it and ask ANY serious conservationist or random eco-whack which they prefer to manage sensitive eco-systems. That poll would be a rout for your gubmint services..
Let's get back to what skook and jc are pout-stalking me about.

Their predictions of global cooling failed hilariously.

Their predictions of economic collapse failed hilariously.

Their predictions of higher energy prices failed hilariously.

Their predictions of the success of coal failed hilariously.

Their predictions of mass death for birds failed hilariously.

Their predictions of doom for renewable energy failed hilariously.

Every time deniers make a prediction, the exact opposite happens. Given the perfect failure record of the deniers, why would anyone pay attention to the next prediction of catastrophe that they're going to spring on us?

The only way you could ever say that renewable have succeeded and coal has failed is if you factor in government manipulation of energy prices. If you took away subsidies and taxes, there would be no comparison. None.

Stop taxing and regulating coal, and stop subsidizing wind and solar, and renewables would never, and could never compete. It wouldn't even be close. Not by a long shot.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am all in favor of renewables. They are much better.

OTH, I am also very familiar with complex systems and systems theory. I really do think that a small and powerful infrastructure should be maintained for coal. It is far more reliable for emergencies. The system should have redundancies in place.
I'm predicting a complete Climate Catastrophy by 2020.

Unless things change of course, then there won't be.
Mr. Beale, do you have anything to contribute other than some rather stupid cartoons? Perhaps an article from a peer reviewed scientific journal? That is what is so lovable about you deniars. You think that stupidity equals real science.

Says the guy who read all three of Naomi Klein's books...

Get real....
Mr. Beale, do you have anything to contribute other than some rather stupid cartoons? Perhaps an article from a peer reviewed scientific journal? That is what is so lovable about you deniars. You think that stupidity equals real science.

Says the guy who read all three of Naomi Klein's books...

Get real....

Have you ever noticed that he only reads left wing, socialist control monger, enviro-wacko books? And when real science is shown he ignores it? This idiot thinks John Cook, Naomi Klien, James Hansen, and the king Micheal Mann are reliable and do real science.. When they have all been proven incorrect and agenda driven.
Mr. Beale, do you have anything to contribute other than some rather stupid cartoons? Perhaps an article from a peer reviewed scientific journal? That is what is so lovable about you deniars. You think that stupidity equals real science.

Says the guy who read all three of Naomi Klein's books...

Get real....

Have you ever noticed that he only reads left wing, socialist control monger, enviro-wacko books? And when real science is shown he ignores it? This idiot thinks John Cook, Naomi Klien, James Hansen, and the king Micheal Mann are reliable and do real science.. When they have all been proven incorrect and agenda driven.

I have always used common sense in these debates until Just a few days ago started to research Naomi, thanks ,now I will really have to research John Cook, James Hansen and Micheal Cann but I think I know him he is that zealot who gave us that 97% of all scientist agree claim right?
Back in the old days when forest fires were allowed to burn themselves out, you forget one small detail..........................

There were fewer people back then. There were fewer towns and houses.

Now? People have settled much of the country, and don't like it when their house burns down.
And why one implements a cleanout of the debris and twigs to avoid potential fire hazard's. Removing dead branches and control burning limit intensity of the forest fire today because people live there today. Maintenance is essential.
I see. I really did not see that those towns were in the wilderness. I am not talking about the home built out in the woods, but those that were built on the river or at the intersections of roads. Many of those towns did not have forest growing right up to them. The intensity of the fires simply threw branches and sparks into the towns, and that ignited grass and many of the houses. For a view of the intensity of the fires;

A trip into last years fire in the same area;

Holy crap dude did you really just post that? I don't even know how to answer that that's so stupid!
Mr. Beale, do you have anything to contribute other than some rather stupid cartoons? Perhaps an article from a peer reviewed scientific journal? That is what is so lovable about you deniars. You think that stupidity equals real science.

Says the guy who read all three of Naomi Klein's books...

Get real....

Have you ever noticed that he only reads left wing, socialist control monger, enviro-wacko books? And when real science is shown he ignores it? This idiot thinks John Cook, Naomi Klien, James Hansen, and the king Micheal Mann are reliable and do real science.. When they have all been proven incorrect and agenda driven.

I have always used common sense in these debates until Just a few days ago started to research Naomi, thanks ,now I will really have to research John Cook, James Hansen and Micheal Cann but I think I know him he is that zealot who gave us that 97% of all scientist agree claim right?

Cook, Nuttercelie and others at Skeptical Science gave us the 97% Lie.

Klien gave us the sea rise crap..

Hansen is the main adjuster of the climate records upward for 30 years. He and the likes of Phil Jones (CRU) and Michale Mann (used one tree ring proxies and threw out the other 14 which showed his theroy a lie)dumped data and lied about the manipulations they were doing while dumping the original data to keep others from learning the truth. These people made the US and global Climate record unusable for any scientific endeavor.

The people they revere are liars and thieves with a socialist command and control agenda. The UN's IPCC has but one job and that is to deprive all of the US citizens of our constitutional rights to land, personal property and our individual sovereignty. Their goal is one world government under socialist control, it has been for over 85 years. UN AGENDA 21.
Last edited:
Mr. Beale, do you have anything to contribute other than some rather stupid cartoons? Perhaps an article from a peer reviewed scientific journal? That is what is so lovable about you deniars. You think that stupidity equals real science.

Says the guy who read all three of Naomi Klein's books...

Get real....

Have you ever noticed that he only reads left wing, socialist control monger, enviro-wacko books? And when real science is shown he ignores it? This idiot thinks John Cook, Naomi Klien, James Hansen, and the king Micheal Mann are reliable and do real science.. When they have all been proven incorrect and agenda driven.

I have always used common sense in these debates until Just a few days ago started to research Naomi, thanks ,now I will really have to research John Cook, James Hansen and Micheal Cann but I think I know him he is that zealot who gave us that 97% of all scientist agree claim right?

Cook, Nuttercelie and others at Skeptical Science gave us the 97% Lie.

Klien gave us the sea rise crap..

Hansen is the main adjuster of the climate records upward for 30 years. He and the likes of Phil Jones (CRU) and Michale Mann (used one tree ring proxies and threw out the other 14 which showed his theroy a lie)dumped data and lied about the manipulations they were doing while dumping the original data to keep others from learning the truth. These people made the US and global Climate record unusable for any scientific endeavor.

The people they revere are liars and thieves with a socialist command and control agenda. The UN's IPCC has but one job and that is to deprive all of the US citizens of our constitutional rights to land, personal property and our individual sovereignty. Their goal is one world government under socialist control, it has been for over 85 years. UN AGENDA 21.

You know Naomi never even graduated from college, yet the bitch is qualified to advise the pope?
Mr. Beale, do you have anything to contribute other than some rather stupid cartoons? Perhaps an article from a peer reviewed scientific journal? That is what is so lovable about you deniars. You think that stupidity equals real science.

Says the guy who read all three of Naomi Klein's books...

Get real....

Have you ever noticed that he only reads left wing, socialist control monger, enviro-wacko books? And when real science is shown he ignores it? This idiot thinks John Cook, Naomi Klien, James Hansen, and the king Micheal Mann are reliable and do real science.. When they have all been proven incorrect and agenda driven.

I have always used common sense in these debates until Just a few days ago started to research Naomi, thanks ,now I will really have to research John Cook, James Hansen and Micheal Cann but I think I know him he is that zealot who gave us that 97% of all scientist agree claim right?

Cook, Nuttercelie and others at Skeptical Science gave us the 97% Lie.

Klien gave us the sea rise crap..

Hansen is the main adjuster of the climate records upward for 30 years. He and the likes of Phil Jones (CRU) and Michale Mann (used one tree ring proxies and threw out the other 14 which showed his theroy a lie)dumped data and lied about the manipulations they were doing while dumping the original data to keep others from learning the truth. These people made the US and global Climate record unusable for any scientific endeavor.

The people they revere are liars and thieves with a socialist command and control agenda. The UN's IPCC has but one job and that is to deprive all of the US citizens of our constitutional rights to land, personal property and our individual sovereignty. Their goal is one world government under socialist control, it has been for over 85 years. UN AGENDA 21.

You know Naomi never even graduated from college, yet the bitch is qualified to advise the pope?

Naomi is an avowed socialist and one world government person. The pope has less than a community college grade degree of a lab assistant and these two are herding the catholic churches faithful to the slaughter.. Scary times indeed when a person who is supposed to be following Christ is pushing his flock to Satan and his minions..
Says the guy who read all three of Naomi Klein's books...

Get real....

Have you ever noticed that he only reads left wing, socialist control monger, enviro-wacko books? And when real science is shown he ignores it? This idiot thinks John Cook, Naomi Klien, James Hansen, and the king Micheal Mann are reliable and do real science.. When they have all been proven incorrect and agenda driven.

I have always used common sense in these debates until Just a few days ago started to research Naomi, thanks ,now I will really have to research John Cook, James Hansen and Micheal Cann but I think I know him he is that zealot who gave us that 97% of all scientist agree claim right?

Cook, Nuttercelie and others at Skeptical Science gave us the 97% Lie.

Klien gave us the sea rise crap..

Hansen is the main adjuster of the climate records upward for 30 years. He and the likes of Phil Jones (CRU) and Michale Mann (used one tree ring proxies and threw out the other 14 which showed his theroy a lie)dumped data and lied about the manipulations they were doing while dumping the original data to keep others from learning the truth. These people made the US and global Climate record unusable for any scientific endeavor.

The people they revere are liars and thieves with a socialist command and control agenda. The UN's IPCC has but one job and that is to deprive all of the US citizens of our constitutional rights to land, personal property and our individual sovereignty. Their goal is one world government under socialist control, it has been for over 85 years. UN AGENDA 21.

You know Naomi never even graduated from college, yet the bitch is qualified to advise the pope?

Naomi is an avowed socialist and one world government person. The pope has less than a community college grade degree of a lab assistant and these two are herding the catholic churches faithful to the slaughter.. Scary times indeed when a person who is supposed to be following Christ is pushing his flock to Satan and his minions..
As usual, Billy Bob is lying though his teeth. What a knownothing corksmoker.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on December 17, 1936, to Italian immigrants. As a young man, Bergoglio underwent surgery to remove part of one of his lungs due to serious infection. He graduated from a technical school as a chemical technician before beginning training at the Diocesan Seminary of Villa Devoto. In March 1958, he entered the novitiate of the Society of Jesus.

Bergoglio taught literature and psychology at Immaculate Conception College in Santa Fé in 1964 and 1965, and also taught the same subjects at the Colegio del Salvatore in Buenos Aires in 1966. He studied theology and received a degree from the Colegio of San José from 1967 to 1970, and finished his doctoral thesis in theology in Freiburg, Germany in 1986.
Holy fuck

Just scrolled Jim hansen bio

His fucking entire thesis in college was about Venus

Yea ok and how does that apply to earth millions of miles away from the Venus and no humans on it?

Proganda dumb fuck

James Hansen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Hansen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Early life and education[edit]

Hansen was born in Denison, Iowa to James Ivan Hansen and Gladys Ray Hansen.[8] He was trained in physics and astronomy in the space scienceprogram of James Van Allen at the University of Iowa. He obtained a B.A. in Physics and Mathematics with highest distinction in 1963, an M.S. in Astronomy in 1965 and a Ph.D. in Physics, in 1967, all three degrees from the University of Iowa. He participated in the NASA graduate traineeship from 1962 to 1966 and, at the same time, between 1965 and 1966, he was a visiting student at the Institute of Astrophysics at the University of Kyotoand in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Tokyo. Hansen then began work at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in 1967.[9]

After graduate school, Hansen continued his work with radiative transfer models, attempting to understand the Venusian atmosphere. Later he applied and refined these models to understand the Earth's atmosphere, in particular, the effects that aerosols and trace gases have on Earth's climate. Hansen's development and use of global climate models has contributed to the further understanding of the Earth's climate. In 2009 his first book,Storms of My Grandchildren, was published.[10] In 2012 he presented a 2012 TED Talk: Why I must speak out about climate change.[11]

From 1981 to 2013, he was the head of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City, a part of the Goddard Space Flight Center inGreenbelt, Maryland.

As of 2014, Hansen directs the Program on Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions at Columbia University's Earth Institute.[12] The program is working to continue to "connect the dots" from advancing basic climate science to promoting public awareness to advocating policy actions.

Research and publications[edit]
As a college student at the University of Iowa, Hansen was attracted to science and the research done by James Van Allen's space science program in the physics and astronomy department. A decade later, his focus shifted to planetary research that involved trying to understand the climate change on earth that will result from anthropogenic changes of the atmospheric composition.

Hansen has stated that one of his research interests is radiative transfer in planetary atmospheres, especially the interpretation of remote sensing of the Earth's atmosphere and surface from satellites. Because of the ability of satellites to monitor the entire globe, they may be one of the most effective ways to monitor and study global change. His other interests include the development of global circulation models to help understand the observed climate trends, and diagnosing human impacts on climate.[13]

That is correct. Dr. Hansen did studies on Venus. And, also, the atmosphere of the Earth. He has an international reputation as one of the leading, if not the leading, atmospheric physicist in the world.

And what do you have, Bear? A reputation as another know-nothing poster on an internet board, same as me. Yet you dare pretend you know more than a man whose boots you are not fit to wipe.
Have you ever noticed that he only reads left wing, socialist control monger, enviro-wacko books? And when real science is shown he ignores it? This idiot thinks John Cook, Naomi Klien, James Hansen, and the king Micheal Mann are reliable and do real science.. When they have all been proven incorrect and agenda driven.

I have always used common sense in these debates until Just a few days ago started to research Naomi, thanks ,now I will really have to research John Cook, James Hansen and Micheal Cann but I think I know him he is that zealot who gave us that 97% of all scientist agree claim right?

Cook, Nuttercelie and others at Skeptical Science gave us the 97% Lie.

Klien gave us the sea rise crap..

Hansen is the main adjuster of the climate records upward for 30 years. He and the likes of Phil Jones (CRU) and Michale Mann (used one tree ring proxies and threw out the other 14 which showed his theroy a lie)dumped data and lied about the manipulations they were doing while dumping the original data to keep others from learning the truth. These people made the US and global Climate record unusable for any scientific endeavor.

The people they revere are liars and thieves with a socialist command and control agenda. The UN's IPCC has but one job and that is to deprive all of the US citizens of our constitutional rights to land, personal property and our individual sovereignty. Their goal is one world government under socialist control, it has been for over 85 years. UN AGENDA 21.

You know Naomi never even graduated from college, yet the bitch is qualified to advise the pope?

Naomi is an avowed socialist and one world government person. The pope has less than a community college grade degree of a lab assistant and these two are herding the catholic churches faithful to the slaughter.. Scary times indeed when a person who is supposed to be following Christ is pushing his flock to Satan and his minions..
As usual, Billy Bob is lying though his teeth. What a knownothing corksmoker.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on December 17, 1936, to Italian immigrants. As a young man, Bergoglio underwent surgery to remove part of one of his lungs due to serious infection. He graduated from a technical school as a chemical technician before beginning training at the Diocesan Seminary of Villa Devoto. In March 1958, he entered the novitiate of the Society of Jesus.

Bergoglio taught literature and psychology at Immaculate Conception College in Santa Fé in 1964 and 1965, and also taught the same subjects at the Colegio del Salvatore in Buenos Aires in 1966. He studied theology and received a degree from the Colegio of San José from 1967 to 1970, and finished his doctoral thesis in theology in Freiburg, Germany in 1986.

Love that highly edited and fabricated bio... Why do you folks use this crap when you have been shown over and over that it is fabricated and edited?
Billy Bob, as per usual, you have made assertations and provided zero proof of those assertations. In fact, we have a whole board full of denialists that are making assertations with zero proof. 2015, only 2/3 over, has provided a very large number of catastrophes, and it is far from over. Pretty much as predicted concerning increasing fire hazard from drying forests and a warming climate.
Mr. Beale, do you have anything to contribute other than some rather stupid cartoons? Perhaps an article from a peer reviewed scientific journal? That is what is so lovable about you deniars. You think that stupidity equals real science.

Says the guy who read all three of Naomi Klein's books...

Get real....

Have you ever noticed that he only reads left wing, socialist control monger, enviro-wacko books? And when real science is shown he ignores it? This idiot thinks John Cook, Naomi Klien, James Hansen, and the king Micheal Mann are reliable and do real science.. When they have all been proven incorrect and agenda driven.

I have always used common sense in these debates until Just a few days ago started to research Naomi, thanks ,now I will really have to research John Cook, James Hansen and Micheal Cann but I think I know him he is that zealot who gave us that 97% of all scientist agree claim right?

Cook, Nuttercelie and others at Skeptical Science gave us the 97% Lie.

Klien gave us the sea rise crap..

Hansen is the main adjuster of the climate records upward for 30 years. He and the likes of Phil Jones (CRU) and Michale Mann (used one tree ring proxies and threw out the other 14 which showed his theroy a lie)dumped data and lied about the manipulations they were doing while dumping the original data to keep others from learning the truth. These people made the US and global Climate record unusable for any scientific endeavor.

The people they revere are liars and thieves with a socialist command and control agenda. The UN's IPCC has but one job and that is to deprive all of the US citizens of our constitutional rights to land, personal property and our individual sovereignty. Their goal is one world government under socialist control, it has been for over 85 years. UN AGENDA 21.

You know Naomi never even graduated from college, yet the bitch is qualified to advise the pope?
And smarter than Judith Curry. Can't beat stoopid
Holy fuck

Just scrolled Jim hansen bio

His fucking entire thesis in college was about Venus

Yea ok and how does that apply to earth millions of miles away from the Venus and no humans on it?

Proganda dumb fuck

James Hansen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Hansen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Early life and education[edit]

Hansen was born in Denison, Iowa to James Ivan Hansen and Gladys Ray Hansen.[8] He was trained in physics and astronomy in the space scienceprogram of James Van Allen at the University of Iowa. He obtained a B.A. in Physics and Mathematics with highest distinction in 1963, an M.S. in Astronomy in 1965 and a Ph.D. in Physics, in 1967, all three degrees from the University of Iowa. He participated in the NASA graduate traineeship from 1962 to 1966 and, at the same time, between 1965 and 1966, he was a visiting student at the Institute of Astrophysics at the University of Kyotoand in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Tokyo. Hansen then began work at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in 1967.[9]

After graduate school, Hansen continued his work with radiative transfer models, attempting to understand the Venusian atmosphere. Later he applied and refined these models to understand the Earth's atmosphere, in particular, the effects that aerosols and trace gases have on Earth's climate. Hansen's development and use of global climate models has contributed to the further understanding of the Earth's climate. In 2009 his first book,Storms of My Grandchildren, was published.[10] In 2012 he presented a 2012 TED Talk: Why I must speak out about climate change.[11]

From 1981 to 2013, he was the head of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City, a part of the Goddard Space Flight Center inGreenbelt, Maryland.

As of 2014, Hansen directs the Program on Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions at Columbia University's Earth Institute.[12] The program is working to continue to "connect the dots" from advancing basic climate science to promoting public awareness to advocating policy actions.

Research and publications[edit]
As a college student at the University of Iowa, Hansen was attracted to science and the research done by James Van Allen's space science program in the physics and astronomy department. A decade later, his focus shifted to planetary research that involved trying to understand the climate change on earth that will result from anthropogenic changes of the atmospheric composition.

Hansen has stated that one of his research interests is radiative transfer in planetary atmospheres, especially the interpretation of remote sensing of the Earth's atmosphere and surface from satellites. Because of the ability of satellites to monitor the entire globe, they may be one of the most effective ways to monitor and study global change. His other interests include the development of global circulation models to help understand the observed climate trends, and diagnosing human impacts on climate.[13]

That is correct. Dr. Hansen did studies on Venus. And, also, the atmosphere of the Earth. He has an international reputation as one of the leading, if not the leading, atmospheric physicist in the world.

And what do you have, Bear? A reputation as another know-nothing poster on an internet board, same as me. Yet you dare pretend you know more than a man whose boots you are not fit to wipe.

I have more street smarts and common sense then that fruit loop who couldn't carry my tool belt off your rocker.

His entire thesis was on fucking Venus...

Don't you get it old rocks?

He is a God Damn fear monger for people like you who is smart enough to hurt himself with knowledge.

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