Climate Sensitivity per the IPCC


Gold Member
May 10, 2014
This topic comes up now and then and I thought it might be handy to have some reference material. This first post is the glossary entries under "Climate Sensitivity"

Climate sensitivity The change in the surface temperature
in response to a change in the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)
concentration or other radiative forcing. See also Climate feedback
Earth system sensitivity
The equilibrium surface temperature response of the coupled
atmosphere–ocean–cryosphere–vegetation–carbon cycle system to
a doubling of the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration
is referred to as Earth system sensitivity. Because it allows ice sheets
to adjust to the external perturbation, it may differ substantially from
the equilibrium climate sensitivity derived from coupled atmosphere–
ocean models.
Effective equilibrium climate sensitivity
An estimate of the surface temperature response to a doubling of
the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration that is evaluated
from model output or observations for evolving non-equilibrium
conditions. It is a measure of the strengths of the climate feedbacks at
a particular time and may vary with forcing history and climate state,
and therefore may differ from equilibrium climate sensitivity.
Equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS)
The equilibrium (steady state) change in the surface temperature
following a doubling of the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)
concentration from pre-industrial conditions.
Transient climate response (TCR)
The surface temperature response for the hypothetical scenario
in which atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) increases at 1% yr–1
from pre-industrial to the time of a doubling of atmospheric CO2
concentration (year 70).
Transient climate response to cumulative CO2 emissions (TCRE)
The transient surface temperature change per unit cumulative carbon
dioxide (CO2) emissions, usually 1000 GtC. TCRE combines both
information on the airborne fraction of cumulative CO2 emissions
(the fraction of the total CO2 emitted that remains in the atmosphere,
which is determined by carbon cycle processes) and on the transient
climate response (TCR).

"The Earth’s Energy Budget, Climate Feedbacks and Climate Sensitivity", Chapter 7 of "The Physical Science Basis" in the IPCC's Assessment Report 6 is the place to cover this topic. If you don't already have one, you can download a copy of the entire document at:

AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis — IPCC

Chapter 7 begins on page 923. Climate Feedbacks are discussed in section 7.4, beginning on page 967. Estimate of ECS and TCR are discussed in section 7.5, beginning on page 992
Why wold you use a political source for scientific discussions? ...
What political source and what discussions? I was attempting to get out how the IPCC comes up with their climate sensitivity values. Would you also like to suggest that the IPCC has no scientists on board? Crusader Frank tried that a few days ago.
Co2 does not explain the DATA.

Tectonic plate movement DOES explain the DATA.

So which is correct???

So, how far did the average plate move since 1850, when the current unprecedented warming began? I'm going to say 7 cm/year. So, since 1850 would be 173 * 7 cm or 12.11 meters, about 40 feet. And you believe that is responsible for global warming. Got it.
This topic comes up now and then and I thought it might be handy to have some reference material. This first post is the glossary entries under "Climate Sensitivity"

Climate sensitivity The change in the surface temperature
in response to a change in the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)
concentration or other radiative forcing. See also Climate feedback
Earth system sensitivity
The equilibrium surface temperature response of the coupled
atmosphere–ocean–cryosphere–vegetation–carbon cycle system to
a doubling of the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration
is referred to as Earth system sensitivity. Because it allows ice sheets
to adjust to the external perturbation, it may differ substantially from
the equilibrium climate sensitivity derived from coupled atmosphere–
ocean models.
Effective equilibrium climate sensitivity
An estimate of the surface temperature response to a doubling of
the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration that is evaluated
from model output or observations for evolving non-equilibrium
conditions. It is a measure of the strengths of the climate feedbacks at
a particular time and may vary with forcing history and climate state,
and therefore may differ from equilibrium climate sensitivity.
Equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS)
The equilibrium (steady state) change in the surface temperature
following a doubling of the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)
concentration from pre-industrial conditions.
Transient climate response (TCR)
The surface temperature response for the hypothetical scenario
in which atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) increases at 1% yr–1
from pre-industrial to the time of a doubling of atmospheric CO2
concentration (year 70).
Transient climate response to cumulative CO2 emissions (TCRE)
The transient surface temperature change per unit cumulative carbon
dioxide (CO2) emissions, usually 1000 GtC. TCRE combines both
information on the airborne fraction of cumulative CO2 emissions
(the fraction of the total CO2 emitted that remains in the atmosphere,
which is determined by carbon cycle processes) and on the transient
climate response (TCR).

"The Earth’s Energy Budget, Climate Feedbacks and Climate Sensitivity", Chapter 7 of "The Physical Science Basis" in the IPCC's Assessment Report 6 is the place to cover this topic. If you don't already have one, you can download a copy of the entire document at:

AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis — IPCC

Chapter 7 begins on page 923. Climate Feedbacks are discussed in section 7.4, beginning on page 967. Estimate of ECS and TCR are discussed in section 7.5, beginning on page 992

IPCC has to keep doubling down on their "CO2 is causing Climate Change" losing bet

The climate fraud, greatest fraud in the history of science, is the only thing that continues to grow every year
What political source and what discussions? I was attempting to get out how the IPCC comes up with their climate sensitivity values. Would you also like to suggest that the IPCC has no scientists on board? Crusader Frank tried that a few days ago.

I never said IPCC has no scientists on board, just no honest scientists

Actually, YOU said they have no scientists and do no research, they just aggregate the paid works of Cult members masquerading as scientists
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And you believe that is responsible for global warming. Got it.

The DATA is that Greenland FROZE while North America thawed, proving the hyped up bullshit of planetary warming and cooling is bullshit, that the planet does not do that, but rather has a phenomenon called


North America came out of one as Greenland grew one...

How did Co2 do that?

It didn't.

Tectonic plate movement did. Tectonic plate movement perfectly explains Earth climate change. Co2 does nothing and doesn't explain the data, and the Sun doesn't explain the data either...
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I never said IPCC has no scientists on board, just no honest scientists

Same thing. A scientist is honest. A taxpayer funded left wing fudgebaking liar is not a "scientist," she/he is a criminal traitor.
IPCC has to keep doubling down on their "CO2 is causing Climate Change" losing bet
Hardly doubling down. They narrowed the range and moved its centerpoint up half a centigrade degree. If you had even skimmed the text I pointed out you would have found that they put an enormous amount of study into coming up with that value.
The climate fraud, greatest fraud in the history of science, is the only thing that continues to grow every year
There is no fraud. That's why you have no evidence of fraud. That's why you have no evidence that there is no warming. That's why you have no evidence that anthropogenic CO2 isn't the primary cause. That, apparently, is why you have decided to start lying to us.
A major portion of climate sensitivity is composed of positive feedbacks. This has been a major point of contention with deniers. AR6 took a much broader look at climate sensitivity and I'd like to simply list the section titles of feedbacks covered in section 7.4 of the Technical Summary of The Physical Science Basis. I'll be abbreviating that to PSB in the future. If any of these topics interest any of you we can explore them in greater depth.

7.4 Climate Feedbacks
7.4.1 Methodology of the Feedback Assessment​
7.4.2 Assessing Climate Feedbacks​ Planck Response​ Water-vapour and Temperature Lapse-rate Feedbacks​ Surface-albedo Feedback​ Cloud Feedbacks​ Decomposition of clouds into regimes​ Assessment for individual cloud regimes​
High-cloud altitude feedback​
Tropical high-cloud amount feedback​
Tropical high-cloud amount feedback​
Land cloud feedback​
Mid-latitude cloud amount feedback​
Extratropical cloud optical depth feedback​
Arctic cloud feedback​ Synthesis for the net cloud feedback​ Biogeophysical and Non-CO2 Biogeochemical Feedbacks​ Non-CO2 biogeochemical feedbacks​ Biogeophysical feedbacks​ Synthesis of biogeophysical and non-CO2​
biogeochemical feedbacks​ Long-Term Radiative Feedbacks Associated​
with Ice Sheets​ Synthesis​ Climate Feedbacks in ESMs [Earth System Models]​
7.4.3 Dependence of Feedbacks on Climate Mean State​ State-dependence of Feedbacks in Models​ State-dependence of Feedbacks in​
the Paleoclimate Proxy Record​ Synthesis of State-dependence of Feedbacks​
from Modelling and Paleoclimate Records​
7.4.4 Relationship Between Feedbacks​
and Temperature Patterns​ Polar Amplification​ Critical processes driving polar amplification​ Polar amplification from proxies and models during​
past climates associated with CO2 change​ Overall assessment of polar amplification​ Tropical Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Gradients​ Critical processes determining changes in tropical​
Pacific sea surface temperature gradients​ Tropical Pacific temperature gradients​
in past high-CO2 climates​ Overall assessment of tropical Pacific sea surface temperature gradients under CO2 forcing​ Dependence of Feedbacks on Temperature Patterns​
7.5 Estimates of ECS and TCR
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A major portion of climate sensitivity is composed of positive feedbacks. This has been a major point of contention with deniers. AR6 took a much broader look at climate sensitivity and I'd like to simply list the section titles of feedbacks covered in section 7.4 of the Technical Summary of The Physical Science Basis. I'll be abbreviating that to PSB in the future. If any of these topics interest any of you we can explore them in greater depth.

7.4 Climate Feedbacks
7.4.1 Methodology of the Feedback Assessment​
7.4.2 Assessing Climate Feedbacks​ Planck Response​ Water-vapour and Temperature Lapse-rate Feedbacks​ Surface-albedo Feedback​ Cloud Feedbacks​ Decomposition of clouds into regimes​ Assessment for individual cloud regimes​
High-cloud altitude feedback​
Tropical high-cloud amount feedback​
Tropical high-cloud amount feedback​
Land cloud feedback​
Mid-latitude cloud amount feedback​
Extratropical cloud optical depth feedback​
Arctic cloud feedback​ Synthesis for the net cloud feedback​ Biogeophysical and Non-CO2 Biogeochemical Feedbacks​ Non-CO2 biogeochemical feedbacks​ Biogeophysical feedbacks​ Synthesis of biogeophysical and non-CO2​
biogeochemical feedbacks​ Long-Term Radiative Feedbacks Associated​
with Ice Sheets​ Synthesis​ Climate Feedbacks in ESMs [Earth System Models]​
7.4.3 Dependence of Feedbacks on Climate Mean State​ State-dependence of Feedbacks in Models​ State-dependence of Feedbacks in​
the Paleoclimate Proxy Record​ Synthesis of State-dependence of Feedbacks​
from Modelling and Paleoclimate Records​
7.4.4 Relationship Between Feedbacks​
and Temperature Patterns​ Polar Amplification​ Critical processes driving polar amplification​ Polar amplification from proxies and models during​
past climates associated with CO2 change​ Overall assessment of polar amplification​ Tropical Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Gradients​ Critical processes determining changes in tropical​
Pacific sea surface temperature gradients​ Tropical Pacific temperature gradients​
in past high-CO2 climates​ Overall assessment of tropical Pacific sea surface temperature gradients under CO2 forcing​ Dependence of Feedbacks on Temperature Patterns​
7.5 Estimates of ECS and TCR

This is the circular firing squad.

Ask everyone involved with the FRAUD if they support the FRAUD because it enriches and empowers them...

Climate sensitivity

Climate sensitivity is a term used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to describe to what extent rising levels of greenhouse gases affect the Earth’s temperature. Specifically, it describes how much warmer the planet will get if the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere doubles.

It's only a term used by the IPCC. There is no official explanation. Come on man, give it up already.

Bet you can't name one scientist who gave us that definition.

Every other item you listed also came from IPCC made up shit.
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IPCC has to keep doubling down on their "CO2 is causing Climate Change" losing bet

The climate fraud, greatest fraud in the history of science, is the only thing that continues to grow every year
They need them some funding.
This is the circular firing squad.

Ask everyone involved with the FRAUD if they support the FRAUD because it enriches and empowers them...

Now that is the best explanation on the subject I've ever heard of.
A major portion of climate sensitivity is composed of positive feedbacks. This has been a major point of contention with deniers. AR6 took a much broader look at climate sensitivity and I'd like to simply list the section titles of feedbacks covered in section 7.4 of the Technical Summary of The Physical Science Basis. I'll be abbreviating that to PSB in the future. If any of these topics interest any of you we can explore them in greater depth.
Their invention. Why wouldn't they argue it? it's fking wrong, but it is theirs to look foolish under.

And fk do they look foolish. Maybe show us some pictures of flooding during high tides after hurricanes.

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