Climate change 'tipping points' imminent

Abraham said:
Actually there was paper that was circulated and got peer reviewed that blamed the extinction of the saber tooth tiger and the wooly mammoth on (you guessed it) AGW over 10,000 years ago.

Bullshit. Let's see the link.

Here's a paragraph about the study:

Sharing the Blame for the Mammoth's Extinction

"What they found makes sense," says mammalian paleoecologist Anthony Barnosky of the University of California, Berkeley. "It makes a clear case for there being an interaction. It shows what happens when two bad things happen at once." Barnosky and environmental scientist Barry Brook of the University of Adelaide in Australia have found such a human-climate synergy operating in megafaunal extinctions when severe climate change coincided with human arrivals. A similar synergy is happening today, they say, as global warming intensifies and the human population continues to grow.

How's that?

Okay Ernie, you're an idiot.

In your original quote, the one on which I threw the BULLSHIT flag, you claimed a peer-reviewed paper charged that the mammoth's and the saber tooth's demise were due to "AGW". AGW stands for "anthropogenic global warming". It doesn't stand for "any global warming", "average global warming", "about global warming", "almost global warming" or even "assholish global warming" . The A stands for anthropogenic. The word anropogenic means "created by humans", "man-made". Now go re-read your link and stop being so incredibly fooking stupid*. And that comment would apply in spades to Mr Westwall who apparently thinks chess play involves jumping with your eyes closed.

* - Thinking that degreed scientists publishing in peer reviewed journals could put out nonsense that YOU could be smart enough to not only detect but to find humorous. Come to know your place. You're stupid. You look likely to remain stupid and following the likes of Westwall, Daveman, BriPat, Skookerasbil or Crusader Frank most CERTAINLY ain't gonna help. Got it? Probably not, but don't stop trying.

Hey, where'd y'all go? Where's all that snappy comeback I've come to expect?
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Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god.

So you have no response to my posted article. I thought that might be the case.

Your posted article causes global warming.

Mankind's activities are quite certainly causing global warming, little retard. The primary ones are the burning of fossil fuels, which pumped 36 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere just in the last year, hundreds of billions of tons cumulatively since the beginning of the industrial revolution, and deforestation, which removes part of Nature's mechanism for removing CO2 from the atmosphere.

Posting articles on the internet is not on the list, nitwit.

And BTW, Uneducated, ignorant morons like you really shouldn't try to 'be funny' about things you're mentally incapable of understanding. It just makes you look like an even bigger fool than you already do.
Climate charge can lead to tipping points that may cause extinction.

No, it can't. The world has been far warmer for over 75% of its existence, and it has been far colder. Simple, verifiable facts prove that concern to be false.

"Can". "May".

Weasel words. Certainly nothing worth crippling the economies of the entire Western world over.
You've shown no particular familiarity with science. Rejection of AGW makes you look smart, clever and witty like the rest of the world's flat-Earthers.

Oh, look -- more pathetic, childish, petulant, emotion-laden foot-stamping.

But that's only because that's all you've got.

Run along now.

You admit that what I've got is that you've shown no particular familiarity with science and that rejection of AGW makes you look smart, clever and witty like the rest of the world's flat-Earthers.

Thanks Dave.
We're so perilously near the tipping point, yet none of the warmist doomsayers will turn off their computers, throw away their cell phones, sell their cars, leave their cushy metropolitan homes and go camp out with the Amish.

That's cause all the ones that did... they're all standing right behind you.
Below are a few of the HUNDREDS of climate change tipping points that have come and gone....all with no disaster and God induced bolt from the blue.

Scientists identify 2047 as global climate change tipping point

2047 has come and gone? Jeez, I've overslept!

This is an excellent article concerning human response to distant threats. It makes no prediction of an imminent tipping point and certainly mentions no dates that have come and gone.

2020 has come and gone? Jeez, I've overslept!

This is a reader's contribution to the Op-Ed page, is well written, and simply discusses the physical process the allows/creates tipping points. It makes no specific predictions about anything.

This is an accurate and informative animated movie showing why we are at risk of crossing a tipping point or points and the only dates mentioned are the narrator suggesting "fifty or sixty years". The film concludes by stressing that "this hasn't happened yet" and "this is not unavoidable".

This is a CS Monitor (good source for almost anything) article about a study indicating that CO2 by ~2020 will have attained levels about which we will be unable to effectively act. They are suggesting working on reducing emissions of GHGs other than CO2 to give us some breathing room. Hardly an attempt to panic the public and nothing false, flawed or faulty in any of the information presented.

This is a repeat of material covered in the animated flick above: the peat bogs of Siberia, covering an area the size of France and Germany combined, are melting. They will release gigatonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere. The event is quite significant. No date is mentioned.

If, as you claim, hundreds of false tipping points, posited by stupid climate scientists, have come and gone without the world ending on a high note, I should think it would have been a great deal easier for you to have found some. Yet, in seven chances, you found not one. That draws me to a different set of conclusions:

We do face a number of potential tipping points

No one is falsely pushing information about such things to put us in a panic

You either do not know what you're talking about or willfully choose to post information you know to be false.

Isn't anyone going to fix Westwall's SHORTCOMING? I don't think it'll HURT.
You've shown no particular familiarity with science. Rejection of AGW makes you look smart, clever and witty like the rest of the world's flat-Earthers.

Oh, look -- more pathetic, childish, petulant, emotion-laden foot-stamping.

But that's only because that's all you've got.

Run along now.

You admit that what I've got is that you've shown no particular familiarity with science and that rejection of AGW makes you look smart, clever and witty like the rest of the world's flat-Earthers.

Thanks Dave.

Ahh, I see your problem -- you're illiterate.
Mankind's activities are quite certainly causing global warming, little retard.

Certain, because you have faith.

You have no EVIDENCE, but you have faith.

The primary ones are the burning of fossil fuels, which pumped 36 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere just in the last year, hundreds of billions of tons cumulatively since the beginning of the industrial revolution, and deforestation, which removes part of Nature's mechanism for removing CO2 from the atmosphere.

Posting articles on the internet is not on the list, nitwit.

According to you moron cultists, hot weather, cold weather, no weather, storms, lack or storms, etc. are ALL signs of "global warming."

See, you're all a bunch of fucking frauds, seeking an easy buck through government grants. You made more false predictions than the JW's - and the public has written you off. Soon, the gravy train will stop, and you'll have to cook up a new con.


And BTW, Uneducated, ignorant morons like you really shouldn't try to 'be funny' about things you're mentally incapable of understanding. It just makes you look like an even bigger fool than you already do.

You're a fraud, your silly cult is a fraud, no one believes you.
Oh, look -- more pathetic, childish, petulant, emotion-laden foot-stamping.

But that's only because that's all you've got.

Run along now.

You admit that what I've got is that you've shown no particular familiarity with science and that rejection of AGW makes you look smart, clever and witty like the rest of the world's flat-Earthers.

Thanks Dave.

Ahh, I see your problem -- you're illiterate.

LOLOLOL....too funny....and so ironic....

DaveDumb obviously likes talking to himself about himself...

"more pathetic, childish, petulant, emotion-laden foot-stamping.

But that's only because that's all you've got.

That certainly describes pretty much all of his posts to a T.
Abraham said:
Here's a paragraph about the study:

Sharing the Blame for the Mammoth's Extinction

How's that?

Okay Ernie, you're an idiot.

In your original quote, the one on which I threw the BULLSHIT flag, you claimed a peer-reviewed paper charged that the mammoth's and the saber tooth's demise were due to "AGW". AGW stands for "anthropogenic global warming". It doesn't stand for "any global warming", "average global warming", "about global warming", "almost global warming" or even "assholish global warming" . The A stands for anthropogenic. The word anropogenic means "created by humans", "man-made". Now go re-read your link and stop being so incredibly fooking stupid*. And that comment would apply in spades to Mr Westwall who apparently thinks chess play involves jumping with your eyes closed.

* - Thinking that degreed scientists publishing in peer reviewed journals could put out nonsense that YOU could be smart enough to not only detect but to find humorous. Come to know your place. You're stupid. You look likely to remain stupid and following the likes of Westwall, Daveman, BriPat, Skookerasbil or Crusader Frank most CERTAINLY ain't gonna help. Got it? Probably not, but don't stop trying.

Hey, where'd y'all go? Where's all that snappy comeback I've come to expect?

Actually, that was not my quote. You cried "bullshit" and I proved that the study is there. If YOU go back and read my link, they did blame extinctions on humans, though they worded it in a way where they couldn't be called liars.
Barnosky and environmental scientist Barry Brook of the University of Adelaide in Australia have found such a human-climate synergy operating in megafaunal extinctions when severe climate change coincided with human arrivals.

Come on now guy! No one is going to run from you, of all people.
Abraham said:
Okay Ernie, you're an idiot.

In your original quote, the one on which I threw the BULLSHIT flag, you claimed a peer-reviewed paper charged that the mammoth's and the saber tooth's demise were due to "AGW". AGW stands for "anthropogenic global warming". It doesn't stand for "any global warming", "average global warming", "about global warming", "almost global warming" or even "assholish global warming" . The A stands for anthropogenic. The word anropogenic means "created by humans", "man-made". Now go re-read your link and stop being so incredibly fooking stupid*. And that comment would apply in spades to Mr Westwall who apparently thinks chess play involves jumping with your eyes closed.

* - Thinking that degreed scientists publishing in peer reviewed journals could put out nonsense that YOU could be smart enough to not only detect but to find humorous. Come to know your place. You're stupid. You look likely to remain stupid and following the likes of Westwall, Daveman, BriPat, Skookerasbil or Crusader Frank most CERTAINLY ain't gonna help. Got it? Probably not, but don't stop trying.

Hey, where'd y'all go? Where's all that snappy comeback I've come to expect?

Actually, that was not my quote. You cried "bullshit" and I proved that the study is there. If YOU go back and read my link, they did blame extinctions on humans, though they worded it in a way where they couldn't be called liars.
Barnosky and environmental scientist Barry Brook of the University of Adelaide in Australia have found such a human-climate synergy operating in megafaunal extinctions when severe climate change coincided with human arrivals.

Come on now guy! No one is going to run from you, of all people.

You really don't know your ass from your elbow, do you?

Do you even begin to comprehend that "a human-climate synergy" refers to a conclusion in that paper that the megafaunal extinction happened as a result of both climate factors at that time (which were not caused by humans) AND also by human activities like the intensive hunting and killing of those animals over a long period of time. It does not mean that human caused climate changes (AGW) were responsible, as you so idiotically want to assume.
So you have no response to my posted article. I thought that might be the case.

Your posted article causes global warming.

Mankind's activities are quite certainly causing global warming, little retard. The primary ones are the burning of fossil fuels, which pumped 36 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere just in the last year, hundreds of billions of tons cumulatively since the beginning of the industrial revolution, and deforestation, which removes part of Nature's mechanism for removing CO2 from the atmosphere.

Posting articles on the internet is not on the list, nitwit.

And BTW, Uneducated, ignorant morons like you really shouldn't try to 'be funny' about things you're mentally incapable of understanding. It just makes you look like an even bigger fool than you already do.

Why then can't you show any? Why then has the planet stayed temp neutral for the last 16 years? Why then is the global temp beginning to drop...all in the face of wildly increasing CO2 levels?


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