Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

C'mon, you must be familiar with the word spin that the Clintons alway use to cover their corruption.

The phrase is "was allowed".

Hillary Clinton, speaking a day after a critical report from a government watchdog about her email practices as secretary of state, said her use of a private email server for official business was permitted at the time, but was a mistake in judgment.

“It was allowed,” Mrs. Clinton said in a Thursday television interview in Las Vegas, according to a transcript provided by ABC News....

Hillary Clinton Defends Her Email Use After Critical Report
Right, she did not say she got PERMISSION from Lawyers, she said personal email accounts were ''allowed'' ''permitted''....

Also, the decision wouldn't have been up to lawyers, it would have been up the State Department's IT department.
That's not what the IG report said.... it said she never asked permission from govt lawyers?

Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use allowed...was permitted.

It's scary that you think you can get inside of hiLIARy's head.
Right, she did not say she got PERMISSION from Lawyers, she said personal email accounts were ''allowed'' ''permitted''....

Also, the decision wouldn't have been up to lawyers, it would have been up the State Department's IT department.
That's not what the IG report said.... it said she never asked permission from govt lawyers?

Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use allowed...was permitted.

Again, what she believed is irrelevant. Ignorance of the rules and law are no excuses.

I absolutely want to know why those two IT people were silenced whey they asked about her not using her .gov email address too. Now, I don't think she had anything to do with that, seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?

The fact that they were silenced is a big tell that there was a conspiracy to cover up hiLIARy's hackable server.
Right, she did not say she got PERMISSION from Lawyers, she said personal email accounts were ''allowed'' ''permitted''....

Also, the decision wouldn't have been up to lawyers, it would have been up the State Department's IT department.
That's not what the IG report said.... it said she never asked permission from govt lawyers?

Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use allowed...was permitted.

Again, what she believed is irrelevant. Ignorance of the rules and law are no excuses.

I absolutely want to know why those two IT people were silenced whey they asked about her not using her .gov email address too. Now, I don't think she had anything to do with that, seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?

no law, just rules ... be fair
Also, the decision wouldn't have been up to lawyers, it would have been up the State Department's IT department.
That's not what the IG report said.... it said she never asked permission from govt lawyers?

Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use allowed...was permitted.

Again, what she believed is irrelevant. Ignorance of the rules and law are no excuses.

I absolutely want to know why those two IT people were silenced whey they asked about her not using her .gov email address too. Now, I don't think she had anything to do with that, seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?

no law, just rules ... be fair

Oh, the law was broken. There is ZERO doubt that there was classified material on that server. And that is ILLEGAL. That's not what the FBI is investigating. They are trying to determine WHO is guilty of what.
How can anyone really believe that Hillary, having been very closely involved with the spirit and intent of standard US gov. practises and procedures for DECADES! in their fucking wildest dreams claim she " wasn't really that savvy about all the ins and outs of how to work with US gov. communications.
If that is truly the case let's elect a 'special needs' President! They will not know as much as Hillary claims to not know right?
Or is she a fucking lying bitch who believes she can bend and break the rules like she and Bill have been getting away with for decades. Admired by the LIBs for their amoral lifestyle.
Either way how is someone that fucking dumb or narcissistic qualified to be president?
C'mon, you must be familiar with the word spin that the Clintons alway use to cover their corruption.

The phrase is "was allowed".

Hillary Clinton, speaking a day after a critical report from a government watchdog about her email practices as secretary of state, said her use of a private email server for official business was permitted at the time, but was a mistake in judgment.

“It was allowed,” Mrs. Clinton said in a Thursday television interview in Las Vegas, according to a transcript provided by ABC News....

Hillary Clinton Defends Her Email Use After Critical Report
Right, she did not say she got PERMISSION from Lawyers, she said personal email accounts were ''allowed'' ''permitted''....

Also, the decision wouldn't have been up to lawyers, it would have been up the State Department's IT department.
That's not what the IG report said.... it said she never asked permission from govt lawyers?

Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use was allowed...was permitted.
YOU don't have a fucking CLUE what Hillary "believed" bitch!
Get your tongue out of Hillary's ass hole!
Also, the decision wouldn't have been up to lawyers, it would have been up the State Department's IT department.
That's not what the IG report said.... it said she never asked permission from govt lawyers?

Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use allowed...was permitted.

Again, what she believed is irrelevant. Ignorance of the rules and law are no excuses.

I absolutely want to know why those two IT people were silenced whey they asked about her not using her .gov email address too. Now, I don't think she had anything to do with that, seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?

no law, just rules ... be fair

Oh puhleeeze. The Rules are designed to ensure that LAWS are complied with.

Violating the rules is a de facto violation of the law in this case. For example, hiLIARy violated section 793(f) of the Espionage Act.

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both....

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
Right, she did not say she got PERMISSION from Lawyers, she said personal email accounts were ''allowed'' ''permitted''....

Also, the decision wouldn't have been up to lawyers, it would have been up the State Department's IT department.
That's not what the IG report said.... it said she never asked permission from govt lawyers?

Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use allowed...was permitted.

Again, what she believed is irrelevant. Ignorance of the rules and law are no excuses.

I absolutely want to know why those two IT people were silenced whey they asked about her not using her .gov email address too. Now, I don't think she had anything to do with that, seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?

seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?
I saw that too.... it only says, 'the, then Director', who was this director? Director of WHAT? I've been googling this for the past 30 minutes trying to find out MORE on that, so far nothing....
That's not what the IG report said.... it said she never asked permission from govt lawyers?

Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use allowed...was permitted.

Again, what she believed is irrelevant. Ignorance of the rules and law are no excuses.

I absolutely want to know why those two IT people were silenced whey they asked about her not using her .gov email address too. Now, I don't think she had anything to do with that, seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?

no law, just rules ... be fair

Oh, the law was broken. There is ZERO doubt that there was classified material on that server. And that is ILLEGAL. That's not what the FBI is investigating. They are trying to determine WHO is guilty of what.

Espionage Act section 793.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
Right, she did not say she got PERMISSION from Lawyers, she said personal email accounts were ''allowed'' ''permitted''....

Also, the decision wouldn't have been up to lawyers, it would have been up the State Department's IT department.
That's not what the IG report said.... it said she never asked permission from govt lawyers?

Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use was allowed...was permitted.
YOU don't have a fucking CLUE what Hillary "believed" bitch!
Get your tongue out of Hillary's ass hole!

you have always been one class act, danny boy!
Also, the decision wouldn't have been up to lawyers, it would have been up the State Department's IT department.
That's not what the IG report said.... it said she never asked permission from govt lawyers?

Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use allowed...was permitted.

Again, what she believed is irrelevant. Ignorance of the rules and law are no excuses.

I absolutely want to know why those two IT people were silenced whey they asked about her not using her .gov email address too. Now, I don't think she had anything to do with that, seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?

seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?
I saw that too.... it only says, 'the, then Director', who was this director? Director of WHAT? I've been googling this for the past 30 minutes trying to find out MORE on that, so far nothing....

Deflection deflection deflection.

hiLIARy's email server in an of itself is the evidence that she violated the law. Nobody could give her PERMISSION to do so.
Also, the decision wouldn't have been up to lawyers, it would have been up the State Department's IT department.
That's not what the IG report said.... it said she never asked permission from govt lawyers?

Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use allowed...was permitted.

Again, what she believed is irrelevant. Ignorance of the rules and law are no excuses.

I absolutely want to know why those two IT people were silenced whey they asked about her not using her .gov email address too. Now, I don't think she had anything to do with that, seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?

seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?
I saw that too.... it only says, 'the, then Director', who was this director? Director of WHAT? I've been googling this for the past 30 minutes trying to find out MORE on that, so far nothing....

Probably the Director of the IT department of the State Department., but that isn't clear. And without more I'm not willing to just say Hillary or someone closer to her shut those two down, but it does seem clear that SOMEONE shut them down.

This whole situation is just bizarre. I mean surely at some point she emailed Obama even and he had to have been like "wtf why is my secretary of state emailing me from a non .gov email address" or something??? This idea of "no one realized " is just bizzarre. and shows a complete ineptitude across the line.
That's not what the IG report said.... it said she never asked permission from govt lawyers?

Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use allowed...was permitted.

Again, what she believed is irrelevant. Ignorance of the rules and law are no excuses.

I absolutely want to know why those two IT people were silenced whey they asked about her not using her .gov email address too. Now, I don't think she had anything to do with that, seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?

seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?
I saw that too.... it only says, 'the, then Director', who was this director? Director of WHAT? I've been googling this for the past 30 minutes trying to find out MORE on that, so far nothing....

Deflection deflection deflection.

hiLIARy's email server in an of itself is the evidence that she violated the law. Nobody could give her PERMISSION to do so.

rules, law, same difference to hopeless idiots.
Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use allowed...was permitted.

Again, what she believed is irrelevant. Ignorance of the rules and law are no excuses.

I absolutely want to know why those two IT people were silenced whey they asked about her not using her .gov email address too. Now, I don't think she had anything to do with that, seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?

no law, just rules ... be fair

Oh, the law was broken. There is ZERO doubt that there was classified material on that server. And that is ILLEGAL. That's not what the FBI is investigating. They are trying to determine WHO is guilty of what.

Espionage Act section 793.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
care to point out specifically, in the espionage act that she allegedly broke....please cut and paste the portion of the act that you believe points to her specific actions....
Also, the decision wouldn't have been up to lawyers, it would have been up the State Department's IT department.
That's not what the IG report said.... it said she never asked permission from govt lawyers?

Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use was allowed...was permitted.
YOU don't have a fucking CLUE what Hillary "believed" bitch!
Get your tongue out of Hillary's ass hole!

you have always been one class act, danny boy!

That dude is a moron, don't let him discourage you from wanting to know the truth about what went on here.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use allowed...was permitted.

Again, what she believed is irrelevant. Ignorance of the rules and law are no excuses.

I absolutely want to know why those two IT people were silenced whey they asked about her not using her .gov email address too. Now, I don't think she had anything to do with that, seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?

no law, just rules ... be fair

Oh, the law was broken. There is ZERO doubt that there was classified material on that server. And that is ILLEGAL. That's not what the FBI is investigating. They are trying to determine WHO is guilty of what.

Espionage Act section 793.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
care to point out specifically, in the espionage act that she allegedly broke....please cut and paste the portion of the act that you believe points to her specific actions....

I already did, but I won't ruin your fun.
Also, the decision wouldn't have been up to lawyers, it would have been up the State Department's IT department.
That's not what the IG report said.... it said she never asked permission from govt lawyers?

Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use was allowed...was permitted.
YOU don't have a fucking CLUE what Hillary "believed" bitch!
Get your tongue out of Hillary's ass hole!

you have always been one class act, danny boy!
And you've always been on the losing side of every debate on this forum.
Still hiding your "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT!" hoodie under your bed?
You are a Clinton ass licker.
When the FBI recommends multiple felony charges be brought against her you'll join the already choir here of Clinton ass lickers who already claim the FBI is controlled by the GOP.
You have become so emotionally invested in Hillary you are not able to even be honest with yourself any more. That makes you a fool.
I feel sorry for you. At least 'Baghdad Bob' knew he was pretending to be delusional.
You on the other hand aren't pretending shit.
Last edited:
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use allowed...was permitted.

Again, what she believed is irrelevant. Ignorance of the rules and law are no excuses.

I absolutely want to know why those two IT people were silenced whey they asked about her not using her .gov email address too. Now, I don't think she had anything to do with that, seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?

no law, just rules ... be fair

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

Oh, the law was broken. There is ZERO doubt that there was classified material on that server. And that is ILLEGAL. That's not what the FBI is investigating. They are trying to determine WHO is guilty of what.

Espionage Act section 793.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
care to point out specifically, in the espionage act that she allegedly broke....please cut and paste the portion of the act that you believe points to her specific actions....

I already did, hun. 793(f). Here it is again. It is GROSS NEGLIGENCE to refuse to use secure state department email and to use a homebrew server with UNENCRYPTED personal email in its place. Gross Negligence is a Gross Understatement, by the bye.

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
That's not what the IG report said.... it said she never asked permission from govt lawyers?

Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use was allowed...was permitted.
YOU don't have a fucking CLUE what Hillary "believed" bitch!
Get your tongue out of Hillary's ass hole!

you have always been one class act, danny boy!
And you've always been on the losing side of every debate on this forum.
Still hiding your "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT!" hoodie under your bed?
You are a Clinton ass licker.
When the FBI recommends multiple felony charges be brought against her you'll join the already choir here of Clinton ass lickers who already claim the FBI is controlled by the GOP.

You really aren't helping out here with your vulgarity, bub.
Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use was allowed...was permitted.
YOU don't have a fucking CLUE what Hillary "believed" bitch!
Get your tongue out of Hillary's ass hole!

you have always been one class act, danny boy!
And you've always been on the losing side of every debate on this forum.
Still hiding your "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT!" hoodie under your bed?
You are a Clinton ass licker.
When the FBI recommends multiple felony charges be brought against her you'll join the already choir here of Clinton ass lickers who already claim the FBI is controlled by the GOP.

You really aren't helping out here with your vulgarity, bub.

That's what I said, Care finally comes around to starting to the idea that maybe she was wrong and here come this guy calling not just names, but just vulgarity.

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