Climate Change Deniers are Almost Extinct

Yessirreee..... The dumb fucks are out in force. Predictions of cooling. What dumb asses. Here are predictions from '82, when you dumb bastards were stating there was no global warming.

Global Warming: What We Knew in 82 - YouTube

You guys predicted "Global Cooling" remember?

Then it was "Global Warming"

Then ManMade Disaster

Then "Climate Change"

and the melt is probably caused by extra soot anyway

No, dumb fuck, that was not the prediction.
Yessirreee..... The dumb fucks are out in force. Predictions of cooling. What dumb asses. Here are predictions from '82, when you dumb bastards were stating there was no global warming.

Global Warming: What We Knew in 82 - YouTube

And your word as a 2-year geology dropout is worth...

Not very much.

But, hey, you're a Troo Beleever, so you're an expert. Right?

Stupid ass, never asked you to take my word for it. Simply have posted from real scientists.

Every scientific society in the world, every academy of science, and every major university states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. It is just you willfully ignorant asses that would ignore all the evidence for reasons of politics.
You guys predicted "Global Cooling" remember?

Nope. Never happened. As has been documented many times before.

and the melt is probably caused by extra soot anyway

This surprised me, as it showed a glimmer of sensibility.

You could check out the actual scientists who actually measure such things. They don't need to say "probably". Not being like you, they don't base science on feelings.

Soot has an effect on the arctic ice, but not a big one. And it will be getting less, given that the sea ice now melts totally away in more places each year, losing all the old soot. And when the ice is melting from below, then you know it's not soot driving it. However, soot is a bigger factor in glacial ice, especially in the Himalayas, right next to China.

(At least you didn't blame magic undersea Arctic volcanoes, as many denialists do. So that's progress.)
Speaking of deniers why do the global warming guys never want to discuss the Antarctic where most of the ice is? Oh that's right, because the massive Antarctic eastern ice pack is growing. Shh! Don't talk about that k?
I think it rather is mistake to call what is happening GLOBAL WARMING.


Well because warming sounds like a relatively good thing.

What they ought to have called this event is GLOBAL WEIRDING.


Because the outcome of warmning is exactly what we're seeing happening.

WILD SWINGS in the weather including massive droughts, huge flooding events, terrible hurricanes and tornados, extreme cold snaps and extreme heat waves, too.

So the question: "When will global weirding begin to effect us?" sort of misses the point.

Climate weirding is ALREADY with us, as some of us might finally realize this winter when they start paying huge increases in the cost of food.

When was the last time any of you remember a drought that extended from Maine to California and from the border of Canada to the border of Mexico?

I do not think that has EVER happened in my lifetime.

Global WEIRDING is already here, kiddies.
Speaking of deniers why do the global warming guys never want to discuss the Antarctic where most of the ice is? Oh that's right, because the massive Antarctic eastern ice pack is growing. Shh! Don't talk about that k?

OK. You have made a statement. The massive Anarctic eastern ice pack is growing. The next step is to back up that statement with some articles. Can you do that?

Antarctic Ice Melt — OSS Foundation
Yessirreee..... The dumb fucks are out in force. Predictions of cooling. What dumb asses. Here are predictions from '82, when you dumb bastards were stating there was no global warming.

Global Warming: What We Knew in 82 - YouTube

And your word as a 2-year geology dropout is worth...

Not very much.

But, hey, you're a Troo Beleever, so you're an expert. Right?

Stupid ass, never asked you to take my word for it. Simply have posted from real scientists.

Every scientific society in the world, every academy of science, and every major university states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. It is just you willfully ignorant asses that would ignore all the evidence for reasons of politics.
The "science" of AGW is driven solely by politics.

"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good
of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live
under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.
The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may
at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good
will torment us without end for they do so with the approval
of their own conscience."

-- C. S. Lewis
Speaking of deniers why do the global warming guys never want to discuss the Antarctic where most of the ice is? Oh that's right, because the massive Antarctic eastern ice pack is growing. Shh! Don't talk about that k?

OK. You have made a statement. The massive Anarctic eastern ice pack is growing. The next step is to back up that statement with some articles. Can you do that?

Antarctic Ice Melt — OSS Foundation

Is that because of "Ocean acidification"?
I smell a sock.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

It's been my experience that those who talk the most about sockpuppets almost always end up being revealed as sockpuppets themselves. It makes sense. How else would they have obtained such expertise in all the ways of sock puppetry?

So Dave, who are you the sock of?
Oh that's right, because the massive Antarctic eastern ice pack is growing.

No it's not. Where do you get such nonsense?
GRACE-based studies data indicate that the EAIS is losing mass at a rate of 57 billion tonnes per year[2] and that the total Antarctic ice sheet (including WAIS, and EAIS coastal areas) is losing mass at a rate of 152 cubic kilometers (ca 139 billion tonnes) per year.[3]
East Antarctic Ice Sheet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(yeah, it's wiki, but you can follow the links to the original sources if you want.)
I think it rather is mistake to call what is happening GLOBAL WARMING.


Well because warming sounds like a relatively good thing.

What they ought to have called this event is GLOBAL WEIRDING.


Because the outcome of warmning is exactly what we're seeing happening.

WILD SWINGS in the weather including massive droughts, huge flooding events, terrible hurricanes and tornados, extreme cold snaps and extreme heat waves, too.

So the question: "When will global weirding begin to effect us?" sort of misses the point.

Climate weirding is ALREADY with us, as some of us might finally realize this winter when they start paying huge increases in the cost of food.

When was the last time any of you remember a drought that extended from Maine to California and from the border of Canada to the border of Mexico?

I do not think that has EVER happened in my lifetime.

Global WEIRDING is already here, kiddies.

And if your global weirding had never happened before you would have a point. However, there is written evidence going back over 2,000 years that shows the global weirding is a frequent occurence.
I smell a sock.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

It's been my experience that those who talk the most about sockpuppets almost always end up being revealed as sockpuppets themselves. It makes sense. How else would they have obtained such expertise in all the ways of sock puppetry?

So Dave, who are you the sock of?
It's been my experience that someone who's just joined up within the month has no idea what's been documented many times before on a board.

That's called "logic". I understand you're unfamiliar with the concept, Socko.
I think it rather is mistake to call what is happening GLOBAL WARMING.


Well because warming sounds like a relatively good thing.

What they ought to have called this event is GLOBAL WEIRDING.


Because the outcome of warmning is exactly what we're seeing happening.

WILD SWINGS in the weather including massive droughts, huge flooding events, terrible hurricanes and tornados, extreme cold snaps and extreme heat waves, too.

So the question: "When will global weirding begin to effect us?" sort of misses the point.

Climate weirding is ALREADY with us, as some of us might finally realize this winter when they start paying huge increases in the cost of food.

When was the last time any of you remember a drought that extended from Maine to California and from the border of Canada to the border of Mexico?

I do not think that has EVER happened in my lifetime.

Global WEIRDING is already here, kiddies.

And if your global weirding had never happened before you would have a point. However, there is written evidence going back over 2,000 years that shows the global weirding is a frequent occurence.
Yeah, but THIS time, it's caused by American SUVs and coal! Nothing else! No, really!

Right, AGW cultists?
Oh that's right, because the massive Antarctic eastern ice pack is growing.

No it's not. Where do you get such nonsense?
GRACE-based studies data indicate that the EAIS is losing mass at a rate of 57 billion tonnes per year[2] and that the total Antarctic ice sheet (including WAIS, and EAIS coastal areas) is losing mass at a rate of 152 cubic kilometers (ca 139 billion tonnes) per year.[3]
East Antarctic Ice Sheet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(yeah, it's wiki, but you can follow the links to the original sources if you want.)

"As an alternative to Arctic Sea Ice news, Antarctic Sea Ice for Aug 29th 2012 is the highest it has been on this date (from 2006 to 2012 which is the only daily data available at the National Ice Center).

Not only is there 670,000 sq. km more highest than the next highest amount on Aug 29 , 2010, there is 3.7 million sq km more than 2011."

Antarctic Sea Ice Aug 29 – highest since 2006 « sunshine hours


  • $antarctic_sea_ice_aug_29_2006-2012.png
    6.1 KB · Views: 51
Interesting. Every other site states that the Arctic Ice is the lowest it has ever been, but this one claims it is not. And the other sites show this years Antarctic Ice not as high as the last couple of years.

Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor

You do know, don't you, there's a difference between the Arctic and the Antarctic, right?

We were discussing the Antarctic. You bring up the Arctic, as if that proves something.

Damn, you're just not very bright at all, are you? :lol:
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