Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

Unreal, now the Inspector General of the State Department, and presumably the Director of the FBI, are RW nuts with an agenda? LOL
The IG said nothing new, dupes. FBI? We'll see. Why don't they talk with her and end this circus?

Of course the IG said something new moron. Hillary has been claiming all along that she was advised by the State Department legal team that her server was perfectly acceptable, turns out the IG couldn't find one single person who could confirm that she ever had a conversation with them about the legality of her private server.

The report also confirmed that on TWO occasions Hillary was offered use of secure State Department blackberries and refused via Huma who expressed that it was in order to avoid FOIA laws. That is now a matter of record.

There were, of course, other revelations too.
They never said she couldn't. ZZZZZZZ Enough of your circular idiocy.

They never said she couldn't b/c she didn't fucking ask you moron. It says that RIGHT IN THE GOD DAMNED report, it also says that the legal department said that if asked they would not have okayed it.



"Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." -- George Carlin

Face it, nothing short of a pronouncement from God is going to convince these hyper-partisan drones that Hillary Clinton could have POSSIBLY done anything wrong, ever.. and even then they'll put on their apologist skirts and equip their partisan pom-poms in an attempt to justify it.

Hell Clinton could be caught on video cutting out the hearts of infants on her front lawn and these yo-yo's would deny that she did anything wrong.
She did do something wrong, it says so right in the report.

We are not drones, we know the difference between not making copies of your govt emails and giving them to the state dept for their records vs. her cutting the hearts out of infants on her own front are the yo yos that don't seem to know the difference and believe they are on equal level.... :rolleyes:
Unreal, now the Inspector General of the State Department, and presumably the Director of the FBI, are RW nuts with an agenda? LOL
The IG said nothing new, dupes. FBI? We'll see. Why don't they talk with her and end this circus?

Of course the IG said something new moron. Hillary has been claiming all along that she was advised by the State Department legal team that her server was perfectly acceptable, turns out the IG couldn't find one single person who could confirm that she ever had a conversation with them about the legality of her private server.

The report also confirmed that on TWO occasions Hillary was offered use of secure State Department blackberries and refused via Huma who expressed that it was in order to avoid FOIA laws. That is now a matter of record.

There were, of course, other revelations too.
Of course the IG said something new moron. Hillary has been claiming all along that she was advised by the State Department legal team that her server was perfectly acceptable,

THAT'S not true....simply a either made up or are regurgitating it, a lie none the less.

Hillary claimed no such thing.
Unreal, now the Inspector General of the State Department, and presumably the Director of the FBI, are RW nuts with an agenda? LOL
The IG said nothing new, dupes. FBI? We'll see. Why don't they talk with her and end this circus?

Of course the IG said something new moron. Hillary has been claiming all along that she was advised by the State Department legal team that her server was perfectly acceptable, turns out the IG couldn't find one single person who could confirm that she ever had a conversation with them about the legality of her private server.

The report also confirmed that on TWO occasions Hillary was offered use of secure State Department blackberries and refused via Huma who expressed that it was in order to avoid FOIA laws. That is now a matter of record.

There were, of course, other revelations too.
They never said she couldn't. ZZZZZZZ Enough of your circular idiocy.

They never said she couldn't b/c she didn't fucking ask you moron. It says that RIGHT IN THE GOD DAMNED report, it also says that the legal department said that if asked they would not have okayed it.

They knew and did nothing. Brainwashed functional shyttehead. The legal dept is FOS, like your media.
Yes, dupes, we know you believe piles of spin and hate. She broke rules like Powell. BFD. A lot of overofficious jerks and ratings mad media behind this crap.
I wonder how many of the people claiming Hillary leaving classified information weakly protected is no big deal had conniption fits when Armitage let slip that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent?
All of them.

Security is only important in Republican administrations.
Like when the whole Booosh administration used RNC servers and threw ALL of them out. This is crap.
And again, that's totally irrelevant. One, the best hacks are the undetected ones. Two, if she wasn't hacked, she was lucky, not smart. Parents who let a toddler play next to a busy street are negligent whether the child gets hit or not. You know that.
They simply picked the server they already had for convenience, as they knew it was well protected. But carry on with the brainwashed hysteria. Great ratings.
LOL. You think it was well protected. Oh, brother. You do know that the firm she hired to manage it wasn't cleared to handle classified information, right? And that she left classified information in their custody. You do know that, right?
BFD, dupe. They were experts at fighting hacking, and didn't read the e-mails. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Common sense. If they had, your propaganda wouldn't have to use innuendo and bs to fool you. "Custody" my ass.
So you have none. Got it.
Yes, dupes, we know you believe piles of spin and hate. She broke rules like Powell. BFD. A lot of overofficious jerks and ratings mad media behind this crap.
And therein lies encapsulated a brilliant example of the average Hillary sycophant's "thinking". Using that logic and reasoning, a parent should not be criticized for giving a toddler a toy to play with beside a busy street because:

1. Another parent down the block let their child play in the front yard while watching from the window.
2. The child didn't get hit by a car or abducted by a creep in a van.
This is a sad pattern - libs blaming others for their actions and, at the very least, falsely claiming someone else did the exact same thing then trying to justify the act by saying it's ok if someone else did it, too.

Setting up your own hardware off-site for ALL work & personal email mixed is a big deal compared to having an extra email address for personal.
They simply picked the server they already had for convenience, as they knew it was well protected. But carry on with the brainwashed hysteria. Great ratings.
LOL. You think it was well protected. Oh, brother. You do know that the firm she hired to manage it wasn't cleared to handle classified information, right? And that she left classified information in their custody. You do know that, right?
BFD, dupe. They were experts at fighting hacking, and didn't read the e-mails. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Common sense. If they had, your propaganda wouldn't have to use innuendo and bs to fool you. "Custody" my ass.
So you have none. Got it.
Neither do you lol...what a joke.
Get your popcorn ready.

Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton violated federal records rules through her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, a State Department audit has concluded.

"At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department issues before leaving government service," says an audit by the State Department Inspector General, obtained by NBC News.

"Because she did not do so, she did not comply with the [State] Department's policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."

I just saw Hillary on the news. She admitted improperly using a private email server and she claimed it was just a mistake that everyone needs to move past it.

Mistake? She requested a private server for emails and was flat out told no because of security concerns. So, she did it anyway. That is not called a mistake. That is called ignoring safety concerns for your own convenience. Since past Secretary's of State were allowed to have one, she wasn't about to be told no. It used to be done until they re-evaluated the security risk and decided it would no longer be allowed. Hillary was aware of the risks and she did it anyway. Mistake, my ass! Hillary knowingly broke the law because she thinks she should be able to do whatever she wants.

I wonder what she was up to that she was trying to hide from everyone. Maybe has something to do with the favors done for countries who donated heavily to the Clinton Fund and the lies surrounding Benghazi.

This woman is not to be trusted. You can move past honest mistakes, but not outright lies. We shouldn't ignore corruption.

She broke the law by risking national security. It is serious and she knew what she was doing. Her own CYA tactics were given priority over national security.
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She did do something wrong, it says so right in the report.
No shit Sherlock, however that doesn't apparently register with the partisan lemmings that are attempting to justify it nor does it appear to register that if any other citizen who didn't have the connections and power that Her Royal Majesty has got caught doing THE EXACT SAME THING they'd be in a world of legal trouble right now.

We are not drones, we know the difference between not making copies of your govt emails and giving them to the state dept for their records vs. her cutting the hearts out of infants on her own front lawn....
Maybe YOU aren't a drone but based on what I'm seeing that "we" is a very small group; the partisan drones (in both parties) are pathetic in their attempts to rationalize and justify all the heinous shit the politicians they worship perpetrate against the citizenry and the whole concept of justice, just try reading some of the nonsense they write with your objectivity glasses ON and yes based on what I've seen I do believe that many of the partisan drones would in fact attempt to justify ANYTHING that their objects of worship got caught red-handed doing.
LOL. You think it was well protected. Oh, brother. You do know that the firm she hired to manage it wasn't cleared to handle classified information, right? And that she left classified information in their custody. You do know that, right?
BFD, dupe. They were experts at fighting hacking, and didn't read the e-mails. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Common sense. If they had, your propaganda wouldn't have to use innuendo and bs to fool you. "Custody" my ass.
So you have none. Got it.
Neither do you lol...what a joke.
Nor have I made any wild claims.
She already admitted she broke the rules and made a mistake. NO bad results, thankfully. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Right, she was careless with classified information. Not exactly the qualifications I want in the White House.
Get your popcorn ready.

Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton violated federal records rules through her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, a State Department audit has concluded.

"At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department issues before leaving government service," says an audit by the State Department Inspector General, obtained by NBC News.

"Because she did not do so, she did not comply with the [State] Department's policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."

I just saw Hillary on the news. She admitted improperly using a private email server and she claimed it was just a mistake that everyone needs to move past it.

Mistake? She requested a private server for emails and was flat out told no because of security concerns. So, she did it anyway. That is not called a mistake. That is called ignoring safety concerns for your own convenience. Since past Secretary's of State were allowed to have one, she wasn't about to be told no. It used to be done until they re-evaluated the security risk and decided it would no longer be allowed. Hillary was aware of the risks and she did it anyway. Mistake, my ass! Hillary knowingly broke the law because she thinks she should be able to do whatever she wants.

I wonder what she was up to that she was trying to hide from everyone. Maybe has something to do with the favors done for countries who donated heavily to the Clinton Fund and the lies surrounding Benghazi.

This woman is not to be trusted. You can move past honest mistakes, but not outright lies. We shouldn't ignore corruption.

She broke the law by risking national security. It is serious and she knew what she was doing. Her own CYA tactics were given priority over national security.

Incorrect, she did NOT request permission to use her server. The State Department was not aware that she was using her private email exclusively for government business.

Now, I want to know how the hell the State Department wasn't aware. That's another issue that needs to be figured out. How did SOMEONE not notice that NONE of Clinton's emails were from a .gov domain?

But that's another matter entirely unrelated to Clinton herself. She CLAIMS she was told she could use a private email server , but doing so was a mistake anyway. That directly conflicts with the IG report which states that they could not find one person in the State Department who even discussed a private server with Clinton, let alone approved it.

This wasn't a mistake by Clinton. It was a willful disregard of the rules to avoid FOIA requests. The IG report drew that exact conclusion.
Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

Who gives a shit? At least she didn't rape or scam anyone.

Who gives a shit? How about people who rely on the discretion of those with access to classified information to keep THEM safe?

Who gives a shit? How about the people who want to know what kind of deals the SoS is making but can't find out b/c private emails are shielded from FOIA laws?

Pathetic that a moron who gives a shit about the name of a fucking football team doesn't give a shit about the mishandling of goverment emails and classified information.

Fucking loser.

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