#ClimateMarch 2015

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Come on people and make your voices heard. Send a tweet if thats all you can do

Mrs. Betty Bowers ‏@BettyBowers 2h2 hours ago

A WSJ reader, I'm amused by foreigners gulled by Climate Change. Don't they know science is optional? #ClimateMarch

Speaking of no science required.....got any empirical evidence that proves the most basic claim of AGW?....that being that adding CO2 to the atmosphere causes temperatures to increase?

Didn't think so. So you believe in AGW even though there isn't a shred of empirical evidence proving the most basic claim. You're funny..
Ah Yes... The left wing SHIP OF FOOLS! Trapped in the ice...

Trapped in the ice while on a mission to prove that there was no ice.......TWICE...


The definition of Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. I dont see no stinking ICE... its not supposed to be here.. Dr. Viner said so.. no snow and no ice.....

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