Clinton (Bill) and Trump both like extramarital affairs. What’s the difference?

What’s the difference?

Clinton raped at least 3 women an sexually assaulted about a dozen others......that is the difference.

Trumps wife accused him of rape .

At least bill and hill worked things out . Don traded in his wives every few years . And HES the guy fronting the “family values” party?
Quit falling down the well
I wish marriage was still respected in this country.

It is really sad that we're electing men that have no respect for the family and for their wife's...
It shows trumps character. He may be throwing you a couple bones but it’s not worth it.

Btw his wife came in on a hb1 visa.

You’re being conned.

Are you doing better than you were in 2016? How so?
The Clinton’s are the most repugnant of people...
Clinton had sex with woman he knew.

Trump had unprotected sex with nasty porn stars, strumpets, tarts and tramps and spent maybe millions for a little 'tang.

Clinton raped women he knew and who cares hat Rump does with his money is his business.
Be careful. Just as many women say trump raped them. Or Harvey Weinsteined them. Him and Clinton are equals in this area. Congrats. Your fake outrage in the 90s is now exposed
Except Slick Willy was molesting and raping children while in office...
What’s the difference?

Clinton raped at least 3 women an sexually assaulted about a dozen others......that is the difference.

A former business partner, Harth alleges Trump forcibly kissed her on the lips and groped her breasts and grabbed her genitals, in what she referred to in a 1997 lawsuit as "attempted rape". On a previous occasion, she alleges, he groped her under the table during dinner with colleagues at the Plaza Hotel.

Anderson alleges Trump put his hand up her skirt and touched her genitals through her underwear.

Heller alleges Trump forcibly kissed her on the lips in public.

The former Miss Utah alleges Trump forcibly kissed her on the mouth on two occassions, including the first time she met him.

The former Miss Vermont Teen USA and other unnamed accusers allege Trump walked into the dressing room unannounced while teen beauty queens aged 15 to 19 were naked.

Virginia alleges Trump grabbed her arm and touched her breast.

The former Miss New Hampshire alleges Trump walked in to the dressing room unannounced while contestants were naked.

The former Miss Arizona alleges Trump entered dressing rooms while her fellow contestants were "half-naked".

McGillivray alleges Trump grabbed her buttock in a pavilion behind the main house in the middle of a group of people.

The former contestant on The Apprentice alleges Trump forcibly kissed her after a job interview.

Crooks alleges Trump kissed her forcibly on the lips.

Stoynoff alleges Trump forcibly kissed her.

The former Miss Finland alleges Trump grabbed her buttocks during a photoshoot before an appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman.

Drake alleges Trump forcibly kissed her and two female friends on the lips and when rebuffed, pursued her, asking: "How much?"

The former Miss North Carolina alleges Trump would barge into the pageant dressing room and inspected women like "meat".

The former contestant on The Apprentice has accused Trump of groping and kissing her on two occasions. She has filed a defamation claim against the now-president.

The former Miss Washington 2013 alleges in a comment on Facebook that Trump repeatedly grabbed her buttocks and invited her to his hotel room.

“I’ll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show and everyone’s getting dressed. No men are anywhere, and I’m allowed to go in, because I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it. … ‘Is everyone OK?' You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. ‘Is everybody OK?’ And you see these incredible-looking women, and so I sort of get away with things like that.” - Donald J. Trump

"You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything." - Donald J. Trump
Clinton had sex with woman he knew.

Trump had unprotected sex with nasty porn stars, strumpets, tarts and tramps and spent maybe millions for a little 'tang.

Your retort is replete with what lies between your ears and provides nothing no empirical.
Except Clinton actually did sleep with women he knew.

And Trump has unprotected sex with porn stars and Playboy bunnies. And has paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars.

That's just the way it is. Them's the facts.
Another difference: Bill had one wife, Trump's had three! So far...
A political wife and family running a sex trafficking ring...
If he is "throwing us a couple of bones", then why is it not worth it?

What were we supposed to do? Vote for Fucking HIllary who hates us? And ran on NOT doing anything for us?
Lots of people don’t like what’s going on. Clearly a wolf in sheeps clothing. You can sign up for trump university not me

Maybe a wolf's in sheep's clothing. HIllary was certainly a wolf in wolf's clothing.

What were we supposed to do? Vote for fucking Hillary?
You should have voted for an actual conservative Republican in the primaries instead of Trump.

Now how hard was that to figure out, really. I can't believe this actually stumped you.

Trump's platform was infinitely better than his opponents, even in the primaries.
Bullshit. He had NOTHING. He told you tards he had plans, and you blindly bleeved him and it never occurred to you to ask for his plans.

He made it about Mexicans and Muslims. That's it.

I can see how you were stumped now. Because you are a retard.
What’s the difference?
Clinton is still on his first wife.

Actually, Bubba has been on a lot of women outside of his marriage.
Still with first wife. Bible is not kind to those who get a divorce...

Actually, Jesus said "let he who is without sin throw the first stone". The Bible isn't kind to freakin' hypocrites who excuse Bubba's raping women but engage Fake Outrage over Trump having a consensual affair.
I have watched pseudocons, including YOU, throw stones at gays, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, the Clintons, and the Obamas every day for YEARS on this forum.

Too late to pull that stone-casting bullshit out of your ass, hypocrite.

Enjoy the karma, baby!
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, try that on for size... bitch. I know Karma is a bitch… LOL
Clinton had sex with woman he knew.

Trump had unprotected sex with nasty porn stars, strumpets, tarts and tramps and spent maybe millions for a little 'tang.

And grabbed everything in between.

Imagine being his current wife. Luckily, he's can't get it up and he's too busy eating anyway but if she turns on the TV, there she is, being humiliated by Mein Drumpf. There's no one on the planet with a computer who hasn't seen her nekkid so maybe she doesn't care.

What’s the difference?

One was a great President. The other is a traitor who has sold out our country to Russia, and is so stupid he couldn't pour piss out of a boot if there were directions on the bottom.

Yabut, he has settled his fat ass in what used to be called the US White House and is now known as trump's dump and we're stuck with him.

Well the myth that republicans are for family and religious values has been obliterated. I'm sure they will still claim they are though since they live in their own fake reality.

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