Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

"We agree that steps ought to be taken to ensure the government can better maintain official records, and if she were still at the State Department, Secretary Clinton would embrace and implement any recommendations, including those in this report, to help do that. But as this report makes clear, Hillary Clinton's use of personal email was not unique, and she took steps that went much further than others to appropriately preserve and release her records."

In a statement, the State Department said the agency "could have done a better job preserving emails and records of Secretaries of State and their senior staff going back several administrations."

"We also acknowledge the report's finding that compliance with email and records management guidance has been inconsistent across several administrations," it said

Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

let's repeat this part again:

could have done a better job preserving emails and records of Secretaries of State and their senior staff going back several administrations

That's all real nice but doesn't mitigate Clinton breaking the rules, NOR does it have any bearing on the issue of what LAWS were broken and by whom..
I'm betting she doesn't want to turn her IT manager over to GOP ravenous wolves. Remember Cheney turning over Scooter Libby? We all know Bush and Cheney committed treason when they outed a covert CIA agent. Scooter took the fall. But Hillary never set up a server or even set up her email. She wouldn't know how.
She paid the IT geek to do it.
That IT geek has 'rolled' on Hillary already.
Sure. You mean the "covert CIA agent" who was a fucking steno clerk her whole carrer?
Outing a covert CIA agent is treason. Maligning her character is baring false witness. Baring false witness is a sin straight from the ten commandments.

Careful, you could burn in hell for all eternity according to the gospel.
House Republicans investigated Clinton 9 times and found nothing

The FBI investigated her and found nothing

The State Dept found she broke the rules, not the law.

and nothing, NOTHING but their own opinion will satisfy the simpletons who CONTINUE to swear she broke the law. They live in their own reality.

and they want to control the country ?

Not if I'm alive and can vote against them.
...which you're REQUIRED BY LAW to use for official business!

Nobody seemed to give a crap when Powell bragged about it in his book, It Worked for Me,:

"To complement the official State Department computer in my office, I installed a laptop computer on a private line," Powell wrote. "My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues who like me were trying to bring their ministries in the 186,000 miles per second world."

An aide to Powell confirmed his use of this personal email account in a statement to Politico.

"He sent emails to his staff generally via their State Department email addresses," the statement said. "These emails should be on the State Department computers."

So, Powell was on email, but it was through a private, not government email account."

Clinton says John Kerry was the first secretary of state to rely on a government email account
"We agree that steps ought to be taken to ensure the government can better maintain official records, and if she were still at the State Department, Secretary Clinton would embrace and implement any recommendations, including those in this report, to help do that. But as this report makes clear, Hillary Clinton's use of personal email was not unique, and she took steps that went much further than others to appropriately preserve and release her records."

In a statement, the State Department said the agency "could have done a better job preserving emails and records of Secretaries of State and their senior staff going back several administrations."

"We also acknowledge the report's finding that compliance with email and records management guidance has been inconsistent across several administrations," it said

Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

let's repeat this part again:

could have done a better job preserving emails and records of Secretaries of State and their senior staff going back several administrations

And the claim that Clinton appropriately preserved and released her records is so obviously a complete misrepresentation of what took place that I find it hard to fathom someone actually thinking that line wouldn't bring snickers of laughter if it was uttered in a hearing! The only reason that we know about Clinton's private email system is that it was uncovered during the Benghazi investigation. She didn't comply with Congressional requests to turn over all relevant materials having to do with Benghazi. Whether that was because she had things to hide about Benghazi or didn't want Congress to find out she was running the State Department as her personal slush fund generator is anyone's guess!
...which you're REQUIRED BY LAW to use for official business!

Nobody seemed to give a crap when Powell bragged about it in his book, It Worked for Me,:

"To complement the official State Department computer in my office, I installed a laptop computer on a private line," Powell wrote. "My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues who like me were trying to bring their ministries in the 186,000 miles per second world."

An aide to Powell confirmed his use of this personal email account in a statement to Politico.

"He sent emails to his staff generally via their State Department email addresses," the statement said. "These emails should be on the State Department computers."

So, Powell was on email, but it was through a private, not government email account."

Clinton says John Kerry was the first secretary of state to rely on a government email account

Read what Powell said CAREFULLY, Paperview! He used a laptop computer on a private line to "complement the official State Department computer in my office." He didn't use that private computer to conduct all of his State Department business so as to hide it from Congressional oversight...and he sent those private emails to State Department email addresses. Clinton and her underlings deliberately avoided using official State Department channels to keep what they were doing from watchdogs from Congress.
...which you're REQUIRED BY LAW to use for official business!

Nobody seemed to give a crap when Powell bragged about it in his book, It Worked for Me,:

"To complement the official State Department computer in my office, I installed a laptop computer on a private line," Powell wrote. "My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues who like me were trying to bring their ministries in the 186,000 miles per second world."

An aide to Powell confirmed his use of this personal email account in a statement to Politico.

"He sent emails to his staff generally via their State Department email addresses," the statement said. "These emails should be on the State Department computers."

So, Powell was on email, but it was through a private, not government email account."

Clinton says John Kerry was the first secretary of state to rely on a government email account

Read what Powell said CAREFULLY, Paperview! He used a laptop computer on a private line to "complement the official State Department computer in my office." He didn't use that private computer to conduct all of his State Department business so as to hide it from Congressional oversight...and he sent those private emails to State Department email addresses. Clinton and her underlings deliberately avoided using official State Department channels to keep what they were doing from watchdogs from Congress.
He used a private, non government account to conduct official business. It was a freaking @AOL account.

No way around that.

Then he deleted all his emails.
House Republicans investigated Clinton 9 times and found nothing

The FBI investigated her and found nothing

The State Dept found she broke the rules, not the law.

and nothing, NOTHING but their own opinion will satisfy the simpletons who CONTINUE to swear she broke the law. They live in their own reality.

and they want to control the country ?

Not if I'm alive and can vote against them.

The FBI investigation is ongoing, so you are just out and out lying when you say they found nothing.
...which you're REQUIRED BY LAW to use for official business!

Nobody seemed to give a crap when Powell bragged about it in his book, It Worked for Me,:

"To complement the official State Department computer in my office, I installed a laptop computer on a private line," Powell wrote. "My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues who like me were trying to bring their ministries in the 186,000 miles per second world."

An aide to Powell confirmed his use of this personal email account in a statement to Politico.

"He sent emails to his staff generally via their State Department email addresses," the statement said. "These emails should be on the State Department computers."

So, Powell was on email, but it was through a private, not government email account."

Clinton says John Kerry was the first secretary of state to rely on a government email account

Read what Powell said CAREFULLY, Paperview! He used a laptop computer on a private line to "complement the official State Department computer in my office." He didn't use that private computer to conduct all of his State Department business so as to hide it from Congressional oversight...and he sent those private emails to State Department email addresses. Clinton and her underlings deliberately avoided using official State Department channels to keep what they were doing from watchdogs from Congress.
He used a private, non government account to conduct official business. It was a freaking @AOL account.

No way around that.

Then he deleted all his emails.

Wrong all the way around. Powell had a .gov email address as well as his aol account and there is ZERO evidence that conducted any government business on his aol account.

The internal IG report bears those facts out.
House Republicans investigated Clinton 9 times and found nothing

The FBI investigated her and found nothing

The State Dept found she broke the rules, not the law.

and nothing, NOTHING but their own opinion will satisfy the simpletons who CONTINUE to swear she broke the law. They live in their own reality.

and they want to control the country ?

Not if I'm alive and can vote against them.

Are you living in a cave? The FBI found thousands of violations and they aren't done yet. The State dept found that she violated regulations and federal statutes.

Once she is indicted or drops out the race to keep from being indicted, then maybe you will open your eyes and she what she really is---------but I doubt it.
State Department Report On Email Vindicates Clinton Rather Than Nails Her | Forbes

"Third, where the report does add to our knowledge, is about Colin Powell, who served from 2001-2005.

Powell did all his email business on a private account. All of his emails on official business were apparently in a private account.

It is not clear why a great deal of what is said against Clinton’s emails, could not be said against Powell’s.

Moreover, Powell’s similar practices can hardly be blamed on his being a novice about security. He not only had been Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he had been National Security Adviser. He had jurisdiction over all the intelligence agencies. Since Powell, with unimpeachable security credentials, felt fine using private email for official business, why are we climbing all over Clinton? It is, to be blunt, a double standard."
I'm betting she doesn't want to turn her IT manager over to GOP ravenous wolves. Remember Cheney turning over Scooter Libby? We all know Bush and Cheney committed treason when they outed a covert CIA agent. Scooter took the fall. But Hillary never set up a server or even set up her email. She wouldn't know how.
She paid the IT geek to do it.
That IT geek has 'rolled' on Hillary already.
Sure. You mean the "covert CIA agent" who was a fucking steno clerk her whole carrer?
Outing a covert CIA agent is treason. Maligning her character is baring false witness. Baring false witness is a sin straight from the ten commandments.

Careful, you could burn in hell for all eternity according to the gospel.

Different topic, but no outing a CIA agent is not treason. It is a violation of Intelligence Identities Protection Act, but not treason.

Well let me amend that, it's ONLY a violation of that Act IF the person is a covert agent. So for instance, if you were the President and you mentioned that a woman was a Secretary at the CIA, that is not a violation of the Act.

Here's a Wiki link for you

Intelligence Identities Protection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
from the article:

The audit found that the non-compliance over personal email went beyond Clinton, and that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, also failed to preserve government-related emails when he was secretary of state.

The State Department asked Powell to try to receive relevant emails from his internet provider, but "as of May 2016 the Department has not received a response" from Powell, the audit said.

Indeed, the report's conclusion cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" in electronic record-keeping "that go well beyond the tenure of any one secretary of state."

then indict both Clinton and powell. Do it.

Why Powell? The rules were not in place regarding email during his tenure.
State Department Report On Email Vindicates Clinton Rather Than Nails Her | Forbes

"Third, where the report does add to our knowledge, is about Colin Powell, who served from 2001-2005.

Powell did all his email business on a private account. All of his emails on official business were apparently in a private account.

It is not clear why a great deal of what is said against Clinton’s emails, could not be said against Powell’s.

Moreover, Powell’s similar practices can hardly be blamed on his being a novice about security. He not only had been Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he had been National Security Adviser. He had jurisdiction over all the intelligence agencies. Since Powell, with unimpeachable security credentials, felt fine using private email for official business, why are we climbing all over Clinton? It is, to be blunt, a double standard."

So, If I run a red light at 100 MPH that makes it OK for you to do the same thing?

If Powell is as guilty as she is, then indict both of them.
Fifth, to the extent that she is criticized because “she did not comply with the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act,” the report is making a legal judgment that is not particularly strong.

Note how she is not labeled as violating any statute,
but rather, a real mouthful of mush – “the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act.” So we are talking about obscure, dull, bureaucratic policies. Not a criminal statute. Not even a civil statute – just the bureaucratic policies.

A report that says so little new against Clinton, amounts to a vindication.

State Department Report On Email Vindicates Clinton Rather Than Nails Her | Forbes
State Department Report On Email Vindicates Clinton Rather Than Nails Her | Forbes

"Third, where the report does add to our knowledge, is about Colin Powell, who served from 2001-2005.

Powell did all his email business on a private account. All of his emails on official business were apparently in a private account.

It is not clear why a great deal of what is said against Clinton’s emails, could not be said against Powell’s.

Moreover, Powell’s similar practices can hardly be blamed on his being a novice about security. He not only had been Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he had been National Security Adviser. He had jurisdiction over all the intelligence agencies. Since Powell, with unimpeachable security credentials, felt fine using private email for official business, why are we climbing all over Clinton? It is, to be blunt, a double standard."

Then if you believe he committed espionage by all means go after him. If he did, he can be put in prison as well. Fine by me.

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