Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use was allowed...was permitted.
YOU don't have a fucking CLUE what Hillary "believed" bitch!
Get your tongue out of Hillary's ass hole!

you have always been one class act, danny boy!
And you've always been on the losing side of every debate on this forum.
Still hiding your "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT!" hoodie under your bed?
You are a Clinton ass licker.
When the FBI recommends multiple felony charges be brought against her you'll join the already choir here of Clinton ass lickers who already claim the FBI is controlled by the GOP.

You really aren't helping out here with your vulgarity, bub.

That's what I said, Care finally comes around to starting to the idea that maybe she was wrong and here come this guy calling not just names, but just vulgarity.

When I see posters like him, I think "False Flag".
YOU don't have a fucking CLUE what Hillary "believed" bitch!
Get your tongue out of Hillary's ass hole!

you have always been one class act, danny boy!
And you've always been on the losing side of every debate on this forum.
Still hiding your "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT!" hoodie under your bed?
You are a Clinton ass licker.
When the FBI recommends multiple felony charges be brought against her you'll join the already choir here of Clinton ass lickers who already claim the FBI is controlled by the GOP.

You really aren't helping out here with your vulgarity, bub.

That's what I said, Care finally comes around to starting to the idea that maybe she was wrong and here come this guy calling not just names, but just vulgarity.

When I see posters like him, I think "False Flag".

I just think "moron" and move on. Actually, it's kinda depressing how many morons are posting here.

you have always been one class act, danny boy!
And you've always been on the losing side of every debate on this forum.
Still hiding your "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT!" hoodie under your bed?
You are a Clinton ass licker.
When the FBI recommends multiple felony charges be brought against her you'll join the already choir here of Clinton ass lickers who already claim the FBI is controlled by the GOP.

You really aren't helping out here with your vulgarity, bub.

That's what I said, Care finally comes around to starting to the idea that maybe she was wrong and here come this guy calling not just names, but just vulgarity.

When I see posters like him, I think "False Flag".

I just think "moron" and move on. Actually, it's kinda depressing how many morons are posting here.

Look at American in general - and especially on college campuses. Moronity is not a bug, it's a feature. Stupid people are much easier for the government to manipulate.
Get your popcorn ready.

Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton violated federal records rules through her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, a State Department audit has concluded.

"At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department issues before leaving government service," says an audit by the State Department Inspector General, obtained by NBC News.

"Because she did not do so, she did not comply with the [State] Department's policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."

No kidding.

She's lucky it's not worse.
That's not what the IG report said.... it said she never asked permission from govt lawyers?

Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use allowed...was permitted.

Again, what she believed is irrelevant. Ignorance of the rules and law are no excuses.

I absolutely want to know why those two IT people were silenced whey they asked about her not using her .gov email address too. Now, I don't think she had anything to do with that, seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?

seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?
I saw that too.... it only says, 'the, then Director', who was this director? Director of WHAT? I've been googling this for the past 30 minutes trying to find out MORE on that, so far nothing....

Probably the Director of the IT department of the State Department., but that isn't clear. And without more I'm not willing to just say Hillary or someone closer to her shut those two down, but it does seem clear that SOMEONE shut them down.

This whole situation is just bizarre. I mean surely at some point she emailed Obama even and he had to have been like "wtf why is my secretary of state emailing me from a non .gov email address" or something??? This idea of "no one realized " is just bizzarre. and shows a complete ineptitude across the line.
Obama and his staff KNEW Hillary was using a private server!
You don't get into the White House inner circle by being fucking stupid.
They pretended not to notice for 100% political reasons.
Who in the Obama White House was going to tell Hillary to stop? No one! Everyone in the White house inner circle only cares about one person's future........their own!
The word went out to NEVER mention Hillary's unauthorised server to anyone ever! Period!
Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use allowed...was permitted.

Again, what she believed is irrelevant. Ignorance of the rules and law are no excuses.

I absolutely want to know why those two IT people were silenced whey they asked about her not using her .gov email address too. Now, I don't think she had anything to do with that, seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?

seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?
I saw that too.... it only says, 'the, then Director', who was this director? Director of WHAT? I've been googling this for the past 30 minutes trying to find out MORE on that, so far nothing....

Probably the Director of the IT department of the State Department., but that isn't clear. And without more I'm not willing to just say Hillary or someone closer to her shut those two down, but it does seem clear that SOMEONE shut them down.

This whole situation is just bizarre. I mean surely at some point she emailed Obama even and he had to have been like "wtf why is my secretary of state emailing me from a non .gov email address" or something??? This idea of "no one realized " is just bizzarre. and shows a complete ineptitude across the line.
Obama and his staff KNEW Hillary was using a private server!
You don't get into the White House inner circle by being fucking stupid.
They pretended not to notice for 100% political reasons.
Who in the Obama White House was going to tell Hillary to stop? No one! Everyone in the White house inner circle only cares about one person's future........their own!
The word went out to NEVER mention Hillary's unauthorised server to anyone ever! Period!

Danny. unless and until you find it within yourself to apologize to Care for calling her a bitch, I have no use for you or your comments.

Not to mention most of your posts aren't even legible anyway.
Where is the proof that she asked permission?

I trust the IG way more than hiLIARy.
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use was allowed...was permitted.
YOU don't have a fucking CLUE what Hillary "believed" bitch!
Get your tongue out of Hillary's ass hole!

you have always been one class act, danny boy!
And you've always been on the losing side of every debate on this forum.
Still hiding your "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT!" hoodie under your bed?
You are a Clinton ass licker.
When the FBI recommends multiple felony charges be brought against her you'll join the already choir here of Clinton ass lickers who already claim the FBI is controlled by the GOP.

You really aren't helping out here with your vulgarity, bub.
Fuck you asshole!
It's HILLARY! who has been behaving morally 'vulgar' for decades! It's time to stop treating her differently because she was born with a vagina.
The bitch has been using that 'asset' for years. Fuck her!
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use was allowed...was permitted.
YOU don't have a fucking CLUE what Hillary "believed" bitch!
Get your tongue out of Hillary's ass hole!

you have always been one class act, danny boy!
And you've always been on the losing side of every debate on this forum.
Still hiding your "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT!" hoodie under your bed?
You are a Clinton ass licker.
When the FBI recommends multiple felony charges be brought against her you'll join the already choir here of Clinton ass lickers who already claim the FBI is controlled by the GOP.

You really aren't helping out here with your vulgarity, bub.
Fuck you asshole!
It's HILLARY! who has been behaving morally 'vulgar' for decades! It's time to stop treating her differently because she was born with a vagina.
The bitch has been using that 'asset' for years. Fuck her!

Get your popcorn ready.

Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton violated federal records rules through her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, a State Department audit has concluded.

"At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department issues before leaving government service," says an audit by the State Department Inspector General, obtained by NBC News.

"Because she did not do so, she did not comply with the [State] Department's policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."
LIberals dont care.. They will still vote for this criminal
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use was allowed...was permitted.
YOU don't have a fucking CLUE what Hillary "believed" bitch!
Get your tongue out of Hillary's ass hole!

you have always been one class act, danny boy!
And you've always been on the losing side of every debate on this forum.
Still hiding your "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT!" hoodie under your bed?
You are a Clinton ass licker.
When the FBI recommends multiple felony charges be brought against her you'll join the already choir here of Clinton ass lickers who already claim the FBI is controlled by the GOP.

You really aren't helping out here with your vulgarity, bub.

That's what I said, Care finally comes around to starting to the idea that maybe she was wrong and here come this guy calling not just names, but just vulgarity.
I see. So she's just starting to "come around" then when someone is 'rude' to her that means she will no longer want to come around? Any idea of how fucking ludicrous that statement is? REALLY?
So 'Care' has a vagina so that means she's really not intelligent enough to figure the truth out for herself so she needs the likes of you to lead her by the hand ?
she didn't ask for permission, she believed personal email use allowed...was permitted.

Again, what she believed is irrelevant. Ignorance of the rules and law are no excuses.

I absolutely want to know why those two IT people were silenced whey they asked about her not using her .gov email address too. Now, I don't think she had anything to do with that, seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?

seemed like it came from a mid level person, but what are the details?
I saw that too.... it only says, 'the, then Director', who was this director? Director of WHAT? I've been googling this for the past 30 minutes trying to find out MORE on that, so far nothing....

Probably the Director of the IT department of the State Department., but that isn't clear. And without more I'm not willing to just say Hillary or someone closer to her shut those two down, but it does seem clear that SOMEONE shut them down.

This whole situation is just bizarre. I mean surely at some point she emailed Obama even and he had to have been like "wtf why is my secretary of state emailing me from a non .gov email address" or something??? This idea of "no one realized " is just bizzarre. and shows a complete ineptitude across the line.
Obama and his staff KNEW Hillary was using a private server!
You don't get into the White House inner circle by being fucking stupid.
They pretended not to notice for 100% political reasons.
Who in the Obama White House was going to tell Hillary to stop? No one! Everyone in the White house inner circle only cares about one person's future........their own!
The word went out to NEVER mention Hillary's unauthorised server to anyone ever! Period!

Danny. unless and until you find it within yourself to apologize to Care for calling her a bitch, I have no use for you or your comments.

Not to mention most of your posts aren't even legible anyway.
Shove it up your ass! Put me on PI.
I'm betting she doesn't want to turn her IT manager over to GOP ravenous wolves. Remember Cheney turning over Scooter Libby? We all know Bush and Cheney committed treason when they outed a covert CIA agent. Scooter took the fall. But Hillary never set up a server or even set up her email. She wouldn't know how.
I'm betting she doesn't want to turn her IT manager over to GOP ravenous wolves. Remember Cheney turning over Scooter Libby? We all know Bush and Cheney committed treason when they outed a covert CIA agent. Scooter took the fall. But Hillary never set up a server or even set up her email. She wouldn't know how.
She paid the IT geek to do it.
That IT geek has 'rolled' on Hillary already.
Sure. You mean the "covert CIA agent" who was a fucking steno clerk her whole carrer?
meh I think we've at least convinced Care to take a second look, that's a win in my book.

Care is one of the good ones.

I've met a couple from the left and the right who are okay. overall though, If this board is representative of America, and I think it is, well let's just say I can see how we end up with so many cretins in public office.

It used to not be this way. There was the concept of the Loyal Opposition. One may have viewed them as misguided, but not as EVIL and Deserving of Destruction.
"We agree that steps ought to be taken to ensure the government can better maintain official records, and if she were still at the State Department, Secretary Clinton would embrace and implement any recommendations, including those in this report, to help do that. But as this report makes clear, Hillary Clinton's use of personal email was not unique, and she took steps that went much further than others to appropriately preserve and release her records."

In a statement, the State Department said the agency "could have done a better job preserving emails and records of Secretaries of State and their senior staff going back several administrations."

"We also acknowledge the report's finding that compliance with email and records management guidance has been inconsistent across several administrations," it said

Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

let's repeat this part again:

could have done a better job preserving emails and records of Secretaries of State and their senior staff going back several administrations
I'm betting she doesn't want to turn her IT manager over to GOP ravenous wolves. Remember Cheney turning over Scooter Libby? We all know Bush and Cheney committed treason when they outed a covert CIA agent. Scooter took the fall. But Hillary never set up a server or even set up her email. She wouldn't know how.

Setting up the server wasn't the crime Rdean. Having classified material on it however IS a crime. That is why the IT guy got immunity . Of course Clintion wouldn't have known how to set up a server. She most assuredly however DID know that she wasn't supposed to transmit or store classified material on that server.
One of you nutters needs to revive the "DONE - GOING TO JAIL!" thread. LOL.

Indictments coming down any day now, any day........................


As long as it's the Obama Justice Department Hillary Clinton doesn't have a thing to worry about. That doesn't mean she doesn't deserve to be indicted because it's become rather obvious that she DOES...but we both know Obama will protect Hillary because he wants to protect his "legacy" even if that means getting someone who's incompetent and sleazy elected President.

The thing you should be thinking about is WHY Hillary did what she did? Why did she need to conduct her State Department business "off the grid" and hide what she was doing from Congress? You don't set up two private servers in your house and spend all that money to set up a private email system when the government already has one in place for you...which you're REQUIRED BY LAW to use for official business!

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