Wait....when it is too hot, solar panels do not work efficiently? But...isn't being in the sun their selling point? The left..get it wrong again....

It got a little hot in Britain......and because it got hot, their solar panels seem to have stopped working as efficiently?

Did anyone know this little factoid about solar power? You know before the smug leftists made fun of you for making fun of solar panels?

Besides having to compensate for the winds dropping away (uh-oh), who knew solar panels go to poop in the heat?

Did you know? I sure didn’t know. And they sure don’t tell you any of THIS in the fancy glossy handouts.

Britain has started burning coal to generate electricity for the first time in a month and a half, after the heatwave made solar panels too hot to work efficiently.
For every degree rise in temperature above this level, the efficiency is reduced by 0.5 percentage points.

That’s the gist of this. And “solar” panels need their OWN cooling systems (!) in the desert. GTFO!

Already Debunked on the last try.

1. Billy Bob is a Grotesque Liar/deceiver.​
"...For example, let’s say you have the Sunpower module and the solar cell temperature is measured at 45 degrees C. (113 F) That’s 20 degrees C above STC. To find how much the power output will decrease, you multiple the 20 degrees C difference by the -0.29% temperature coefficient.​
That gives you a 5.8% drop in the module's power output.
That means when the panels’ temperature is 45 degrees C, (113 F) the maximum power output of the module will fall to 329.7 watts, instead of 350 watts, meaning, your panels will still produce enough energy to power your home...
- = = = = =​
2. Sep 21, 2022​
Understanding temperature coefficient
If you really want to understand how much energy your solar panels may produce depending on the temperature outside, check the temperature coefficient on the manufacturer’s data sheet for your solar panels. The temperature coefficient tells you, in a percentage per degree Celsius, how much power a solar panel will lose when the temperature increases by 1 degree over 25°C (77°F).

For example, the temperature coefficient of LG NeON® 2 solar panels is -0.38% per one degree Celsius. This means that for every one degree Celsius above 25°C, the maximum efficiency of an LG NeON® 2 solar panel will decrease by 0.38%. Conversely, for every one degree Celsius below 25°C, the maximum efficiency of that solar panel will increase by 0.38%. (Yes — cooler, sunny weather is best for your solar panels and can help offset any decreased efficiency in the summer.)

So, if the outside temperature were 82°F (or 28°C) — the average daily high in Boston in July — and the surface of an LG NeON® 2 solar panel were roughly that same temperature, solar panel efficiency for that solar panel would decrease by Just 1.14%."

Last edited:
Yep, when solar panels get too hot they all but shutdown. They also have about a 15 year life span. So we will be loading up the landfills with solar panels,, and one thousand pound EV batteries. Interestingly, Windmills also shut down when the wind is too strong. "Green Energy" will be the death knell for America. There is zero doubt about that.
Wrong foolish
Yep, when solar panels get too hot they all but shutdown. They also have about a 15 year life span. So we will be loading up the landfills with solar panels,, and one thousand pound EV batteries. Interestingly, Windmills also shut down when the wind is too strong. "Green Energy" will be the death knell for America. There is zero doubt about that.
Wrong foolish
Marathon Mike, is right.

Solar Panels also require monthly cleaning, with clean, deposit free water. Millions of gallons of water a year. In the desert where water is scarse
Marathon Mike, is right.

Solar Panels also require monthly cleaning, with clean, deposit free water. Millions of gallons of water a year. In the desert where water is scarse

And they still want you to believe that they want solar and wind to create more energy...when in fact they want solar and wind to restrict energy use....
And they still want you to believe that they want solar and wind to create more energy...when in fact they want solar and wind to restrict energy use....
Both wrong. We want solar and wind because they are secret signals to our alien overlords from Planet Nine that it is time to come and eat the Republicans.
And they still want you to believe that they want solar and wind to create more energy...when in fact they want solar and wind to restrict energy use....
You are wrong on both counts. We want non-emitting energy technologies to generate electricity without emitting CO2. The lack of fuel costs is just an enormous bennie.
You are wrong on both counts. We want non-emitting energy technologies to generate electricity without emitting CO2. The lack of fuel costs is just an enormous bennie.
Then why is solar and wind the most expensive way to produce electricity? Why does it require government funding? Why does it require more energy manufacturing. Why do the cover the earth by the square mile. Why don't they last as long?
You are wrong on both counts. We want non-emitting energy technologies to generate electricity without emitting CO2. The lack of fuel costs is just an enormous bennie.

You might...but your political masters do not........they want to use solar and wind to limit access to cheap, reliable, plentiful energy, which will force humans to limit their choices on how they live......
Then why is solar and wind the most expensive way to produce electricity?
An egregious error or a blatant lie, take your pick.
Why does it require government funding?
It requires it no more than the petroleum industry ever did. Government has an interest in the technology being adopted as quickly as possible. That is what drives subsidies and tax breaks.
Why does it require more energy manufacturing.
You have not actually demonstrated that as you've never even attempted to calculate the material and energy cost of manufacturing a fossil fuel power plant. However, the generators in wind turbines have to be held aloft and driven by wind foils. The former puts a mass limit on the thing and the latter limits the amount of power available from a single unit to drive the generator. So, to equal the capacity of a 270 MW power block will require the construction of 18 large wind turbine assemblies. On the other hand, in the "eggs-in-one-basket" view, 18 wind turbines are far less susceptible to total failure than a single, 270 MW power block.
Why do the cover the earth by the square mile.
We already went through the calculations for this and you came off looking like a fool. If you'd like, I will repeat them.
Why don't they last as long?
I suspect there are lots of components - particularly in the high temperature portions of a natural gas plant, that do not last as long as wind turbines. But the primary problem with wind turbines is that their height and their remote locations make inspections and maintenance difficult. Steam turbine blades, for instance, are replaceable, while wind turbine blades (to my knowledge) are not. And repairing or replacing a gearbox or a generator is a great deal easier on the ground than hundreds of feet in the air.
An egregious error or a blatant lie, take your pick.
How much has our government, including the states, spent on green energy, and how much do they state they must spend.

I bet you don't answer that cause the answer shows you are a filthy liar or somebody foolishly ignorant.
so much hate it seems, that bugs me,

How much do they cost, how much did they spend, how much will they spend? Bloomberg seems reasonable?
Bloomberg is not the Republicans. How about a figure from Bloomberg telling us what the government will spend.

$200 Trillion Is Needed to Stop Global Warming. That's a ...
https://www.bloomberg.com › opinion › articles ›
Jul 5, 2023 — Bloomberg NEF, Bloomberg's green-energy research team, estimates in a new report this week it could cost $196 trillion in investments to zero ...
How much has our government, including the states, spent on green energy, and how much do they state they must spend.
I don't know the answer to either question
I bet you don't answer that
Then you lost your bet.
cause the answer shows you are a filthy liar
What lie does it show me to have told?
or somebody foolishly ignorant.
How does it show me to be foolishly ignorant?
You do not know how much was spent, how much will be spent, but you are adamant that they are cheap?

Like I said, you are a filthy liar.
Did you think I had no support for that opinion?

My god are you fucking stupid. And Todd, that was pathetic.
Did you think I had no support for that opinion?

My god are you fucking stupid. And Todd, that was pathetic.
At this point, crick, with all your searching, it is clear you can not answer the question.

Not one of the those links addresses my question.

How much have we spent on wind and solar, how much will we spend on wind and solar.
At this point, crick, with all your searching, it is clear you can not answer the question.

Not one of the those links addresses my question.

How much have we spent on wind and solar, how much will we spend on wind and solar.
I have provided support for every "claim" I have posted in this regard. I am not obligated to answer your rhetoric. So, fuck off.
I have provided support for every "claim" I have posted in this regard. I am not obligated to answer your rhetoric. So, fuck off.

One of the things effecting the cost of solar and wind......slave labor..........but slavery has never been a problem for the left and democrats....
It got a little hot in Britain......and because it got hot, their solar panels seem to have stopped working as efficiently?

Did anyone know this little factoid about solar power? You know before the smug leftists made fun of you for making fun of solar panels?

Besides having to compensate for the winds dropping away (uh-oh), who knew solar panels go to poop in the heat?

Did you know? I sure didn’t know. And they sure don’t tell you any of THIS in the fancy glossy handouts.

Britain has started burning coal to generate electricity for the first time in a month and a half, after the heatwave made solar panels too hot to work efficiently.
For every degree rise in temperature above this level, the efficiency is reduced by 0.5 percentage points.

That’s the gist of this. And “solar” panels need their OWN cooling systems (!) in the desert. GTFO!

Funny how not-very-bright MAGAts think "sunny" always equates to "very hot"...........:heehee:
Did you think I had no support for that opinion?

My god are you fucking stupid. And Todd, that was pathetic.

What are you whining about now?

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