Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

Fifth, to the extent that she is criticized because “she did not comply with the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act,” the report is making a legal judgment that is not particularly strong.

Note how she is not labeled as violating any statute,
but rather, a real mouthful of mush – “the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act.” So we are talking about obscure, dull, bureaucratic policies. Not a criminal statute. Not even a civil statute – just the bureaucratic policies.

A report that says so little new against Clinton, amounts to a vindication.

State Department Report On Email Vindicates Clinton Rather Than Nails Her | Forbes

Yeah who gives a shit about avoiding FOIA laws are espionage? She's a Democrat.
State Department Report On Email Vindicates Clinton Rather Than Nails Her | Forbes

"Third, where the report does add to our knowledge, is about Colin Powell, who served from 2001-2005.

Powell did all his email business on a private account. All of his emails on official business were apparently in a private account.

It is not clear why a great deal of what is said against Clinton’s emails, could not be said against Powell’s.

Moreover, Powell’s similar practices can hardly be blamed on his being a novice about security. He not only had been Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he had been National Security Adviser. He had jurisdiction over all the intelligence agencies. Since Powell, with unimpeachable security credentials, felt fine using private email for official business, why are we climbing all over Clinton? It is, to be blunt, a double standard."

Silly straw man argument. Different rules/laws/regulations. To attempt to equate the two is absurd.
from the article:

The audit found that the non-compliance over personal email went beyond Clinton, and that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, also failed to preserve government-related emails when he was secretary of state.

The State Department asked Powell to try to receive relevant emails from his internet provider, but "as of May 2016 the Department has not received a response" from Powell, the audit said.

Indeed, the report's conclusion cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" in electronic record-keeping "that go well beyond the tenure of any one secretary of state."

then indict both Clinton and powell. Do it.

Why Powell? The rules were not in place regarding email during his tenure.

State dept rules are not what this is about. Its about breaking the laws regarding protection and nondisclosure of classified data.

It has been proven that HRC did it, the lefties claim that Powell did it too, so indict both of them and let the courts sort it out.
Neither what Clinton did was illegal, nor Powell.

Easy peasy.

Broke some rules, guideline, didn't follow protocol? Yup. Rose to the level of violating a criminal statute? Nope.
State Department Report On Email Vindicates Clinton Rather Than Nails Her | Forbes

"Third, where the report does add to our knowledge, is about Colin Powell, who served from 2001-2005.

Powell did all his email business on a private account. All of his emails on official business were apparently in a private account.

It is not clear why a great deal of what is said against Clinton’s emails, could not be said against Powell’s.

Moreover, Powell’s similar practices can hardly be blamed on his being a novice about security. He not only had been Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he had been National Security Adviser. He had jurisdiction over all the intelligence agencies. Since Powell, with unimpeachable security credentials, felt fine using private email for official business, why are we climbing all over Clinton? It is, to be blunt, a double standard."

Silly straw man argument. Different rules/laws/regulations. To attempt to equate the two is absurd.
Be a good little pony and let us know when you get an indictment.
Neither what Clinton did was illegal, nor Powell.

Easy peasy.

Broke some rules, guideline, didn't follow protocol? Yup. Rose to the level of violating a criminal statute? Nope.

You don't even understand the laws. That is clear.

It's also clear that you don't care.

"Must protect the Dem"

that's all you have, it saddens me to know that .
God bless Hillary! She's a great American patriot.

Great American fraud and liar and criminal would be more accurate. Are you really as stupid as you appear to be?

Are you a Trump supporter? If so, you should be more careful who you call a fraud, liar, and criminal.

I call Hillary a fraud, liar, and criminal because she is proven to be all of those things.

If you think Trump committed fraud, lied, or committed criminal acts, provide proof or STFU and admit that your head is so far up Hillary's fat ass that you cannot see reality.
45,000 threads on Trump and that dumb shit has to come in here and try to deflect this thread to let us know he doesn't like Trump. Good grief.
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: Thanks, [Moderator]. To your two questions about why Secretary Clinton didn’t use email and why she didn’t seek approval for her personal system, unfortunately I don’t think we can speak to that and we’d have to refer you to Secretary Clinton and her team. The OIG report does not get into that and doesn’t make findings with respect to that.

You did ask about or recite several of the (inaudible) provisions that were in place during Secretary Clinton’s tenure.

And one thing that is clear is that the policies on email evolves over time and our guidance to officials on how to comply with them evolved and improved over time. Some of the most relevant NARA guidelines on the use of personal email were not issued until 2013

. And to this day, the Federal Records Act still permits the use of personal email to some extent provided that you follow the key principle, which is to capture them.

So while we would never – while we wouldn’t encourage the use of a personal email, there was no absolute prohibition on it during this or any other tenure, administration.

And while it may have been difficult to approve such a system in light of the policies, we think it’s very important to note that both the OIG and NARA have said by going out and getting records back from Secretary Clinton that we have mitigated the past problems associated with this use."

Briefing on the State Department Inspector General's Report, Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements
45,000 threads on Trump and that dumb shit has to come in here and try to deflect this thread to let us know he doesn't like Trump. Good grief.

Its all they have. Their candidate is a loser, a liar, and a criminal. They cannot defend her so they go on the attack, its quite pathetic really.
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: Thanks, [Moderator]. To your two questions about why Secretary Clinton didn’t use email and why she didn’t seek approval for her personal system, unfortunately I don’t think we can speak to that and we’d have to refer you to Secretary Clinton and her team. The OIG report does not get into that and doesn’t make findings with respect to that.

You did ask about or recite several of the (inaudible) provisions that were in place during Secretary Clinton’s tenure.

And one thing that is clear is that the policies on email evolves over time and our guidance to officials on how to comply with them evolved and improved over time. Some of the most relevant NARA guidelines on the use of personal email were not issued until 2013

. And to this day, the Federal Records Act still permits the use of personal email to some extent provided that you follow the key principle, which is to capture them.

So while we would never – while we wouldn’t encourage the use of a personal email, there was no absolute prohibition on it during this or any other tenure, administration.

And while it may have been difficult to approve such a system in light of the policies, we think it’s very important to note that both the OIG and NARA have said by going out and getting records back from Secretary Clinton that we have mitigated the past problems associated with this use."

Briefing on the State Department Inspector General's Report, Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements

Can you point out the language that allows transmittal of classified data on an unsecure personal e-mail server? I could not find it so maybe you can point it out for us.
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: Thanks, [Moderator]. To your two questions about why Secretary Clinton didn’t use email and why she didn’t seek approval for her personal system, unfortunately I don’t think we can speak to that and we’d have to refer you to Secretary Clinton and her team. The OIG report does not get into that and doesn’t make findings with respect to that.

You did ask about or recite several of the (inaudible) provisions that were in place during Secretary Clinton’s tenure.

And one thing that is clear is that the policies on email evolves over time and our guidance to officials on how to comply with them evolved and improved over time. Some of the most relevant NARA guidelines on the use of personal email were not issued until 2013

. And to this day, the Federal Records Act still permits the use of personal email to some extent provided that you follow the key principle, which is to capture them.

So while we would never – while we wouldn’t encourage the use of a personal email, there was no absolute prohibition on it during this or any other tenure, administration.

And while it may have been difficult to approve such a system in light of the policies, we think it’s very important to note that both the OIG and NARA have said by going out and getting records back from Secretary Clinton that we have mitigated the past problems associated with this use."

Briefing on the State Department Inspector General's Report, Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements

No shit stupid. The ONLY emails we're concerned with here are the ones with classified material. This is why I said 40 pages ago that you're an idiot if you routinely email classified material and you use more than your approved .gov email address. It's too easy to get mixed up and accidentally send classified material through the non secure email, in which case you are fucked. But in THIS case , that wasn't even what happened. we have a SoS who ONLY used a private non secure (by definition) server.

Or do you stupidly believe that Clinton didn't send one single email with classified material in it the entire time she was Sec of State? Wait , before you answer that, make sure you realize that we already know she did.
"Your second question, I think, boils down to, again, was Secretary Clinton not subject to the rules, and I think what the OIG found is that the Department had rules but didn’t do a very good job of ensuring that they were followed. And while some people in the Department had awareness of Secretary Clinton’s email practices, that awareness didn’t extend to a complete understanding, whole picture, of what she was doing.

Secretary Clinton has said that she would not make the same decision again, and the Department has said in the OIG report that it wouldn’t have recommended the approach.

So where we stand today is, looking back over several administrations, you see the Department working very hard to update its policies and then having its implementation of those policies lag. And today we’re in a much better posture.

Secretary Kerry has his emails automatically archived. We’re going to improve the way he is checked out of the building and the way the next secretary of state is checked in. I don’t think that there’s any finding in the report that Secretary Clinton – or Secretary Powell, for that matter – were not subject to the rules. It’s more of a function of the Department not doing a great job of ensuring that its rules were understood and that the tools were in place to comply with completely.

And then, of course, we have to emphasize – because it’s very important to us, receiving this report today – NARA and the OIG findings that we’ve mitigated the problems associated with Secretary Clinton’s emails is very important. It means that we’ve gone out, we’ve gotten them back, they’re part of our corporate record.

They’re available for the public to review on the internet. We underwent a massive review and production process over the last 14 months or so to get those out. And so in May 2016, we’re feeling like we’re very much on the trajectory to improve going forward and have – and that we’ve addressed many of the problems that are identified in this report."

Briefing on the State Department Inspector General's Report, Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements
"Your second question, I think, boils down to, again, was Secretary Clinton not subject to the rules, and I think what the OIG found is that the Department had rules but didn’t do a very good job of ensuring that they were followed. And while some people in the Department had awareness of Secretary Clinton’s email practices, that awareness didn’t extend to a complete understanding, whole picture, of what she was doing.

Secretary Clinton has said that she would not make the same decision again, and the Department has said in the OIG report that it wouldn’t have recommended the approach.

So where we stand today is, looking back over several administrations, you see the Department working very hard to update its policies and then having its implementation of those policies lag. And today we’re in a much better posture.

Secretary Kerry has his emails automatically archived. We’re going to improve the way he is checked out of the building and the way the next secretary of state is checked in. I don’t think that there’s any finding in the report that Secretary Clinton – or Secretary Powell, for that matter – were not subject to the rules. It’s more of a function of the Department not doing a great job of ensuring that its rules were understood and that the tools were in place to comply with completely.

And then, of course, we have to emphasize – because it’s very important to us, receiving this report today – NARA and the OIG findings that we’ve mitigated the problems associated with Secretary Clinton’s emails is very important. It means that we’ve gone out, we’ve gotten them back, they’re part of our corporate record.

They’re available for the public to review on the internet. We underwent a massive review and production process over the last 14 months or so to get those out. And so in May 2016, we’re feeling like we’re very much on the trajectory to improve going forward and have – and that we’ve addressed many of the problems that are identified in this report."

Briefing on the State Department Inspector General's Report, Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements

The State Department rules may not have been clear, but the FBI was most assuredly VERY clear when they explained the Espionage Act to Hillary the first day she took office. I can guarantee you that. Those guys don't fool around with that.
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: Thanks, [Moderator]. To your two questions about why Secretary Clinton didn’t use email and why she didn’t seek approval for her personal system, unfortunately I don’t think we can speak to that and we’d have to refer you to Secretary Clinton and her team. The OIG report does not get into that and doesn’t make findings with respect to that.

You did ask about or recite several of the (inaudible) provisions that were in place during Secretary Clinton’s tenure.

And one thing that is clear is that the policies on email evolves over time and our guidance to officials on how to comply with them evolved and improved over time. Some of the most relevant NARA guidelines on the use of personal email were not issued until 2013

. And to this day, the Federal Records Act still permits the use of personal email to some extent provided that you follow the key principle, which is to capture them.

So while we would never – while we wouldn’t encourage the use of a personal email, there was no absolute prohibition on it during this or any other tenure, administration.

And while it may have been difficult to approve such a system in light of the policies, we think it’s very important to note that both the OIG and NARA have said by going out and getting records back from Secretary Clinton that we have mitigated the past problems associated with this use."

Briefing on the State Department Inspector General's Report, Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements

No shit stupid. The ONLY emails we're concerned with here are the ones with classified material. This is why I said 40 pages ago that you're an idiot if you routinely email classified material and you use more than your approved .gov email address. It's too easy to get mixed up and accidentally send classified material through the non secure email, in which case you are fucked. But in THIS case , that wasn't even what happened. we have a SoS who ONLY used a private non secure (by definition) server.

Or do you stupidly believe that Clinton didn't send one single email with classified material in it the entire time she was Sec of State? Wait , before you answer that, make sure you realize that we already know she did.

You keep on fucking that retroactively classified chicken.

Let us know how it all works out.

Any day now...
any day....
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: Thanks, [Moderator]. To your two questions about why Secretary Clinton didn’t use email and why she didn’t seek approval for her personal system, unfortunately I don’t think we can speak to that and we’d have to refer you to Secretary Clinton and her team. The OIG report does not get into that and doesn’t make findings with respect to that.

You did ask about or recite several of the (inaudible) provisions that were in place during Secretary Clinton’s tenure.

And one thing that is clear is that the policies on email evolves over time and our guidance to officials on how to comply with them evolved and improved over time. Some of the most relevant NARA guidelines on the use of personal email were not issued until 2013

. And to this day, the Federal Records Act still permits the use of personal email to some extent provided that you follow the key principle, which is to capture them.

So while we would never – while we wouldn’t encourage the use of a personal email, there was no absolute prohibition on it during this or any other tenure, administration.

And while it may have been difficult to approve such a system in light of the policies, we think it’s very important to note that both the OIG and NARA have said by going out and getting records back from Secretary Clinton that we have mitigated the past problems associated with this use."

Briefing on the State Department Inspector General's Report, Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements

No shit stupid. The ONLY emails we're concerned with here are the ones with classified material. This is why I said 40 pages ago that you're an idiot if you routinely email classified material and you use more than your approved .gov email address. It's too easy to get mixed up and accidentally send classified material through the non secure email, in which case you are fucked. But in THIS case , that wasn't even what happened. we have a SoS who ONLY used a private non secure (by definition) server.

Or do you stupidly believe that Clinton didn't send one single email with classified material in it the entire time she was Sec of State? Wait , before you answer that, make sure you realize that we already know she did.

You keep on fucking that retroactively classified chicken.

Let us know how it all works out.

Any day now...
any day....

Sonny, I've been dealing with classified material for 30 years. You don't understand how the system works, you only care that Hillary is a Dem and so must be protected at all cost. If I thought you were at all interested in knowing why what she did is illegal I would delve further into it with you, but it's clear that you don't.

Oh, and just to beat you to the punch, I will reiterate, if Powell committed treason (or anyone else for that matter) through misuse of classified emails I want them prosecuted as well.
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: Thanks, [Moderator]. To your two questions about why Secretary Clinton didn’t use email and why she didn’t seek approval for her personal system, unfortunately I don’t think we can speak to that and we’d have to refer you to Secretary Clinton and her team. The OIG report does not get into that and doesn’t make findings with respect to that.

You did ask about or recite several of the (inaudible) provisions that were in place during Secretary Clinton’s tenure.

And one thing that is clear is that the policies on email evolves over time and our guidance to officials on how to comply with them evolved and improved over time. Some of the most relevant NARA guidelines on the use of personal email were not issued until 2013

. And to this day, the Federal Records Act still permits the use of personal email to some extent provided that you follow the key principle, which is to capture them.

So while we would never – while we wouldn’t encourage the use of a personal email, there was no absolute prohibition on it during this or any other tenure, administration.

And while it may have been difficult to approve such a system in light of the policies, we think it’s very important to note that both the OIG and NARA have said by going out and getting records back from Secretary Clinton that we have mitigated the past problems associated with this use."

Briefing on the State Department Inspector General's Report, Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements

No shit stupid. The ONLY emails we're concerned with here are the ones with classified material. This is why I said 40 pages ago that you're an idiot if you routinely email classified material and you use more than your approved .gov email address. It's too easy to get mixed up and accidentally send classified material through the non secure email, in which case you are fucked. But in THIS case , that wasn't even what happened. we have a SoS who ONLY used a private non secure (by definition) server.

Or do you stupidly believe that Clinton didn't send one single email with classified material in it the entire time she was Sec of State? Wait , before you answer that, make sure you realize that we already know she did.

You keep on fucking that retroactively classified chicken.

Let us know how it all works out.

Any day now...
any day....

Sonny, I've been dealing with classified material for 30 years. You don't understand how the system works, you only care that Hillary is a Dem and so must be protected at all cost. If I thought you were at all interested in knowing why what she did is illegal I would delve further into it with you, but it's clear that you don't.

Oh, and just to beat you to the punch, I will reiterate, if Powell committed treason (or anyone else for that matter) through misuse of classified emails I want them prosecuted as well.
Powell has been cleared.

Hillary will be as well.

Start coming to terms with that.
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: Thanks, [Moderator]. To your two questions about why Secretary Clinton didn’t use email and why she didn’t seek approval for her personal system, unfortunately I don’t think we can speak to that and we’d have to refer you to Secretary Clinton and her team. The OIG report does not get into that and doesn’t make findings with respect to that.

You did ask about or recite several of the (inaudible) provisions that were in place during Secretary Clinton’s tenure.

And one thing that is clear is that the policies on email evolves over time and our guidance to officials on how to comply with them evolved and improved over time. Some of the most relevant NARA guidelines on the use of personal email were not issued until 2013

. And to this day, the Federal Records Act still permits the use of personal email to some extent provided that you follow the key principle, which is to capture them.

So while we would never – while we wouldn’t encourage the use of a personal email, there was no absolute prohibition on it during this or any other tenure, administration.

And while it may have been difficult to approve such a system in light of the policies, we think it’s very important to note that both the OIG and NARA have said by going out and getting records back from Secretary Clinton that we have mitigated the past problems associated with this use."

Briefing on the State Department Inspector General's Report, Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements

No shit stupid. The ONLY emails we're concerned with here are the ones with classified material. This is why I said 40 pages ago that you're an idiot if you routinely email classified material and you use more than your approved .gov email address. It's too easy to get mixed up and accidentally send classified material through the non secure email, in which case you are fucked. But in THIS case , that wasn't even what happened. we have a SoS who ONLY used a private non secure (by definition) server.

Or do you stupidly believe that Clinton didn't send one single email with classified material in it the entire time she was Sec of State? Wait , before you answer that, make sure you realize that we already know she did.

You keep on fucking that retroactively classified chicken.

Let us know how it all works out.

Any day now...
any day....

Sonny, I've been dealing with classified material for 30 years. You don't understand how the system works, you only care that Hillary is a Dem and so must be protected at all cost. If I thought you were at all interested in knowing why what she did is illegal I would delve further into it with you, but it's clear that you don't.

Oh, and just to beat you to the punch, I will reiterate, if Powell committed treason (or anyone else for that matter) through misuse of classified emails I want them prosecuted as well.
Powell has been cleared.

Hillary will be as well.

Start coming to terms with that.
Good luck with that. Hope dies last I suppose.
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: Thanks, [Moderator]. To your two questions about why Secretary Clinton didn’t use email and why she didn’t seek approval for her personal system, unfortunately I don’t think we can speak to that and we’d have to refer you to Secretary Clinton and her team. The OIG report does not get into that and doesn’t make findings with respect to that.

You did ask about or recite several of the (inaudible) provisions that were in place during Secretary Clinton’s tenure.

And one thing that is clear is that the policies on email evolves over time and our guidance to officials on how to comply with them evolved and improved over time. Some of the most relevant NARA guidelines on the use of personal email were not issued until 2013

. And to this day, the Federal Records Act still permits the use of personal email to some extent provided that you follow the key principle, which is to capture them.

So while we would never – while we wouldn’t encourage the use of a personal email, there was no absolute prohibition on it during this or any other tenure, administration.

And while it may have been difficult to approve such a system in light of the policies, we think it’s very important to note that both the OIG and NARA have said by going out and getting records back from Secretary Clinton that we have mitigated the past problems associated with this use."

Briefing on the State Department Inspector General's Report, Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements

No shit stupid. The ONLY emails we're concerned with here are the ones with classified material. This is why I said 40 pages ago that you're an idiot if you routinely email classified material and you use more than your approved .gov email address. It's too easy to get mixed up and accidentally send classified material through the non secure email, in which case you are fucked. But in THIS case , that wasn't even what happened. we have a SoS who ONLY used a private non secure (by definition) server.

Or do you stupidly believe that Clinton didn't send one single email with classified material in it the entire time she was Sec of State? Wait , before you answer that, make sure you realize that we already know she did.

You keep on fucking that retroactively classified chicken.

Let us know how it all works out.

Any day now...
any day....

Sonny, I've been dealing with classified material for 30 years. You don't understand how the system works, you only care that Hillary is a Dem and so must be protected at all cost. If I thought you were at all interested in knowing why what she did is illegal I would delve further into it with you, but it's clear that you don't.

Oh, and just to beat you to the punch, I will reiterate, if Powell committed treason (or anyone else for that matter) through misuse of classified emails I want them prosecuted as well.
Powell has been cleared.

Hillary will be as well.

Start coming to terms with that.

Powell hasn't been cleared because he was never investigated for a crime. Hillary IS being investigated for such.

Of course there is a HUGE fundamental difference between what Powell did visa emails and what CLinton did, but you REFUSE to acknowledge any facts.

in short, you are a moron.

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