Climate science blows it.....again!!!

Its very relevant. When saying "the science is settled" one has to know the subject matter thoroughly.You cannot determine anything without understanding the entire process.

That's obvious nonsense.

We don't know everything about gravity, but know enough for us to launch rockets.

We don't know everything about climate, but know enough to see CO2 is warming things strongly.

The science doesn't have to be 100% settled to draw correct and useful conclusions. The science has to be settled enough, not settled completely.
And back to the stupid from manmouth. We don't know everything but we know CO2 does 'X' but I have no lab work to validate it.

And for rockets to gravity, they ran tests and killed peple running those experiments. They had data to show purpulsion verses gravity. Damn, you can get more stupid at [email protected]. I'm sure he/she can provide the stupid at will.
We get it, jc. Like so many deniers, you're fundamentally yellow, all the way down to your core. Being yellow, you run from all the science, and try to cover by lying outright about a lack of experiments. It's just boring, your pathological liar act.

I hope you don't claim to be religious, as then you'd be headed for a toasty afterlife indeed. Think about it. Is your cult membership worth the price of your soul?
Dumping tons of dirt in the atmosphere is a bad thing.
Making up lies as you go along might be worse, as algore making up lies about climate will create the problem of the kid who cried "wolf!"
We get it, jc. Like so many deniers, you're fundamentally yellow, all the way down to your core. Being yellow, you run from all the science, and try to cover by lying outright about a lack of experiments. It's just boring, your pathological liar act.

I hope you don't claim to be religious, as then you'd be headed for a toasty afterlife indeed. Think about it. Is your cult membership worth the price of your soul?
Thanks from the site [email protected]

So you're saying most religions don't declare that liars have an unpleasant afterlife?

By rewriting the basics of religion, you would appear to be attacking religion.
The science? You mean skook's misreprentation of the Daly Mail's misrepresentation of a small bit of a science?

Interesting that you think it's so accurate.

I don't buy it, because there's been no increase in small volcanic activity in the the past decades. I'd like to hear how no increase in volcanic activity could cause increased emissions of volcanic aerosols.

You don't buy it???

Well we're all real impressed but...............

The planet could be a block of ice and you dopes would still be peddling the established narrative!!!:2up:
Oooops......didn't factor in what they felt to be "insignificant" volcanic eruptions!!! Which has put a huge damper on temperatures in the past 18 years.

Volcanoes ARE cooling Earth and have reduced temperatures and tropical rainfall Daily Mail Online

Bottom line and the point always made by climate the end, in 2014, nobody knows shit about shit about the dynamics of the climate. To call it "decided" is.............well, no elaboration needed!!!:coffee:
you make a good point here. we don't have a clue what we are doing to the planet and it's atmosphere but it ain't good can be agreed on I think even by you. Maybe we need to warm it up for the future yellowstone super blast coming do to the endless fracking slipping the rocks to release gas and then magma

Now THAT would be some sick-ass shit........make Krakatoa look like a lab experiment s0n!!!:banana::tongue-44::tongue-44:
Skook, when you're done glorifying gayness, please explain to everyone how volcanic emissions can increase without volcanic activity noticeably increasing.


And I got that plot from .... WUWT. That's got to sting the deniers here, getting slapped by their own mostest favorite source.

Volcanoes Once Again Again Watts Up With That

Don't worry deniers. You can do an about face now and still salvage things. I could explain exactly how, but I'll let you think about it.
Its very relevant. When saying "the science is settled" one has to know the subject matter thoroughly.You cannot determine anything without understanding the entire process.

That's obvious nonsense.

We don't know everything about gravity, but know enough for us to launch rockets.

We don't know everything about climate, but know enough to see CO2 is warming things strongly.

The science doesn't have to be 100% settled to draw correct and useful conclusions. The science has to be settled enough, not settled completely.

So, when the empirical evidence says that the CO2 theory of global temps is a ignore that? Interesting...
you make a good point here. we don't have a clue what we are doing to the planet and it's atmosphere but it ain't good can be agreed on I think even by you. Maybe we need to warm it up for the future yellowstone super blast coming do to the endless fracking slipping the rocks to release gas and then magma

I'll help you out with your embarrassing would be "DUE to the endless fracking slipping the rocks" and not "Do to", Nevertheless, wonder what the hell caused the Yellowstone caldera to form 17 million years ago and numerous quakes to happen since? FRACKING? Wonder who was fracking for oil back then?

USGS Volcano Hazards Program - Yellowstone Geology and History


Yellowstone's volcanism is only the most recent in a 17 million-year history of volcanic activity that has occurred progressively from southwestern Idaho to Yellowstone National Park. At least six other large volcanic centers along this path generated caldera-forming eruptions; the calderas are no longer visible because they are buried beneath younger basalticlava flows and sediments that blanket the Snake River Plain.

13 of 14 Hottest Years on Record All Occurred in 21st Century

By Terrell Johnson
Published Mar 24 2014 08:40 PM EDT

Call it climate change, global warming or even global "weirding," 2013 was the planet's sixth hottest year on record, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) announced Monday in a report that detailed a litany of historic weather events around the world like Typhoon Haiyan, Cyclone Phailin and Australia's record-breaking heat wave.

The average temperature worldwide last year – global land and ocean surface temperatures – was 58.1°F, about 0.9°F above the 1961-1990 average and about 0.05°F above the 2001-2010 decadal average, the WMO said in the report.

The organization's Annual Statement on the Status of the Climate showed also that despite the oft-reported global warming "hiatus," 13 of the 14 warmest years in recorded weather history have all occurred in the opening years of the 21st century.

Now with 2014 coming somewhere between third warmest and first, make that 14 of the 15 warmest years have occurred in this century.

13 of 14 Hottest Years on Record All Occurred in 21st Century

By Terrell Johnson
Published Mar 24 2014 08:40 PM EDT

Call it climate change, global warming or even global "weirding," 2013 was the planet's sixth hottest year on record, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) announced Monday in a report that detailed a litany of historic weather events around the world like Typhoon Haiyan, Cyclone Phailin and Australia's record-breaking heat wave.

The average temperature worldwide last year – global land and ocean surface temperatures – was 58.1°F, about 0.9°F above the 1961-1990 average and about 0.05°F above the 2001-2010 decadal average, the WMO said in the report.

The organization's Annual Statement on the Status of the Climate showed also that despite the oft-reported global warming "hiatus," 13 of the 14 warmest years in recorded weather history have all occurred in the opening years of the 21st century.

Now with 2014 coming somewhere between third warmest and first, make that 14 of the 15 warmest years have occurred in this century.

Probably from all those wild fires in California.

13 of 14 Hottest Years on Record All Occurred in 21st Century

By Terrell Johnson
Published Mar 24 2014 08:40 PM EDT

Call it climate change, global warming or even global "weirding," 2013 was the planet's sixth hottest year on record, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) announced Monday in a report that detailed a litany of historic weather events around the world like Typhoon Haiyan, Cyclone Phailin and Australia's record-breaking heat wave.

The average temperature worldwide last year – global land and ocean surface temperatures – was 58.1°F, about 0.9°F above the 1961-1990 average and about 0.05°F above the 2001-2010 decadal average, the WMO said in the report.

The organization's Annual Statement on the Status of the Climate showed also that despite the oft-reported global warming "hiatus," 13 of the 14 warmest years in recorded weather history have all occurred in the opening years of the 21st century.

Now with 2014 coming somewhere between third warmest and first, make that 14 of the 15 warmest years have occurred in this century.

I prefer to call it what it is......NORMAL!

13 of 14 Hottest Years on Record All Occurred in 21st Century

By Terrell Johnson
Published Mar 24 2014 08:40 PM EDT

Call it climate change, global warming or even global "weirding," 2013 was the planet's sixth hottest year on record, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) announced Monday in a report that detailed a litany of historic weather events around the world like Typhoon Haiyan, Cyclone Phailin and Australia's record-breaking heat wave.

The average temperature worldwide last year – global land and ocean surface temperatures – was 58.1°F, about 0.9°F above the 1961-1990 average and about 0.05°F above the 2001-2010 decadal average, the WMO said in the report.

The organization's Annual Statement on the Status of the Climate showed also that despite the oft-reported global warming "hiatus," 13 of the 14 warmest years in recorded weather history have all occurred in the opening years of the 21st century.

Now with 2014 coming somewhere between third warmest and first, make that 14 of the 15 warmest years have occurred in this century.

What do they know about it? They're the Weather Channel...not the Climate Channel. What's the Climate Channel have to say about. You algoreists always tell us deniers that you are not talking about WEATHER....but about CLIMATE. So why are you quoting the Weather Channel as proof of anything?

Snowtell Stations which have been biased by +1.16 deg C over the last 15+ years due to instrument pack changes...

From the “temperature bias only goes one way department” and the University of Montana:

Mountain system artificially inflates temperature increases at higher elevations

MISSOULA – In a recent study, University of Montana and Montana Climate Office researcher Jared Oyler found that while the western U.S. has warmed, recently observed warming in the mountains of the western U.S. likely is not as large as previously supposed.

His results, published Jan. 9 in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, show that sensor changes have significantly biased temperature observations from the Snowpack Telemetry (SNOTEL) station network.

More than 700 SNOTEL sites monitor temperature and snowpack across the mountainous western U.S. SNOTEL provides critical data for water supply forecasts. Researchers often use SNOTEL data to study mountain climate trends and impacts to mountain hydrology and ecology.

one more reason not to believe US-NOAA GISS inflated temps.. I already had the USCRN which shows the hottest everything to be a lie, this just expalines it a bit clearer.


Co-authors on the paper “Artificial Amplification of Warming Trends Across the Mountains of the Western United States” include UM researchers Solomon Dobrowski, Ashley Ballantyne, Anna Klene and Steve Running. It is available online at Artificial amplification of warming trends across the mountains of the western United States - Oyler - 2015 - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library.

Once again facts win out over Old Crocks propaganda.
“The SNOTEL bias has likely compromised our ability to understand the unique drivers and impacts of climate change in western U.S. mountains.”

Now that is an admission of 'oop's we fucked up and we did it bad'.... This paper shows the inept and the lack of any bias controls by NOAA and GISS.
"91% of the previously reported warming trend was spurious to date... " Just wow... one hell of an admission of failure..

CAGW is dying a gruesome death as the lies that enshrine it are exposed.

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