Clinton (Bill) and Trump both like extramarital affairs. What’s the difference?

Clinton, even counting private transgressions, tried to do what was best for the country, while the orange whore seeks to destroy it. Moreover, Clinton didn't align himself with a wave of cheap trash punks who have done nothing but bitch, scream, and whine about sex and try to tell Americans when, how, and with whom to have it, while bedding everyone available and then getting "blessed" by these fools and then endorsing for the Senate some little bitch who ran around shopping malls chasing teenagers.

Your obvious panic and desperation is duly noted!

Clinton, even counting private transgressions, tried to do what was best for the country, while the orange whore seeks to destroy it. Moreover, Clinton didn't align himself with a wave of cheap trash punks who have done nothing but bitch, scream, and whine about sex and try to tell Americans when, how, and with whom to have it, while bedding everyone available and then getting "blessed" by these fools and then endorsing for the Senate some little bitch who ran around shopping malls chasing teenagers.

Your obvious panic and desperation is duly noted!


Neither Bill nor Hillary Clinton aligned themselves with cheap garbage yelling "morality" at Americans. They are not guilty of that and the orange whore in the Oval Office is. They never sent a group of whores over to HHS to destroy birth-control and sex education programs that were helping Americans to avoid unwanted pregnancies and STDs and waste our tax money on their ignorant shit. He event sent his vice-whore over to Congress to deny funding for the good work of Planned Parenthood. These people want to strip us of our freedom and drag us all into the cesspool they live in.They want more unwanted pregnancies, more STDs, more abortions, more abandoned children, more forced sex, and more divorces, as well as more cancer, and much less availability of medical care for all of us. I never thought that I would see such filth gain a foothold in the U.S. This is no way for an advanced and intelligent society to act.

It's not "desperation." It's pure disgust at the low level to which government has sunk and the degradation it intends.
If he is "throwing us a couple of bones", then why is it not worth it?

What were we supposed to do? Vote for Fucking HIllary who hates us? And ran on NOT doing anything for us?
Lots of people don’t like what’s going on. Clearly a wolf in sheeps clothing. You can sign up for trump university not me

Maybe a wolf's in sheep's clothing. HIllary was certainly a wolf in wolf's clothing.

What were we supposed to do? Vote for fucking Hillary?
You should have voted for an actual conservative Republican in the primaries instead of Trump.

Now how hard was that to figure out, really. I can't believe this actually stumped you.

Trump's platform was infinitely better than his opponents, even in the primaries.

And most of the others were establishment republicans who have proved that they will NOT keep their promises on immigration or trade.

SO, fuck them. All.
In a way I agree. I hope all politicians got the message.

But then what message did trump teach them? The best liar wins. And stoke people’s fears

Trump ran on trade and immigration. Those are valid issues and not "stoking people's fears".

Hillary ran on him being a fucking nazi, and starting a nuclear war.

THAT'S stroking people's fears.

Trump's message is that addressing the valid concerns of working class whites is a good way to get them to vote for you, while ignoring them is not.
Clinton had sex with woman he knew.

Trump had unprotected sex with nasty porn stars, strumpets, tarts and tramps and spent maybe millions for a little 'tang.
I assume you are using sarcasm.
Your scumbag is much less scummy.

At least Bill Clinton doesn’t fantasize about his daughter

Clinton, even counting private transgressions, tried to do what was best for the country, while the orange whore seeks to destroy it. Moreover, Clinton didn't align himself with a wave of cheap trash punks who have done nothing but bitch, scream, and whine about sex and try to tell Americans when, how, and with whom to have it, while bedding everyone available and then getting "blessed" by these fools and then endorsing for the Senate some little bitch who ran around shopping malls chasing teenagers.

Clinton was popular moreso than any recent President. He could have looked the American People in the eye and said “I did have sex with that woman” and his ratings still would have been in tact. Therein lies the difference. Clinton gets a pass.
If everything they said about Trump is true it means that he had a single extra marital affair before he became president. How could you compare it to Hiillary's "bimbo eruption squad" and the molestation of an intern barely older than Bill's daughter?

Trump had more than one extra marital affiar if you are counting Stormy Daniels...

Marla Maples was his mistress when Donald John Trump was married to Ivana and had a child out of wedlock.

Also Donald has a list of women that have accused him of cheating just like William Jefferson Blythe III...

So Donald John Trump has a history of cheating and lying.

What is the difference between Donald and Bill?

1. Donald infidelity happen before he was President and has yet to have a fat intern spit on her blue dress.

2. Trump has yet to lie under oath or to Congress unlike Slick Willy!

What’s the difference?
But he lies to us daily. Still impeachable. Doesn’t have to be under oath. If we found proof busk knew there were no wmds we could have impeached him even without lying under oath.

Trump may have lied about colluding with russia. Not as big as getting a bj but you know

Did I write it was no big deal?

Also is the Mueller investigation done?

Also, if you are going to play this game then Clinton bombed Iraq on thr eve of his Impeachment based on lies!

So let cut the nonsense and if Trump were still a Democrat you would be defending him!
If everything they said about Trump is true it means that he had a single extra marital affair before he became president. How could you compare it to Hiillary's "bimbo eruption squad" and the molestation of an intern barely older than Bill's daughter?

Trump had more than one extra marital affiar if you are counting Stormy Daniels...

Marla Maples was his mistress when Donald John Trump was married to Ivana and had a child out of wedlock.

Also Donald has a list of women that have accused him of cheating just like William Jefferson Blythe III...

So Donald John Trump has a history of cheating and lying.

What is the difference between Donald and Bill?

1. Donald infidelity happen before he was President and has yet to have a fat intern spit on her blue dress.

2. Trump has yet to lie under oath or to Congress unlike Slick Willy!

What’s the difference?
But he lies to us daily. Still impeachable. Doesn’t have to be under oath. If we found proof busk knew there were no wmds we could have impeached him even without lying under oath.

Trump may have lied about colluding with russia. Not as big as getting a bj but you know

Did I write it was no big deal?

Also is the Mueller investigation done?

Also, if you are going to play this game then Clinton bombed Iraq on thr eve of his Impeachment based on lies!

So let cut the nonsense and if Trump were still a Democrat you would be defending him!

Democrats and Liberals had no problem with Trump’s fantasies about grabbing pussies back in the day when he was writing checks to Hillary and being a top Bush critic while Democrats and their base were calling Bush a war criminal.
A one night stand is not an affair, not that anyone would care. Trump does the job he is paid to do even if he donates his salary to charity. He does it stupendously.
Clinton had sex with woman he knew.

Trump had unprotected sex with nasty porn stars, strumpets, tarts and tramps and spent maybe millions for a little 'tang.

Your retort is replete with what lies between your ears and provides nothing no empirical.
Except Clinton actually did sleep with women he knew.

And Trump has unprotected sex with porn stars and Playboy bunnies. And has paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars.

That's just the way it is. Them's the facts.

Again, nothing empirical or validated. Further, you went from millions to thousands which indicates even you are not sure of your “facts”.
Lol, he isn't sure of his gender. Much less facts.
Clinton had sex with woman he knew.

Trump had unprotected sex with nasty porn stars, strumpets, tarts and tramps and spent maybe millions for a little 'tang.
Lol, Clinton met them then raped a few. Trump met a pornstar and screwed her. That's a part of Trump I dislike, but hey. He kept Hillary out of the white house, that's the part I like.
What’s the difference?

No difference.

The only problem is, it's the Republicans on the whole who care for "Kinder, Küche, Kirche". They claim they want candidates who respect their religion, they bash gay people because the Bible sehz so. But then the Bible says adultery is just as bad, and these people accept Trump.

It's all about hypocrisy of their "message" more than anything else. That's not to say that Democrats aren't hypocritical, just the Republicans are more hypocritical about Trump than Democrats are about Clinton.
Lol, is that why you wanted Clinton back in the white house?
What’s the difference?

Clinton raped at least 3 women an sexually assaulted about a dozen others......that is the difference.

Trumps wife accused him of rape .

At least bill and hill worked things out . Don traded in his wives every few years . And HES the guy fronting the “family values” party?
Lol, an ex wife saying bad things about the ex. Never heard of it till now.:113:
Clinton had many of his affairs in OFFICE as Governor, then President when he got caught, lied about it under oath, and was impeached. Trump, if he had any, did so as a private citizen, not in office, and certainly not in the Oval Office.
Clinton, trump, what's the difference? I get caught up in this stuff too, but the big picture is no matter which corporate candidate or party gets in, more and more of the nation's wealth flows to just a few multibillionaires while a comparatively small amount dribbles down to the masses. Notice how the last tax bill was rigged to where some Americans won, some lost? This keeps us divided and bitching amongst ourselves. If a politician comes on the scene who won't accept bribes from billionaires, he or she won't even be allowed in the debates.
Lots of people don’t like what’s going on. Clearly a wolf in sheeps clothing. You can sign up for trump university not me

Maybe a wolf's in sheep's clothing. HIllary was certainly a wolf in wolf's clothing.

What were we supposed to do? Vote for fucking Hillary?
You should have voted for an actual conservative Republican in the primaries instead of Trump.

Now how hard was that to figure out, really. I can't believe this actually stumped you.

Trump's platform was infinitely better than his opponents, even in the primaries.

And most of the others were establishment republicans who have proved that they will NOT keep their promises on immigration or trade.

SO, fuck them. All.
In a way I agree. I hope all politicians got the message.

But then what message did trump teach them? The best liar wins. And stoke people’s fears

Trump ran on trade and immigration. Those are valid issues and not "stoking people's fears".

Hillary ran on him being a fucking nazi, and starting a nuclear war.

THAT'S stroking people's fears.

Trump's message is that addressing the valid concerns of working class whites is a good way to get them to vote for you, while ignoring them is not.
We all believed with demographics changing 2016 would be conservatives last horah. Had trump didn’t tweet and pull bullshit moves all the time he would have been a shoe in for re election. I might not like the tax bill or Supreme Court appointee but I could forgive those things. It’s all the other stuff that tells me he’s corrupt and a liar.

And there’s stuff I like. But I’ll be glad to have a democrat back in the White House. Admittedly not a Clinton. But Michelle obama would be good

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