Climate Change Deniers Claim to Understand Science

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You don't know anything of the sort. You only know what others have told you.

So you are psychic now? You know how I arrived at my position? You get further and further away from reality all the time.
It doesn't take a psychic or a scientist to see that none of you guys knows anything about any kind of science. You only know what you're told.

The science has been deeply wrong more often than not. Virtually every prediction regarding Global Waring has been wrong.

For example....the prediction that Global Warming would accelerate over the last 15 years. Remember that one?

The prediction was dead wrong. Global Warming has not has slowed down or reversed over that time frame.

Remember in the late 1970's when climate scientist were saying we were heading into a new Ice Age? :lol:

Science knows far less than it pretends.
Ms. WelfareQueen, just dumb, that is the only way to characterize your post. No, the scientists were not saying in the '70's that we were headed into an ice age. The predictions made by scientists like Dr. James Hansen have not only happened, most have happened sooner than the scientists expected.

Idiot. :D

Turn on the Weather Channel! That proves Climate Change!


What a group of fucking morons. Biggest collection of fucking morons that ever graced this once great nation

Per the rules:

Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads."

there's rules against sock account too, Crick
Mr. CrusaderFrank, you made the accusation, prove it.
Turn on the Weather Channel! That proves Climate Change!


What a group of fucking morons. Biggest collection of fucking morons that ever graced this once great nation

Per the rules:

Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads."
Mr. Bugler, rules that pertain to those that post the science, all other exempt.

What you call "Science" is to turn on the "Weather Channel" and blame the top story on "ManMade Global Climate Warming Change" or whatever you're calling it today
OK, you now have the source, I usually always post the source but forgot this time. I try to remember because it makes it too easy for folks like you when I don't.

I thought the arctic was warming? Of course it is still cold as hell but warming according to NOAA but I don't have that information at hand that is certainly what they are telling us. So if the WORLD is warming why isn't the US warming, according to NOAA? It makes no sense.

A source citation from a website should include a link. Got anything like that?

The Arctic is warming. But it is still a very cold place. The U.S. IS warming. We can talk about this in depth if you want to start another thread. This tread is not about the climate data. It is about the ridiculous tactics deniers use. Please read the OP.

The US is cooling

Start a new thread, and then prove it. Good luck with that.

You have already seen the chart from NOAA showing cooling from 2000. So i did another from 2003 becaue it looked like 2001 and 2000 were abnormally high, still it shows cooling not warming.

View attachment 43107

Climate at a Glance National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI
Mr. Freewill, the subject is global warming. The US represents less than 2% of the world's surface, and while the US, if you include only the lower 48, has seen a small amount of cooling, the world has been steadily warming. Include Alaska, and the US has seen major warming.
Don't confuse them with different facts, it will just make them more angry.
You don't know anything of the sort. You only know what others have told you.

So you are psychic now? You know how I arrived at my position? You get further and further away from reality all the time.
It doesn't take a psychic or a scientist to see that none of you guys knows anything about any kind of science. You only know what you're told.

The science has been deeply wrong more often than not. Virtually every prediction regarding Global Waring has been wrong.

For example....the prediction that Global Warming would accelerate over the last 15 years. Remember that one?

The prediction was dead wrong. Global Warming has not has slowed down or reversed over that time frame.

Remember in the late 1970's when climate scientist were saying we were heading into a new Ice Age? :lol:

Science knows far less than it pretends.
Ms. WelfareQueen, just dumb, that is the only way to characterize your post. No, the scientists were not saying in the '70's that we were headed into an ice age. The predictions made by scientists like Dr. James Hansen have not only happened, most have happened sooner than the scientists expected.

Idiot. :D


Dear Ms. WelfareQueen, demonstrating who is the gullible idiot is quite easy in this case;

A few days ago a facebook friend of mine posted the following image:

From the 1977 cover we can see that apparently a new ice age was supposed to arrive. Only 30 years later, according to the 2006 cover, global warming is supposed to be the problem. But the cover on the left isn’t from 1977. It actually is this Time cover from April 9, 2007:


The 1970s Ice Age Myth and Time Magazine Covers by David Kirtley Greg Laden s Blog

A very good article on this myth the deniers continue to lie about.
That is surely true. Particularly now that they do not believe scientists, or even the leaders of Christianity. For most of the churches now have statements that we are responsible for the stewardship of this planet we live on.
You don't know anything of the sort. You only know what others have told you.

So you are psychic now? You know how I arrived at my position? You get further and further away from reality all the time.
It doesn't take a psychic or a scientist to see that none of you guys knows anything about any kind of science. You only know what you're told.

The science has been deeply wrong more often than not. Virtually every prediction regarding Global Waring has been wrong.

For example....the prediction that Global Warming would accelerate over the last 15 years. Remember that one?

The prediction was dead wrong. Global Warming has not has slowed down or reversed over that time frame.

Remember in the late 1970's when climate scientist were saying we were heading into a new Ice Age? :lol:

Science knows far less than it pretends.
Ms. WelfareQueen, just dumb, that is the only way to characterize your post. No, the scientists were not saying in the '70's that we were headed into an ice age. The predictions made by scientists like Dr. James Hansen have not only happened, most have happened sooner than the scientists expected.

Idiot. :D


The difference between those to issues is that there are thousands of scientific research papers that support the one on the right, and only a handful that EVER supported the one on the left.
Thread has been semi-cleaned and reopened. Posts must include content related to discussion in addition to any flames. No derailing, no drive by flames. Take the food fights to the Flame Zone.
You don't know anything of the sort. You only know what others have told you.

So you are psychic now? You know how I arrived at my position? You get further and further away from reality all the time.
It doesn't take a psychic or a scientist to see that none of you guys knows anything about any kind of science. You only know what you're told.

The science has been deeply wrong more often than not. Virtually every prediction regarding Global Waring has been wrong.

For example....the prediction that Global Warming would accelerate over the last 15 years. Remember that one?

The prediction was dead wrong. Global Warming has not has slowed down or reversed over that time frame.

Remember in the late 1970's when climate scientist were saying we were heading into a new Ice Age? :lol:

Science knows far less than it pretends.
Ms. WelfareQueen, just dumb, that is the only way to characterize your post. No, the scientists were not saying in the '70's that we were headed into an ice age. The predictions made by scientists like Dr. James Hansen have not only happened, most have happened sooner than the scientists expected.

Could you please, off the top of your head, name one or two, thank you very much.
OK, you now have the source, I usually always post the source but forgot this time. I try to remember because it makes it too easy for folks like you when I don't.

I thought the arctic was warming? Of course it is still cold as hell but warming according to NOAA but I don't have that information at hand that is certainly what they are telling us. So if the WORLD is warming why isn't the US warming, according to NOAA? It makes no sense.

A source citation from a website should include a link. Got anything like that?

The Arctic is warming. But it is still a very cold place. The U.S. IS warming. We can talk about this in depth if you want to start another thread. This tread is not about the climate data. It is about the ridiculous tactics deniers use. Please read the OP.

The US is cooling

Start a new thread, and then prove it. Good luck with that.

You have already seen the chart from NOAA showing cooling from 2000. So i did another from 2003 becaue it looked like 2001 and 2000 were abnormally high, still it shows cooling not warming.

View attachment 43107

Climate at a Glance National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI
Mr. Freewill, the subject is global warming. The US represents less than 2% of the world's surface, and while the US, if you include only the lower 48, has seen a small amount of cooling, the world has been steadily warming. Include Alaska, and the US has seen major warming.

Should be fairly simple. Explain how the country that mostly is behind the warning of GW is not warming at all? At least for the last 10 to 15 years. This when we are told the temperature is increasing and accelerating.

I have a theory as to why when I use NOAA information one appears to go up and the other goes down.
Doesn't really matter if those who are not scared of a few degrees rise in temperature understand science. And i have not heard that claim made. What we do know is that the GW fearists are full of crap. We are not buying the fear.

You have to understand the Church of Gaea and the Holy Anthropogenic Global Warming (which fails to warm and thus is climate change) is not only about as "scientific" as Scientology, it is about as tolerant as Islam.

Granted that Liminal hasn't cut the head of an infidel off on Al Jazeera yet (remember, they bought Pope Algores TV station.) But give him time - he'll find a way!
You don't know anything of the sort. You only know what others have told you.

So you are psychic now? You know how I arrived at my position? You get further and further away from reality all the time.
It doesn't take a psychic or a scientist to see that none of you guys knows anything about any kind of science. You only know what you're told.

The science has been deeply wrong more often than not. Virtually every prediction regarding Global Waring has been wrong.

For example....the prediction that Global Warming would accelerate over the last 15 years. Remember that one?

The prediction was dead wrong. Global Warming has not has slowed down or reversed over that time frame.

Remember in the late 1970's when climate scientist were saying we were heading into a new Ice Age? :lol:

Science knows far less than it pretends.
Ms. WelfareQueen, just dumb, that is the only way to characterize your post. No, the scientists were not saying in the '70's that we were headed into an ice age. The predictions made by scientists like Dr. James Hansen have not only happened, most have happened sooner than the scientists expected.

With no offense intended but I am not sure how old your rocks are but the science in the 70s certainly was saying we were going into another ice age. I read all the books. They told me that we would be out of oil by the 90s, we are swimming in the stuff. They said that the world could not possible sustain the population we have today, yet here we are as well of as ever. They made a lot of wide ass predictions. That is why a person my age is wary about what they are telling us today.
Doesn't really matter if those who are not scared of a few degrees rise in temperature understand science. And i have not heard that claim made. What we do know is that the GW fearists are full of crap. We are not buying the fear.

You have to understand the Church of Gaea and the Holy Anthropogenic Global Warming (which fails to warm and thus is climate change) is not only about as "scientific" as Scientology, it is about as tolerant as Islam.

Granted that Liminal hasn't cut the head of an infidel off on Al Jazeera yet (remember, they bought Pope Algores TV station.) But give him time - he'll find a way!

Funny you should mention that. Seems that the worship of Gaia has infiltrated the Vatican.

The Scientific Pantheist Who Advises Pope Francis

The scientist who influenced Laudato Si, and who serves at the Vatican's science office, seems to believe in Gaia, but not in God.

Pretty funny stuff when the athiest align themselves with the Pope and the RCC has no problem taking advice from someone who believes in Gaia.

Apparently all the deniers have to work with are false equivalencies.
How science deniers use false equivalence - Skeptical Raptor

Why did the name change from Global Warming to Climate Change?

Thanks. :)

Because the general public doesn't understand the complexities of global climate and can't understand how the atmosphere can be warming but a local snow storm is worse than ever.

It is a way for the uneducated to understand a complex system.
Global Warming deniers aren't interested in science.
They are interested in continuing the big lie.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. Ignore the Global Warming denial cult. They are the current Birthers, and Flat Earthers. Their 'gut feeling' overrides all science.

Just like the people that believe the Earth is 6,000 years old.
Apparently all the deniers have to work with are false equivalencies.
How science deniers use false equivalence - Skeptical Raptor

Why did the name change from Global Warming to Climate Change?

Thanks. :)

Because the general public doesn't understand the complexities of global climate and can't understand how the atmosphere can be warming but a local snow storm is worse than ever.

It is a way for the uneducated to understand a complex system.

I think most of us don't understand how you folks keep saying the same BS with a straight face, quite impressive.
Here is another plot that should make the GW believers happier:


Note; this shows a .48 degree change in 30 years. Interesting stuff charts, so visual.
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