Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

You can disagree all you want. That doesn't change the fact any more then this idiot paperview disagreeing that Hillary committed espionage with her server doesn't change the fact that she did.

Nonsense. People have been prosecuted for revealing less.

A Navy sailor entered a guilty plea Friday in a classified information mishandling case that critics charge illustrates a double standard between the treatment of low-ranking government employees and top officials like former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and ex-CIA Director David Petraeus.

Prosecutors allege that Petty Officer First Class Kristian Saucier used a cellphone camera to take photos in the classified engine room of the nuclear submarine where he worked as a mechanic, the USS Alexandria, then destroyed a laptop, camera and memory card after learning he was under investigation.

Last July, Saucier was indicted on one felony count of unlawful retention of national defense information and another felony count of obstruction of justice. He pleaded guilty Friday to the classified information charge, which is part of the Espionage Act, a prosecution spokesman confirmed. No charge of espionage was filed and no public suggestion has been made that he ever planned to disclose the photos to anyone outside the Navy....

Sub sailor's photo case draws comparisons to Clinton emails

Are you serious? Transmitting pictures of a nuclear submarine's engine room is FAR more serious than telling someone troop morale was low. Do you have ANY idea of the level of clearance you have to have to get inside that room?

If all hiLIARy did was the troop morale email, then it would be a minor breach. When combined with the vast amount of years and years of emails, this sailor is being treated in a much harsher fashion than is the Dowager Empress of Chappaqua.

I don't disagree with your point. I'm just saying that the material does have to rise to a certain level before it is considered a crime to disseminate it.

And certainly taking pictures of the inside of a nuclear sub is a pretty serious breach.

So is quite a bit of the info on hiLIARy's server. If this sailor is sentenced to a few years in prison for a couple of photos (that were on his phone, the article doesn't say he sent them to anyone), then Lady Pantsuit should receive several life sentences.

You understand that I agree with you , right?

I don't think that sailor will get a few years though. He'll probably get a general discharge and that's it.
Sonny, I've been dealing with classified material for 30 years. You don't understand how the system works, you only care that Hillary is a Dem and so must be protected at all cost. If I thought you were at all interested in knowing why what she did is illegal I would delve further into it with you, but it's clear that you don't.

Oh, and just to beat you to the punch, I will reiterate, if Powell committed treason (or anyone else for that matter) through misuse of classified emails I want them prosecuted as well.
Powell has been cleared.

Hillary will be as well.

Start coming to terms with that.

Powell hasn't been cleared because he was never investigated for a crime. Hillary IS being investigated for such.

Of course there is a HUGE fundamental difference between what Powell did visa emails and what CLinton did, but you REFUSE to acknowledge any facts.

in short, you are a moron.
Powell was cleared - after it was found classified information had been sent by him from his personal account by the same people doing the review of Clinton.

You are woefully uninformed.

How much you want to wager Clinton won't be charged with any crime?

Sig bet for a month? Let's see how deeply you're into this muck.

You are TRULY stupid.

The IG report did NOT say that Powell sent two classified emails from his private email. It said he RECEIVED two classified emails on his private email. THAT IS NOT ILLEGAL , if it were illegal , Obama could send classified emails to Trump and then have him arrested for possessing classified material and then what?

Fucking moron

The current IG report did not address the classified mails, fucknut.

And no, Powell SENT the classified info.

You'd know that if you were informed, because Powell DELETED all his emails - so there would be no way to know what he *sent.* (without an investigation into the fucking hackneyed AOL servers they went through...long since dumped)

From the Moonie RW Times:

"Former Secretary of State Colin Powell sent classified information from his private email account during his time in office, as did top aides to his successor, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, a top Democrat revealed Thursday, saying it undercut the questions surrounding Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton’s own emails."

Colin Powell and aides to Condoleezza Rice mailed classified info on personal accounts
Colin Powell and aides to Condoleezza Rice ... - Washington Times

THEN call your local FBI office and have him charged. I DON'T CARE. I want any and all who committed espionage charged with a fucking crime.

Your loony response here has been reduced to "Powell did it, so Hillary shouldn't be charged with a crime"

That's fucking stupid. She's running for POTUS for fuck sakes even if she is NEVER charged, no sane god damned person should ever want her anywhere near the oval office.
Powell has been cleared.

Hillary will be as well.

Start coming to terms with that.

Powell hasn't been cleared because he was never investigated for a crime. Hillary IS being investigated for such.

Of course there is a HUGE fundamental difference between what Powell did visa emails and what CLinton did, but you REFUSE to acknowledge any facts.

in short, you are a moron.
Powell was cleared - after it was found classified information had been sent by him from his personal account by the same people doing the review of Clinton.

You are woefully uninformed.

How much you want to wager Clinton won't be charged with any crime?

Sig bet for a month? Let's see how deeply you're into this muck.

You are TRULY stupid.

The IG report did NOT say that Powell sent two classified emails from his private email. It said he RECEIVED two classified emails on his private email. THAT IS NOT ILLEGAL , if it were illegal , Obama could send classified emails to Trump and then have him arrested for possessing classified material and then what?

Fucking moron

The current IG report did not address the classified mails, fucknut.

And no, Powell SENT the classified info.

You'd know that if you were informed, because Powell DELETED all his emails - so there would be no way to know what he *sent.* (without an investigation into the fucking hackneyed AOL servers they went through...long since dumped)

From the Moonie RW Times:

"Former Secretary of State Colin Powell sent classified information from his private email account during his time in office, as did top aides to his successor, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, a top Democrat revealed Thursday, saying it undercut the questions surrounding Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton’s own emails."

Colin Powell and aides to Condoleezza Rice mailed classified info on personal accounts
Colin Powell and aides to Condoleezza Rice ... - Washington Times

THEN call your local FBI office and have him charged. I DON'T CARE. I want any and all who committed espionage charged with a fucking crime.

Your loony response here has been reduced to "Powell did it, so Hillary shouldn't be charged with a crime"

That's fucking stupid. She's running for POTUS for fuck sakes even if she is NEVER charged, no sane god damned person should ever want her anywhere near the oval office.
Change your tampon and take a double dose of Midol, you emotional ragbag.
I'm betting she doesn't want to turn her IT manager over to GOP ravenous wolves. Remember Cheney turning over Scooter Libby? We all know Bush and Cheney committed treason when they outed a covert CIA agent. Scooter took the fall. But Hillary never set up a server or even set up her email. She wouldn't know how.
She paid the IT geek to do it.
That IT geek has 'rolled' on Hillary already.
Sure. You mean the "covert CIA agent" who was a fucking steno clerk her whole carrer?
Outing a covert CIA agent is treason. Maligning her character is baring false witness. Baring false witness is a sin straight from the ten commandments.

Careful, you could burn in hell for all eternity according to the gospel.
If what you claim happened was "treason" why wasn't anyone charged with "treason"?
Because the bitch spent her entire CIA career in the fucking steno pool.
She was NEVER on ANY COVERT missions you idiot!
God bless Hillary! She's a great American patriot.

Great American fraud and liar and criminal would be more accurate. Are you really as stupid as you appear to be?

Are you a Trump supporter? If so, you should be more careful who you call a fraud, liar, and criminal.
Isn't Your pickup behind the PP clinic full by now.
You better get to the incinerator before it closes.
BFD, dupe. They were experts at fighting hacking, and didn't read the e-mails. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Common sense. If they had, your propaganda wouldn't have to use innuendo and bs to fool you. "Custody" my ass.
So you have none. Got it.
Neither do you lol...what a joke.
Nor have I made any wild claims.
No evidence her server was mishandled, hacked, or insecure. Just the usual RW BS. And bureaucratic CYA and cowardly corporate media ratings chase...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

Who gives a shit? At least she didn't rape or scam anyone.

Who gives a shit? How about people who rely on the discretion of those with access to classified information to keep THEM safe?

Who gives a shit? How about the people who want to know what kind of deals the SoS is making but can't find out b/c private emails are shielded from FOIA laws?

Pathetic that a moron who gives a shit about the name of a fucking football team doesn't give a shit about the mishandling of goverment emails and classified information.

Fucking loser.
Calm down FB.....
Her private email server was to shield her personal emails, not her govt emails.... she knows the Rs in Congress quite well with all of their unnecessary attacks on her and her husband's personal life, the Rs and gossip rags have made a good living off of it for 30 years....

Turns out the govt got all of her personal emails anyway, through her server, but judicial watch and Fox news and drudge and briebart etc can't get copies on an FOIA REQUEST.

And did you supply a link yet on Hillary saying she got permission? You keep repeating that as if it were true....and I have followed this incident from beginning to end and she has NEVER said "she got permission", that's simply not true. She has said it didn't break the rules..... and it DIDN'T break the rules....even in the state dept report, the State on this, did not say it broke the rules, they simply said no one came to their lawyers to far as they could tell.

And if she had taken a email account instead of Clinton, all of those classified emails that were redacted would STILL be on an UNCLASSIFIED email system and all of them would still be gone through and redacted or pulled before these FOIA Releases....So it was common practice at the State dept to have classified information on their UNCLASSIFIED email system.... that's a fact, Jack.

And yes, anyone including their lawyers if they tried to communicate with her via email knew she was using a personal email account....there is no way around them NOT knowing....she had NO gov't email account...none, zero, zip.
Rarely have I witnessed someone 'dancing on the head of a pin' as well as you do.
Got any new dance steps ready for when the FBI recommends numerous felony charges against Hillary?
Or are you going with: "Well it just proves the FBI is controlled by the GOP".
We are already getting that bullshit from Hillary's ass lickers here.
The fact that this drags on forever and the FBI (GOP head) hasn't interviewed Hillary YET lol makes it suspicious more and more. Nobody said anything was proved. That's RW brainwashed bs like yours, hater dupe.
God bless Hillary! She's a great American patriot.

Great American fraud and liar and criminal would be more accurate. Are you really as stupid as you appear to be?

Are you a Trump supporter? If so, you should be more careful who you call a fraud, liar, and criminal.
Isn't Your pickup behind the PP clinic full by now.
You better get to the incinerator before it closes.
Check stem cell medical marvels, brainwashed functional moron. And no, no sales except on planet GOP lies/hater dupes.
I've tried to give Care the benefit of the doubt, but it's obvious at this point that she is a partisan dunce.
Did you provide the link for Hillary saying she GOT PERMISSION from the State dept lawyers yet? Well? Or will you admit you were simply mistaken on that...?

I'm not a dunce, I've followed this incident from the beginning and have researched it all from top to bottom, from inside and out, and from the left's perspective and the rightwing's spinning.... :D

I am certain I can be partisan from time to time....WHO isn't on this political message board??

Go read the fucking IG report. The IG says that Clinton's claims that she had permission to use the server are wrong, and that she didn't ask for permission.

Are you calling the independent IG a liar?

You called the report a "fucking IG report", now why would anyone take anything seriously when punctuated by "fucking" (unless it's prorn)?

That said, can anyone prove anything posted by HRC or anyone who sent her a an e-mail caused any harm to our nation? The same partisan jerks who lamblast HRC for her e-mail blunders are most likely the one's who hold Edward Snowden as some sort of hero. More evidence that the right wing is populated by lunatics.

Hmmm...most of what is posted by the Crazy Right Wing is porn, as in you know it when your read it.
Who gives a shit? At least she didn't rape or scam anyone.

Who gives a shit? How about people who rely on the discretion of those with access to classified information to keep THEM safe?

Who gives a shit? How about the people who want to know what kind of deals the SoS is making but can't find out b/c private emails are shielded from FOIA laws?

Pathetic that a moron who gives a shit about the name of a fucking football team doesn't give a shit about the mishandling of goverment emails and classified information.

Fucking loser.
what seems to be lost is the fact that Hillary made a decision while in a very high office that was self serving; against protocol; and COULD HAVE , (albeit likely didn't) compromise the safety of Americans.

How anyone can give her a pass on that is beyond me.

It's pure partisanship. I have ZERO doubt that most of those still defending Clinton on this would have been calling for prison if she had been a Republican. Of course I also realize that many who are calling for her head now, would wave this off as no big deal if she were a Republican.
I find it very hard to believe that a republican who was found to have done the same thing would be on the verge of receiving the republican presidential nomination.
Yes, elected official are very partisan...and yes, much of the electorate tend to be partisan....but when it comes to a politician that does something that is self serving while in office that has been proven to be intentional and could have compromised the security of America, most of the electorate would steer away from that person when voting.

For whatever reason, Hillary is different. And to be frank, I don't get it.
I honestly believe many many LIBs are basically amoral.They don't see the world in black and white.
Everything, including how one conducts themselves is 'gray'.
The Clinton's are their heroes.
Get away with whatever you can. When you're caught blame someone else. Or "but Tommy did it too!". Bullshit!
There is a very stark moral divide between REPs and LIBs.

You've made allegations of wrongdoing and yet have never posted convincing evidence of wrongdoing. Character assassination is your game, and that violates one of the Ten Commandments - don't pretend you are acting morally, you're not and likely will go to hell.
Don't forget, 1-2 years in and email of the "hand picked" IT gerk cannot be located. Missing is the auto-archive file (MicroSoft). He obviously sent this file "somewhere" and took it or destroyed the storage device. Hmmmmmm?..........this is OK too? normal practice? Nobody knows anything this far into it?
Don't forget, 1-2 years in and email of the "hand picked" IT gerk cannot be located. Missing is the auto-archive file (MicroSoft). He obviously sent this file "somewhere" and took it or destroyed the storage device. Hmmmmmm?..........this is OK too? normal practice? Nobody knows anything this far into it?
Misinformation overload^^ lol
No shit stupid. The ONLY emails we're concerned with here are the ones with classified material. This is why I said 40 pages ago that you're an idiot if you routinely email classified material and you use more than your approved .gov email address. It's too easy to get mixed up and accidentally send classified material through the non secure email, in which case you are fucked. But in THIS case , that wasn't even what happened. we have a SoS who ONLY used a private non secure (by definition) server.

Or do you stupidly believe that Clinton didn't send one single email with classified material in it the entire time she was Sec of State? Wait , before you answer that, make sure you realize that we already know she did.

You keep on fucking that retroactively classified chicken.

Let us know how it all works out.

Any day now...
any day....

Sonny, I've been dealing with classified material for 30 years. You don't understand how the system works, you only care that Hillary is a Dem and so must be protected at all cost. If I thought you were at all interested in knowing why what she did is illegal I would delve further into it with you, but it's clear that you don't.

Oh, and just to beat you to the punch, I will reiterate, if Powell committed treason (or anyone else for that matter) through misuse of classified emails I want them prosecuted as well.
Powell has been cleared.

Hillary will be as well.

Start coming to terms with that.

Powell hasn't been cleared because he was never investigated for a crime. Hillary IS being investigated for such.

Of course there is a HUGE fundamental difference between what Powell did visa emails and what CLinton did, but you REFUSE to acknowledge any facts.

in short, you are a moron.
Powell was cleared - after it was found classified information had been sent by him from his personal account by the same people doing the review of Clinton.

You are woefully uninformed.

How much you want to wager Clinton won't be charged with any crime?

Sig bet for a month? Let's see how deeply you're into this muck.
How about if the FBI recommends any charge be brought against Hillary, whether Lynch goes ahead and charges Hillary or not YOU leave this forum forever. NO going back EVER!
If the FBI does not recommend any charge be brought against Hillary I will leave this forum forever?
Or are you now going to claim as your other Hillary ass licker friends here that the FBI is controlled by the GOP?
You keep on fucking that retroactively classified chicken.

Let us know how it all works out.

Any day now...
any day....

Sonny, I've been dealing with classified material for 30 years. You don't understand how the system works, you only care that Hillary is a Dem and so must be protected at all cost. If I thought you were at all interested in knowing why what she did is illegal I would delve further into it with you, but it's clear that you don't.

Oh, and just to beat you to the punch, I will reiterate, if Powell committed treason (or anyone else for that matter) through misuse of classified emails I want them prosecuted as well.
Powell has been cleared.

Hillary will be as well.

Start coming to terms with that.

Powell hasn't been cleared because he was never investigated for a crime. Hillary IS being investigated for such.

Of course there is a HUGE fundamental difference between what Powell did visa emails and what CLinton did, but you REFUSE to acknowledge any facts.

in short, you are a moron.
Powell was cleared - after it was found classified information had been sent by him from his personal account by the same people doing the review of Clinton.

You are woefully uninformed.

How much you want to wager Clinton won't be charged with any crime?

Sig bet for a month? Let's see how deeply you're into this muck.
How about if the FBI recommends any charge be brought against Hillary, whether Lynch goes ahead and charges Hillary or not YOU leave this forum forever. NO going back EVER!
If the FBI does not recommend any charge be brought against Hillary I will leave this forum forever?
Or are you now going to claim as your other Hillary ass licker friends here that the FBI is controlled by the GOP?

vulgar and antisocial ^^^ post - dannyboys is one sick puppy.
Sonny, I've been dealing with classified material for 30 years. You don't understand how the system works, you only care that Hillary is a Dem and so must be protected at all cost. If I thought you were at all interested in knowing why what she did is illegal I would delve further into it with you, but it's clear that you don't.

Oh, and just to beat you to the punch, I will reiterate, if Powell committed treason (or anyone else for that matter) through misuse of classified emails I want them prosecuted as well.
Powell has been cleared.

Hillary will be as well.

Start coming to terms with that.

Powell hasn't been cleared because he was never investigated for a crime. Hillary IS being investigated for such.

Of course there is a HUGE fundamental difference between what Powell did visa emails and what CLinton did, but you REFUSE to acknowledge any facts.

in short, you are a moron.
Powell was cleared - after it was found classified information had been sent by him from his personal account by the same people doing the review of Clinton.

You are woefully uninformed.

How much you want to wager Clinton won't be charged with any crime?

Sig bet for a month? Let's see how deeply you're into this muck.
How about if the FBI recommends any charge be brought against Hillary, whether Lynch goes ahead and charges Hillary or not YOU leave this forum forever. NO going back EVER!
If the FBI does not recommend any charge be brought against Hillary I will leave this forum forever?
Or are you now going to claim as your other Hillary ass licker friends here that the FBI is controlled by the GOP?

vulgar and antisocial ^^^ post - dannyboys is one sick puppy.
Answer his question bitch

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Common sense. If they had, your propaganda wouldn't have to use innuendo and bs to fool you. "Custody" my ass.
So you have none. Got it.
Neither do you lol...what a joke.
Nor have I made any wild claims.
No evidence her server was mishandled, hacked, or insecure. Just the usual RW BS. And bureaucratic CYA and cowardly corporate media ratings chase...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Ramble, ramble, desperate search for excuses....
Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

Who gives a shit? At least she didn't rape or scam anyone.

Who gives a shit? How about people who rely on the discretion of those with access to classified information to keep THEM safe?

Who gives a shit? How about the people who want to know what kind of deals the SoS is making but can't find out b/c private emails are shielded from FOIA laws?

Pathetic that a moron who gives a shit about the name of a fucking football team doesn't give a shit about the mishandling of goverment emails and classified information.

Fucking loser.
Calm down FB.....
Her private email server was to shield her personal emails, not her govt emails.... she knows the Rs in Congress quite well with all of their unnecessary attacks on her and her husband's personal life, the Rs and gossip rags have made a good living off of it for 30 years....

Turns out the govt got all of her personal emails anyway, through her server, but judicial watch and Fox news and drudge and briebart etc can't get copies on an FOIA REQUEST.

And did you supply a link yet on Hillary saying she got permission? You keep repeating that as if it were true....and I have followed this incident from beginning to end and she has NEVER said "she got permission", that's simply not true. She has said it didn't break the rules..... and it DIDN'T break the rules....even in the state dept report, the State on this, did not say it broke the rules, they simply said no one came to their lawyers to far as they could tell.

And if she had taken a email account instead of Clinton, all of those classified emails that were redacted would STILL be on an UNCLASSIFIED email system and all of them would still be gone through and redacted or pulled before these FOIA Releases....So it was common practice at the State dept to have classified information on their UNCLASSIFIED email system.... that's a fact, Jack.

And yes, anyone including their lawyers if they tried to communicate with her via email knew she was using a personal email account....there is no way around them NOT knowing....she had NO gov't email account...none, zero, zip.
if the private server was to shield her private emails then why did she not simply use the private server for her private emails?

I is hilarious that you actually believe that crap.

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