Climate science blows it.....again!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Oooops......didn't factor in what they felt to be "insignificant" volcanic eruptions!!! Which has put a huge damper on temperatures in the past 18 years.

Volcanoes ARE cooling Earth and have reduced temperatures and tropical rainfall Daily Mail Online

Bottom line and the point always made by climate the end, in 2014, nobody knows shit about shit about the dynamics of the climate. To call it "decided" is.............well, no elaboration needed!!!:coffee:

The last bullet point of the article...
  • The findings mean models predicting climate change need to be revised means the models need to be trashed altogether and forever.
Oooops......didn't factor in what they felt to be "insignificant" volcanic eruptions!!! Which has put a huge damper on temperatures in the past 18 years.

Volcanoes ARE cooling Earth and have reduced temperatures and tropical rainfall Daily Mail Online

Bottom line and the point always made by climate the end, in 2014, nobody knows shit about shit about the dynamics of the climate. To call it "decided" is.............well, no elaboration needed!!!:coffee:

The last bullet point of the article...
  • The findings mean models predicting climate change need to be revised means the models need to be trashed altogether and forever.

yep.....the whole "models" crap is a total ruse........always has been. A long time ago, these cheesedicks figured out that may people would automatically buy the "models" stuff when attached to the computer concept. Most knotheads with their thumbs up their asses and the other hand on their gheyPhones don't give "models" a second thought. They never get the facts about how many times these bozo's screw with the data.

What is hysterical about this is.....for years Ive been seeing in here, some long time USMB members flipping the bird at the effects from BIG volcanic eruptions. Now....its turns out, just small volcanic eruptions have massive consequences for the climate.

Also tells us something else.........the AGW climate crusaders make it up as they go along.:boobies::boobies:

And how ghey is that?????!!!!:gay:
AGW is based on early 19th century math, pre-three body problem math to be exact, no numerate person has ever accepted it as credible.


Making the 1% the top .01%!!!!
What is most me at least is.........just in the past month, we've seen alternative science research related to climate on ocean acidification.......the sun..........volcanic activity..............and then statements by the Indian Conference on Climate.........

All calling BS on the established narrative coming from the AGW religion.........and fascinating......every single word of any/all of it, automatically dismissed as fake science. Always wondered about this whole "religion" thing but you know, it is EXACTLY like a religion to these people.
You really have to wonder why these "MMGW PROMOTERS" continue to believe this shit. I understand why the SUPPOSED $$$scientists$$$ do, but people that are educated, just don't get it.... The subversive colleges and professors have to be doing a hell of a job brainwashing those young heads of mush!

This folder is kind of a "bedwetter safe zone", where deniers can feel sheltered from all the humiliations they receive from the real world. They get to weep here without being ridiculed. Too much.

Yes, I know I'm disrupting the big group therapy session. I shouldn't do that, sorry about that. You girls just go on and cry it all out. Provide many hugs and hairpats for each other. Listen to each other describe their feelings, without judging them.

Have you thought about extending this to the real world? You could all use your wiles to get some rich man to buy you some land, and then you could form a deniers revolutionary commune. It would be open to all races, creeds and sexual orientations, with the caveat that only gentle and sensitive people are accepted. And all EBT cards would have to be pooled for community use.

So, the science in the OP doesn't make you pause?


The science? You mean skook's misreprentation of the Daly Mail's misrepresentation of a small bit of a science?

Interesting that you think it's so accurate.

I don't buy it, because there's been no increase in small volcanic activity in the the past decades. I'd like to hear how no increase in volcanic activity could cause increased emissions of volcanic aerosols.
The science? You mean skook's misreprentation of the Daly Mail's misrepresentation of a small bit of a science?

Interesting that you think it's so accurate.

I don't buy it, because there's been no increase in small volcanic activity in the the past decades. I'd like to hear how no increase in volcanic activity could cause increased emissions of volcanic aerosols.

Well, I would like to hear why the temperature hasn't increased. This explanation seems as good as any.

BTW, I have a question. When looking at climate science, how much do you think the scientists know about our climate, as a percentage?

I figure its less than 50%.

Why is that relevant?

It's like saying "well, we don't know everything about the universe, so we shouldn't even try launching rockets."

Its very relevant. When saying "the science is settled" one has to know the subject matter thoroughly.You cannot determine anything without understanding the entire process.

IMO, climate science is about in the same area as our understanding of medicine was when "doctors" did brain surgery with a hammer and chisel.

Logically, its like telling me the answer to a math problem while viewing only half the equation.

This folder is kind of a "bedwetter safe zone", where deniers can feel sheltered from all the humiliations they receive from the real world. They get to weep here without being ridiculed. Too much.

Yes, I know I'm disrupting the big group therapy session. I shouldn't do that, sorry about that. You girls just go on and cry it all out. Provide many hugs and hairpats for each other. Listen to each other describe their feelings, without judging them.

Have you thought about extending this to the real world? You could all use your wiles to get some rich man to buy you some land, and then you could form a deniers revolutionary commune. It would be open to all races, creeds and sexual orientations, with the caveat that only gentle and sensitive people are accepted. And all EBT cards would have to be pooled for community use.

Lol, that was some real crying there man.
Let me tell you what is going to happen. I've made this prediction at least twice already on this board:

Years down the road when the planet does not get warmer, the ice caps continue to ebb and flow, the seas don't rise, and the land doesn't turn to desert, the left will claim that it was because of their efforts in combating AGW.
Its very relevant. When saying "the science is settled" one has to know the subject matter thoroughly.You cannot determine anything without understanding the entire process.

That's obvious nonsense.

We don't know everything about gravity, but know enough for us to launch rockets.

We don't know everything about climate, but know enough to see CO2 is warming things strongly.

The science doesn't have to be 100% settled to draw correct and useful conclusions. The science has to be settled enough, not settled completely.
Oooops......didn't factor in what they felt to be "insignificant" volcanic eruptions!!! Which has put a huge damper on temperatures in the past 18 years.

Volcanoes ARE cooling Earth and have reduced temperatures and tropical rainfall Daily Mail Online

Bottom line and the point always made by climate the end, in 2014, nobody knows shit about shit about the dynamics of the climate. To call it "decided" is.............well, no elaboration needed!!!:coffee:
you make a good point here. we don't have a clue what we are doing to the planet and it's atmosphere but it ain't good can be agreed on I think even by you. Maybe we need to warm it up for the future yellowstone super blast coming do to the endless fracking slipping the rocks to release gas and then magma

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