Climate Change Deniers Debunked

And yet only the adjusted data sets show warming... If you take the raw data and analyze it we have been cooling since the mid 1970's

Whom to believe.. Data manipulators and activists or the raw unaltered data....???

Again there has been no warming for over 18 years 6 months..

And the satellite Data confirms it.

View attachment 41608
A perfect example of how the deniers LIE!
They lie that we have been cooling since the 1970s and then compound that lie by lying that the satellite data "confirms" it, but only post cherry picked data starting 2001, not the mid 1970s because they know they are lying. Deniers are premeditated liars!

There is not one single satellite data set, raw or otherwise, starting in the 1970s that shows cooling!

The reality is there has been no statistically significant global cooling for 115 years and 5 months.


^ Chart shows no warming the past 2 decades

Climate at a Glance National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Use all the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you want, the chart is flat since the late 1990's
The linked chart shows a +.09C/decade warming trend from 1995 to 2014.
No, it was supposed to tell you that people that have normal or better intelligence understand that a changing climate imposes certain consequences.
what the 'f' does this mean?

"John Conger, the acting deputy undersecretary of defense for installations and environment told American Forces Press Service the roadmap was completed in 2012 and published early this year.

The document “had us do a variety of things,” Conger said. “But the piece that I think is the crux of the report is, rather than creating a stovepipe within the DOD organizational structure to deal with climate change, [the document says] we are going to integrate climate change considerations into the normal processes, the day-to-day jobs of everybody.”

Such language is going to be integrated into various guidance documents, he added, “and we’ve already started doing that.”"
huh, what you think it is they're going to say in the documents? Be prepared for climate change? Again, wht the 'f' does that mean. That means jack crap.

So failed. Nice try though. BTW, US armed services don't do anything in the country, national guard does. Military is for defense of the country, so what are the defending against? Rain, snow, wind, volcanoes, oops that's not climate right, yet there is more issue today with that then climate. hahahaahahahaha, you bunch of sky fallers are fnn hilarious.
It was never "all the rage" anywhere outside the pages of Newsweek and Time.

And I would find it a serious disappointment were you to think such a comment is a meaningful rebuttal of the evidence for AGW that climate science has found.

You obviously didn't look at the CIA report that Ian posted for you. It's really quite interesting. Making the case for INCREASED warming supporting more arable hectares of land/ population. All the "consensus" science of the time is presented right there. Go read the U Wisc conclusions in that CIA paper.

But the Best PART is on page 1 where the question is asked?

"Can the Agency depend on Climatology as a science to accurately predict the climate??"

I don't think that question was ever asked by the IPCC. Because obviously the IPCC understood that it could control the predictions..
Those CIA dudes are cautiously skeptical And that's a good thing.
this one is perhaps the best of the documents you presented, but it was done in Bush's time? No details other than to say they must be prepared. Good for them. The action they will take is limited to the fact they have no idea what the enemy is, so doing something will be difficult since there isn't any danger.
No danger? Sez you. Actually not even you, just whoever told you.
what the 'f' does this mean?

"John Conger, the acting deputy undersecretary of defense for installations and environment told American Forces Press Service the roadmap was completed in 2012 and published early this year.

The document “had us do a variety of things,” Conger said. “But the piece that I think is the crux of the report is, rather than creating a stovepipe within the DOD organizational structure to deal with climate change, [the document says] we are going to integrate climate change considerations into the normal processes, the day-to-day jobs of everybody.”

Such language is going to be integrated into various guidance documents, he added, “and we’ve already started doing that.”"
huh, what you think it is they're going to say in the documents? Be prepared for climate change? Again, wht the 'f' does that mean. That means jack crap.

So failed. Nice try though. BTW, US armed services don't do anything in the country, national guard does. Military is for defense of the country, so what are the defending against? Rain, snow, wind, volcanoes, oops that's not climate right, yet there is more issue today with that then climate. hahahaahahahaha, you bunch of sky fallers are fnn hilarious.
" US armed services don't do anything in the country.........."
You really don't know anything about you.
And yet only the adjusted data sets show warming... If you take the raw data and analyze it we have been cooling since the mid 1970's

Whom to believe.. Data manipulators and activists or the raw unaltered data....???

Again there has been no warming for over 18 years 6 months..

And the satellite Data confirms it.

View attachment 41608
A perfect example of how the deniers LIE!
They lie that we have been cooling since the 1970s and then compound that lie by lying that the satellite data "confirms" it, but only post cherry picked data starting 2001, not the mid 1970s because they know they are lying. Deniers are premeditated liars!

There is not one single satellite data set, raw or otherwise, starting in the 1970s that shows cooling!

The reality is there has been no statistically significant global cooling for 115 years and 5 months.


^ Chart shows no warming the past 2 decades

Ed is right. It's really weak position to say it's been cooling since the 70s.
Statistically, the US has not warmed as much as the Global Average. But the vast amount of data per sq mile in the USA just can't be "adjusted" or fudged as easily as Africa or the polar regions.
It was never "all the rage" anywhere outside the pages of Newsweek and Time.

And I would find it a serious disappointment were you to think such a comment is a meaningful rebuttal of the evidence for AGW that climate science has found.

wow. I guess you didnt live through that era.

this CIA report starts with a summary. simply read the first paragraph.

I was born in 1953. I did live through that "era".

If, by posting this document, you intended to show that global cooling was a widely held hypothesis at the time, you failed. All the document or its references mention is "climate change".
this one is perhaps the best of the documents you presented, but it was done in Bush's time? No details other than to say they must be prepared. Good for them. The action they will take is limited to the fact they have no idea what the enemy is, so doing something will be difficult since there isn't any danger.
No danger? Sez you. Actually not even you, just whoever told you.
What's the danger?
Some Republican leaders think we should just defer to God on this issue. As if God created man without brains.

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