Climate change and The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
The Man from U.N.C.L.E., which aired on NBC from 1964 to 1968, starred Robert Vaughn and David McCallum as secret agents Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin, employed by U.N.C.L.E. (United Network Command for Law Enforcement) to thwart the terrorist and criminal plots of THRUSH.

The TV series displayed an uncanny knack for predicting future events and advances in science, even as it descended into farcical clichés in its third season. Consider this caper:

The Concrete Overcoat Affair Bad guy Louis Strago and a former Nazi scientist plan to redirect the Gulf Stream in order to make Greenland a semi-tropical paradise run by THRUSH, while turning most of the Northern Hemisphere into an icebox. New York, Paris and London will suffer through blizzards in the middle of July.

In fact, scientists today are concerned that if global warming melts Greenland glaciers, the addition of large amounts of fresh water to the Atlantic Ocean will disrupt the themohaline circulation, the process that keeps parts of North America and Europe warm and habitable. The disastrous effect of disrupting the Gulf Stream was portrayed, to an exaggerated degree, in the 2004 movie The Day After Tomorrow.

In 1966, when this U.N.C.L.E. episode first aired, one would have assumed that anyone planning to freeze major cities or even risk such an outcome would be considered criminally insane. Today, they are known as climate change deniers.
I watched an episode a while back
It was much watch TV in the 60s
Couldn’t believe how much it sucked
To be honest, I don't think THRUSH could do this without help from both KAOS and SMERSH ... sounds like a good movie idea, whip up the script and see if anyone will buy it ... don't fret about your mixed up science, neither TV nor Hollywood cares much about that ... as far as I know, only Soylent Green (1973) tried to keep true to the science and it was pretty spot-on correct from what we knew at the time ... (we've learned much since) ...

Not sure who you mean with "scientists" ... but anyone involved in a science that includes melting ice knows this is a slow and a very energy-hungry process ... the idea that hundreds of cubic miles extra will melt all at once is beyond reasonable predictions ... in spite what The National Inquiry and it's like publish ... plus there's simple conservation of momentum, the Gulf Stream is extremely massive, a thin coat of fresh water ain't gonna stop her ... "themohaline circulation" would work well in a movie or TV show, that sounds close enough to real things and you can have to cause close enough to real things, the format does give license for that ...

Am I criminally insane for pointing out your claim violates the Laws of Thermodynamics? ... for it is you who are committing the felonies here ...
The Man from U.N.C.L.E., which aired on NBC from 1964 to 1968, starred Robert Vaughn and David McCallum as secret agents Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin, employed by U.N.C.L.E. (United Network Command for Law Enforcement) to thwart the terrorist and criminal plots of THRUSH.

The TV series displayed an uncanny knack for predicting future events and advances in science, even as it descended into farcical clichés in its third season. Consider this caper:

The Concrete Overcoat Affair Bad guy Louis Strago and a former Nazi scientist plan to redirect the Gulf Stream in order to make Greenland a semi-tropical paradise run by THRUSH, while turning most of the Northern Hemisphere into an icebox. New York, Paris and London will suffer through blizzards in the middle of July.

In fact, scientists today are concerned that if global warming melts Greenland glaciers, the addition of large amounts of fresh water to the Atlantic Ocean will disrupt the themohaline circulation, the process that keeps parts of North America and Europe warm and habitable. The disastrous effect of disrupting the Gulf Stream was portrayed, to an exaggerated degree, in the 2004 movie The Day After Tomorrow.

In 1966, when this U.N.C.L.E. episode first aired, one would have assumed that anyone planning to freeze major cities or even risk such an outcome would be considered criminally insane. Today, they are known as climate change deniers.


We must spend as much as it takes to ensure the climate never ever changes again.

How much will it cost? How will we know when we've succeeded?
Lol.....nobody watched THE MAN FROM UNCLE.....or about as many people as actually care about climate change.

Progressives proudly....somehow.....address climate deniers as if they are societal lepors or something! Which for 10 years now gets me to laughing.....where is all the climate change action? doesnt exist because most voters are deniers! Duh.....makes the AGW people the decidedly fringe!!

Hollywood has been dropping climate hysteria on the public for decades......still nobody cares:113:
Who is denying anything.
I am a climate change encourager that is discouraged with the current rate of warming.
Many of us are willing to sacrifice the coastal cities for our comfort. Not that they would be missed anyway. Quite obvious they despise deplorables in flyover country anyway.

When the windchill is 0, no one and I mean NO one gives a shit.

When Palm Trees grow in Duluth I may take it serious and then celebrate with a Mai Tai on the beaches of Lake Superior.
Lol.....nobody watched THE MAN FROM UNCLE.....or about as many people as actually care about climate change.

yeah, they did....



Well yeah.....about as much as people watch CNN now! Bud.....gotta be able to think on the margin to have any credibility in here. The Man from UNCLE barely made a four year run! Only a couple of million people watch CNN each day.......very little impact on the voter consciousness. Same as the show. Now......if we saw any kind of climate change action coming from DC, we'd be impressed. But we're not.:2up:
if we saw any kind of climate change action coming from DC, we'd be impressed. But we're not.



it sure is Todd

too bad we just can't vote Exxon or Shell oil for potus , it'd save a lotta time ,effort, and partisan baloney....


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