Climate change is such a big deal...


Jul 20, 2011
..that it is mentioned just once in over 80 speeches so far at the DNC. Outside of a few internet die-hards needlessly panicking over see ice in the arctic the non-issue seems to be going the way of Cap mad Trade everywhere. Buh-bye.
And the ice just keeps stacking up in the Antarctic where, of course, the vast majority of planet's fresh water is stored. See, ice. It looks like Cap mad Trade may be on it's way out.
Without Man-Caused Global Warming -- none of their energy policy would make sense and they could not continue their efforts to force us to live like Hobbits..

Wind and solar would be hobby kits and EVs and squiggly bulbs would be history questions on Jeopardy.
It justifies MASSIVE govt intervention in science, consumption and the markets. That's why it's headlined.

Same reason they need ignorance, poverty and Govt dependence..
And the ice just keeps stacking up in the Antarctic where, of course, the vast majority of planet's fresh water is stored.

Er, no. The Antarctic is losing mucho ice mass. You get the most basic facts totally wrong. But that's a given. If someone understands logic and science, they don't become a denialist.

However, as flac shows, if someone falls for every idiot right-wing conspiracy theory that they're told to fall for, they do become a denialist. Denialism has zero to do with science, and is entirely a political cult.
And the ice just keeps stacking up in the Antarctic where, of course, the vast majority of planet's fresh water is stored.

Er, no. The Antarctic is losing mucho ice mass. You get the most basic facts totally wrong. But that's a given. If someone understands logic and science, they don't become a denialist.

However, as flac shows, if someone falls for every idiot right-wing conspiracy theory that they're told to fall for, they do become a denialist. Denialism has zero to do with science, and is entirely a political cult.

LOL, no. The western antarctic has lost some ice. The eastern antarctic ice sheet which is huge in comparison is and has been gaining mass. By the way it is also the largest ice sheet in the world by far. So you see (as usual) you are full of manure.

ICE is expanding in much of Antarctica, contrary to the widespread public belief that global warming is melting the continental ice cap.

The results of ice-core drilling and sea ice monitoring indicate there is no large-scale melting of ice over most of Antarctica, although experts are concerned at ice losses on the continent's western coast.

Antarctica has 90 per cent of the Earth's ice and 80 per cent of its fresh water, The Australian reports. Extensive melting of Antarctic ice sheets would be required to raise sea levels substantially, and ice is melting in parts of west Antarctica. The destabilisation of the Wilkins ice shelf generated international headlines this month.

However, the picture is very different in east Antarctica, which includes the territory claimed by Australia.

East Antarctica is four times the size of west Antarctica and parts of it are cooling. The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research report prepared for last week's meeting of Antarctic Treaty nations in Washington noted the South Pole had shown "significant cooling in recent decades".

Uh oh, you global warming guys are full of shit (again).
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Australian Antarctic Division glaciology program head Ian Allison said sea ice losses in west Antarctica over the past 30 years had been more than offset by increases in the Ross Sea region, just one sector of east Antarctica.

See ice. It's cold too. :tongue:
And the ice just keeps stacking up in the Antarctic where, of course, the vast majority of planet's fresh water is stored.

Er, no. The Antarctic is losing mucho ice mass. You get the most basic facts totally wrong. But that's a given. If someone understands logic and science, they don't become a denialist.

However, as flac shows, if someone falls for every idiot right-wing conspiracy theory that they're told to fall for, they do become a denialist. Denialism has zero to do with science, and is entirely a political cult.

LOL, no. The western antarctic has lost some ice. The eastern antarctic ice sheet which is huge in comparison is and has been gaining mass. By the way itis also the largest ice sheet in the world by far. So you see (as usual) you are full of manure.

OK, fellow, you are dealing with a scientific subject. That requires more than just flap-yap to have any validity. You do it like this.

The Antarctic is losing gigatons of ice every year. And the rate is increasing.

A chip off the old ice block

Changes in the mass of Antarctica as revealed by variations in gravity measured by the twin GRACE satellites. Between 2002 and 2009, the continent has lost about 100 cubic kilometers annually which together with ice lost from Greenland and other glaciated areas, has led to upward revision of sea level rise from around 2.1mm/year to 3.3mm/year. Source: NASA.
..and the HUGE eastern antarctic ice pack just keeps getting bigger and growing colder, just as it has for many years.
The largest ice pack in the world is growing larger and getting colder. See ice.
Nobody gives a shit about this stuff anymore. Ive been saying it forever. These goofballs in here treat the subject like the public is embracing this extraordinary angst, but guess what...................

people dont give a shit

Theres a few other things on their minds these days than arctic ice!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

This is why I love this forum so much..........I come in here and watch people humiliate themselves by being so self-absorbed in their green fantasies, its a fucking hoot!!!

Shit.........even the Washington Post of all rags is writing about how gay the DNC has become on energy.............. How Democrats have shifted on climate, energy since 2008


Because it is political suicide in 2012 to suggest we double down on going big on renewables!!!

Which makes all the "consensus science" moot.:D:D:D

ANd wait until Obama gets blown out electorally in November. These people are going to be like a baby sea lion that falls in an ice hole in the middle of the Hudson Bay.
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..and the HUGE eastern antarctic ice pack just keeps getting bigger and growing colder, just as it has for many years. that IS embarassing!

Did you not think of maybe checking the facts before posting?

I expect you will come back and admit that you were wrong about this.

Three key points:

1) According to a 2009 study, the continent-wide average surface temperature trend of Antarctica is positive and significant at >0.05°C/decade since 1957. West Antarctica has warmed by more than 0.1°C/decade in the last 50 years, and this warming is strongest in winter and spring. Although this is partly offset by fall cooling in East Antarctica, this effect is restricted to the 1980s and 1990s.

2) Antarctic sea ice anomalies have roughly followed the pattern of warming, with the greatest declines occurring off the coast of West Antarctica. East Antarctica sea ice has been increasing since 1978, though not at a statistically significant rate.

3) The general trend shows that a warming climate in the southern hemisphere would transport more moisture to Antarctica, causing the interior ice sheets to grow, while calving events along the coast will increase, causing these areas to shrink. A 2006 paper derived from satellite data, measures changes in the gravity of the ice mass, suggests that the total amount of ice in Antarctica has begun decreasing in the past few years.

Antarctic ice sheet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And the largest ice pack in the world keeps growing larger and colder. The best part is that outside of a few die hard redistribute the wealth types Cap mad Trade is going the way of the Dodo.
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Bigfoot -

Wow. You look REALLY smart right now!! :lol::lol::lol:

Let's look at sea ice first....

Iit is such a big deal that the DNC's main theme had absolutely nothing at all to do with man-made global warming. As the eastern antarctic, where most of the worlds ice is, grows larger and colder as the diehards keep trying to frighten with information from such a proportionately small percent of the Antarctic's ice. Our planet cycles from cold to warm and warm to cold. Man's effects are so small that Al Gore bought a beach house because of the non-issue of rising sea levels. It would take a large majority of the ice in the eastern antarctic to melt to significantly effect sea levels and that ice pack keeps on growing larger and colder. Why some of you guys get off on the "sky is falling" doesn't make sense. Oh well, enjoy the non-issue that you enjoy trying to create.
Bigfoot -

And I am sure that as soon as you have read the science presented and responded to it, people will start taking your points more seriously.

I have to say - your posting on this thread has been really, really excellent. Really impressive.
And then land ice....

The West Antarctic Peninsula is one of the fastest warming areas on Earth, with only some areas of the Arctic Circle experiencing faster rising temperatures. However, since Antarctica is a big place, climate change is not having a uniform impact, with some areas experiencing increases in sea ice extent.

Climate Change and the Antarctic - Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition

And of course we are not talking about the small western antarctic as the much, much larger and much more significant eastern antarctic continues to grow larger and colder. In fact the cooling eastern antarctic holds the majority of the worlds ice and it has been expanding and cooling at a growing rate for many years. You may now stop and take a breath as your man-made global warming religion has so many holes in it that it didn't even make the democratic ticket in the coming election.
of course we are not talking about the small western antarctic as the much, much larger and much more significant eastern antarctic continues to grow larger and colder. are just a silly little child, aren't you?

The general trend shows that a warming climate in the southern hemisphere would transport more moisture to Antarctica, causing the interior ice sheets to grow, while calving events along the coast will increase, causing these areas to shrink. A 2006 paper derived from satellite data, measures changes in the gravity of the ice mass, suggests that the total amount of ice in Antarctica has begun decreasing in the past few years.
Nope, I have my eyes open to the fact that you man-made global warming guys are trying to make something out of nothing. The planet warms and the planet cools, the earth remains. As the eastern antarctic ice pack, the largest in the world continues to grow larger and colder.

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