Climate Change Deniers Debunked

Go get that tornado
All hands man your battle stations............set material condition Zebra throughout the ship........close all water tight hatches and ......................

This is the Captain............we've been ordered by the Commander N Chief to attack a..............ummm...........ummm..............a Tornado...............

Prepare to fire..............

Why is does it seem that every week we get a new thread espousing this same topic, like a broken record? It's as if some of you people that
spout this propaganda often enough, you think global warming will just go away.Dream on. The climate IS changing, and what IS causing that
change, mankind is the most likely culprit. All the rest of this crap people spout here sounds more like rationalizations or excuses, not rational critical thought.
Go get that tornado
All hands man your battle stations............set material condition Zebra throughout the ship........close all water tight hatches and ......................

This is the Captain............we've been ordered by the Commander N Chief to attack a..............ummm...........ummm..............a Tornado...............

Prepare to fire..............

Stand your lines and don't let it pass
Why is does it seem that every week we get a new thread espousing this same topic, like a broken record? It's as if some of you people that
spout this propaganda often enough, you think global warming will just go away.Dream on. The climate IS changing, and what IS causing that
change, mankind is the most likely culprit. All the rest of this crap people spout here sounds more like rationalizations or excuses, not rational critical thought.
Your side starts then, ask them
Why is does it seem that every week we get a new thread espousing this same topic, like a broken record? It's as if some of you people that
spout this propaganda often enough, you think global warming will just go away.Dream on. The climate IS changing, and what IS causing that
change, mankind is the most likely culprit. All the rest of this crap people spout here sounds more like rationalizations or excuses, not rational critical thought.
The climate has been changing for millions of years.............Did you know North America used to be a Glacier............Oh my...................

Of course it's been changing..........But these Warmist are using false data to jack up their claims and have been wrong on their projections time and time again.............

Most of the CO2 is done by Natural means on this earth...........The argument is how much we effect the overall picture with such a small percentage on the global scale..............

The Climate cult will push their agenda..........wipe out industries like coal................force power bills up to Germany's levels at 35 cents per kwh..................and hose over the very people they claim to be protecting.
Go get that tornado
All hands man your battle stations............set material condition Zebra throughout the ship........close all water tight hatches and ......................

This is the Captain............we've been ordered by the Commander N Chief to attack a..............ummm...........ummm..............a Tornado...............

Prepare to fire..............

Stand your lines and don't let it pass
Nut jobs like General Custer
Why is does it seem that every week we get a new thread espousing this same topic, like a broken record? It's as if some of you people that
spout this propaganda often enough, you think global warming will just go away.Dream on. The climate IS changing, and what IS causing that
change, mankind is the most likely culprit. All the rest of this crap people spout here sounds more like rationalizations or excuses, not rational critical thought.
You can't argue with true believers. They all know what they know, and even more importantly, they know what you don't know.
Why is does it seem that every week we get a new thread espousing this same topic, like a broken record? It's as if some of you people that
spout this propaganda often enough, you think global warming will just go away.Dream on. The climate IS changing, and what IS causing that
change, mankind is the most likely culprit. All the rest of this crap people spout here sounds more like rationalizations or excuses, not rational critical thought.
You can't argue with true believers. They all know what they know, and even more importantly, they know what you don't know.
It's called ignore
JC, you have just placed that criticism against yourself and your fellow deniers. You might want to reread that post while you can still edit it.
Let's hear what a prominent Republican leader has to say about climate change.

I really don't care what a republican leader says? I don't need them

That's nice, I really don't care about what you don't care about.

I don't care. Not sure what your end game is. You're just another schmuck on a message board who thinks his shit don't stink. Dude, you smell to high heaven! You've added zip to the OP!

By contrast, you should be proud of your amazing mediocrity, your incredibly ordinary, undistinguished and unexceptional contributions set a standard for others to follow.

I don't need the likes of you to tell me anything

Somebody certainly needs to. You're not doing well on your own here dude.
JC, you have just placed that criticism against yourself and your fellow deniers. You might want to reread that post while you can still edit it.
What that we ignore you all?
I really don't care what a republican leader says? I don't need them
That's nice, I really don't care about what you don't care about.
I don't care. Not sure what your end game is. You're just another schmuck on a message board who thinks his shit don't stink. Dude, you smell to high heaven! You've added zip to the OP!
By contrast, you should be proud of your amazing mediocrity, your incredibly ordinary, undistinguished and unexceptional contributions set a standard for others to follow.
I don't need the likes of you to tell me anything

Somebody certainly needs to. You're not doing well on your own here dude.
Who got cut for awhile?
Some Republican leaders think we should just defer to God on this issue. As if God created man without brains.

This Democrat knucklehead thinks too many people on one side of Guam can make it flip over

It was never "all the rage" anywhere outside the pages of Newsweek and Time.

And I would find it a serious disappointment were you to think such a comment is a meaningful rebuttal of the evidence for AGW that climate science has found.

wow. I guess you didnt live through that era.

this CIA report starts with a summary. simply read the first paragraph.

I was born in 1953. I did live through that "era".

If, by posting this document, you intended to show that global cooling was a widely held hypothesis at the time, you failed. All the document or its references mention is "climate change".

I see that you did not read the report, at least not with comprehension.

the first paragraph of the summary states the concern for the climate heading back towards a similar condition of 1600-1850, otherwise known as the Little Ice Age. your defensive posture based on the fact that they didnt call it 'global cooling' is pretty lame.
It was never "all the rage" anywhere outside the pages of Newsweek and Time.

And I would find it a serious disappointment were you to think such a comment is a meaningful rebuttal of the evidence for AGW that climate science has found.

wow. I guess you didnt live through that era.

this CIA report starts with a summary. simply read the first paragraph.
Feel free to explain how this report from the seventies refutes the science of 2015.

I was responding to the faulty logic of 'the govt is making contingency plans for global warming therefore it must be true'. the govt thought global cooling was a problem in the 70's and we now know that wasnt the case. there is a distinct possibility that we will also look back at the hysteria of the 00's and wonder why global warming was accepted with such flimsy 'proof' of catastrope.
And yet only the adjusted data sets show warming... If you take the raw data and analyze it we have been cooling since the mid 1970's

Whom to believe.. Data manipulators and activists or the raw unaltered data....???

Again there has been no warming for over 18 years 6 months..

And the satellite Data confirms it.

View attachment 41608
A perfect example of how the deniers LIE!
They lie that we have been cooling since the 1970s and then compound that lie by lying that the satellite data "confirms" it, but only post cherry picked data starting 2001, not the mid 1970s because they know they are lying. Deniers are premeditated liars!

There is not one single satellite data set, raw or otherwise, starting in the 1970s that shows cooling!

The reality is there has been no statistically significant global cooling for 115 years and 5 months.


AND as expected the adulterated data and manipulated crap is spewed as truth..
And yet only the adjusted data sets show warming... If you take the raw data and analyze it we have been cooling since the mid 1970's

Whom to believe.. Data manipulators and activists or the raw unaltered data....???

Again there has been no warming for over 18 years 6 months..

And the satellite Data confirms it.

View attachment 41608
A perfect example of how the deniers LIE!
They lie that we have been cooling since the 1970s and then compound that lie by lying that the satellite data "confirms" it, but only post cherry picked data starting 2001, not the mid 1970s because they know they are lying. Deniers are premeditated liars!

There is not one single satellite data set, raw or otherwise, starting in the 1970s that shows cooling!

The reality is there has been no statistically significant global cooling for 115 years and 5 months.


AND as expected the adulterated data and manipulated crap is spewed as truth..
So they think!! Ahhhhhh we know better don't we. Billy never give up the fight the truth will prevail I will fight hard to see it so

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