Climate change deniers ‘serious threat’ to future, Obama says

You can get pretty good odds that Barry's "climate change" agenda will probably kill off every endangered migratory bird we know today. He gave the wind energy corporation a 30 year permit to kill eagles and condors and every other hawk and falcon that fall into the monster wind turbines. PETA erected billboards on the North Carolina outer banks advising fishermen that "fish have feelings" but they are silent about eagles and endangered birds.

The up side is you can now order bald eagle off the McDonald's 1.00 menu.
Pollution does not equal climate change..

They are separate topics, just the far left has hijacked this to line their pockets..

so stop dumping tons of pollution in the atmosphere every day and find out if there is a negative effect on our world climate.

nah, scratch that. It easier to say pollution isn't (at least partly) responsible.

If CO2 is pollution, then we all pollute simply by breathing.
Pollution does not equal climate change..

They are separate topics, just the far left has hijacked this to line their pockets..

so stop dumping tons of pollution in the atmosphere every day and find out if there is a negative effect on our world climate.

nah, scratch that. It easier to say pollution isn't (at least partly) responsible.

Everything has decreased since 1980, not exactly what Al Gore or Obama would tell you.

Air Quality Trends | AirTrends | Air & Radiation | EPA

Percent Change in Air Quality

1980 vs 2012 1990 vs 2012 2000 vs 2012


Carbon Monoxide (CO) -83 -75 -57
Ozone (O3) (8-hr) -25 -14 -9
Lead (Pb) -91 -87 -52
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) (annual) -55 -50 -38
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) (1-hour) -60 -46 -29
PM10 (24-hr) --- -39 -27
PM2.5 (annual) --- --- -33
PM2.5 (24-hr) --- --- -37
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) (1-hour) -78 -72 -54

1. --- Trend data not available
2. Negative numbers indicate improvements in air quality
3. In 2010, EPA established new 1-hour average National Ambient Air Quality Standards for NO2 and SO2
It would appear that the US is doing its part in reducing CO2 emissions

Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.

Re: Globull Warming

Butler Shaffer

Leaving aside, for the moment, that Global Warmingism is but a new secular religion – as is its sectarian form, Climate Changeism – and without having to remind the true believers in the new faith that the Earth has undergone numerous temperature variations and climate changes over the many millions of years of its existence, I must ask the question that I rarely hear asked (or answered): so what? Why should we care whether the Earth’s temperature might rise by one degree? Increased warmth would expand territories in which life could sustain itself (just as plate tectonics and continental drift did). Would life have been better off had the numerous ice ages been preserved in their lowered-temperature conditions?"

In fact, it is the AGW faith based cultists who call all skeptics "deniers" who constitute the real threat.

You know. Idiots like President Obumbler.
Nobody cares.

Nobody gives a crap about global warming/climate change >>>

Climate Change: Key Data Points from Pew Research | Pew Research Center

Every poll shows the same thing.......just not on anybody's radar. People have seen that for years, the scientists have been fucking with the data and continue to do so.

The climate change crusaders are fringe in 2014.......been in steady decline since 2007. Investment in green energy has been falling steadily for 7 a stone in water.

The Obama effort is simply to gin up the stoopid base so they get out and vote in November.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
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Maybe if they figure out what they are going to call it instead of changing the name every time the data doesn't fit their previous name, they would be more persuasive with people.
From 92 years ago:

Report on Global Warming
Washington Post Nov.2,1922

The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulafft,at Bergen, Norway.

Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.

Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by mountains of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely

Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.

the ice pack hasn't grown in the last 100 years tells me things aren't getting any cooler ... climate change doesn't happen over night does it. ?

No sense in doing anything to help guard this country in the next century either ... screw future generations, let them deal with it .. When they go to the beach at Nashville they can thank their ancestors for all the new ocean front resorts and real estate opportunities we handed them.

You bet,

Protect the planet, but screw them over economically with all your entitlement spending.

Anyone with a brain knows which threat is real. When the Ocean hits Atlanta, I'll be worried.
maybe there isn't a dang thing we can do, but I'm one of those that like to say at least we tried rather than say fuck Obama.
You go ahead and try, I am busy living my life.
What Siete means is he wants to keep living his lifestyle as usual, but force YOU to change YOURS.

I sold my 8300 sq ft home and bought/built a 4300 sq ft home
tankless hot water set at 120
radiant heating
every major app is energy saving, computer included
double windows
spray insulation
metal roof
Savant IPhone control
traded the Escalade for an Acura 4 years ago
etc etc .

busy living my lifestyle and could care less what you or anyone else does or how they live theirs ... idiots always finish last

have a good day :eusa_whistle:

His whole Presidency has been one constant fear's how he keeps the people off balance to pass his bs AGENDA...and notice HE has no problems calling you the people HE REPRESENTS names, like flat earthers, DENIERS......people better wake up
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Maybe if they figure out what they are going to call it instead of changing the name every time the data doesn't fit their previous name, they would be more persuasive with people.
Occurs to me that the do not give a hoot about persuasion.

They are right, you are wrong. Therefore, you will be forced to live as they say you should, peasant.

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