Climate change caused by man is false and we have proven it already.

You'd have been better served with a quote from a flat-earther. You seem to be suggesting that Kevin Trenberth doesn't trust climate models. Unfortunately for you, that is quite easily demonstrated to be a falsehood. The comment Trenberth made here, regarding the "hiatus", was made irrelevant by the later work of Thomas Karl.
You'd have been better served with a quote from a flat-earther. You seem to be suggesting that Kevin Trenberth doesn't trust climate models. Unfortunately for you, that is quite easily demonstrated to be a falsehood. The comment Trenberth made here, regarding the "hiatus", was made irrelevant by the later work of Thomas Karl.

It was Trenberth who advances the El-Nino is warming the atmosphere idea in his paper you never read which I posted several times which YOU ignored because it doesn't support your gookist cult.

Thomas Karl was exposed as playing the numbers to erase the pause which the IPCC on down accepted as being real it was his retirement gift to the Gooks of the pseudoscience world.
You keep lying on and on as he was waaay off and it was 1988 by the way....LOL


and, of course




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It astounds me that someone could type all that and never realize how fundamental an error in logic they are making. To resurrect Mamooth's aging but ever-pertinent analog: we had forest fires before humans evolved. Therefore forest fires cannot be caused by humans. Right? Right? For christ's sake wake up your brain.
people through lit cigarettes in the forests often over the course of time. Lightning causes forest fires. You don't remember Smokey the bear and camp fires? Come on dude, why the fk are you so angry at humans?
It was Trenberth who advances the El-Nino is warming the atmosphere idea in his paper you never read which I posted several times which YOU ignored because it doesn't support your gookist cult.

Thomas Karl was exposed as playing the numbers to erase the pause which the IPCC on down accepted as being real it was his retirement gift to the Gooks of the pseudoscience world.
You'd have been better served with a quote from a flat-earther. You seem to be suggesting that Kevin Trenberth doesn't trust climate models. Unfortunately for you, that is quite easily demonstrated to be a falsehood. The comment Trenberth made here, regarding the "hiatus", was made irrelevant by the later work of Thomas Karl.
there hasn't been any that have ever been right. maybe that's why.
people through lit cigarettes in the forests often over the course of time. Lightning causes forest fires. You don't remember Smokey the bear and camp fires? Come on dude, why the fk are you so angry at humans?
If I am it's because such a disappointingly large proportion of them are almost as stupid as are you.
You'd have been better served with a quote from a flat-earther. You seem to be suggesting that Kevin Trenberth doesn't trust climate models. Unfortunately for you, that is quite easily demonstrated to be a falsehood. The comment Trenberth made here, regarding the "hiatus", was made irrelevant by the later work of Thomas Karl.
I read all the Climategate e-mails, numbnutz.....They've been cooking the numbers and hiding contravening data for years.

NEVER EVER have they been predictive.....EVER.
I read all the Climategate e-mails, numbnutz.....They've been cooking the numbers and hiding contravening data for years.

NEVER EVER have they been predictive.....EVER.
Who has? What data do you believe to have been cooked? What contravening data do you believe to have been hidden?

Given the extremely close agreement between all the major institutions producing CO2 and temperature data, if those data are false, those institutions are all acting together. And since that data is being used constantly by thousands of scientists who would certainly notice if it was false, they must also be involved in this massive conspiracy. Is that your claim?
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Who has? What data do you believe to have been cooked? What contravening data do you believe to have been hidden?

Given the extremely close agreement between all the major institutions producing CO2 and temperature data, if those data are false, those institutions are all acting together. And since that data is being used constantly by thousands of scientists who would certainly notice if it was false, they must also be involved in this massive conspiracy. Is that your claim?
So you didn't read the e-mail threads.

Are you claiming to have read every post in this forum? If not, then it really looks like you just don't have the information you claim to have.
The challenge here would be for you to refute the reasons given (if you can). Presenting other articles pushing other completely disparate points of view says NOTHING about Abu Akak's article other than that you are apparently unable to challenge his points. Any of them.

Oh, you didn't give "reasons," you gave sermons.

Let's face it, you follow the most Anti-Science religion around.
Climate models all the way back to Hansen's 1985 issue HAVE been predictive. Your statement is false.

As long as failed predictions are "predictive."

You've never gotten ANYTHING right in 50 years of bullshit - not one thing.
View attachment 624539
View attachment 624540

and, of course

View attachment 624542

It's easy to match when you go back and fucking change the predictions when they fail.

If you believe climate change is caused by man then don't forget some of these facts we all know and have been agreed upon by scientists allover the world for decades now.

350 million years ago Antarctica was a unfrozen continent with life on it.

2.6 million years ago most of earth was covered in ice.

There have been a lot of times the earths poles have reversed millions of years before man.

Over 300 million years ago we lost the ozone layer which killed most life.

Those are just some examples of how earth is always changing. Earth has seen world wide floods, world wide fires, tectonic activity so great it broke apart land masses, been bombarded by cosmic radiation, extinction level volcanic activity and a lot more millions and billions of years before man ever showed up.

Man wasn't even around to manufacture all of those changes. Man is not "causing climate change" because climate change is a natural occurrence of earth itself. We can not stop it, we can not change, we can't even alter it because it's the planet itself doing this as it always has for billions of years.

Anytime you see someone say climate change feel free to link this post or any of the countless forms of evidence found online from credible sources showing even simply Antarctica hasn't always been frozen when you see some moron say we're causing it melt and the oceans to rise.
Conservatives used to care about clean air, clean water and reducing pollution.

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